61 -
Just a quick post to say I'm back from me holiday. Even though I never said I was going ¬¬
I still don't seem to have any internet at my house thoughSo I still probably wont be on that much. But I do plan to have that sorted ASAP.
Also what's all this about new forums? I can't seem to find it - am I just being [censored]? -
Just some early warning. I'm moving out on Monday or Tuesday, adn I wont be into my new place until the 1st. Even then I'm not sure how long it will take me to sort out internet there.
So basically I'll probably not be around much for the next week or so. Although I'll hopefully be on a little as I can blag using a PC elsewhere now and then.
Just so you know anyhow.
-nick -
Only thing I have to say is that a nicer screenie of the SG colours might be an idea. Apart form that I give it a thumbs up.
Just a thought, you may want to put TFs and trials on hold until they make changes to AVs and GMs.
[/ QUOTE ]we = pwn half a dozen AVs in that trial!
badge, w00t!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah? Well... just consider youselves lucky you rock so hard -
Just a thought, you may want to put TFs and trials on hold until they make changes to AVs and GMs.
Composure - Defender - Defiant
Should be a laugh eh? -
bah im back...well i never actually left, i couldnt do it, i had promised someone ill be there for manticore lastnight and therefore i had to be. During the TF i had subtle reminders that its not the game makers that make the game worth playing, its mostly the people you play it with.
[/ QUOTE ]
Rock on!
And the game will change again and again, sometimes better and often for the worse.
WB! -
So this OotCS PvP team. Is anything happening with it? Are we gonna go ahead with it, or is this something planned for the future?
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get where the 'W' is comming from
Also Chelsea has a 666 post countI fear for the puppy, I really do.
Its 41/44/47/49
And true, some last powers are pretty cool to 6 slot, yet cant
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry you're right, I was confused as you can get the last power in the list at 47. So, you can take one of the initial 2 at 49. If that makes sense. -
Is the axe any good for tankers in pvp? what with the increased acc an all.
Just curious as making a tanker kind of interests me now -
no reason to lose a friend over one small thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Also in a PVP arena match the other day i was force bubbled into a corner and ganked and I blew up, went and got one of my stalkers and every time the bubbler dropped pff I dropped her, my sole aim was to kill her over and over again. Pretty damn childish and petulent, I could give a load of reasons why I did this, it was late, I was ganked, unsporting use of force bubble blah blah but I simply acted like a vindictive jerk out for revenge. Im not proud of my actions, I am repentant and I dont think I would do it again (but cant say for certian, I am human)
[/ QUOTE ]
I saw it as using my powers to their full potential. Yes it's a very annoying tactic, but then so is AS which is really the only thing stalkers have. Same as Force Bubble + Force Bolt is pretty much all I have as a bubbler. I didn't mind about getting repeatedly spanked by your stalker, that's the way the powers work and it was good tactics in my eyes to take down the bubbler, making the rest of your teams life a lot easier.
In an arena match I say use the powers you have as effectively as you can. If I don't use my powers aggressively then I'm kinda gimping myself.
In any case, we should have a rematch soon -
Yep, Composure will be there. FF/Dark def
Ok right...
I'm well up for this, but I'm playing my villain a lot atm. Although I could do both.
As for what AT I'd play, I'm really enjoying my human form WS. However, I've not played a tank before and would probably be up for it in this PvP team.
If I did go tanking I'm not absolutely sure on sets. Any advice is welcome, but I probably take Ice or Stone as a primary and Ice or NRG as a secondary.
Edit: I should porobably do this
1) Warshade - Human only
2) Tanker - Ice*Stone/Ice*Energy
3) Defender - Any/Any - I can do what ever the team needs most for defenders
Member of SG: YES
Isn't it great when people are indecisive. -
Respec is today supposedly. I'll be on test later hopefully so if anyone fancies it lemme know.
I wish I'd known about all this a little sooner than I did.
I'll put my name down just incase, as you never know what may happen.
Congratulations Lokanna!
It was a pleasure seeing you ding that PB 50 -
First to break the 200k prest mark
I have my new pvp build all worked out
Even before I manage to put that into place though I'll be up for any team pvp I can get in on -
I think I'm gonna be starting a thugs MM when I7 hits, so I'll definately be over on villains then.
Also I want to get some PvP practice in with composure, so if anyone fancies helping out with that or giving me some pointers then that'd be awesome.
Thanks everyone, it's been a long slog indeed.
Massive thanks to all the SG and coalition members that have helped me through, I've really appreciated it. You're all awesome. -
Congratulations everyone!
Unfortunately I couldn't make it, but I'll definately try my best to attend the next
Good job! -
Seeing as I have hasten in my build I took Super Speed and respeced it out later.
I've enjoyed teaming with both of you a few times recently. Both great players, well done.