Zhaan hits 50.
Wayhey. I think thats nearly all my friends who I started with at 50. Huge gratz. Zhaan was always a pleasure to team with you and the rest.
Now go create some ice/ice tankers and get them to 50,I havent seen another lvl 50 ice ice ever....
I alas deleted my Ice/Ice in his early levels. Considering a resurection as he was a popular toon with a background I was happy with. But Im afraid recent game mechanics sealed his fate and continue to be the reason he stays that way.
Grats Zhaan,
And thanks for all the fun we have, Its allways a great night teaming with you.
Grats Zhaan,
And thanks for all the fun we have, Its allways a great night teaming with you.
Gratz Zhaan, nice going
Thanks everyone, I couldnt have done it without you or asked for a better bunch of people to team with.
Now I just gotta work on the other 11 alts,lol
Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.
Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966
Gratz Zhaan!!!
Sorry I couldn't be there for that, but I'll find you in game with CT to make some noise in person!!!
Well done m8
Gratz Z, Glad was there to see u ding, enjoy retirement
Grats Zhaan! Sorry I missed it, too damn busy being evil!
Alright Zhaan well done on hitting 50.

What can i say, was glad when oona introduced us and even gladder that you stayed with us in team for all those lvl's and oonadebt. As for your comments about my backside...well we'll leave that subject alone
Enjoy being a 50 you deserver it and i was so glad i put off going out till you had lvl'd hope the celebrations were good fun.