Thats not banter, thats being a tool. Unfortunately Co* is so tool ridden at the moment that I sometimes think I'm playing DoitAll Online.
Well I dont think you can escape it. I have been on afew times where it has gotten out of hand. For me the biggest problem is everyone has there own ideas on whats acceptable. To me that would be going to far, its not jestering at all.
Often its how the person was killed that starts the griefing. For example being teleported repeatedly into a drone. The Devs say its acceptable but I know that would [censored] me off and I for one would probably tell them to grow up.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
/petition /ignore /email me and i'll come show them pwnage serious enough for them to whinge about
/email me and i'll come show them pwnage serious enough for them to whinge about
[/ QUOTE ]
Why would they whinge about repeatedly pwn'ing you?
Well I dont think you can escape it. I have been on afew times where it has gotten out of hand. For me the biggest problem is everyone has there own ideas on whats acceptable. To me that would be going to far, its not jestering at all.
Often its how the person was killed that starts the griefing. For example being teleported repeatedly into a drone. The Devs say its acceptable but I know that would [censored] me off and I for one would probably tell them to grow up.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the responses. I could maybe understand if i had killed the person, but this was as soon as i entered the zone and said hi to everyone. I got the impression this person only logged on to insult people.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
/email me and i'll come show them pwnage serious enough for them to whinge about
[/ QUOTE ]
Why would they whinge about repeatedly pwn'ing you?
[/ QUOTE ]
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Dammit, that was a definate owned there
But you know what i mean
Sadly this crap is what ruins the pvp zones, its even worse when the numpty concerned sends u insulting private tells. I normally broadcast these which usually leads to ostracisation (not entirely sure thats a word lol)
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
hmmmm it seems there has been a slight so called "generation" change regarding the player base...CoV is fresh and many tools from other games have migrated there.Furthermore the tools we had here take it out in PvP zones. Unfortunately situations like that is best try and calm down and do your best to drive them off the zone by killing them. Hmmm unfortunately engagin in banter is unavoidable cause many teams it really goes beyond our tolerance. To be honest devs need to set a RoC and CoC as soon as possible for PvP cause somethings are going beyond the line with all the newbies flooding the server thinking its some CS and frag game.
aye, pvp can bring the worst out of people, and even though I enjoy some banter from times, this is just plain idiocy and often causes me to just leave the zone as I don't feel like playing with people with a brain the size of a peanut.
However, these things (alas) happen in PvE as well, especially in CoV I noticed. Seems people think that playing a villain is an excuse to become a total tool. Happened to me I got spammed by insulting tells after I declined 3 blind invites from the same guy and then sent a tell that if I declined the first time it's not likely that I will accept nr 2, 3, 4... and asked him if he could stop sending those invites. Immediate reply: "shut up u n00b!" and "y r u retarted or something?!?!".
Also happened to me when I saw someone, maybe not meant insulting, use some "bad" words on broadcast and pointed out to him he'd better be careful cause it's bound to get petitioned one day. And again get insults flung at me.
Point im trying to make is, there are some real morons in this game. Try to ignore them and if its in a PvP zone, just utterly own them!
Ah.. the good times of utterly smashing a stalker all around sirens after he started insulting everybody he met.. he left shortly after
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
I've also been insulted in PVP many times... Mostly by corruptors that I can kill with 2 or 3 shots, and they got mad coz I don't let'em play =S, isn't pvp for that? hehe.
But funnily yesterday I got even worse insults just for inviting people to my team =S "Hey wanna join? team lvl 20"- "Shut up u [censored] [censored], cant ya see my msg? say SOLO ya [censored] [censored] stop annoying ya..."
Something like that, I dont remember this happening when I played my first 50... Strange.
a great PvPer most also learn the art of GRIEFING-SPAM SUPER SHEILD
The Question Wrote:
Thats not banter, thats being a tool. Unfortunately Co* is so tool ridden at the moment that I sometimes think I'm playing DoitAll Online.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you were to leave, it would drop down a level, to a sort of home improvement:"tool-time"
As for the first poster, I agree this guy sounded a right nimmer, so i recommend the most powerful 'tool' ( no connection ) at your disposal, "/Ignore"
/petition /ignore /email me and i'll come show them pwnage serious enough for them to whinge about
[/ QUOTE ]
surely if he was to /ignore you, you would never know?
But you'd be last without me Al
Happened to me I got spammed by insulting tells after I declined 3 blind invites from the same guy
[/ QUOTE ]
Have to say that this happens in CoH, and it has happened for quite a while. I think the number of pillocks out there has increased since CoV, but they were there before then too. It's particularly bad around Atlas Park where you get the new tools and the older tools gathering to do impressions of someone hit by a Freak Shocker (that's dancing?).
I think everyone knows my opinion of PvP, so I'm going to refrain from commenting on the OP's problem. However, you should have petitioned him, mate. I only have Bridger's word that that will result in anything at all, but if you don't send the petition, this kind of thing will just continue until only the tools want to go to the PvP zones.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
However, you should have petitioned him, mate. I only have Bridger's word that that will result in anything at all, but if you don't send the petition, this kind of thing will just continue until only the tools want to go to the PvP zones.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your prolly right. I've never had to petition anyone before so I was a bit reluctant. If theres a next time, i'l petition then put them on ignore.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
I had a really annoying time in sirens last night, i think that was mainly due to being one shotted by stalkers though IMHO if you get AS'd by a stalker than you shouldnt be able to get AS'd by another for 10 secs or so. I got hit by 4 AS at once last night on 3 seperate occasions
Anyway, thats not the issue, i dont really have a big problem with it. what is is this:
One of the Villains was using tp and then using a hold on me, not a problem. Good tactica I feel, annoying as hell but good. However, I assume that tping me and freezing me in place in the middle of a mob of +1 Tsoo o 3 seperate occasions and then buggering off and leaving me to die and get debt is frowned upon by the community? Would it be considered griefing?
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
Thats definetly griefing. You should have told your team to go out of their way in killing them and also should have petitioned them. I wouldn't stand for that.

I had a really annoying time in sirens last night, i think that was mainly due to being one shotted by stalkers though IMHO if you get AS'd by a stalker than you shouldnt be able to get AS'd by another for 10 secs or so. I got hit by 4 AS at once last night on 3 seperate occasions
Anyway, thats not the issue, i dont really have a big problem with it. what is is this:
One of the Villains was using tp and then using a hold on me, not a problem. Good tactica I feel, annoying as hell but good. However, I assume that tping me and freezing me in place in the middle of a mob of +1 Tsoo o 3 seperate occasions and then buggering off and leaving me to die and get debt is frowned upon by the community? Would it be considered griefing?
[/ QUOTE ]
I ASd you a couple of times last night nothing excessive as I rotate targets You picked a bad night as there were quite a few stalkers in training there yesterday. I have no idea who TPd held you in a mob but that really isnt on and is one of the reasons why i wish sirens was a no debt/no xp zone, accidents happen occassionally and i ahve been feared, ran off and stopped in a hoard of longbow as it had a delayed effect on my to which I picked up debt, annoying? yes but I knew the person who feared me wouldnt have done it on purpose, I have got people debt before as in a flying battle my impale dropped them into mobs (unintentionally). It will always happen but 99% is accidental, if you are sure it was deliberate and not incompetance (3x is not incompetance) I would say to petition and advise others of what happened
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
I got called Chicken Legs by a Brute last week. My SR Scrapper just ran about only fighting 1 on 1 until more villains joined the fight (I was outnumbered 4 to 1). I also only went after MM, Corruptors and Stalkers because I know I can beat them. I tried fighting a Brute once, it lasted until he managed to hit me with full Fury.
One of the Villains was using tp and then using a hold on me, not a problem. Good tactica I feel, annoying as hell but good. However, I assume that tping me and freezing me in place in the middle of a mob of +1 Tsoo o 3 seperate occasions and then buggering off and leaving me to die and get debt is frowned upon by the community? Would it be considered griefing?
[/ QUOTE ]
Definately griefing.
Im a person with very odd PVP morals. If there is a fair-sized team of villains at the hero base (outnumbering us), I have no moral worries about wormholing someone into a drone. People dont like me for that, but, I do try to not be a rear end about it. However, being a controller, I do honestly feel the misery that its possible to bring in PVP, those chainholds have to get annoying (for those who dont outright resist me, damn you!). I've been known to hold someone to a spot, then upon realising there are NPC's newly aggroed into the fight, I attempt to keep that person held, whilst I actively fight off the NPC's first. That has actually gotten me KO'ed an aweful lot, but thankfully, I havent got debt from this recently. Or when an ally is trapping a lone villain against a terrain object using the storm controller whirlwind thingy, or using repel in the same manner... I normally wormhole them OUT of the completely defenseless spot (which annoys my teammates), if they arent taken care of swiftly.
Yeah, some people call me strange with my PVP ethic, but generally, people only follow their own ethics in the PVP zones anyway. We are still however, bound by the rules of the game, and it doesnt hurt to be a little considerate. Though dropping players, held, in groups of NPCs is a 'valid' tactic, it is a one-way ticket to deliberate debt, which is direct, unavoidable petition material.
I have to agree that normally the little arguements and insults arent always that bad, it does just become a drone of competetive banter that you get used to and can sometimes chuckle at... but it does go too far sometimes, and really ruins the feel of the place.
Why cant there be some kind of entrance exam to the PVP zones? Like the "literacy test" you have to go through in Kingdom of Loathing, before being allowed to use the chatroom? :P
Alot of what is being talked about is also relivant to Arena chat. There was a post made by Miss M a few days ago.
I think that we, as a community should produce our own COC. I think people would be more likely to stick to it if they knew players had decided on it themselves.
Alot of what is being talked about is also relivant to Arena chat. There was a post made by Miss M a few days ago.
I think that we, as a community should produce our own COC. I think people would be more likely to stick to it if they knew players had decided on it themselves.
[/ QUOTE ]
Miscreants will always be miscreants despite the behaviour of the majority sadly
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Thankfully the vast majority of chat between my "enemies" has been lighthearted banter, congratulations on a good kill, or, at worst, a diversionary tactic.
Last night i recieved something more unpleasant, in short i was accused of:
being a "little boy",
being to old to play video games (i'm 28),
being fat (even though i'm not),
having no wife and being "on the shelf" (even though i'm not, i have gf),
having a non existent social life (even though i do have a social life).
Some people (on the villain side funnily enough) thought I was taking it a bit too seriously, everyone on the hero side (my side) thought this person went too far. I come on coh/cov to relax and have fun, if i want people to insult me, i'll ask my boss for overtime. Thankfully this is pretty rare on cox, but its the reason i dont play many other online games where this sort of thing is a lot more common.
Not really sure if i have a point, guess i just wanted to get other ppls opinions.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464