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  1. Thanx for reading it guys. Whatever your opinion is can you post it on the thread so that everyone can see. Thanks!
  2. I vote competition for the Hammi-O. Maybe an arena battle with some different rules??
  3. Hey guys, its great to see that theres been so much interest over this idea. I was hoping to be more involved, but unfortunately RL has taken over. Keef, I cant put my schedule up right now as im in between moving house. Im gunna be squatting for a while, til i find a proper place to live. That could take a while, so dont count on me being in game during that time. It could take 1 week or it could take 1 month. Hopefully it will be alot sooner, but i cant give you an answer right now. All the same, I have a controller, grav/ff parked at 23. I should be back by the time you guys get there. So if theres still space in the team when I get back, then i'm still very interested in joining.

    I hope that all you guys are doing well and I'll see you when I get a new house.
  4. Thanks alot for the advice guys. Im gunna be away for a little while, but I should be back soon and start working on getting my controller to 50 so I can whoop you all in the arena.
  5. Ahhh thank you xanthus! I've been waiting to talk to you in game about this build, because everyone keeps telling your the man to ask, but you never seem to be online when I am. Anyways, this is a cross between a pvp and concept build. Like GL its not wholly pvp and not wholly concept. That is why Im gunna stick with fly and not go for sj and acrobatics.

    Ignore the level at which I chose those powers, I was just putting them down to see how many powers I could get.

    Unfortunately I couldn't fit haste into my build. The only way I can think of to do this would be to remove both the team buffs. This way I could get a whole epic too. Although now Im leaning towards more the psychic mastery epic. Check out the new build plan below and tell me what you think.

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Controller
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Gravity Control
    Secondary Powers - Support : Force Field

    01 : Personal Force Field defbuf(01) defbuf(3) defbuf(3)
    01 : Crush acc(01) acc(5) immdur(5) immdur(7)
    02 : Lift dam(02) dam(9) dam(11) acc(11) acc(13) acc(13)
    04 : Gravity Distortion acc(04) acc(15) hlddur(15) hlddur(17) recred(17) recred(7)
    06 : Force Bolt acc(06)
    08 : Propel dam(08) dam(19) dam(21) acc(21) recred(23) recred(9)
    10 : Hover fltspd(10)
    12 : Swift runspd(12)
    14 : Fly fltspd(14) fltspd(25) fltspd(25)
    16 : Hurdle jmp(16)
    18 : Detention Field acc(18) acc(27) acc(27) recred(29) recred(29) recred(19)
    20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(31) endrec(31)
    22 : Gravity Distortion Field acc(22) acc(33) hlddur(33) hlddur(33) recred(34) recred(23)
    24 : Dispersion Bubble defbuf(24) defbuf(34) defbuf(36) endred(36) endred(36) endred(37)
    26 : Aid Other hel(26)
    28 : Aid Self hel(28) hel(37) hel(37)
    30 : Wormhole recred(30) recred(39) acc(39) acc(39) disdur(40) disdur(31)
    32 : Singularity acc(32) acc(40) hlddur(42) hlddur(42) immdur(42) immdur(34)
    35 : Hasten recred(35) recred(43) recred(43)
    38 : Force Bubble endred(38) endred(45) endred(40)
    41 : Mental Blast dam(41) dam(43) dam(45) acc(45)
    44 : Mind over Body damres(44) damres(46) damres(46) endred(50) endred(46)
    47 : Psionic Tornado dam(47) dam(48) dam(48) acc(48)
    49 : Indomitable Will recred(49) recred(50) recred(50)


    01 : Brawl Empty(01)
    01 : Sprint Empty(01)
    02 : Rest Empty(02)
  6. Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Controller
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Gravity Control
    Secondary Powers - Support : Force Field

    01 : Personal Force Field defbuf(01) defbuf(3) defbuf(3) recorange(50)
    01 : Crush dam(01) dam(5) acc(5) acc(7) immdur(7) immdur(9)
    02 : Deflection Shield defbuf(02)
    04 : Gravity Distortion acc(04) acc(11) hlddur(13) hlddur(13) recorange(15) recorange(15)
    06 : Force Bolt acc(06) acc(9) acc(11)
    08 : Lift dam(08) dam(17) dam(17) acc(19) acc(19) acc(21)
    10 : Propel dam(10) dam(21) dam(23) acc(23) acc(25) acc(25)
    12 : Insulation Shield defbuf(12)
    14 : Hover fltspd(14)
    16 : Aid Other hel(16)
    18 : Fly fltspd(18) fltspd(29) fltspd(29)
    20 : Aid Self hel(20) hel(31) hel(31)
    22 : Swift runspd(22)
    24 : Hurdle jmp(24)
    26 : Stamina endrec(26) endrec(27) endrec(27)
    28 : Gravity Distortion Field acc(28) acc(33) hlddur(33) hlddur(34) recorange(34) recorange(34)
    30 : Wormhole recorange(30) recorange(42) recorange(43) acc(43) acc(43) disdur(31)
    32 : Singularity recorange(32) recorange(36) recorange(36) dam(36) dam(37) dam(33)
    35 : Detention Field recorange(35) recorange(37) recorange(39) acc(39) acc(39) acc(37)
    38 : Dispersion Bubble defbuf(38) defbuf(40) defbuf(40) endorange(40) endorange(45) endorange(46)
    41 : Conserve Power recorange(41) recorange(42) recorange(42)
    44 : Temp Invulnerability damres(44) damres(45) damres(45) endorange(46) endorange(46) endorange(48)
    47 : Power Boost recorange(47) recorange(48) recorange(48)
    49 : Force Bubble endorange(49) endorange(50) endorange(50)


    01 : Brawl Empty(01)
    01 : Sprint Empty(01)
    02 : Rest Empty(02)
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I just got loads of Lego peoples for FREE off a friend, I'm so happy I thought I'd share it with you

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean your giving us some lego people??
  8. Hey guys. We were thinking of starting a pvp team for the Order Of The Cruciform Swords. Basically, the idea is to start new alts, join up with the SG and get to 50 asap so we can doing some serious team PvP. We are thinking of having a weakly session where we all get together team up and just level as fast as we can. All the details can wait. What we need now is for you guys to show your interest. We need a bare minimum of 8 people to join this team. If we can at least get 8 we can get this thing on a roll.

    If you are interested and would like to join up, then put down your 3 favourite builds and also whether or not you have SG membership. We may end up asking you to play any one of these builds, so make sure you can play them all. Also SG members will be perfered over non-SG memebers. You will be required to join the SG if you are not a member and want to be in the team. If this is the case then leave your details on this thread and get in touch with @Bindwhore in-game.

    I'll start us off;

    1) Defender - Radiation/Psychic
    2) Controller - Gravity/Force Fields
    3) Controller - Fire/Radiation

    Member of SG: YES
  9. Im up for doing this if I get back online in time.
  10. Hello Everclear,

    Remember me?

    Well I havent been playing much at all recently because I have my dissertation and exams to finish. But once they are done im going to start up the pvp nights again. I have to say that when I was last playing pvp was going downhill. Let hope we can change it come the end of may.

    Hope to see you soon
  11. Emerald_Ally_EU

    Nerfs to Debuffs

    So the overall effectiveness would increase against an even con minion?
  12. Emerald_Ally_EU

    Nerfs to Debuffs

    [ QUOTE ]
    They have been changed from one classification to another.

    Basically, whereas 3 Acc Debuff enhancements would improve the debuff by 100% (33% each), they will now give a 60% return (20% each).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    are you sure?

    Because I read this post


    and it said that the change to the debuffs will actually make them more effective. This doesn't sound right to me. Can anyone confirm?
  13. Emerald_Ally_EU

    Nerfs to Debuffs

    Can someone please explain to me the maths behind the nerfs to upcoming tohitt debuffs. In particular, what are the numbers at the moment, what are the proposed numbers and how much of a difference between them is there?

    Thank You
  14. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! Why didn't anybody tell me this was happening??? I was sooo wanted to join in on this event!!! I havent had the chance to do the fight nights lately because of uni work, but man! I would have put that off for this event. I propose we use the fight nights as a training excercise for these events and make them more regular. Damn so dissapointed.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    time will also help as what time u want us to be there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about any time from 8pm onwards, starting from tonight?
  16. Just to make sure that everyone knows, from now on the meeting place will be in talos arena, in the EMERALD section, not the topaz section.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    BAH GL you beat me to writing the post, just logged on now to do that aswell But you know me, will always be there for the beating

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea yea, of course you were!! Stop making excuses!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Well I'm cerainly interested, is this going to be zone PvP or Arena PvP? (Either sounds fun to me )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Like i said above this is going to be arena pvp, for now. We can move onto zones once we get a regular crowd. From now on I would like everyone to meet in the Talos arena, in the EMERALD section, not the Topaz section.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    All well and good, I'm interested and such, but what zone is it going to be in? Or will the zone change from time to time? Or will it be Bloody Bay so more people can come?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For now the 'fight nights' will take place in the arena. We can try moving it to a zone if you like, but first things first. Lets get a regular crowd established. Once we've done thath we can experiment with other things. Also at the moment, its just good fun pvp'ing in huge teams in the arena. In addition the availability of BFs in the arena, makes it easier for defenders (like me) to compete. Otherwise we'd spend the entire match being held, stunned, immob, etc.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Is this to be intended to happen nightly? .. once a week? ..once in a blue moon?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is intended to happen nightly. Of course there will be some nights that will be more quiet than others. In contrast there will be some nights more popular than others. The way to get most out of this is to just come down every night.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll be there for the beating!

    Also, it's quicker to type /ac to send messages to the arena channel

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doh!! That will save me alot of time.
  22. Hello Everybody,

    We've been having pvp sessions on defiant every day this week. The initial turn out was a bit low, but slowly and surely the numbers are growing. I think we have at least 16 people turn up everynight now. Everyone wants to make it more of a permanant thing so I thought I would put the call out and see if others out there would be interested.

    I want to make the teams more regular, so that we can start working on more advanced tactics. At the moment the only tactics that we have are to stick together and charge. This is due to a lack of coordination amoungst the teams, which is due to the fact that we usually play on different teams. Given time I'm sure we can overcome this and have more fun.

    What we need to do right now is estabilish a 'fight night'. Thats right, its not a 'fight club', because that sounds too exclusive and I dont want to exclude anyone. All ATs, all security levels and all skill levels are welcome. We're here to have fun and not 'pwn' each other or beat the [censored] out of each other. Any kind of abusive behavior of that form, from anyone will result in that person being asked to leave.

    I know there are a large number of you who are not into pvp, exactly because of this kind of behaviour and i do not blame you for not playing. All I have to say to you is give us a go. Try it once and if you really dont like it you dont have to come back. We had a few people who didn't want to join at first because of this very reason and now they are regulars. Come on down, you'll make new friends and meet some interesting and funny people.

    I usually log on around 9pm GMT and put the call out for 'fight night' on the arena channel. So keep an eye out for that. My in game pvp avatar name is GL Jaz. Believe it or not, he is a defender. You can talk in the arena channel by using the following command;

    /arena, [your message here]

    Come on down, it would be great to have you join us, even if it is just for the one night. As i hinted before there are no rules, except one; Leave your ego's at the door and have fun.
  23. Hello Everybody,

    We've been having pvp sessions on defiant every day this week. The initial turn out was a bit low, but slowly and surely the numbers are growing. I think we have at least 16 people turn up everynight now. Everyone wants to make it more of a permanant thing so I thought I would put the call out and see if others out there would be interested.

    I want to make the teams more regular, so that we can start working on more advanced tactics. At the moment the only tactics that we have are to stick together and charge. This is due to a lack of coordination amoungst the teams, which is due to the fact that we usually play on different teams. Given time I'm sure we can overcome this and have more fun.

    What we need to do right now is estabilish a 'fight night'. Thats right, its not a 'fight club', because that sounds too exclusive and I dont want to exclude anyone. All ATs, all security levels and all skill levels are welcome. We're here to have fun and not 'pwn' each other or beat the [censored] out of each other. Any kind of abusive behavior of that form, from anyone will result in that person being asked to leave.

    I know there are a large number of you who are not into pvp, exactly because of this kind of behaviour and i do not blame you for not playing. All I have to say to you is give us a go. Try it once and if you really dont like it you dont have to come back. We had a few people who didn't want to join at first because of this very reason and now they are regulars. Come on down, you'll make new friends and meet some interesting and funny people.

    I usually log on around 9pm GMT and put the call out for 'fight night' on the arena channel. So keep an eye out for that. My in game pvp avatar name is GL Jaz. Believe it or not, he is a defender. You can talk in the arena channel by using the following command;

    /arena, [your message here]

    Come on down, it would be great to have you join us, even if it is just for the one night. As i hinted before there are no rules, except one; Leave your ego's at the door and have fun.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So what is it that you are contributing to this discussion?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funnily enough, just because you think it's a solution doesn't mean that everyone else does.

    Why add an enormously complicated solution to a problem that doesn't exist? It's like me adding a safety trigger to keyboards; utterly pointless, and just a waste of resources. There are already solutions to the "mez" problem; abilities, inspirations and so forth.

    Complaining that we "insult" your idea and insinuating we're adding nothing to the discussion - when a discussion is more than people just nodding and agreeing with one another - is a very weak strawman.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dont think that you've been reading any of my posts. You've just put down you opinion and thats that. I address the arguments you made in my other posts but you completly ignored those. The arguments that were valid you just dismissed as weak points of view for no reason. You say that I am the only one that has these opinions. If you had read my posts you would know how I explained I wasn't the only one with this opinion.

    How can you discuss something with someone that doesn't even listen to what you say? You brought nothing new to the table and that is why i said what i did early. On top of this you insult me degrading analogies. Im not talking to you any further.