Recluse's Strike Force Team
I'd like to do this with my Energy/Energy Brute. Hoping to hit level 50 sometime today too.
Not much resonance here so far it seems and some people I thought were in can't make it or aren't feeling too well... I'll still try to get a strike force going today. Hope I can find enough good people to join.
well, i have to go out today, but if you fancy tommorw or tuesday night i'm yer man
Hmmm... really doesn't look good today.. yes might try monday/tuesday then
well, with out uber pulling skills i'm sure it can be done =)
just need a couple of key compeonets =)
Reached 45 today with my Ice/Kin C'rupter, making her eligible for some spandex smackdown.
Would love to join any day of the week, save for Wednesday.
Still not many people interested it seems, well I'll still try to find a few more people and get it running today at 20:30 near Lord Recluse if anyone is interested. If it doesn't work out I'll try to set it up on tuesday. (By the way a stone brute would REALLY help, especially with taunt.)
I would love to the do the Recluse SF it's just i don't finish work till 9:00 pm and takes about 10 minutes for me to get home my toon is a lvl 50 Robot/Force/Mu Mastermind if you can hold of till then you can count me in
Heroes: Phobos-, Protector-Bot, Shadow of Ra, Bionic Eye, Entropic Chaos, Strike-Freedom.
Villains: Necron Phobos, Khorne-Berzerker, Full Metal Panic, Smasher Devourer, Degrees Kelvin.
Co-Leader of The Echelon
Visit us at
From what I have noticed so far it will be hard to find enough (good) people. So let's see how many show up
Ok since I didn't get enough players joining today I'm trying to set it up another day. I've got 5 people (including me) joining so far on wednesday some time after 18:30 (no fixed time yet, just definatly not sooner than that). Mainly looking for more corruptors and maybe a stone brute now.
In case enough people are interested I can also set up another attempt later the week.
Ok just a short list of the people who said they'd be in on wednesday:
Frosthound - Ice/Cold Corruptor (That's me , who would have guessed)
Collide - ??/EA Brute
Galv - ??/?? Brute
Cryo Concumption - Ice/Kin Corruptor
Pain - (SS/Dark ?, can't remember) Brute
3 places still free, mainly for corruptors (or maybe a stone brute)
So far I have planned 19:00 as starting time but this might yet change a little bit.
Ok just a short list of the people who said they'd be in on wednesday:
Frosthound - Ice/Cold Corruptor (That's me , who would have guessed)
Collide - ??/EA Brute
Galv - ??/?? Brute
Cryo Concumption - Ice/Kin Corruptor
Pain - (SS/Dark ?, can't remember) Brute
3 places still free, mainly for corruptors (or maybe a stone brute)
So far I have planned 19:00 as starting time but this might yet change a little bit.
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Cryo is me :P 19.00 is good for me ill see if i can get some more
This time the time suits me a lot better than it did yesterday
Lycricia, Ice/Thermal Corr
Not sure how I (Galv) ended up on this list but I am available to do this.
Can either have an EM/EA (pref) or SS/ELA.
Not sure how I (Galv) ended up on this list but I am available to do this.
Can either have an EM/EA (pref) or SS/ELA.
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The corruptor (who is also on the list) said he and a mate would be in with one of his two brutes, I asked for a name to add in the forum post and I was told "Galv", hope I didn't get it wrong.
And sure Vel, adding you as well, this should be easier than our first failed run where we fought +6-7 vindicators with our level 47ish team
The corruptor (who is also on the list) said he and a mate would be in with one of his two brutes, I asked for a name to add in the forum post and I was told "Galv", hope I didn't get it wrong.
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Thought it might be KS.
Anyway, like I said I can bring either an EM/EA or SS/ELA brute, with a preference for the EM/EA one.
Word of warning though, I will have to be afk between 8-8:30pm. (BST)
I'm EM/EA too, already got my Shivans and a biological (I think) nuke. It would probably be easiest to do this over two nights.
If everything goes well I don't think we'll need 2 nights (and I really want to try to do it in one go if possible), but you're right, it doesn't hurt to have another night if all should go wrong for some reason.
I haven't asked people about thursday so far though and I'm not sure if everyone is reading this thread.
I don't plan on making any shivan runs or stuff before the mission by the way, so if people want to stock up do it in advance.
Having read the other threads about this Strike Force it can be quick if theres a good team that know what they are doing and can pull effectively. Would really like to do it in under 5 hours. If we can't though I don't mind coming back on tomorrow (will have to be after 3vP as I have a match).
aye, and frosthound is a good puller, so i forsee you having no difficulties =)
Pulls are a bit of a gamble though, sometimes you get the whole hero group without doing anything wrong. It usually works out but sometimes you just get unlucky a few times (this is especially true in the vindicators mission, you don't have much of a choice regarding positioning there).
I still need 2 more people by the way so anyone interested leave a short note here.
I'm interested =) (but it might be better to take people who havent done it before i dont want to monopolise the runs ;p)
We taking nukes ?
they are certainly helpful but it can be done without them to be sure
After a few failed attempts I thought I'd try to set up my own team for an attempt to finally finish it. I already have a few players that are up for it but still could use a few more capable players. Especially a stone brute and corruptors (you can never have too many corruptors
). Especially a kinetic would help of great help as speed boost makes pulling heroes much easier.
I'd like to try to set it up later today (yes I know it's on short notice). Hope some people are interested.