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  1. Wish you all the best in whatever direction in life you now choose to pursue.
    You truly were an icon in the game for all us (pointless) aspiring badge-addicts.
    Yea, it was fun while it lasted, but in the end.. what's the point? Yea, it was great fun farming for HOURS, for ridiculous little shiny icons of in-game achievements.
    The point of badges was all shot to hell the day SuperAsasin got the AV badge aswell, anyways.

    Anyhow, best of luck to you in the future.
    It will definitely be an honour to be able to say to my grandchildren, when I reach that point; "Back when CoV was at it's prime, going strong, I was only 20 badges off BJB for a brief moment in time".

    Was an honour having played with you.

  2. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    Mkay, good luck then.
  3. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also we shall be attempting a supergroup Recluse Strike Force this coming Monday (4th September) probably 6 ish. I think we have a good chance of completing this as a sg as we seem to have all the components needed except vengance.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Are you forgetting Frigid?
  4. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    So, the pc tech tried to figure out why my monitor randomly turned on, and always froze in BIOS when the screen did turn on.
    Replaced components with other components, switched sockets, jumpers etc, all until he gave up 2 hours later.

    Then I sat down, took a good look at every damned component, tried to find out why it wouldn't run properly.
    Then I notice the cooler for the CPU, and see the lever isn't turned all the way down to lock it in place.
    As it turns out it wasn't connected entirely to the CPU, so I just took it out and put it in properly, and voilá. Game on.

    So finally ended up like this, and I gotta say.. boy does it kick behind!

    AMD Athlon 64 3800+
    Asus AV8-X Mobo
    IBM G96 19" CRT Monitor (same as before)
    2048 MB Kingston DDR RAM
    nVidia GF 7800GS 256 MB Gfx
    Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro Cooler
    250 + 160 GB Maxtor + 30 GB IBM HDD
    Creative Audigy Soundblaster 7.1 Soundcard
    Creative Inspire T7900 7.1 Speakers
    Steelpad 4D mousepad
    Logitech MX518 Silver Mouse
    Logitech Media Keyboard
    Zitech 500w powersupply
  5. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    Thanks all

    [ QUOTE ]
    Your PC still aint working?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Nope, and I'm slightly frustrated now that I've paid 1400$ for entirely new components (nothing from my old pc in there, save for the case), to find out that it still doesn't work.
    I have a pc tech coming over this afternoon to have a look-see.

    [ QUOTE ]
    hmmm sounds like an got yourself a social life didnt ya! How dare you sir

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, a broken pc is just another excuse for me to consume extraordinary amounts of beer.
  6. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    Happy birthday to me.
    Happy birthday to me..
    Happy birthday dear Spidey..
    Happy birthday to me...

    And my pc still doesn't work, what a surprise! *sobs*
  7. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    [ QUOTE ]
    At the moment we need... A trap MM...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I stopped reading right there.

    *prods LT with a large stick*
  8. Villain_EU

    Grandville Flyer


    For additional comments on a still bugged timer, scroll through the US forums.
    Plenty of posts.
  9. Villain_EU

    Grandville Flyer

    It isn't WAI yet.
    It was s'posed to be spawning on a 2-4 hr timer, however, there has only been random rare sightings just as before.

    And btw, bring Web Grenades, Air Superiority, and lots of it.
    The bugger likes to be airborne
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    If I completed the current one would the next have them spawn correct to my current level, as I too have about 2-3 more runs before the bar on DJ Zero fills?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes, it will.
  11. Signing up Spider Smasher for Red Caps, and Terror Volta for one mission completion.
  12. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    I can't even log on to quit, pfft.

    I decided to upgrade my entire pc while I was at it (save for the processor+monitor).
    However, I have received all the parts for my pc except for the one I actually need to start the computer. The motherboard.
    Just 2 hours ago they mail me from the store that the requested mobo was out of stock.
    So I will get another friday at earliest.

    The build will look like this:
    Intel P4 3.0 GHz (same as before)
    IBM G96 19" CRT Monitor (same as before)
    2048 MB Kingston DDR RAM
    nVidia GF 7800GS 256 MB Gfx
    250 + 160 GB Maxtor HDD
    Creative Audigy Soundblaster 7.1 Sound
    Icemat Black Edition mousepad
    Logitech MX518 Silver Mouse
    Logitech Random Media Keyboard
    Asus s478 mobo (still need)
    And a 500w powersupply to feed these hungry components.

    Along with this new hardware, I decided to grab some games to accomodate it's [censored]-kicking needs.

    - Halflife 2 GOTY (Forgot my original HL2 account, so I just bought it again)
    - Doom 3
    - F.E.A.R.
    - NFS: Most Wanted
    - Guild Wars SE
    - Guild Wars Factions

    So, as you can see I will probably have an away-period for the up and coming time with these games.
    However, I will still try to log on every day, and I will definitely still try to sign up for the RSF runs that I have time for.

    Oh well..
    Will hopefully see you friday [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    Super Asasin's alt.
  13. It arrived, got the pc up and running again, but then the next issue cometh.

    I crash after a few seconds in-game, no matter the resolution (or being in safemode, for that matter).

    Happens in all the games I've installed (CoV, CoD2, D3, HL2)

    Now this one, I'm almost positive is powersupply related, so I'm going to town today to visit my elder brother, while getting the chance to consume some beer, and pick up a bigger powersupply.
    (All I'd need now is a new mobo+processor, and I'dve bought an entirely new pc ¬¬)

    (Enough of the off-topic chat, Villain).

    Lord Torment will replace my Speed Boost with a Poison Trap today.
    Make me proud! ;p
  14. It appears it isn't a hd problem, but a gfx card problem. But buying a new hd wasn't a total waste, now I can settle with a storage of 310 gb instead. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    And me, with my 1-year old pc, thought that I had a motherboard with a PCI-E slot (Obviously a computer this new should have that?)
    I was wrong. Only had AGP x8.

    So, yesterday I returned the X800 GT, and decided to go all the way, and sold my left kidney to buy the last high-end card that features AGP, a 256 mb nVidia Geforce 7800GS.
    This should arrive saturday morning-noon.

    Depending on the time of delivery (and that the gfx card is the issue), will tell if I can be there or not. Have to format, install OS, drivers, CoV, etc.
    So if I'm not online 10 mins before the start, don't expect me to be there, and feel free to give away my spot to a fellow evil-do'er. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  15. At the moment, my appearance will be questionable this weekend.
    Yesterday evening, my pc broke down. And still breaks down trying to reinstall windows again, after a full format.
    And now.. it doesn't load the boot disks/windows cd, and it can't find my monitor.

    I have a vast idea that it could be my harddisk that's dead, so I've bought a new 250 GB Maxtor to replace it, and accidentally dropped an ATi Radeon X800GT card in the basket along with it.
    Should arrive tomorrow, I'll keep you updated.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Everyone is EVIL is talentless [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    heh, any space in DaVS for a 50 EM/EA brute and a 47 Ice/Kin corrupter? [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
  17. Villain_EU

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    As you may have found out, signing up on the forums is the only way to get into a successfull run. *pokes Jon*
    Even though you have the best FoTM build for it, and people should be falling to their begging knees in-game, asking you to pull them through the mayhem ;p
  18. Frigid Bridget (Ice/Kinetics Corrupter) is available for Monday, Thursday (as reserve, will ask Fisty), Saturday and Sunday. So all days. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
  19. Dare I sign up a level 50 EM/EA Brute here, or shall I bring my kin along instead and double the Speed and Vengeance?

    Sign me up though, with whatever of the characters you want
  20. Dam/Range SHOE up for trade, preferably for something that could be used by a melee char
  21. Frigid Bridget says she would like to tag along on both days if possible

    Do I need to mention my powersets?
  22. [ URL = ] Linky! [ / URL ]

    Remove the spaces, and you automagically get Linky!
  23. Aye, I had hoped that me bringing Frigid around for a dozen more runs of RSF could some time earn Spidey a spot in a single run in the future
  24. Assuming Frosthound is not going to do the RSF at this day/time, count me in.

    You can choose which character you want:

    - Frigid Bridget, Level 45 Ice/Kin (Respeccing into Vengeance when I find a team for either of the respec SF's)
    - Or Spider Smasher, Level 50 EM/EA Brute, he only really wants to join for the 2 last badges associated with it, that he so desperately needs. Plus, he is level 50.

    Your choice.
  25. Reached 45 today with my Ice/Kin C'rupter, making her eligible for some spandex smackdown.

    Would love to join any day of the week, save for Wednesday.