Order Of The Cruciform Swords PVP Team
Scratch one!
Me not like arena PvP. Sorry.

@Lost Ninja is offline today...

i have room for 1 hero on defiant gonna be a troller */rad
im open to tips for the prim set
Here was me asking him to post this to the sg thread , Bridger can move this to arena/pvp if he thinks it's more appropriate though (seeing as it is a reroll it can be any servers rerolling eh).
Sonic/Dark (or Sonic/Elec)
Ill/storm (but anything really troller wise)
I would also be happy to make a tank if one is needed, I have almost no preference about ATs and set (obviously avoiding the "gimp" sets). Blasters arent out of the question either, unfortunately though I would most likely play ice/nrg or one of the other "ubah" combos, I would avoid elec cos i have 3 44+ already.
I'll sign up for that if u want. you will have to tell me when u are teaming tho cos im tryin to get my Villain to high lvl
Builds:Spines/SR scrapper
Stone/Energy Tank
Illusion/FF 'Troller
SG member: nope
Question? Do we really need that many controllers on the team im always playing with omega so thats one, we only need 1 more or even 2 if you really want more controllage. As for marius fire/ice goes well with rad, fire i find complements rad a lot more though
Oh btw we could do with a tank on the team
this isnt only for when they hit 50, this is to level from 1-50 together, so trollers wont hurt, and i did say id build a tank if needed. tbh i think inv/ss would be nice with team buffs, GA has too man drawbacks i think.
onthe note of tanks, that match we had with 13 or so the other night, can u see a stone tank having done ANYTHING at all there?
No, because i went AFK
But yeah, outside a bit of taunting i wasnt doing anything.
I'd say Inv or Ice, ice works great if you have a sonic defender on the team. High def and good resist and CE is pretty annoying to be close (/ice blaster maybe).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Surprised we dont do some mix and match with some of the villains in the villain sg. my master mind works very well in teams in sirens and warburg and with tar patch, acc debuffs and a tp foe he makes for a most annoying opponent
Ok right...
I'm well up for this, but I'm playing my villain a lot atm. Although I could do both.
As for what AT I'd play, I'm really enjoying my human form WS. However, I've not played a tank before and would probably be up for it in this PvP team.
If I did go tanking I'm not absolutely sure on sets. Any advice is welcome, but I probably take Ice or Stone as a primary and Ice or NRG as a secondary.
Edit: I should porobably do this
1) Warshade - Human only
2) Tanker - Ice*Stone/Ice*Energy
3) Defender - Any/Any - I can do what ever the team needs most for defenders
Member of SG: YES
Isn't it great when people are indecisive.
Lol forgot to metion what builds i can offer :P
Heroes only: Mind controller/emp
Spines/ SR
Or if we can do a mix of villains and heroes:
Mind controller/emp
Robotics /Dark Miasama Mastermind
Claws/ Ninjitsu Stalker
Member of the SG? yes the villain one too
Is the axe any good for tankers in pvp? what with the increased acc an all.
Just curious as making a tanker kind of interests me now
Claws/Dark armour scrapper
Archery/fire blaster
Trick arrow/dark defender
pwnage!! pwnage!! pwnage!!!
Member of SG: um nope
i'm the ubah FoTM, i own you all, all your bases belong to me!
Oh yeah axe hits pretty hard, but if you want kills energy melee for tha winz
a stone tank is unkillable in arena but can easily be circuvented and ignored, Ice/Energy is the way to go and no mistake
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
a stone tank is unkillable in arena but can easily be circuvented and ignored, Ice/Energy is the way to go and no mistake
[/ QUOTE ]
On tanks or blasters?
a stone tank is unkillable in arena but can easily be circuvented and ignored, Ice/Energy is the way to go and no mistake
[/ QUOTE ]
On tanks or blasters?
[/ QUOTE ]
Tanks. Well, that or Invul/EM since Invul has repel resistance.
all nice 1 o 1 builds...making some decent team (its not the best just something what could be fun:P)
mind/empathy troller
Spines/rgn scrapper
Ma/sr scrapper
Ice/nrg Blaster
Kin/elec defender (sap style) or rad/psi
Invul/nrg tank
Fire/sonic grav/ff fire/rad illu/storm (FF is better but since we go offensive)
and maybe to put the fear in even more dark/dark defender but thats very optional
your idea's on it
quick edit: rad/sonic instead of psi..
Good picks, everyone. Just to pick up from what Emerald has started, this team is NOT, I repeat, NOT the set team for PvP activities. This is actually a team made to level new characters up as a group, in an ATTEMPT of creating more alts SUITIBLE for PvP. This team will be teaming up according to schedules we create (not a set one atm, in order to allow teammates to be able to participate without worrying much about timing).
Once the teams are selected, the builds will be chosen from the suggested list in order to create some sort of team that can work well with the others. It is sort of expect that you first used a PvE build, since we must level before any PvP action begins, but this is not an requirement.
Sidenote: Members of the Ootcs are considered before non-members. Mostly because this was first a SG-organized thing, but Emerald thought it'd be best to open it for others as well.
SideSidenote (P.P.S.? xD): If there are more than 8 people, I can try and organize multiple teams, so just keep on posting.
SideSideSide and hopefully last note: Do NOT bother to apply if you tend not be able to attend on scheduled times. It isn't as if we don't like you, but it makes the whole teaming unconvient for the rest of the members. This is made to level up quickly with a bunch of friends, not slug your way through via leeching because you missed out too much!
So keep on posting your list, and I'll keep you guys updated as soon as I get 2-3 more people asking to team up.
Lt. Keith- Lvl 50 Ice/Radiation Controller.
All other Keith/Keef characters are usually me.
I don't think different teams are needed...better to just spread them out..I doubt that we can form a team of 8 everytime on a set date so you can just spread them over the set dates..
Hmm, I have an Ice/Energy tank sitting at level 12, and I have no SG.
She was going to be my "not so squishy" PvP toon.
If its possable to join, I'm interested in this.
And that makes 1000 posts, yay, I guess.
I'm up for this and the builds I can offer are
3)Anything with fear
Not bothered about what I make though tbh
Member of SG: Was until i deleted my tank
~*End of application*~
Lt. Keith- Lvl 50 Ice/Radiation Controller.
All other Keith/Keef characters are usually me.
And the team is!!:
Gravity/Force Fields Controller
Ice*Invulnerability/Axe*Mace*Super Strength*Stone
Warshade - Human form only
Mind/Empathy Controller
Illusion/Sonic Controller
Spines/Super Reflex scrapper
Claws/Dark armour scrapper
Storm/Psionics Defender (can be changed, just a suggestion. blaster preferred, but can also be anything with FF or storm.)
For the next step, can everyone please send me some sort of schedule they have for the next 2-3 weeks? It would help for me to decide on which date you guys should meet up and such.
(Do this via PM)
Lt. Keith- Lvl 50 Ice/Radiation Controller.
All other Keith/Keef characters are usually me.
taken from the PvP thread, these are the times i tend to be on but not a 100% rule. the afternoon breaks are for teaching and band practictices. the other days i dont really do anything unless i can get some physio on my knees and start training again
Monday 130pm - 2am
Tuesday 130pm - 3pm, 8pm - 2am
Wednesday 130pm - 2am
Thursday 130pm - 3pm, 12am - 2am
Friday 130pm - 5pm, 11pm - 2am
Saturday 5pm - 2am
Sunday as long as I'm awake
[/ QUOTE ] TBH i think that without any real defenders rawking the buffs/debuffs an ice tank will be the weaker of the two (ice or inv), although i have played inv and it doesnt excite me too much. with emp, sonic and FF trollers I will hopefully be viable, but this is to be about fun primarily, and of course, far more PvE will happen than PvP. I'm happy that there is a 50 FF def already in the SG although a sonic def would be nice to have around, but I'm not too fussy as I say.
Secondary wise I'm not so up on tanks, I'm going to make my main role to be a meat shield, 3 taunts and 2 fears for sure. I want to go for whatever gives me the bast chance to mez or control people when I do hit them, but with decent recharge etc, so i'll have a look at the sets. I'm leaning towards SS or mace for the melee, but what's wrong with EM? There are some rediculously hard hitters in there iirc , please enlighten me as to its drawbacks before we have to roll.
As for MCX, the build listed is the one he already has at 50, please can we check he is making another???, although we can't and dont want to force anyone into an AT or sets, is this really going to happen?
The lack of kin means we will all need stamina, no questions asked, i feel this is a downside, although kin doesn't have going for it what the others have, its a toss up between a handful of good buffs and 3 extra powers each bar the kin.
no blasters, while it's good that we won;t have the immediate target there, we will also lack some of that upfront ranged damage, but I don't see this being a problem tbh, plenty of 50 blasters in the SG.
All in all no probs, looking forward to it and I Will PM the times to keith as requested.
Hey guys. We were thinking of starting a pvp team for the Order Of The Cruciform Swords. Basically, the idea is to start new alts, join up with the SG and get to 50 asap so we can doing some serious team PvP. We are thinking of having a weakly session where we all get together team up and just level as fast as we can. All the details can wait. What we need now is for you guys to show your interest. We need a bare minimum of 8 people to join this team. If we can at least get 8 we can get this thing on a roll.
If you are interested and would like to join up, then put down your 3 favourite builds and also whether or not you have SG membership. We may end up asking you to play any one of these builds, so make sure you can play them all. Also SG members will be perfered over non-SG memebers. You will be required to join the SG if you are not a member and want to be in the team. If this is the case then leave your details on this thread and get in touch with @Bindwhore in-game.
I'll start us off;
1) Defender - Radiation/Psychic
2) Controller - Gravity/Force Fields
3) Controller - Fire/Radiation
Member of SG: YES