Hamidon Raid 8th December 7:00PM
I'm in.
War Borg Lvl 50 NRG Blaster
Pointless info: my favourite jacket has a petrol receipt and some pocket lint in it at the moment. You asked, I told, now let's rock the Hamidon!!!!
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Fire/Empathy Controller, standing by.
Yay Raziel and War! our chances have gone up by 70%
Yay Raziel and War! our chances have gone up by 70%
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im in, oozygirl lv 50 ice/ice blaster, got that vanguard medal majig aswell for holds.
I wont be there so good luck!
hi reporting for duty streekz01 lvl50 fire/fire tnker count me mate. I was at the last union hammy raid and had a blast if you need me to get teams together/invited at cowards hill or just to help ill be there
nice ta have you all along, remember hami cossies all, and also lets hope we have christmas jet packs for it
Also can anyone who has led a raid/ team, taunt hold etc please say so, need to start organizing the important bits
I'm in if i'm avaiable. Emp/Rad defender.
woot, some of unions best already signed up, just leave a bit for us king speedo
Well, that's why I bought the Empath, the blaster would just solo him with his stun
I'll bring along Dimension Diva (grav/ controller) providing I get to 45 by the date (currently 43, so shouldn't be a problem). I've attended previous (failed) raids with Blastique and felt like a spare wheel during the holding phase, so I think you need all the holders you can get to make it a success!
ty, we definetly will, im bringing my PB just for the hold.
also nother 29% chance of succes seeing as i'll be a PB and not lost samurai
Brickette, lvl 50 tanker signing up for duty.
I'm with you all the way, Lvl 50 empath defender with few holds.
Count me in as ianroar, Invul/SS tanker
C0rp0ral Punishment repoting for duty, Level 50 Stone/Super Strength. Hope fully we can do it this time
/em salute
Random fact for today: i dont like onions, but i do like onion rings.
I'll join.
Secondly, anyone with experience leading raids, wanna takeover? . Or at least gimme sum pointers, probably best for the community in general if a regen scrapper/PB isnt leading this
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I'm sure you will do just fine leading it. Sucess is mainly down to having enough heroes turn up to hold hami and giving the holds long enough to take affect. Having enough good leaders in place at the start of the raid is wot helps it run smoothly.
Would suggest you decide before the raid whether the taunt team goes in part way through the clearing phase or after it. Going in part way through means the PA team can drop lower & drop with more accuracy.
Also a particular difficultly with the last raid was people attacking hami despite being asked not to. With so few public hami raids on Union a number of players don't know how to approach the raid. As such if a number of melee heroes don't leave the area of hami after the clearing phase I would recommend withdrawing the taunt team (after giving warning) in under to force melee toons to leave the area of hami. Therefore, hopefully reducing the attacks on hami during the holding phase.
As usual I'm more than willing to turn up & help.
Paragon Girl
lvl 50 Ill/emp troller
purple santa signin up for jellybashing goodness!
(for those n00bs not knowing who/what i mean, bringin stage: 50 ill/ff)
oh and lost, you'll do fine leadin a raid I'm sure, leading aint really that hard, only requires people to keep the cool and the ability to make people listen.
...ok so it might be hard...
anyway, if you need any pointers, feel free to gimme a shout. Lead one before, co-leader in a few more, teamleader/PA leader in every other except PG's
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
purple santa signin up for jellybashing goodness!
(for those n00bs not knowing who/what i mean, bringin stage: 50 ill/ff)
oh and lost, you'll do fine leadin a raid I'm sure, leading aint really that hard, only requires people to keep the cool and the ability to make people listen.
...ok so it might be hard...
anyway, if you need any pointers, feel free to gimme a shout. Lead one before, co-leader in a few more, teamleader/PA leader in every other except PG's
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lol true, ty and any pointers appreciated, i best start getting the team leaders set up
*Shakes the dust off of his blaster/holder... then promptly sneezes*
Coldest War (blaster with 3 holds) will be there to swear and curse at all the noobs who can't understand simple orders and don't have the patience to wait around for a couple of hours doing nothing.
[color= red]Tip for the first-timers:[/color] Bring something to read or do while raiding. A good book, pile of Sudoku or that half-finished sock you were knitting is a good start.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I'll come if I can. Vahiki, lvl 50 Blaster
As the last person to start a raid thread said, there seems to be a lot of trouble getting em started on Union.
. Or at least gimme sum pointers, probably best for the community in general if a regen scrapper/PB isnt leading this
So heres the next recruiting thread, im gonna try and organise one for the date in the title.
Firstly, please post your Name lvl and AT if you are gonna come, also any other relevant or pointless information
Secondly, anyone with experience leading raids, wanna takeover?
Thirdly Read the guide
comeon peeps, we need to show hamidon that Union owns.
lest it all goes to the americans