1v1 in PvP zones
I tend to work on the principle of if it looks like FFA i go with it, but if i want a 1 vs 1 i will ask and if im asked for 1 vs 1 i will go for that, only problem i have is unbalance, one side's domination over the other side cos i believe it's more fun to fight against a balanced side than an overwhelming one, if im dying before i can get a shot off its unbalnced to me and isnt much fun, but if i can get two or 3 off before i did i like that, constant trips to hospital dont do it for me, but i do agree that the zones arnt just for FFA, that if someone asks for a 1 vs 1 you shouldnt have to go to arena to do it. When it can be done right then and there.
I don't see any real practical problems with 1 v 1 in a PvP zones. The numbers of people there are so small that it should be easy enough to find a quiet couple of blocks in which to have your duel.
As a further precaution against interruption put out a broadcast that you're about to start duelling. Put it in a bind on local chat so if someones starts sniffing about you can remind them of your broadcast with the minimum amount of interruption to your duel.
Failing that, just go to Warburg. No one will bother you
(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)
At the end of the day there is nothing saying 1v1 fights should not happen in the pvp zones and from my experience most folks are happy to leave them to it once they realise they are dueling.
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There is nothing that says that 1vs1 should happen in PvP zones and there is nothing that says 1vs1 duels shouldnt be harassed in pvp zones. PvP zone is not cream and cookies zone. Yes i tend to level duels alone but its at least annoying to listen people say "OMG WE ARE DUELLING". Wth? use arena invite your opponent and duel all night if u want. At best go at some corner where noone see u and arrange it over tells. Not outside the hero base duelling or some hotspot.As for me personally i will usually allow people to keep duelling but if i get bored etc in the zone i wont mind much to bash them all together even if i die. People mind dying in pvp too much. And loosing. They not realise is all for good fun. Once again remember the PvP zone is for conflicts, large scale one. If the intention was for duelling in pvp zones a flag system like WoW would have been created so that duels go on unhassled. And if the devs intend to have duels in arena they better create a flag system for it.
If you duel in the pvp zones u just need to be aware that some people may interfere, and if you do interfere, you shouldnt be surprised if people think less of you for it.
If I am heavily outnumbered i sometimes offer to duel anyone who fancies a go, its more fun than being slapped around when your the only hero in the zone
oh btw, a dueling system like the one in jedi academy would be nice, it would allow duels without having to hoof yourself all the way to the arena. For anyone who hasnt played that game it works like this:
1 player challenges another
that player accepts (in this example)
both players are surrounded in some sort of force field which only the other can penetrate, in effect, they are safe from other players.
A few points, instead of a force field i'd rather peoples name just chagned color, also, it'd be good to have some sort of auto decline.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
[ Once again remember the PvP zone is for conflicts, large scale one. If the intention was for duelling in pvp zones a flag system like WoW would have been created so that duels go on unhassled.
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No offence TG but where does it say that PvP zones are for large scale conflicts - its for any size from 1 v 1 to 100 v 100 (or however many the zone can hold).
I do agree, as the end of my post said, that those dueling are gona have to accept that folks will attack them no matter what but to give the picture that 1v1 is not allowed or wanted in pvp zones goes against the post you did saying that you did not want players imposing rules on other players.
Ive played two PvP games, one not so glamerous Star Trek Bridge Commander, i still actually play it, not to bad either.... way off subject gives himself splash of water 5% proof , other was Call Of Duty, big differnce as 1 v 1 was possible in BC not possible in CoD.
One thing you pick up is that ppl will always make there own rules and ethics to how they want to do PvP and how they want ppl treat them in PvP, this said, 1 v 1 is a choice, large scale is a choice, all of it is a choice, from the second you are open in combat in PvP you are killable, should you be narked if someone doesnt respect your view on how you want to be treated, yes and no, because you step into it you accept it, but you also have to accept that 99% of rules in PvP are player made, unless a CoC is drawn up on how ppl play its always gonna be someone(s) may or may not kill you.
I did however play a game. It was Jedi Knight academy 3 i think, in that you could be challenged to a duel, where you were taken out of damage physics of the game, once you accepted to duel said foe, you could only be hurt by that foe til either of you were dead. So looking back its not wrong to do 1 v 1 its not wrong to kill someone whos asks you not to kill them on there way to 1 vs 1, i think they should maybe look at introdcuing something similar to wot i have said i have mentioned above, now that being said yes it could be arena, but why make ppl go out of there way to do that, when they could easily have a challenge command which would lock them into mortal kombat and free from others attacks til either side was victorious.
No offence TG but where does it say that PvP zones are for large scale conflicts - its for any size from 1 v 1 to 100 v 100
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None taken. You come exactly to my point. You see it doesnt say anything. We want the devs to define it. To give us more cause right now good players are getting abuse for playing their builds to their max potential and a bunch of tools runs around saying "oh noes why u use holds. Petition" and things like this. I am not against 1vs1 but there is no context give n by the devs which will allow me to say "yes is a 1vs1 do not touch". As for the use of pvp zones. Well the duel system was introduced for the arena. So considering the fact that no duel was introduced for the pvp zones like other MMO's the devs probably didnt have the 1vs1 in their mind when they created PvP zones.
I was one of the masterminds you were fighting and yes my bubble did get nice and shiney while I was goiing for a cuppa so thanks for that.
Back on topic, I will not interfere in a duel if it is announced if it isnt then I treat them as fair game. I have been in sirens rezzing the villains killed in duels so no trip to the hosp for them which can be a bit annoying. I will happily duel away but if someone comes up to me and smacks me while Im doing it I am not bothered about that. In fact in pvp zones I am not bothered about anything apart from knockback from controllers(very annoying not being able to stand up). I dont care if I die I pvp for fun and I only have one rule for myself which is dont interfere in other people fun. I have stood and chatted to a hero with my bots on passive because he was curious about MM's. I have onlty had fun in pvp zones and I hope to continue to do so whether it is by doing duels or mass pvp.
I think there should be a place in pvp zones for 1v1 but it is not smart to do it in crowed bits of the map. Bloody torso duelled in the water above the villain base to avoid NPC involvement and doing things like this lessens the chance of being interrupted. I do agree though with TG with the statement that if you want a completely uninterrupted duel do it in warburg. I spend time in warburg and that is only to get 5 warheads for the badge.
Most things should be allowed in PVP zones as long as they keep things fun. I have never got annoyed in PVP and always have fun especially when I die by being brawled to death through my PFF.
5 warheads for the badge
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You need 10 for the badge, the description for it is wrong.
OT: If the dual has been announced on Broadcast then i'll happily let them dual away and will even go over and watch the dual, also just incase someone from the other side tries anything i'll be there to whoop there [censored].
The problem is that if the dual has been announced but a new hero/villain has just come into the zone, they wont know its a dual and theoretically will attack, and they'll get the blame for ruining the dual though they never knew about it.
No one's stopping anyone from having duals in a PvP zone, but it'd be much safer in the Arena though its more conveniant to have it right there and then instead of zoneing etc.

I've got to ask. Why do we need the Devs to tell us that 1 v 1's are OK or not? We have brains, we have common sense, surely we can make our own minds up? Whether the devs say it is OK or not is not going to stop people attacking Duels and you know it.
I've got to ask. Why do we need the Devs to tell us that 1 v 1's are OK or not? We have brains, we have common sense, surely we can make our own minds up? Whether the devs say it is OK or not is not going to stop people attacking Duels and you know it.
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it wont stop the m Zeph but it will give a context to us regulars in which we can possibly petition. Thats the whole point. Petitioning is the only tool we have to request some justice is served against those that ruin our fun.
I hadn't really thought of it like that
[ Once again remember the PvP zone is for conflicts, large scale one. If the intention was for duelling in pvp zones a flag system like WoW would have been created so that duels go on unhassled.
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No offence TG but where does it say that PvP zones are for large scale conflicts - its for any size from 1 v 1 to 100 v 100 (or however many the zone can hold).
I do agree, as the end of my post said, that those dueling are gona have to accept that folks will attack them no matter what but to give the picture that 1v1 is not allowed or wanted in pvp zones goes against the post you did saying that you did not want players imposing rules on other players.
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Selective posting for the win?
There is nothing that says that 1vs1 should happen in PvP zones and there is nothing that says 1vs1 duels shouldnt be harassed in pvp zones.
[/ QUOTE ]Also said by TG in same post!
The only PvP I do is the occasional evening in Siren's ... occasionally you'll come across a group of people 1vs1. I generally leave them alone unless I'm not aware it is a 1v1 e.g.there was one occasion where I zip round a corner into a mob of about 10 heroes/villains - I dive straight in only to then notice only two of them are actually doing something. I wasn't the only person to make that mistake as the regen scrapper chasing me piled in and did exactly the same... they hadn't announced it (although the only way to make sure everyone hears it is to spam broadcast every minute, which brings its own problems in terms of abuse or people taking it as an invtie to grief intentionally).
I think so long as everyone remembers that occasionally snarl ups like this happen, it can be ok.
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
Wandered into a 1vs1 dueling arrangement last night on my FF Defender - was all very good natured and suffered minimal interruption.
I guess at the end of the day it's down to the individual player if they're going to respect such a gathering or not.
Well, Speaking for myself, I only resently brought my scrapper into PvP (to test if my PvE-build worked in PvP, found that it worked pretty good ), since only been in there fighting 2 times I don't know the "rules". But what I realized is that almost all players in there (hero/villains) are nice fellas and I had some good chats in local while faceplanted.. The thing I think you must really think of in the PvP-zones is that you will be killed, either by "mistake" when going for a duel or on purpose, after all, isn't that what PvP is for?
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort zu::[/color]<hr />
If you duel in the pvp zones u just need to be aware that some people may interfere, and if you do interfere, you shouldnt be surprised if people think less of you for it.
If I am heavily outnumbered i sometimes offer to duel anyone who fancies a go, its more fun than being slapped around when your the only hero in the zone
oh btw, a dueling system like the one in jedi academy would be nice, it would allow duels without having to hoof yourself all the way to the arena. For anyone who hasnt played that game it works like this:
1 player challenges another
that player accepts (in this example)
both players are surrounded in some sort of force field which only the other can penetrate, in effect, they are safe from other players.
A few points, instead of a force field i'd rather peoples name just chagned color, also, it'd be good to have some sort of auto decline.
[/ QUOTE ]
Btw anyone tested a
/bind w "+forward$$afk DUEL 1on1"
or even
/bind w "+forward$$afk DUEL 1on1"
/bind s "+backward$$afk DUEL 1on1"
/bind a "+left$$afk DUEL 1on1"
/bind d "+right$$afk DUEL 1on1"
btw#2: i hate your end drains
I though the pvp zones wer basically no holds barred anything goes areas.
If it 1 v 1 you want isnt that what the arean is for?
I though the pvp zones wer basically no holds barred anything goes areas.
If it 1 v 1 you want isnt that what the arean is for?
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I have been wondering the same thing ever since people started talking about duels and 1vs1 in PvP zones....
I though the pvp zones wer basically no holds barred anything goes areas.
If it 1 v 1 you want isnt that what the arean is for?
[/ QUOTE ]
But the PvP zones are bigger and offer the potential of a wider battle including the ability to run and hide if need be, so is it SO surprising for people to want to fight specific people in one the zones?
And if the PvP zones WERE no holds barred, anything goes areas there'd be no such word as "griefing".
(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)
TG & Co, when people talk about and have duels in PvP zones, more often then not its because one side has many many more players in the zone than the opposite and then both sides come to the conclusion thats its not fun killing the same people over and over again and its not fun facing almost impossible odds. This way it kinda evens things out. Although its just courtesy.....you/they can intervine (sp?) anytime.
Thats how i see it anyway.

TG & Co, when people talk about and have duels in PvP zones, more often then not its because one side has many many more players in the zone than the opposite and then both sides come to the conclusion thats its not fun killing the same people over and over again and its not fun facing almost impossible odds. This way it kinda evens things out. Although its just courtesy.....you/they can intervine (sp?) anytime.
Thats how i see it anyway.
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I see your point and i agree ...this is one case where the 1vs1 applies.
And if the PvP zones WERE no holds barred, anything goes areas there'd be no such word as "griefing".
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Actually due to the lack of RoE and CoC within CoH PvP you can only call griefing situations where EULA rules are broken or exploits such as the sirens tower,that have been officially recognised as exploits, are used. Apart from that you cannot really speak about griefing within the Co* PvP zones. I know what you ll say that rules or not its actually griefing to kill the same player again and again...but to petition someone you need a rules a context to base your petition and right now there is no rule against griefing except the EULA rules articles 1 and 3 for harassment and abusive language profanity etc. Nothing related to pvp conduct.Which i think should be created as fast as possible....
I have to say it anoys the hell out of me when people start moaning that they where having a 1 Vs 1 in the PvP zone and some one jumped in and killed there enemy. Its a mass no holds barred zone as other people have siad you want 1 Vs 1 go to the arena its simple. It says when you enter the zone that you will be attacked by other players and if you cant handel it leave. Im sorry but I will attack any one that is on the enemy side as you in the pvp zone you can pettion all you like but it wont get any where as there is the arena for 1 Vs 1.
Regarding 1 v 1 duels in the pvp zones, some people have posted that if you want to do these go to the arena and not the PvP zones

But it was a well done fight plan on the MMs part anyway (sorry old age and a bad memory means I cannot remember your name off the top of my head)
I say let them duel in the pvp zones. There is no notice saying that the zones are team only events, at least I have not seen anything saying this. True it is more fun in teams but occasionally 2 folks will want to have a duel to settle differences or try something out. Why should 2 individuals have to leave a PvP zone and go to the arena to duel, given that arenas take teams as well as 1v1 matches you could say scrap the Zones and let people use the arenas for all pvp.
Why would you want to do a 1v1 in a pvp zone?
An example I can give is the one I did the other night against a nice friendly MM that asked if I wanted a duel. For most the time I was in the pvp zone I was in a team of 6 7 heros fighting against a number of villains whever they were teamed or all solo I do not know but I had great fun polishing the 2 MMs PFFs to crystal clear clarity for them while waiting for the 5% chance to hit them to come into effect (playing a non pvp slotted scrapper at thit time) or for some other villain to come into hitting range. This fighting went on for a while but slowly the team I was in reduced down to me and one other so going for mass battles at that time was really not an option and as I was leaving one of the MMs asked for a duel with me and kindly said they would drop their bubble so I would at least have the chance of hitting them. Now we could have gone to an arena but having to zone 2 - 3 times just to fight some one when a 1 minute journey across the map to resolve the issue did not seem worth it to me and it also messes up your bounty if you plan on staying in pvp after the duel Not that I had much bounty.
Pleased to say that I think most folks respect a duel and are happy to leave the duellists to it once they are aware. At least the villain Dragon (second name escapes me sorry) that started hitting on me while I was on my way to the duel was happy to leave me to carry on my journey once he was aware I was on my way to a duel. Once again dragon ? many thanks for your kindness of letting me go on my way even though you could have killed me and been in the right to do so.
At the end of the day there is nothing saying 1v1 fights should not happen in the pvp zones and from my experience most folks are happy to leave them to it once they realise they are dueling. If you are unsure if they are dueling a simple ask over local should get a reply from one of them. Most folks however are clever enought to be able to tell when 2 people are dueling (being away from the main centers of action is normally a good give away). All the same however those dueling will just have to accept that some people will just jump in and attack. It may be that they do not have broadcast set for both hero and villian broadcast and do not see messages saying you are dueling (using local in that situation is more reliable). If they carry on and kill one of you i'm afriad you just have to accept it as they have not done anything wrong - respecting the right to leave a 1v1 fight alone is purely a personal choice.
And just for the record the MM won the duel in under 30 seconds (having them drop their shield was not the best plan as it allowed them to buff their minions more for all you folks that may fall into the 'come and fight me and Ill drop my PFF' trap.