How epic do you feel?




Well if you read the subject you might know what my business is. First, for all those who played a blaster up to 50, this might feel even somehow epic as kheldians have shields. But us who brought a tanker/scrapper up to 50 and then started a kheldian probably didn't feel so epic when they realized kheldians dont have any status protection, at least I didn't.

So what I want is status protection for kheldians. Not uber status protection, like tanks and scrappers, but some. The status protection coming from controller teammates isn't just enough. Mag 2 for every troller? Woohoo! You need about 3-4 controllers in your team so it would be effective.

Thanks for reading.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Well... My WS is feeling so epic, its not because of the shields. So my first 50 IS a blaster, but WSs are diffrent. The damage might have been lower, but I could still jump into a mob, run eclipse, kill ONE enemy, nuke the dead one, take a nova(pet) from it, and blast everyone else in sight, even if they WERE +3s. Even after ED it is possible.
I enjoyed my WS so much, I accually took him all the way to 50. No regrets.

I might write a guide on 'How uber my warshade is'...


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I was heading toward Uber with my PB then ED struck and im knobbled.

Gotta respec again to sort it out



In fact, I feel very epic with my PB (46) and my WS (20)... In short: Epic yes, uber no.
I can understand when people skip the forms and go full human, but if you feel you lack something then perhaps you should try out the forms.
My mez-protect comes in a handy Dwarf package and helps me soloing and even made me finish the 2nd Respec (Freaks one) as the only Tank in the team.
This from a guy who completed the game with a Regen Scrapper nonetheless.
Don't get me wrong, I more than once thought at least marginal mez-protection in the human shields would be nice, but in the meantime I always start missions with 4 breakfrees in my tray and if I engage a mez-heavy team solo there's always Light Form.
There ain't many mobs, I can't finish in 3 Minutes...



My Kheldians seem to be the ones least hit by ED.
Don't get me wrong: I am not a fan of ED, it seriously crippled my Regen...
But as a dedicated 3-former I am always short on slots so I never planned on slotting more than 3 res in the human shields for example. Slotting 1 acc and 5 dam in your form attacks never worked for me as Stamina never carried over into the forms.
So now all my attacks are (how diverse!) 1 acc 3 dam 1 end 1 rec and I have 3 slots instead of 5 in Stamina and 3 slots instead of 1 in Conserve Energy...
ED did cripple my tanking abilities in Dwarf form to some extent and I'm not sure, if I can do by removing the slots from Dwarf itself to the Dwarf heal power...



Khelds don't really need status protection. I have CJ and acrobatics for some status protection. Health now offers slight protection from sleep. We get some from Controllers and then there is also light form. And if thats not enough, we get dwarf.

For me the question about feeling epic is a different one. I love my PB and how versatile it is. Some great attacks, controlling ability, resistance that can almost make a tank jealous (and thats just with shields and cosmic balance). When things go wrong on a team, I'm often one of the last standing and still dishing out damage. It's when I'm on a well rounded team and things are going well that I feel less epic.

We are meant as a 'jack of all trades' AT and will never be able to perform better than a tank or blaster etc. On a good team, I often don't feel like I'm carrying my weight. Maybe thats just because my 50 was a tank and I'm used to being a central figure in the team and being relied on?



I feel very epic with my Warshade. It has brought some fun back to the game for me after the hard slog of getting my Empath defender to 50. Having a Tri-form build is very handy at times



Got my PB to the mid 20's after ruinning with a blaster up to 50. Think I must just like blasting because I've decided to keep her in nova form, switching to dwarf if things get hairy. Been fun so far, except for those void seekers but I'm learning how to deal with those.

I used my respec to recover as many slots as possible from the human form, now to see how it goes...



It's great fun and very epic! What has anything remotely similar to a shape shift? Sure, there's granite, but you're just better at your job. My PB is suited perfectly to any situation, and is supercajafajalistical fun to play.



Yeah, pretty Epic. You could chuck a suggestion out for more base Mez resist, or better benefit from controllers in party of course.
I barely got mezzed when there was one controller in group though.



Khelds don't really need status protection. I have CJ and acrobatics for some status protection. Health now offers slight protection from sleep. We get some from Controllers and then there is also light form. And if thats not enough, we get dwarf.

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You say they don't need it but you still got status protection on your kheldian? huh?

And my PB doesnt feel Epic at all. Couple of months and he hasnt advanced past lv 14 cause playing him is annoying.



Which way did you go?
Did you take Nova or are you trying human form exclusively?
Nova form made me do wonders in teams during the lower levels... at least until I got me a nice little Dwarf form at 20.

One of my favorite moments in the game:
We did the Clockwork TF, everyone Lvl 18 or 19.
All Clockies conned 20, no worries.
But then we got team-wiped 4 times by a Black Dwarf boss conning 23...
I expected the Team to kick me our, just for being a Kheldian and the cause for the misery, but they all took it personal and we defeated the Dwarf.
Now, my favorite moment was when I dinged 20 after defeating the Dwarf, went out to skill Dwarf form and switched to Dwarf when I went back to the team...
"Oh my god, not another one of those...!"
Ah, the good old days...



In answer to the topic title, I feel very uber, and only at lvl 14 I feel powerful, and special coz all people want me on their team I love it!



Does it get any more epic than Incandescant Strike?

World of Jackcraft.



I didn't play my khelds since ages - because they are TOO strong for my taste.

I've seen lots of people playing "dwarf only", "nova only", or "human only" and I have to agree if you're one of them a kheldian might not feel impressive... but a 2 or 3-form is epic.

I'd be against status protection for khelds if I still cared, because kheldians are very strong right now and status protection would come with a nerf somewhere else.



Does it get any more epic than Incandescant Strike?

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I hear you. From the name to animation to the damage level... it truly is epic.

With my peacebringer, Astra Kane, I took nova immediately at six and had great fun with it. I took dwarf immediately at 20 and had great fun with that too. At about 25 I decided the human powers were too much fun to skimp on and respecced to a human/dwarf build. I absolutely love playing my peacebringer. I have no status protection at all and I don't care. Combat is enormous fun. I get smashed around and stunned and I dish it out better than any of my enemies. Combat in CoH has never been as much fun.

I feel pretty epic.



3 levels off incandescent strike and i can't wait.
Haven't got Nova form, don't intend to. Will get Dwarf at maybe 22 but i'm all for the all human form. Just too many good powers to choose from. Blaster with shields and i love eet!



I feel really epic, and thats just from 3 hours or so play !

Lvl 50'ed my regen scrapper at about 10 pm last night, and immmediately rolled a PB.

i intended to go 3 form from the off and soloed my way to lvl 6 in about 3 hours.
I think i'll use human for melee mainly to satisfy my scrappery tendencies so have a good idea what powers ill take.

Love nova, and the fact you get a travel power straight out of the box.
especially like the flexibility of 3 form, being able to alter your style according to each situation.

Summing up, in my very brief kheldian life so far id say they are worth the wait, and unlike threads elsewhere suggest, they shouldnt be made available until you have a lvl 50 toon.



Does it get any more epic than Incandescant Strike?

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Nope, it doesn't. Summed up perfectly by a chump.



Just got my warshade, N-Forcer, to 6 and I have to say, Nova form is excellent! An entire attack chain, travel power and end recovery all in one! Feels very epic!

And the luxury of having a travel power right out of the bag was awesome




stand in atlas park on a sunday afternoon, ull see how "epic" u fell when surrounded by other pb's or ws's!



Does it get any more epic than Incandescant Strike?

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Soooo True, using it on PVP to knock unweary villains out of the sky is tremendous fun, especially if u can fly faster than them Like in sirens call the other day, Hobo u were present too, we rocked those villains bk to the ice age and we were gr8ly outnnumbered too

@Globe: I got together an all Kheldy team not so long ago in Atlas, that was gr8 fun to see all of us in nova or dwarf.

Retired - For Now
@Infernius - 50 Fire/Fire Tanker
AeoniX - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Syinf - 36 Katana/SR Scrapper
Proud Member Of The FORUMITES



Does it get any more epic than Incandescant Strike?

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when u see a dark nova in the middle of 20 mobs doing 200-300 dmg to each in 1 shot i think u can safley say ur epic



well ive only unlocked it recently and was a blaster and honestly i cant believe how weak it is.



well ive only unlocked it recently and was a blaster and honestly i cant believe how weak it is.

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I got to 50 via an Inv / Em Tanker. It was a slow hard slog, with the hero only feeling powerful, post 35 or so. In a fraction of the time, soloing, I have gotten a Kheldian to lvl 25. It certainly feels epic to me.

That said, it has proven to be the hardest AT I have come across, in terms of slot allocation. Misplace slots to the wrong power at the wrong time, and it can make everything seem more difficult.