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Contrary to what I posted before, I have made the decision to say my goodbyes defenately.
This mostly for personal reasons, as having anything to do with the game still just hurts from being stabbed in the back by a friend. Those who know will know what I mean and that's enough, so I will leave it at that. (Though this is not the main reason, I stated my main reasons in my initial post, but this is the drop, really.)
I will not be back in before the 2nd of October, I have decided to close this chapter of my life here and now. A certain game is coming out soon, and this means most likely that Ravenswing and I will resurrect our old server. This will more than likely exstinguish any embers that might still be smouldering.
To those I leave behind, I would like to say the following;
To most of you, thank you for touching my life, it's been much the richer because of it, in more ways than one.
Good luck, and the thought I'd like to leave with is;
keep your eyes open for the truth in life as it always shines through if only you dare to look.
P.S. I will be in Birmingham to say goodbye properly to those who wish so. -
Thansk a lot folks. :-)
Well, the account is cancelled and will run out on October the 2nd. I'll prolly be around before that time, at least for a little bit, to say goodbye to various people, and will stay in touch with those who wish it via msn. :-)
I'll also attempt to attend the planned event in November in Birmingham. :-) -
Thanks guys. :-) And I'll stay in touch with those I have on msn anyway.
I actually forgot to mention another factor; In october I am starting my course at the Open University, which means my evenings are for studying. This particular course will take 9 months, so I probably won't be back until May, unless sporadic.
Really pleased though. :-)
Edit to answer Jitze;
I think I will be. What's the exact date again? *Is a little out of it* -
Hi all,
Just a quick heads up for those who know me and were wondering... I am not renewing my subscription in October as recent developments in LARP will probably be consuming quite a bit of my time. On top of that, my new job is relatively stress-heavy and by the time I come home, I am finding myself too tired to focus on anything.
So, for now, I bid you all adieu, and hope to see you again in the future. :-) -
My two cents...
Pretty much what Weasel and Max said. A good GM plays to accomodate the players at his/her table, without it becoming a drag for him/her. I have seen a fair few GM's in my time, and I have been one on occasion. The styles ranged from GM's playing mostly to amuse themselves regardless of player wishes to GM's who did everything to make their players happy. Personally, I like to meet in the middle. If players do incredibly stupid things, they should expect to die (I recently took that risk myself in LARP). If they however play it smart, they needn't die necessarily, it will depend on their actions.
Roleplay is very much a 'on the moment/spot' kind of game. The best advice I could give as a GM, is prepare for no -one- outcome. Always expect your players to be smarter than you and don't make up your mind on what you want the outcome to be. If you allow free player action, you'd be amazed at what your players can do. :-) -
Come On, Come On, Do the Clone-Commotion: A strike team led by Alfred Bester destroys a Requiem Faction Nictus Infusion Laboratory - along with a variety of other materiel. On Council Earth, Red Commissar finds evidence that Requiem is further developing his powers of energy transfer with the discovery of some sort of technomagical dogtags. He resolves to investigate further, perhaps consulting Akkarin, Grav, or Shadow's Grace.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would just like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that I will no longer be IC. All my characters will continue to live their lives the way they have, but they will be background, NPC plotdevices, those close to them have my permission to do as they see fit.
I have decided I will no longer partake in any roleplay in CoH, for various personal reasons.
It's been fun, thanks for the ride and good luck to everyone. -
Ah, I thought it was meant as 'Brother' in the metaphorical sense. My bad. I refer to my previous post and state I should go back to bed!
Edit: It doesn't change what I meant, though. Family or friends, it doesn't make it right to make suggestive remarks like that. Again, I doubt any real harm was meant, but the tone did come across as sinister, and over a namechange, that just doesn't seem right to me.
Again, I can fully understand the feeling of anger and disappointment, I also agree that they have waited a bit long with the actual change, but it is only that, a name change. They didn't wipe the account, they haven't stolen the player's soul, they have not killed him, replaced him with a robot or unleashed a horde of Ninja-Pirate-Kittens on him. ;-) -
*Slaps forehead* And I should have posted this in response to more generic people, it was meant for quite a few people, and like yours a little mangled, now that I read it back. :s
My apologies for my rubbishness, I don't seem to be as awake as I thought I was. -
Agreed, it bites. But I doubt Kin can be held solely responsible for this. To be honest, by posting on the forums under that name, you, Ballbearing, could probably have raised the suspicion of the mods and that could have gotten the ball rolling.
Admittedly it could have been brought with a little more tact with regards to the message brought by him (Kin) in this thread, after all, so much gets lost in the sense on meaning when it comes down to forums.
However, he was then met with more than a little agression, I felt. Raziel wasn't the only one reading a somewhat hidden threat in the message of some people. I am not saying that is what Jet intended. Having met him at one of the cons, he seemed to be a chilled bloke. But a post like that, made in anger over a friend's misfortune can be easily taken as such.
At the end of the day, what I am trying to say, is that it is only a game. So your character got renamed. It <bleep>eth, but it happens. You, however, behind the controls of said character, have not changed. To your friends you will always be the same, and that's why they chose to be your mate. As the saying goes; What's in a name. :-)
Btw, great artwork, Jet. :-) -
I only just realised, I hadn't actually posted my own opinion. Like Hot-head, there's too much blood in my caffeine stream.
But I shall do so now.
Personally, it's something that has been in the back of my mind since before a retcon that happened around new year last year. War Crow, at that point, turned from an all-powerful character, to a much more balanced character. Why? Because the player eventually came to the conclusion that people stopped asking for his help. There was no challange if you included War Crow, cause he could solve everything. It wasn't so much a matter of would, it was the could that in part got him 'cast out'.
Sure, they don't always use that power, but you know it's there, not using it for whatever reason, could actually contribute to people feeling patronised. It feels somehow... silly to me. You have it, so why not use it? Only to benefit others? Doesn't make sense to me. :s
My characters tend to be flawed, and certainly not all powerful. Amy, or Stargazer, is a healer, I think of all characters, she is probably the most powerful, rp-wise. She is stable emotionally, holds sway over life and death (emp/dark), but isn't very rich, and is very dedicated to helping the less fortunate in Paragon.
Shadow's Grace is a different matter. Yes, technically speaking, she could probably be one of the most powerful characters at GG. But instead of her strength, I made her main power, her weakness. She hits things with a sword, and is prisoner to a self-inflicted curse, which means she cannot die very easily, she regenerates damage, but it's not impossible at all to kill her. She's technically the champion of the goddess Scathach from Celtic mythology. However, instead of help, Scathach is usually the reason why Shadow's Grace gets into trouble. She's insubbordinant (sp) and more often that not mocks those around her, so not much help at all.
Then there are those like Mindblank, whom is just to darn shy to do anything, having a near-mortal fear of the spotlight.
So I think overall, I fall in the 'flawed' character bracket. It's just so much more interesting to play, I think. -
I guess we're talking more of the physical/magic flaws/strengths in this thread, so...
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Not necessarily.A personality flaw can affect the character's skills, so in and of itself, it's a flaw that effects the character's abilities.
Okay, just a thought that came to me after some reflection with regards to plots, the characters and the development of plots.
There are characters out there, so powerful, that it makes me wonder; why would those 'flawed' heroes still go out and do something, if there are all-powerful beings out there, and there's almost nothing their Magic, Tech etc etc can't do?
In addition, I'd like to know, what do you prefer to play; A character that can solve the problems of the universe all by themselves, more or less. Or a character who is an addition to a group, which together solves problems, but alone could probably not do so much? And why? -
Nooo!! Silly lad, I meant that as a joke! :-)
*Sends hugs* Wasn't offended in the slightest, in fact, I though it very amusing!
No bad feelings at all mate. :-) -
The overshadowing plot at present, is the Requiem plot. However, there are various sub plots.
GG, Coh-ers in disguise...
*Cue Transformers theme* -
I did point out the hyjacking... Sowwy
On a more serious note; who ever you feel most comfortable with roleplaying, would be my vote. For the simple reason it can be very intimidating to show up and be surrounded by so many new people, with something you're not quite used to yet.
It's thus important to feel as comfortable as possible.
Hope that helps. -
I said PM's, love, I don't want to hyjack the thread more than we all have already done.
But thanks for the input. -
Meh, even before I left GG for a break, it was like that. So that can't be it.
Oh, and Aisla, hun, if you want your characters to be seen, try having them stand in view
[/ QUOTE ]
They are! People just hardly talk to them, is all.I don't know why, but the only people who talk to Liz, for instance, are the GoD, Zortel, Miss Ellie and Grav, really (of the mains at GG). Actually, this has made me somewhat curious... if anyone can think of a reason why they do not approach Shadow's Grace or Stargazer, I'd like to hear about it in pm's. It'll help me see my flaws and adjust accordingly!
Edit: Please do not be shy about my request, I asked for it, and I don't bite.
(Much) -
There you have it. They all know my name, as in 'Aisla', but the characters...
You are correct, though, Saraya is indeed me, she's my catgirl, and she is supposed to be very confusing. Gets worse if you get to know her better.
But she's only one of many alts.
Edit for trivia; Saraya is based on one of my own cats, now 10 year old Siba, a very silly, sometimes coming across as very dumb, but actually quite bright, tortoseshell (sp) cat. -
See, at least you're better off than me, people are actually able to comment on you, where as I, am so invisible to most people, they can't even say something about my characters.
RC's a lonely sort of character too!
So lonely and quiet, sometimes people don't even notice he's there.
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Heh, I know the feeling. ;-) -
Mental note: Aisla may know too much...
[/ QUOTE ]
Eeeep! *Hides, for she is now telepathically linked to Hot-head, thus enabling her to see the thoughts*
Meh, s'okay, you were close though, and since he's so vocal, I can't say I blame you.
*Awaits the punishment which will undoubtedly come when Raven comes home.*
(That was, just in case anyone may get the wrong idea, a joke.)
*backs away from RC*
You're on your own with that one...
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed.*Joins Hot-Head in backing away from that one*
(Darn it, you were in my head, weren't you? I was thinking of posting exactly the same thing!)