More Recluse TF fun....
well, u know im always in the mood for winning this SF lol... even tho i lack the listed sets at 45+ atm, i still have 1 good team-effect that i can bring to the party (alot of +Def as u already know, which is atlaest as good as -acc, and since its personal buffs, they dont vanish when/if i die
Ill show up as usual at tuesday
Gah, cant you start it early on the day, like 10 am? That would be a LOT more convenient for me.
Oh, me again please if you have room after the alloted requirements, as Seethe (lvl 50 Fire/DA Brute). My Dark-Armour-ness may lack panic button uber-ness but I've got Psi and Fear Resistance and whatnot.
And of course, you'll not find many other people so motivated to pound Statesman and his cohorts into a fine paste which can then be implemented within a tasty Hero-based sandwich and consumed for sustinence. Must ... SMASH ... Statesjerk ...
I think I'm becoming obsessed with this SF somewhat ...
ok. i can't run it at 10am as i'm at work mate ;p
but i'm having a sg run as well thursday and will want to do one at the weekend as well so will organise that closer to the date =)
So, lets see.
Black Jon Bludd...
Puller, also will respec for vengeance, which is one of the most useful RSF abilities one can have
Dr Death.
Bubbler and damage with his bots
Solid tanking damage and so forth
thats 3.
now we need corrupters and brutes =)
Strategy is simple. We pull Numi and Syn to the new slaughterplace. This is guaranteed to work if we try it a few times. They can then be killed
We then pull posi and citdel to the slaughter place. This is where it gets hard, but if we can take those two out we have won ;p
then we switch sides and ettempt to pull manticore. it may or may not work, but once we have the original four down we can win by chugging insps.
last run took 5 hours, but that was with a very poor slow first mish and a lot of faffing about with shoddy pulls, so i expect 4 hours for this run.
if it is succesful i shall arrange further ones
Im in not giving this SF up until i'm finally successfull on one
@Neo Arc
@Neon Arc
Member of the 1AT
but i'm having a sg run as well thursday and will want to do one at the weekend as well so will organise that closer to the date =)
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Yeah, I might run one on Sunday afternoon meself regardless of what happens on Tues.
Assuming we win on Tuesday (which we will, goddamnit), my Sunday run might be a much less professional affair. I want at least 4 Dominators on the team.
Edit: But don't sign up for my run here, this is Jon's thread and Jon's times.
Im sure I can attend to. Just incase you have forgotten what build I am in the last 5 attempts im energy/thermal .
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I have a Ice/Kin that would be interested in joinning if the day and time is right.
ice/kins are ymmuy. tuesday at 7pm? hopefully done by 11
Sorry out
Well, the time and day works so well for me that I feel like I have to sign up.
Aphotica, Ice/Dark Corruptor
Well as ice/dark, thats you in =)
so now we have
Me- Puller, vengeance Giver and useless floor magnet ;p
Seethe- brute 1
Dr Death, Defense buffer and bot support
Aphotica - debuffing corr
Max Khaos - Buffing/healing Corr
Neo - Brute 2
thats 6.
i'd really like to fill the last two slots with a granite brute and a kin corr as that would make success as easy as a summer breeze, but if we cant get them then another brute and debuff corr would be nice
Well, the time and day works so well for me that I feel like I have to sign up.
Aphotica, Ice/Dark Corruptor
[/ QUOTE ]
/em crosses fingers, hoping that you have Darkest Night, unlike the last */Dark Cupptor we did Recluse with
Well, the time and day works so well for me that I feel like I have to sign up.
Aphotica, Ice/Dark Corruptor
[/ QUOTE ]
/em crosses fingers, hoping that you have Darkest Night, unlike the last */Dark Cupptor we did Recluse with
[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooh dear. I have Darkest Night. What I do lack tht might be kinda handy is Howling Twilight, as when I respecced, I was thinking I'd be PvPing more than trying to farm the Recluse SF. Past that, though, I think I have a pretty solid build, you'll be glad to hear.
Assuming Frosthound is not going to do the RSF at this day/time, count me in.
You can choose which character you want:
- Frigid Bridget, Level 45 Ice/Kin (Respeccing into Vengeance when I find a team for either of the respec SF's)
- Or Spider Smasher, Level 50 EM/EA Brute, he only really wants to join for the 2 last badges associated with it, that he so desperately needs. Plus, he is level 50.
Your choice.
Aye frosthounds team should be succesful too as the pulling art has been mastered there too.... soo many succeses the Union has, while defiant languishes ;p
I am in if the TF starts at 7PM cos i work at mornings, if its at afternoon sign my Stone Brute
AeRoX Level 50 , Stone melee / Stone Armor
hmmm, well here we have the perfect combo.... stone brute and kin ;p
If you can bear the pain of not getting the badges on your main this time Spidey i promise to squeeze your brute in on the next attempt? =)
Aye, I had hoped that me bringing Frigid around for a dozen more runs of RSF could some time earn Spidey a spot in a single run in the future
then count with me
Ok then thats 8 of us =)
And it looks a mighty fine and promising team too.
I'll try and get you a spot on one of our SG runs with Spider smasher as they are pretty much guaranteed winners ;p
anyway, if we stick to the plan and are unafriad of brutal hurt and death we shall prevail =)
meet 6:30ish by recluse.
Shivans would be very helpful, as would any chem/bio's you want to bring. not compulsorary, but they'll make life easier
Hmm... don't worry about me, not getting any team together... my main problem all the time How did you manage to get 8 people so fast? Barely getting any response myself.
Always up for that strike force by the way.
ok well like i say there may not be many spots available on thursdays run as Sparky is organising it, though there may be some (one for Spider Smasher i hope ;p) but a weekend run could certainly have room for you =)
IS there any problem if i take 8 mins for dinner? cos here in my country eats dinner at 10:00 pm 10:30 pm.... if u don't mind of course, just for a break
Now that people are starting to consistently beat this TF and are mastering its many arts i think its time we did more runs so we can catch the heroes up on the hami-o front ;p
So, i am suggesting tuesday 7:00pm for another attempt.
The key ingredients we will need are
A Stone Brute
a /kin Corrupter
a debuffing corrupter, especially rad or dark
and an energy or electric defenive tank (this can be subbed for something else if neccesary but it'd be nice for posi/citadel)
once those spots are filled there is leeway available for the other slots ;p
anyone interested?