125 -
Hey, all
I am back from holiday, war wounds and all. I should be seeing you at the monday night sessions again.
oh, and tonight for the CoT trial assuming there is space
Later -
Can't; a friend's come up from South Africa, and we're doing like social stuff - I hear it's all the rage. Apparently, you actually see people face-to-face.
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Social Stuff? I have that MMO, I'm a Level 23 IT Suffragette with a Graphic Design sub-class. I keep getting stuck fighting the HR Manager, can anyone join my Department to take her down and get a 6.5% wage increase and Dental Plan?
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... Classic ... -
Can't; a friend's come up from South Africa, and we're doing like social stuff - I hear it's all the rage. Apparently, you actually see people face-to-face.
I would also suggest completing Striga, and doing the IP safeguard for the people who weren't on Li's (Aerial Deceivers) team; I've already queued the mission just to speed things along. From there we could easily segue back into Croatoa and complete those arcs.
Furthermore, if anyone would like to do the TFs but hasn't been able to make the Sunday teams being run by Li, I am willing to run another event during the week or on a Saturday. At least one other person has expressed an interest, and 1 or 2 more would be willing to join (and fill spots), even though they've already done them. -
Damn, I can't be bothered to catch up with all the chat..
Ok, I'm really only posting to inform everyone that I will be running a 2ndary event for Cold Front players who have missed the Monday. This is purely a catch-up session, and before anyone asks, yes, Lass supports the idea.
This is how it will work: I always attend the Monday do, even if not in the first 20 minutes, so I know where we end up for the night, and I always make a point of finding out what is planned for the next week. I'm quite fanatical about content, so don't miss anything if I can avoid it, and I'm willing to help others who are the same, or who just want a juicy temp, for instance, or finally those who wish to catch-up in levels to the main team. I figure this would be especially useful for people who have missed more than 1 Monday. The advantage of this, of course, is you get the same chaotic Ice-Stormy goodness that characterises Monday, if in a smaller dose.
I was thinking of doing this on the weekends, because that eliminates work commitments, etc, but I'm fairly flexible. If anyone is interested, please post on here, and Ill set something up. We will probably only start after this coming Monday, BUT I am more than willing to get something going before that if there's enough interest on shut short notice
P.S: You can also grab me in-game. Global is in my sig -
Ms Styx, Cold/Sonic at your service. If the name seems an odd choice, then it's because I'm going for the Cold Domination being the touch of the Dead Souls from the River, and the Sonic being their screams of torment
*Pffft*... Why would I want to do that?
Ice Dom/ Sonic Defender (I think - secondary is under consideration). Name TBC. I will be joining fresh out of the tutorial, since I always do that. It's tradition... and there's a badgeSo... Level 2
ME ! ME ! ME ! Pick Me !
Hey, Echo. Sign me up. -
Woot! Let me put it here on the forums as well. Welcome back!
No where's my kin/ love?
Velvet Noir - Dark/Regen/BM, I *may* get vengeance
Cold Front - Ice/Ice/Elec
Diamond Mask (lvl 46) - Emp/Psi/Psi, will probably respec to PM -
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On a sidenote:
Also, there is no need for a 2nd tank taunt team, althgouh a second taunter in the main team doesn't hurt. In a perfect world it isn't needed, but simple things go wrong too easily. An HO comes a second too late. You get lag-burst damage from Hami which will basically 1-shot anyone, since it's 2 or 3 Hami attacks simultaneously (Only seen this twice, though). The PA drop loses aggro of mitos... Some newbie or massively lagging toon accidentally brings aggro down on the taunt team. Keep a backup in the team, but far back from the main taunter. He can rush in to support if needed. Even more boring than cowards' hill though.
Other than that, Empaths for the win. It's definatley a good idea to cram the team full, and put them ALL on Auto-cast HOs. You're on the right track, there. Sometimes Empaths will dc or need to leave for whatever reason. Imo, you need at least 3, though.Also, it's important to stress that Empaths in the taunt team must NOT stop to res people, or go heal other peopel. Their sole task is to keep the taunter alive, since he keeps everyone else alive, basically, by performing his function. -
Always good to see so many responses.
I should have posted this at start: The TF level range is 44-50.
You will forgive my (completely unreasonable) assumption that everyone should automatically know these things -
We do it as quickly as we do it. Be that 2 hours or 5.
What's so important about 3.5 hours? -
Hi, all
heh... and you thought my TF madness had abated... mwahahhah.. etc
Down to business:
The next TF is going to be this Saturday the 9th December. In consideration of the Hami raid the night before, this TF will only be starting at 15:00 GMT
Location: Shadow Shard, The Chantry
Contact: Justin Augustine (Found just inside the entrance to the Chantry from Cascade Archipelago, a little to the left)
Date: 9 Dec
Time: 3pm GMT
Team list:
1) Diamond Mask - lvl 44 Empath (45 if I play her this week)
See you TF junkies there -
Grats, Phil. I missed it, but, you know, in my defense... CoH... SS TF 2...dging... you know
The date of the next one depends on whether I attend Memorabilia, whihc is my intent, and whether that's a day or weekend affair. I will post the thread sometime this week, either way.
Thanks all for the team. It was good fun as always, and we did it in a decent time. 4 and a half hours iirc, and we still wasted a good 45 minutes on and off during -
Sure, I'm up for some Shards funnity anytime
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VEL !!
Best news I've heard all week
Standoff: Ha!! 2%... I'll 2% you on your 2%, nooblet :P Just for that... That's half the TF.. grrrr... but I'll forgive you if we have a strong enough team otherwise. -
There was a rant in here, about badges and CoV as it compares to CoH, but this is not the place or time.
I will miss you, man. You've made a mark on this community, and you've done more for the game than almost anyone else I've seen, and I've seen a few.
I regret that I was never able to join one of your LRSF runs. The first one will be in your honour.
P.S: There is no better way to leave than to walk alongside the Sisters of Mercy. -
tbh, one kin with SB should be more than plenty for the PA bombers, kinda presume one of the PAers has kin so I'd suggest the blaster over the kin, but thats up to you of course lostjust thought I'd give my input with PA experience.
Oh, and on a sidenote.. woooo noir!I'll hopefully keep you spotted up in the air again
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lol. I'm not the tank on this one, so I doubt itIf I get my Emp to 45 (and I should do) I'll volunteer her for the empaths backing the tanker up. I know the drill, and I've got the right slotting for it. Otherwise, my blaster has 4 holds... Ice/Ice/Elec ftw
Whatever the raid needs more -
Right, no rest for the wicked, and all that
The first TF was a smash. 2 teams started, 2 teams finished, and in good time, too. Let's do it again.
Date: November 18th
Time: High Noon (12:00 GMT)
Place: Shadow Shard, Cascade Archipelago
Contact: Sara Moore
Levels: 40-50
See you there -
It was great fun, and thanks for the team, all who joined me
To Electro-cutes team: Glad most of you made it and had fun
I don't mind re-running it again, either. I have an Ice blaster who missed it in her run to 50 (technically 49 still) -
I'm there. It's been a while. I've been on enough Raids to be called a 'vet', I suppose
I would normally offer to lead the Hami Tank team - that's generaly what I do - but if you've got it covered, coolness. I'm happy to assist in any way. Also, if you need advice, or if your tank lead needs advice, I'm available in-game on my global most days, or a pm on the forums should do.
I can bring a lvl 50 Regen, lvl 48 Blaster (will probably be 50 by then) and a lvl 41 Empath (will probably be 45 by then). Both the Regen and the Empath are available for the taunt team, if needed.
P.S: Good to see so many old hami hands signing up for this one. -
Ok, well, the other team is already full, so I'm leaving it to make space for someone else, and coming back here!
...and you're all on my list! Or the ones that said they'd make it, anyway.
The other team is now also starting at High Noon, so there will be 2 teams doing the SS TF1 tomorrow.
The other guys - led by Electro-cute - are Team 1, since they were here first
Team 2:
1. Diamond Mask (lvl 41 Empath) <-- Me
2. Jack Crowle (lvl 41 Grav/Rad Troller)
3. White Magick (lvl 50 Empath) or Tempest Girl (something something Troller or Troll)
4. Fallen-Angel (WS ftw!)
P.S: I assume we all intend to do this in one sitting? I hate split-TFs. I'm old-school that way. -
Hi just putting my scrapper Mordred lvl 41 Dark/Dark down on reserve list, hours are fine for me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pah... Reserve list? Have I been gone so long? Do we stumble and fall so easily???
There is no reserve list !!!!
We're starting a second team! I'll lead if no one else wants to. I tend to back-seat drive anyway
Team 1:
1. Electro-Cute (lvl 50 Blaster)
2. Genejack (lvl 42 Defender)
3. Grafite (lvl 42 Fire/Rad Controller)
4. Amasing Flame (Blaster)
5. Amazing Shnyet (Blaster) -or- lvl 41 WS -or- lvl 40 Earth/TA Controller
6. Lost Kheldian (lvl 50 Peacebringer)
7. Illuminae (lvl 43 Peacebringer)
8. Mordred (lvl 41 Dark/Dark)
Ok, just so I don't hijack this thread, since I *did* create my own, I'll stalk back on over there, and carry on making Team 2. Since we'll both be starting at the same time, it will be good to send you guys off into the multi-hued yonder!It's always more fun that way. Don't know why.
Tsk... and here I went and started my own thread because I thought this one had already taken place.
I'd prefer to use my lvl 41 Empath, but I can bring a lvl 48 Ice blaster as well. The empath has Fly, TP, Recall Friend, and lots of green pills.
P.S: If enough people sign up for this, I'll just create an extra team. No sense in turning people away.