27 -
She stole it i tell you , like the true villain she is.
Well done Chak, you even beat the Lagg and disconnection monsters to see it through - well deservered. -
That tp straight back to mission can already be done. It keeps getting introduced as a bug in game and when its there it works by you just leaving by the base entrance portal (after rezing in base)
For some reason the developers class it as a bug and always get a fix in for it when they have re introduced it back into the game on another patch.
I do wish they would just leave it unfixed next time they re introduce it. -
My understanding was that rent was based on total prestige earned, not prestige earned over the time period of the rent cycle.
If this is the case then i can not see how the rent will drop if prestige earning hits a peak and then dies down for an SG. Instead the total amount of prestige earned will slow in its increase while the 'rent' will remain at it's last level and only take a longer period to hit the next increase marker but never actully fall to a lower rent as total prestige earned will not fall.
As i said this is my understanding and could be very wrong. -
The level 2 empowerment station is available at the bottom of the level 1 station list of things as an option to build and the level 3 one is available on the level 2 station.
Yes the one i tested lasted for 15 minutes no matter which station i got it from.
Ok been a few posts about these empowerment stations and the differences between them. Hopefully this will help answer some of them.
The SG i am in has all 3 of the tech based ones at the moment and i took the oppotunity to look over what they each do so listed below are the buffs that each offers.
Each station offers ALL the empowerments of the one above it in the list (so the lvl 2 contains all lvl 1 and the lvl 3 contains the lvl 2 and lvl 1 buffs)
Radiation emulation (lvl 1)
confusion resistance
fear resistance
fire resistance
grant invisability
increase flight speed
increase jump speed
increase perception
increase run speed
knockback increase
knockback protection
lethal resistance
sleep resistance
slow resistance
smashing resistance
Linear accelerator (lvl 2)
cold resistance
disorient resistance
endurance drain resistance
immobalize resistance
increase attack rate
increase recovery
negative energy resistance
toxic resistance
Supercollider (lvl 3)
energy resistance
hold resistance
psionic resistance
All the buffs seem to cost the same across each of the stations they are on and there is NO increase in the time that they last. (the time is based on the confusion resistance taken from each station - it was a 15 minute duration from each station)
Each station also allows you to process the salvage into the following tech componants (i believe it is all of the componant types)
Experimental tech
Tech hardware
Tech material
Tech power
Tech prototype
tech software
So it looks like the only difference in the stations is the number of buff's that they offer so i am now going to reclaim some prestige in the SG i am in by getting rid of the level 1 and 2 stations.
I imagine that the arcane based ones run along the same lines as the tech ones but do not have any as our Base is arcane based so have the tables instead of buff machines - If some one has the arcane ones it would be nice to get confirmation that they offer the same buffs.
Hope this is of some help -
Yep contratulations to you, you little funk monkey
Even though you tried to put it off with deaths and debt we managed to see you lvl to 50 at last. So pleased that you finally got there. -
Ok not to hot on the base raiding and IoP's but i think i get the general requirements.
For a non IoP base raid - all you need is a raid teleporter to make one once agreement between the SG's is arranged - but do you need one to be raided if you wish to arrange one? (any bugs that are around right now not withstanding)
For an IoP you need the raid teleporter, anchors (6 of them i believe) and somewhere to put it (not after the actual requirements as i know they are covered in this section of the forums) To get the IoP you do a TF and on successful completion of the TF the IoP is placed in your base automatically.
So those that do PvE and are not interested in PvP would be faced with having at least one raid against their base- possibly losing lots of base equipment in the process. My question on this is if after a sucessfull TF and the IoP is gained what happens if you sell the anchors/items so you no longer meet the requirements to hold an IoP - do you lose the IoP and therefore stop any raids happening or are you unable to sell the required items to hold an IoP once one is gained? -
Yep congratulations Empusae and also to your partner in crime Chak (cannot remember full name spelling here chak so be nice to me
You worked hard for it and now you can earn some inf to carry you through to the big 50 on CoV when it finaly arrives in live. -
What this 'pink' you speak of shazan?
congratulations EG now maybe you can save up enought inf for a pair of trousers.
A well earned lvl 50 - especially after all those solo lusca attempts you insisted on trying.
Now wheres Stu - he needs to lvl up next. -
A big gratz (even bigger than your fro if that possible) on dinging Jane Do. Was a pleasure to be there when you did it and glad i was able to keep you busy doing what you do best.
Looking foward to seeing what you do with a squid.
Now on with getting your cellar staff(EG and Stu) leveled up to 50 as well -
There was a guy on yesterday screaming profanity because someone had the audacity to kill him while he was resting.... the horror!
The complaint against 1 on 1 isn't that it happens (fine) or that it is an a pvp zone (fine), its that there is often bad feeling expressed when someone interrupts it. I don't expect to see duels going on in a pvp zone, so if I see a hero fighting a villain I will buff the hero and try and plant the villain. I won't be trying to grief and will leave people alone if asked to. There just seems to be a feeling that this tension could generally be avoided by using the arena.
[/ QUOTE ]
In the case of some one using profanities then all who see it should petition it. You will never stop someone moaning about something (hurricane, tp foe, insp usage, stalkers, 1v1 going on in the zone and the interupting of 1v1) but when they take it to the level of using profanities or personal remarks/attacks they are breaking well set rules on the use of the chat channels.
Yes using the arena would avoid the tension, just as removing the PvP zones would, but who should go there - the ones doing 1v1 or those not wanting to encounter the tension? (see my last post 2 above yours on the topic of arena use) -
It was due to seeing a number of posts that used terms like 'The arena is the place for 1v1's not the the PvP zone' that prompted me to make the OP that I did.
I do find it funny that people always say that the arena is for 1v1, ignoring the fact that it also caters for teams, when the big event to get attention/attract more players to it was the Pentad TEAM contest not a 1v1 contest.
The arena offers a safe 1v1 OR team environment to PvP in which you can control the conditions and restrict completely those that can enter, where as the PvP zones offer an environment for 1v1 XvX (max that the zone/server can handle) that is uncontrolled (apart from the auto exemp/sk and level restrictions for each zone) and where anyone can come and go from without invite.
As my OP mentioned - team PvP could be just as easily done in the arena as could 1v1. However you do not hear people saying take team PvP to the arena as that is what it was made for (could have forgone making the PvP zones and instead added more stuff to the PvE game if that was to be the case). Why is that - because they realise it is more fun in the zone. The same can also apply to 1v1.
There have been a number of posts showing there are reasons for people doing 1v1 in the Pvp zones such as zoning while on the way to an arena (both in time taken and chance of losing connection - what with all the zoning issues people have), loss of bounty due to leaving the PvP zone in the first place or where the sides are outnumbered in favour of one side - 1 against many , where you all know the one stands no chance, is not really much fun. Most also mentioned in my OP.
Those duelling do NEED TO ACCEPT that there will (most likely) always be someone who will interrupt their duel and that those interrupting are in their right to do so at the end of the day. Happily most do seem to accept this. Most are also aware that to limit the interruption they need to take it away from the main source of action and travel lanes to a quiet corner/spot. Broadcasting that you are having a duel, does work to cut down those that may interrupt you but I think it would be more reliable to use local as not all people have see broadcast other side (hero/villain) enabled and where as I know local comes up in bubble that can be seen onscreen I am not sure if broadcast does. See Synestras post in this thread for some possible binds if you think you may be 1v1ing a bit in the PvP zonesand need them. This however does not mean that the person attacking you has to stop once you have said you are duelling - is their personal choice to stop the attack in the end.
At the end of the day we all know what PvP stands for. (if you do not shout up and no doubt someone or even many will answer). Maybe we should have dedicated Team v Team zones instead of PvP ones! Hmm i sense a possible topic for a post on suggestions in there somewhere
I agree with most of what he said - I did point out the fact that the other person may not be able to get out of the watch tower situation and said that was another issue. The comparision with hurricane was done for exactly the point of using the environment to aid your power set. As Nefarious said hurricane is a power to keep poeple away, it is not one to hold or immob them but by using the environment that is effectivly what they are achiving against some power sets.
I was using the watchtower scenario as an example to show how people can disagree about how a power and environmental item can be used. Yes it is an exploit but as with the hospital camping exploit that some used to use and claim that until it was fixed by the developers it was a fair tactic - the same could be said for this. The watchtower is something that the developers created to add authenticity to a map and that allows a certain power set to totaly do something that the mayority say is not allowable. So the developers need to change the environment to not allow this practice or make an official announcement that it is considered griefing and should not be used or that it is ok to use it in the manner i described.
Now TG has said that a redname has posted in the US boards that this is officially griefing and a legitimate cause for petitioning. The problem however is that that is on the US boards NOT the UK/european boards. If the dev's are saying it is an official griefing issue then they NEED TO POST IT ON ALL BOARDS and make it official. Posting it on the us boards only does not make it griefing on the UK as we have had no official notice that it is such on our boards - not every one on the forum checks the US boards and given that my login is for the UK/european forum only that is the board that i follow.
At least this way we start having some rules that are official having been defined by the developers based on the CoX societies feelings and their own judgement which is what my initial post in this thread was all about. -
[ Once again remember the PvP zone is for conflicts, large scale one. If the intention was for duelling in pvp zones a flag system like WoW would have been created so that duels go on unhassled.
[/ QUOTE ]
No offence TG but where does it say that PvP zones are for large scale conflicts - its for any size from 1 v 1 to 100 v 100 (or however many the zone can hold).
I do agree, as the end of my post said, that those dueling are gona have to accept that folks will attack them no matter what but to give the picture that 1v1 is not allowed or wanted in pvp zones goes against the post you did saying that you did not want players imposing rules on other players. -
Regarding 1 v 1 duels in the pvp zones, some people have posted that if you want to do these go to the arena and not the PvP zones
I say let them duel in the pvp zones. There is no notice saying that the zones are team only events, at least I have not seen anything saying this. True it is more fun in teams but occasionally 2 folks will want to have a duel to settle differences or try something out. Why should 2 individuals have to leave a PvP zone and go to the arena to duel, given that arenas take teams as well as 1v1 matches you could say scrap the Zones and let people use the arenas for all pvp.
Why would you want to do a 1v1 in a pvp zone?
An example I can give is the one I did the other night against a nice friendly MM that asked if I wanted a duel. For most the time I was in the pvp zone I was in a team of 6 7 heros fighting against a number of villains whever they were teamed or all solo I do not know but I had great fun polishing the 2 MMs PFFs to crystal clear clarity for them while waiting for the 5% chance to hit them to come into effect (playing a non pvp slotted scrapper at thit time) or for some other villain to come into hitting range. This fighting went on for a while but slowly the team I was in reduced down to me and one other so going for mass battles at that time was really not an option and as I was leaving one of the MMs asked for a duel with me and kindly said they would drop their bubble so I would at least have the chance of hitting them. Now we could have gone to an arena but having to zone 2 - 3 times just to fight some one when a 1 minute journey across the map to resolve the issue did not seem worth it to me and it also messes up your bounty if you plan on staying in pvp after the duel Not that I had much bounty.
Pleased to say that I think most folks respect a duel and are happy to leave the duellists to it once they are aware. At least the villain Dragon (second name escapes me sorry) that started hitting on me while I was on my way to the duel was happy to leave me to carry on my journey once he was aware I was on my way to a duel. Once again dragon ? many thanks for your kindness of letting me go on my way even though you could have killed me and been in the right to do so.
At the end of the day there is nothing saying 1v1 fights should not happen in the pvp zones and from my experience most folks are happy to leave them to it once they realise they are dueling. If you are unsure if they are dueling a simple ask over local should get a reply from one of them. Most folks however are clever enought to be able to tell when 2 people are dueling (being away from the main centers of action is normally a good give away). All the same however those dueling will just have to accept that some people will just jump in and attack. It may be that they do not have broadcast set for both hero and villian broadcast and do not see messages saying you are dueling (using local in that situation is more reliable). If they carry on and kill one of you i'm afriad you just have to accept it as they have not done anything wrong - respecting the right to leave a 1v1 fight alone is purely a personal choice.
And just for the record the MM won the duel in under 30 seconds (having them drop their shield was not the best plan as it allowed them to buff their minions more for all you folks that may fall into the 'come and fight me and Ill drop my PFF' trap.But it was a well done fight plan on the MMs part anyway (sorry old age and a bad memory means I cannot remember your name off the top of my head)
OK in reply to the should we have a CoC and RoE and if so should we define them ourselves topic that got picked up in this thread. I say YES we should have some form of CoC and RoE in place. As to defining them ourselves well no. However we should influence them and let the developers of the game see and hear what things we as a society(admittedly a small part of it due to being on the forum - but the only real voice there is) feel are acceptable and not acceptable in our PvP zones. In most countrys in the world most people do not set the rules which define what is illegal and legal but they do influence what become laws or what laws are applied and how they are applied.
At the end of the day each of us will have our own opinions of what is right and wrong behaviour in the PvP zone and in general from the bit I have seen and experienced in there most of us seem to be in the same ball park sitting in different sections admittedly but still in the same general area.
Now if we were to set our own rules, who is to say what rules get accepted and which do not. Is it those with the highest forum posts/stars, those that shout and spam their point the most or those with the highest pvp rating that get the deciding say on the rules hopefully none of them as they are each a part of the CoX society and it is the society as a whole that needs to be taken into consideration and that is why we should not define the CoC and RoE but instead influence them.
One reason we need them or we at least need the dev team to fix flaws in the system/map is for the below example:
Some people have complained about getting tpd into watch towers as they cannot get out of them without using tp or having someone else tp them out. Now my MA scrapper has no ranged attacks to get people with when they run off as they often do, he has not got enough acc to hit most folk anyway as not PvP slotted yet anyway but thats another matter., so I would view getting tp and tp foe and sitting in a watchtower tping folks to me so that they cannot run away while I try to wail on them a valid tactic as it traps them much the same as using hurricane to trap someone in a phone box, cargo box, etc (has the added bonus of if they cannot get out of there in the first place their best bet is to let me kill them otherwise after Im dead theyll still be trapped but that is another issue) However I am pretty sure if I started using that tactic I would very quickly get shouted at and petitioned by folk.
So would this tactic be right or would the ones complaining about its use be right at the end of the day its up to the developers to decide that as they have made the watch towers big enough to fit an alt in but also not made an exit point for it. So while being able to fit into it would indicate that it is an acceptable tactic I would also say that having no exit point for anyone without TP indicates that it is not a valid tactic. -
From playing about in my SG's base i have found a good tip for the small SG base is to only have one worktable present. If you remove the second table you should have enought power and control for the TP device (running off memory as away from the game. Ours has the power unit, main control item + 2 extra control boosts and is running a TP, hosp thing and worktable - second worktable can be run at the same time with no issues.
The reasoning behind the one table thing is that you can only use 1 table at a time and as you can sell them back at their cost price there is no penaulty for swapping them around as/when you need them (besides the time taken to enter edit mode and replace them). This also cuts down on the amount of power and control you need in the base as well as freeing up some more inf for those all important little touches. -
Alright Zhaan well done on hitting 50.
What can i say, was glad when oona introduced us and even gladder that you stayed with us in team for all those lvl's and oonadebt. As for your comments about my backside...well we'll leave that subject alone
Enjoy being a 50 you deserver it and i was so glad i put off going out till you had lvl'd hope the celebrations were good fun. -
Yay Buggman - congratulations on reaching 50 my friend.
Been a very rewarding week altogether for you (those that know him will know why) so a big heart felt congratulations to you.
Glad that you have put up with all us mad english folk in the team and keep coming back for more. -
Having to say congratulations a lot just lately and each of them is worth it.
This lvl 50 congratulations is for Midnight Witch.
Once again it has been an honour to team with you MW for as long as we have. May the good times continue for us all. -
I would like to know about this as well as the connecting
door's (corridors realy) look very outof place with no floor and ceiling trims.
Either that or is there a way to remove floor and ceiling trims from the rooms to match the corridors? -
A big well done to Oona for finally making 50, she did her best to put it off but we dragged her through it.
Oona congratulations on reaching 50. Can honestly say it has been a pleasure teaming with you since we met way back at lvl 9 - 10.