How epic do you feel?




Pretty darn epic.

Coming from a defender, the damage in nova form seems awesome and the lifespan of the dwarf is dumbfounding. Human form, at the moment is mostly my "buff up 'n' go" form, because my attack won't chain yet.

From what I've gathered from my SG, tankers and blasters don't get on with kheldians as well as the other ATs. Tankers find them too squishy, and that dwarf can't hold aggro well enough (the recharge times are dreadful), and blasters can't blap with nova ("doesn't blast as well").

I'll agree that slotting is a pain, but PBs can certainly get away with skimping on human slots during the early stages. And having a level 50 character sitting around, you'll have more than enough influence to get your full set of SOs at level 22.

Coming for a kin defender, I love my PB. It is very different from what I've played before, so I had to totally rethink my playstyle. The damage is orgasmic, the shields are handy, the travel powers are delicious (TP most of the way in dwarf then recharge in nova when you run out of end).



I have to agree. My Warshades only a lvl 24 and i'm loving it. Nova form just absolutely rocks. Nova's damage per minute compared to the Blaster's is just Epic. One of my favourite AT's.




As I am starting to find out, the Peacebringer also has his own strong sides. He may not be able to AoE everything and kill minions in two shots, but he can outlive any wiped out team member, still on green, and clear the rest of the +1 mob, 10 minions and a jump bot boss. Suffice to say, three self-heals FTW, the only reason i'm not dropping dwarf at my next respec.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



so epic i may actualy explode into a rhino like creature



Well I think they are pretty darn epic , just try WS's with 2x sunless on , really takes your breath away. I can only imagin the uberness of that combined with ecplipse in nova form.



Epic? I didn't until I got Incandescant Strike.

-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)



I'm playing both a PB and a WS up at the moment, and they certainly feel epic. They may not *always* have as much damage as I'd like (especially the WS), but they can do things that no other AT can do.

IMO, no AT better shows how skilled the player behind the keyboard is than a WS, and a PB is very close behind. That alone makes them genuinely "elite", and gives me an excellent epic feel.

My WS is mid-teens at the moment and just pulling off something like [TP into group of mobs -> Mire -> Detonation -> TP away -> Nova form -> AoEs] makes me look and feel like a god of destruction. And nothing I have ever played has the sheer sustained single-target *and* AoE damage output of my PB... but only because I'm playing it well. That is quite a reward in itself.



Well after 4 respecs on Waveshock i now feel epic , however power sets 1-3 did not make me feel epic at all, i think with pb/ws its a case of trial and error until you get it right.



At least me, I feel damn epic...
Yesterday I soloed many armies of archanos in sirens, is true, my first char was a blaster, but in cov I got a stone brute who can be a lil like u say, it stands there, take all the dmg, and kill slooooooowly, my pb changes from one form to another and blah blah, none of my other chars do that.