Stasis goes to Hawaii and reaches the big 5-0!
Grats Stasis glad I could help and be there for the final moment.
Hope ya don't go making a kheld anytime soon!
See ya, well, right now, since we're still killing Chimera
Oops, arresting.
Supercongojubiegratz on dinging Stasis, well deserved
big gratz stas..took a while but tis the journey not the destination that matters, or summin like that
Now wheres that 50 weasel??
get to it man...this 'phase' ur goin thru has lasted ages
Well done! May the force be with you... erm.. wrong game.
big gratz stas..took a while but tis the journey not the destination that matters, or summin like that
Now wheres that 50 weasel??
get to it man...this 'phase' ur goin thru has lasted ages
[/ QUOTE ]
*falls into an uncontrollable laughng frenzy*
yes.. *achem* gratz Stasis.. finally!
Good one Stasis, Big Gefeliciteerd (gratz in dutch)
Glad I was there here is a screenie I hope it works
Stasis hits the Big 50!!!
Think I'm just gonna stick on 49.9. Just to annoy everyone
Congrats, Stasis! Have a non-denominatal celebration cake and moderately priced champange!
I didn't catch the moment itself, (someone had to do the fighting), but here's a shot of the lady herself just before hand.
Congratulations Sis, it's been great sharing it with you!
Thanks everyone It's been a real push, but after six (long, tiring, will-breaking) months, I finally reached 50! And I had some of my favourite people there to join me.
Now, I just have to get my next character to 50 an' all...oh heck.
Will compile a list of everyone I'd like to thank at some point during the night, but right now - sleep please!
Congratz Stase was very well deserved and you are an excellent person
so i couldnt let this go by without congratulating. Now get that damn weasel to 50 and if he dare stick to 49.9 i ll send the greeks after him
Grats Stasis
Congrats on the 50, Stase! Now it's time for you to go level a Kheldian to 50 too!
@Moonshade - too many to list anymore
Grats Stasis!
Congratulations Stasis. Now your next challenge: Dodge all the level 1's who see you have a Kheldian and ask for power-levelling
Congratz Stasis
Congratulations, Stasis, just goes to show the bikini thing -does- work apparently. Perhaps I should try it. ;-)
Congrats, stase!
Sorry I couldn't be there.. I've somehow managed to miss everyone on CoV / H for about a week and half now..
Just to prove we don't stand around Atlas all the time

Major Congratulations on this Stase, and, fingers crossed, I might even get there sometime
It has been a pleasure to be with you until the end, and beyond