How old is the character you play?
Irradiator doesn't know how old he is, he lost his memory and has very damaged skin from acute radiation poisoning. He feels old tho
Haz-Mat, my corruptor is a 30ish family man, just trying to make enough money as a hired henchman for some supervillain so he can retire.
N-Forcer, my Warshade, is about 25. Well, his host is anyway.
Ankou, another corruptor is about 500 years old, while the spirit possesing him is much older.
I've got a crapload more characters too, but those ones spring to mind fot this topic
well since my main is from the 40th century so no one *even myself* is sure of my true age since the accident that made me the super hero i am today i dont age and have lived over 10+ life times been so long i forget myself :P
One is 12 years old, others are around my age, late-20's. I don't spend much time thimking about my heroes/villains age though, when creating them.
Miss Ellie just turned 21 and acts more like 16 sometimes.
Novastar's 36 and enjoying his early retirement pottering around in his lab.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dark Seraphim - 65 Million + years old.. From before the creation of Earth and man.
Ultra Space Marine - Minus 38,495 years old.. ehh.. sendt back in time from the year 40,000 (yes, Warhammer)
Just the two most active... Got so many...
Let's see:
War Crow is around 25. (And Dafydd is the same since it's the same character.)
Velvet is 25-26.
Jason Caine is about 8000.
Lilith is around 10000 (and Jason's nemesis).
Glory is now a bit over a year old, but appears to be early twenties.
Enherezza was 13, but judging her in human terms, she'd be the equivalent of 30 (shortened lifespan).
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
My heroes want to keep their ages a secret, goldangel being an angel (wainting on his wings still mr. statesman!!! ) , Dr. octopuss is a demon like hero... ROFL LOL LMAO is out of RP (obviously), just a defender created to "stress" relieve purposes (ie: get into pink mobs... and let him die.. with no fear of xp debt etc... yeah I'm cruel)...
I created a villain called Wicked tongue... his story will be posted somewhere else, originally typed here... it's just TOO big for this thread and would annoy people... his age as I decide it to be will be 3 years old (strongly recommend to read his story though ).
Frosty Robot became self-aware 8 months ago. Purple Sprite is difficult to measure since time passes differently in her native dimension, and fairie folk are immortal anyway. Abominable Yeti is about 50, which is young for his species. The Robot Master is 37.
I really should do something about this signature.
Kaptein Norge's alter ego Roald Amundsen was born in 1872, so that puts the good captain at something like 133 years. Of course, the Captain was frozen in ice near the North Pole for at least 70 of those years, absorbing the powers of the arctic, so he has been actively living for only 63 years.
The mysterious arctic powers (ice/storm) has rejuventated him and buffed him out a fair bit, so physically he looks like a quite muscular twentysomething these days. Also, he appears to have stopped aging, and he is growing more powerful with every passing day.
Hmmmm. Well
Knightingale is about 26
Rogue Elevenex is about 40
Lady Rogue is 18 (she's Rogue's Daughter)
Knight Arrow is about 200 ish (He's from the past!)
Mr Infinity is about 45, but due to a freakish accident in his lab he regressed physically to about 22.
Knight.Shade and Knight.Bringer are clones of Knightingale that hooked up with Kheldians and as such are physically less than a year old.
Miss Infinity is Mr Infinity's daughter and is 20.
Haven't put much thought into my villains yet.
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
Mr Infinity is about 45, but due to a freakish accident in his lab he regressed physically to about 22.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know... It's truly amazing just how common such freakish accidents really are! They really shouldn't be called freakish anymore!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
DW is 31. DW's evil clone, DreamTwister is... about eight weeks out of the tank, but appears roughly seventeen.
PowerStar is 28 and already a grizzled veteran cop.
Flux is 25, and already wanted by dozens of different intelligence and police agencies...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?
Mr Infinity is about 45, but due to a freakish accident in his lab he regressed physically to about 22.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know... It's truly amazing just how common such freakish accidents really are! They really shouldn't be called freakish anymore!
[/ QUOTE ]
Can we still call them Freakish accidents if they involve accidents that actually invovled Freaks ??
Actually this got me wondering exactly how many heroes there are in Paragon City. I dunno how many people play but in my circle of close game chums alone we must field at least 100 hero alts.
I'd love to know what the total count of Alts that have been in the game for an extended period are. (I'm excluding the ones that we've all created and deleted straight away!!)
Paragon City kinda reminds me of the comic book "Top Ten" where almost everyone in the city has superpowers and normal people are in the minority.
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
Spad's age is somewhat up in the air - he was 24 at the time of his accident, but toxic waste has a habit of screwing with these things. Let this be a lesson to all of us not to keep hazarous materials in a home freezer.
Daps is Spad's parallel counterpart (Not neccessarily parallel universe) and therefore is the same age, whatever that is.
Negative Energy was 28 when she was bonded with her Kheldian, but the Kheldian itself was much older (How long do Kheldians live, anyway?)
The Gentleman Thief is in his early 40s, but remarkably spry for it, probably as a consequence of the various technological augmentations he's had installed to aid in his thievery.
Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes
My Characters
CoX Chatlog Parser Feed
Composure is 19 - Although she was my very first toon created when CoH was first released in th US waaaay back, so she might be a little older now. 20 maybe 21.
Madvillain is in his mid 30s
My alts are generally between mid 20s to mid 30s with the occasional old or extremely old toon. I think Composure is my youngest though.
Plight (the original and the copy on EU), is about 25 i guess, even though lossely based on *cough* he had the ability to control electricity from early puberty and this was learned through intense emotion as you would expect with this typeof mutant. I guess he couuld be younger but i like to equate over 2700 hours of Plight Trawler to several years as a hero full time.
Plight Bringer and War Trawler (to a lesser extent), are essentially projections of what plight becomes as he becomes a kheldian, his life changed dramatically when he attained SL 50, he got married to DreamWeaver and everything to celebrate. The Peace Bringer form is a more true continuation of him, but i would say that the PB toon represents Plight about 5 years later than the original. War Trawler is very underdeveloped, he essentially is similar to the PB but will turn out darker, almost like an alternate event etc.
Ember's MemoryI guess is late 20s, she is both a dedication to Plasmatron's alt and Plas herself.
Blinded has a story but its not good enough to put here yet, basically he has been hezvily mutilated and has a lot of tech built into him.
there are others on US but none of ya know them
When I was playing Ionos I had his different costumes represent different ages. The first was late 20s, the second was a modern early 20s and the third (I scrapped him after lvl 30 - too much fun being a villain at the mo!) was the 'Ionos of the Future' type thing - so easily in his 60s.
Trouble is, it only starts being fun when you RP with the char and cus I was so wrongly obsessed with lvl and respec etc I lost sight of the fun and so scrapped him.
Midnight Rose (my main alt now - Stalker Mutant Villainess with sadistic tendencies!!) is in her early 20s and her different cozzies represent different times in her life - but she is always the same age.
The first is the typical ninja cozzie, the second is more of a clothed samurai/geisha cozzie and the third will be her Arachnos Thug cozzie. Needless to say I'm having more fun as part of a SG with the RP perspective than i ever did as a solo player! And I still get to solo with Rose, so I have the best of both worlds - I love the 2 games!
Funny you metion this Prox. Im having a word with a few SGs about their toons for a little thing Im trying to get started.
Not sure of some of my characters ages. Mpost of them in mid 20s and early 30s. King chrome is mid 40ish.
I think Force is mid 30s, but she's cagey about her age.
SiNafay and The Illistyn have 'ported in from a trademarked parallel plane and must be well into their 300s by now.
Steel Flame is either 30 or 3 or possibly much older depending on who/what she/it really is.
And the XP-Deltas were constructed only last year.
I think the rest of my alts are fairly conventional except maybe Convulvulus, but I haven't decided on her back-story yet
"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."
Devidose as being roughly my age is 21
Lord Qel-Thyr being from an alt universe and meant to be a more experienced version (and evil)form of Devidose is prob 23 or 24
Falx, age unknown, prob mid-late 20's
and dont really use my other alts
Hmmm. Right...
Spear is 17,
Blazebug is early 30's,
Cajun is mid-late 20's,
Roxie is early 20's but somewhere about mid 40's for cynicism...
for all those wondering about keldians (and how old they are) try Here for all your keldian needs, gives a fullish back ground on them.
none of my current batch of Chars is out side their twenties.
Shadowplay is 33 but he appears to be in his early twenties
Funeral Pyre is 22
High Voltage is 16 (I miss RPing the kid)
Captain Brighteyes has been alive for 153 years
The Shade Hound is 28
Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito
Adam Hastoria is about 12, birthday is on the 10th of dec
Omega is around about 2, just recently built for the military
Acenra is 16, he is the older version of Adam. Adam only went to paragon for a while before moving onto Legend City. then came back four years later on the trail of Shadow
Never ask a lady her age