Seethe Assault: Recluse SF: Sunday 6th August: 2pm
This sounds tempting to me =)
Puller and Vengeance giver extrordinaire looking for team =)
Already sounds like a potential success .
Currently I dont have any plans for Sunday so hopefully be able to join ya.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Should be able to attend.
Gorun Nova- Energy/Kin
Sounds stupid to sign up so often but I might be able to join you on sunday... just hoping my team today will work out now, hehe
Sign me up if there is room, lvl 50 EM/EA brute.
If you're willing to take a Dark Corruptor (not quite Rad, I know, but the debuffs are still very useful on this SF), then I'll sign up for this run as well - Aphotica, level 50 Ice/Dark Corruptor.
aye, aphotica is a very very solid one and i reccomend =)
Dare I sign up a level 50 EM/EA Brute here, or shall I bring my kin along instead and double the Speed and Vengeance?
Sign me up though, with whatever of the characters you want
Listed in terms of sign-up order:
1. Seethe : Fire/Dark Brute
2. Black Jon Bludd : Ninja/Pirate Stalker (filling the role of AV pulling expert)
3. Max Khaos : Ice?/Thermal Corruptor
4. Gorun Nova : Energy/Kinetics Corruptor (filling the role of */Kinetics Corruptor)
5. Frosthound : Ice/Cold Corruptor
6. Quarks : Energy/Energy Brute
7. Aphotica : Ice/Dark Corruptor (filling the role of */Radiation Corruptor ... shush)
8. Spider Smasher : Energy/Energy Brute
So, we've got a */Dark filling in for a */Rad and a couple of */Energy Brutes instead of a /*Stone.
Which is prefectly fine I think. With Thermal and Cold Corruptors on the team, we shouldn't be lacking in defenses as such.
That's the team as it stand for now then. Any more sign-ups will go onto the first-string reserve list should people drop out / not show up.
Not that they will, because remember, victory is guaranteed. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
... unless the Devs find out I've been mouthing off and decide to once again teach us a lesson ... :P
well if the pulls go as well as they did today its bagged =)
got a single on numi, single on syn, single on posi ;p
then we got cidael and sis p, with bab wanding over when sis p was half dead. so we took out these 3, just leaving manti and states for the last push =)
a coouple of resets until we get good pulls and its bagged =)
Yeah, the pulls today were fantastic, after the resets. I'm all for resetting and seeing if we can duplicate something like that - the time saved, and the frustration avoided, is really worth it. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
Black, I wanna do more of em :P Could we perhaps do one during the week? Not in the eve, unless its early, like 17.00 or so. I liked today [img]/uk/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
i work during the week mate so they have to be later than five ;p
put me up for the reserve list, dark fire brute lvl 50
christian hunt or @alex
Victory is ours! At last! Mua ha ha ha!
Many thanks to the team of evil villainous villains that came along. Statesjerk and his Freedom Phalluses were beaten in about 3.5 hours. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
For those interested, in the last mission, we pulled Numina and Synapse seperately at the start. Then when the 3rd pull messed up, we decided to charge them with Shivan support. Sister Psyche fell, then Manticore. At this point, our buffs were out and we ran to regroup. Another charge led to the end of Back Alley Brawler and Citadel, then another regroup. For the final charge on Positron and then Statesman, all guns were fired, i.e. some Nukes were unloaded. Positron dropped like a fly when debuffed, and States didn't put up much more of a fight. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
Group Photos
Strike Force Venom stands victorious in the new dawn
(Left to Right)
Quarks : Energy/Energy Brute
Frosthound : Ice/Cold Corruptor
Spider Smasher : Energy/Energy Brute
Seethe : Fire/Dark Brute
Ms Liberty : MA/Invuln Losertron (deceased >
Max Khaos : Ice?/Thermal Corruptor
Gorun Nova : Energy/Kinetics Corruptor
Aphotica : Ice/Dark Corruptor
Black Jon Bludd : Ninja/Pirate Stalker
Recluse hands out the Synthetic Hamidon-origin Enhancements as Statesman's defeat becomes known
Next time, I want Dominators along. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
You switched Frosthound and I in that photo caption. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
Well done all, though. We really tore into them when we decided to rush them after the first two fell.
I told you we'd do it =)
this goes to show 3 and a half hours is about average now, as our 4 wins this week have all been between 2 hrs 50 and 4 hours 20
Well this one was a lot less painful than the first one I participated in. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
Thx for the SF.
You switched Frosthound and I in that photo caption. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
[/ QUOTE ]
Damn you and your looky-likey-ness! So the Cold Corruptor was wearing black and the Dark Corruptor was wearing blue? O ... k ... [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
And on top of that, Quarks and Max decided to wear nearly identical costumes! Thankfully, Quarks' Energy Auras gave him away ... [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
On Sunday, Statesman shall be defeated.

How, you ask? Or maybe, why?
Because on Sunday, at about 2pm (UK time / BST), a team lead by Seethe (lvl 50 Fire/DA Brute) shall once again undertake the Lord Recluse Strike Force.
And this one will be victorious.
If you're interested, please sign-up below or contact me in game @MBar before then. I'd like an idea of the team before we get going.
Unfortunately, I am going to throw some Requirements in here:
Level 50 villains will be preferred to those who aren't 50. Sorry, but this SF isn't an XP grind, debt is altogether too common for that kind of thing as anyone who has done it before will know.
Some Archetypes and Powersets are preferred to others. One each of the following will most likely automatically get a place in the team:
- */Radiation Corruptor
- */Kinetics Corruptor
- */Stone Brute
- AV pulling expert
Other than those, I'm feeling flexible.
Nukes and Shivans and such are treated as a bonus. You are not required to go get them beforehand, but if you did, it would be very helpful. I certainly will be attending with a full compliment.
That's the lot. Sign-up now. Seethe demands it of you, minions!