empowerment stations - buffs for lvl 1 - lvl 3
I was wondering if I had to keep the smaller one or not. Thanks for bringing the solution
jus to confirm, do tier 2 and 3 only last 15 minutes?
i've yet to be back to check on the buffs
Yes the one i tested lasted for 15 minutes no matter which station i got it from.
How do you unlock the level 2-3 ones? Only the Level 1 empowerment stations are accessible from the Base Builder, and I can't find any on the Forges, either... do you need some particular badges, or what?
The level 2 empowerment station is available at the bottom of the level 1 station list of things as an option to build and the level 3 one is available on the level 2 station.
i have 1 concern tho.. even tho not mny SG will be able to afford it, in the long run the big SGs will afford to buff their entire attack squad in a baseraid... its really hard to defend as it is, and imagine a skilled PvP-group complimenting their chars with aux-buffs?? sure it swings both ways, but in the end im sure attackers gain more, due to them having less problems winning to start with... perhaps a zoning nerf could be introduced, which would unfortunatley mean we cant use them in PvE tho.. any other reflections regarding this?
i have 1 concern tho.. even tho not mny SG will be able to afford it, in the long run the big SGs will afford to buff their entire attack squad in a baseraid... its really hard to defend as it is, and imagine a skilled PvP-group complimenting their chars with aux-buffs?? sure it swings both ways, but in the end im sure attackers gain more, due to them having less problems winning to start with... perhaps a zoning nerf could be introduced, which would unfortunatley mean we cant use them in PvE tho.. any other reflections regarding this?
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Which is why the buffs propably are a bit weak..
actually i dont think they are.. im guessing same strength as normal powers.. ie mez-resist mag 6.. atm the mez-resist is pricy even for big SGs, since no1 wants to part from rare components as software and experimental (tech-tree) for a measly buff, any1 with medic pool can add to team =P but i still a massive compliment to a base raiding team, trying to avoid stuns/holds/slows/other...
i do find the +fly/jump/run boosts interesting.. cant find any situation that actually requires this at the costs of salvage lol
The level 2 empowerment station is available at the bottom of the level 1 station list of things as an option to build and the level 3 one is available on the level 2 station.
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Hmmm, sounds expensive... can anybody tell me what the level 2 and 3 buff-stations costs in terms of prestige?
The level 2 empowerment station is available at the bottom of the level 1 station list of things as an option to build and the level 3 one is available on the level 2 station.
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Hmmm, sounds expensive... can anybody tell me what the level 2 and 3 buff-stations costs in terms of prestige?
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The level 1 station costs 30k to place
The level 2 station costs 60k to place
The level 3 station costs 90k to place
Mainly found on the Defiant server
50's: Dax Furnice, Demberax, Dax Elfling, and a few others
Others: Dax Toxophilite, Acute Elfling
Honourable United
Ok been a few posts about these empowerment stations and the differences between them. Hopefully this will help answer some of them.

The SG i am in has all 3 of the tech based ones at the moment and i took the oppotunity to look over what they each do so listed below are the buffs that each offers.
Each station offers ALL the empowerments of the one above it in the list (so the lvl 2 contains all lvl 1 and the lvl 3 contains the lvl 2 and lvl 1 buffs)
Radiation emulation (lvl 1)
confusion resistance
fear resistance
fire resistance
grant invisability
increase flight speed
increase jump speed
increase perception
increase run speed
knockback increase
knockback protection
lethal resistance
sleep resistance
slow resistance
smashing resistance
Linear accelerator (lvl 2)
cold resistance
disorient resistance
endurance drain resistance
immobalize resistance
increase attack rate
increase recovery
negative energy resistance
toxic resistance
Supercollider (lvl 3)
energy resistance
hold resistance
psionic resistance
All the buffs seem to cost the same across each of the stations they are on and there is NO increase in the time that they last. (the time is based on the confusion resistance taken from each station - it was a 15 minute duration from each station)
Each station also allows you to process the salvage into the following tech componants (i believe it is all of the componant types)
Experimental tech
Tech hardware
Tech material
Tech power
Tech prototype
tech software
So it looks like the only difference in the stations is the number of buff's that they offer so i am now going to reclaim some prestige in the SG i am in by getting rid of the level 1 and 2 stations.
I imagine that the arcane based ones run along the same lines as the tech ones but do not have any as our Base is arcane based so have the tables instead of buff machines - If some one has the arcane ones it would be nice to get confirmation that they offer the same buffs.
Hope this is of some help