2 Hours Hamidon Raid - ANY AT needed - 3 April
I'll be there.
Peanut-butter Jelly time!
Hell, been a long time. Count me in J.
Maybe we can run a level 45+ picture on the way?
Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad
Signing up, J
Guess Okton will be more useful here with PA, 3 holds and AM.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Yeah count me in if you need a hammy tank Rocky will be up for it mate.
I'll be there with my rad cont.
There was mention a while ago of using debuff nukes. Did this plan come to nothing on the US servers?
@Sweet Chilli
I'll be there with my rad cont.
There was mention a while ago of using debuff nukes. Did this plan come to nothing on the US servers?
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The general plan made some of the US servers take down Hami in 40 mins or less, about the nuke i've never seen anything.
Assuming something doesn't come up put Golden Golem down. He has a six slotted taunt ( currently slotted for max range ) and a six slotted Dull Pain.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I'm there as my 'troller.
This Kin Cell strategy is in effect the same as the other holding strategy, just without the mito clearing phase. We will still need 30+ controllers to hold Hamidon.
Just to be sure, this is planned for the 3rd of April right? Just making sure you're not going American on us
Ilservian should be there (I may even respec into the darkness epic for the occasion if needed, or the whole taunt thing, me being an uber regen scrapper and all ) assuming nothing comes up.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
I should be level 45+ by then, if not 50. Accel, Energy Energy blaster with electric epic, shall try to get that slotting in.
Yay, I definitely want to be there!
I'm there as my 'troller.
This Kin Cell strategy is in effect the same as the other holding strategy, just without the mito clearing phase. We will still need 30+ controllers to hold Hamidon.
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We'll still need those trollers, but I'm hoping that if the raid will take less time, more people will show up hence more chances of having the required number of trollers
I'll be there, in the Kinetic Cell
Sounds like a plan worth trying Ji. Count me in with either g03z 1337 or Energized. Whichever one you think would be best
vDs g03z 1337 - Rifle/Devices/Munitions (with cryo freeze ray) (but only superspeed as travel power. No fly )
vDs Energized - NRG/Elec (with shocking grasp)/Elec (can respec to munitions for the extra hold instead if you want)..(With Fly )
Just to be sure, this is planned for the 3rd of April right? Just making sure you're not going American on us
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I'd like that clarified, too. If it's then, depending on my schedule, I might well be able to bring my Grav Controller along.
If it is April, I may start with my Ill/Rad then move on to my Kin/Elec (with the psi ancillary, 3x as many holds as my controller. Strange but true).
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
Blappers good at pummelling... he's come along.
hmm, would have loved to be there *sob* no1 takes a beating like brimstone.. :P buut, doesnt seem like i'll be able too. unless something magical happens and i can update my sub..
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
I would gladly assist, Ji, but I won't be online as of the 28th of Feb, and for quite some time after.
I'm just posting to wish you and whatever team you form the best.
Here's to Jelly munching
Yup it's 3 April, I posted the date as everyone else in the world but people from UK and America wud put it
Hot Head - Fire/Dev/Munitions (with freeze ray ) blaster
Sounds good. Count me in - first timer though
Hot Head - Fire/Dev/Munitions (with freeze ray ) blaster
Sounds good. Count me in - first timer though
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First timer too. Doomsayer's in
Rooks'll be there, so long as this perma-nausea thing hasn't killed me
P.S. Ack, my head! The big Devs in teh sky have nerfed my rez to illness
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
Yup it's 3 April, I posted the date as everyone else in the world but people from UK and America wud put it
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I think you'll find most of us Brits would write 3rd April as 03/04/06 as well.
Count my blaster, Tera Storm, in - 2 holds (Tesla, Cryo Freeze Ray), slotted 3/3 for Hold Duration/Recharge, plus Vanguard too.
As many of you know it's been a while since I wanted to do this, now I finally found the time and we finally have Hami back so I'm attempting this.

I'm willing to try a new rading strategy used in the US and that there took even only 30 mins to beat the Jello, but they have bigger number so even in a couple of hours could be a success.
I'll start the post explaining the strategy, then I'll explain the group composition and finally the requirements to have better chance of success.
<ul type="square">[*]The Strategy[/list]First of all we'll have the usual Phantom Army drop team go in position and start dropping PAs on the blob, once they got some of the aggro the Kinetic Cell will move up the jello and drop into Hami, toe to toe with the nucleus, the Taunting Team on one side, the Kin and Rad teams on the other.
The taunting teams starts taunting(you sure guessed it!)while the kinetic team starts spamming Transfusion, the Rads are there to supply some rez and sort of an healing blanket to help the kinetics to stay alive until they start their job.
After the Kinetic cell got hold of his position and the healing and tauntings are steady the Holding Group moves on and enters the blob in perpendicular with the Kin Cell(the Tankers with holding powers shall stay on the Taunting Team side to avoid the eventual Punch-voking of Hami during the holding phase), this group shall have an healing blanket as always and possibly a group flier in every team, otherwise someone with fly+TP to drop their teammates in perpendicualr with the nucleus.
The usual Holding Phase starts, with everyone spamming their holds, the rad team spamming AM and the kinetics spamming Transfusion; once Hami is held for the normal 2 minutes, the Pummeling Group moves in, in the same way as the Holding Group, with the attacking tankers on the same side as the holding Tankers and Taunting Team.
General pummeling of the nucleus of the blob until the whole jelly collapse.
Bud's Cleaning.
<ul type="square">[*]Groups Composition[/list]
- Kinetic Cell
The Kinetic cell will be made of:
*PA Drop team: 6-8 non-Rad(i need the rads in the turtle)Illusion Controllers, better if airborne, with Phantom Army slotted(I know that since ED the return is minimal, but every little helps)
*Taunting Team: a full team of tanker(yeah, you're in there too!!)and regen scrappers, everyone with their healing(Dull Pain, Hoarfrost, Healing Flames, Earth's Embrace, Reconstruction and Instant Healing)power optimized: 3 heal+3 recharge and with Taunt on auto fire and possibly with at least 2 recharge redux and 2 taunt duration(not needed but they'll help).
*Kinetic Team(s?): At least 6 Kinetics(defenders would be better but if we can't find enough we'll take some trollers even if i'd rather leave them in the Holding Group)and a couple of Empaths to keep the team(s)alive.
*Rad Team: I want a full team of anyone with Radiation Emission, no matter if trollers or defenders, I want a FULL team or rads to keep those da.mn AM coming!!!
- Holding Group
In this group we'll have single AT teams with every hero with one of these power slotted for 3 recharge reduction and 3 hold durations:
-Tankers: Freezing Touch, Seismic Smash, Knockout Blow, Block of Ice, Fossilize, Char.(This team will have to stay on the Taunting Team side, due to the chance of taunting Hami with Gauntlet)
-Blasters: Tesla Cage, Freeze Ray, Bitter Freeze Ray, Shocking Grasp, Freezing Touch, Shocking Bolt, Char, Cryo Freeze Ray.
-Defenders: Petryfing Gaze, Dark Servant(3 slots for Hold Duration, no matter the others), Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Ice Arrow, Tesla Cage, Telekinesis.
-Scrappers: Petryfing Gaze.
-Warshades: Gravity Well.
-Peacebringers: Incandescent Strike.
-Controllers: Fossilize, Volcanic Gasses, Char, Cinders, Gravity Distortion, Gravity Distortion Field, Singularity(3 slots for Hold Duration, no matter the others), Block of Ice, Glacier, Blind, Flash, Dominate, Telekinesis(whatever slotting you have), Total Domination, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Ice Arrow.
(Forgot something?)
- Pummeling Group
Each and every other hero left out from the previous groups, in mixed teams.
<ul type="square">[*]Requirements[/list]- What I will need
I'll need 4 people to grab the reins of these 4 tasks: Kinetic Cell leading, PA Drop leading, Holding Team leading and Pummeling Team leading.
Those 4 and me will be the only people that you'll have to listen to during the raid, don't try nothing on your own but listen to them because this thing needs a lot of coordination to succeed.
- What I'm asking to you
*Joining the Global Channel
I'll put up a channel the will be the only thing you'll need to see for the duration of the raid except for team chat.
* Costume Tinkering
Due to us being toe to toe with Hami from the start the lag will be HUGE so I ask to everyone of you to follow THIS guide in every of his point, since we'll have enormous lag and we'll need to to all we can to avoid it at the best of our possibilities.We just had some free costume tokens, so please use one of them and a slot to help with this.
* Patience and Listening.
This is NOT an easy and fast thing(maybe faster than the previous one, tho), we'll need every one of you to have a lot of patience and follow only what me and the Group Leaders say, NOTHING AND NO ONE ELSE, forget the broadcast, don't listen to local, arena, request, ANYTHING!
Just the team chat and the global channel I'll set up and that everyone should join, altho being silenced to avoid useless and normal spam.
For any question ask here, PM me on the forum or in game or poke me in the head with a stick, I would really love to see this happening and go well!
Thanks in advance to everyone that will join and help in this thing, even if it'll go bad, at least it'll be gone bad(and to teh americans)faster than other times
[Sorry for eventual and likely to be there grammar and spelling errors, but english ain't my first language so bear with me