SG's and Going Rogue




I've been thinking about the "Side Switching" aspect of the New Going Rogue Expansion, and have wondered how this may effect SG's?

If I take a toon that is in my VG, and go Hero, I would guess that the toon would automatically be kicked from said VG, because they no longer have access?

Since SG's/VG's have Server Unique names, will the SG exist on both sides?

I guess I'm asking this question;

How do you as a Base Builder/SG Leader think Going Rogue will impact your SG/VG?

I'm posting this here, because I really want to see what Base Builders/SG Leaders think.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for GR, and am not trying to cry Doom over it at all. I very much look forward to the expansion.

I'm just wondering what impact it could have on my VG.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



well if you don't wanna do it I will

<clears throat>




Crack pot prediction: Staying true to some mass alignment changes within entire super groups in comics (Blackbolts) It will be possible that if all members vote in agreement, the entire SG can work towards switching to a side as a whole and thus they bring the entire SG and base with them when they go rogue.

Less crackpot prediction: We will get a slew of changes to base editor as well as an array of new style and item choices.

Realistic view: No changes... At all.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



The answer is simple to me...

They will combine both sides to have any AT type. That would solve the issue. Thus only ones that purchase going rogue can switch sides anyway.

I would hate this though as the CoV vs CoH loses a lot of value in peoples mind when this happens

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This seems like a pretty frequent question, and I hope the devs answer it soon...I have at least one toon who's kind of on the edge of swapping sides, but I don't really want to leave my SG and have to find or form one villainside.

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@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.

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That's how I see it too.

Plus, we SHOULD have to leave our group. I mean, a hero base is usually a publicly known place. If a hero turns into a villain, he would have to go into hiding (lair) or be arrested, right?

In my mind, this shouldn't even be a question...switch sides, get in a new SG/VG. It makes total sense to me.



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I see it too.

Plus, we SHOULD have to leave our group. I mean, a hero base is usually a publicly known place. If a hero turns into a villain, he would have to go into hiding (lair) or be arrested, right?

In my mind, this shouldn't even be a question...switch sides, get in a new SG/VG. It makes total sense to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except for SG/VGs that aren't specific heroic or villainous. More then a few "Neutral" groups exist. Most of my characters that will be side switching will be doing so merely to let me play ATs that aren't hero ATs. But its feasible a hero may side switch to merely gain access to the isles and work against the villains from the inside.

Or vice versa for a villain in Paragon.

Its not really so black and white, and personally I'd rather seen a system that allows a whole SG to take on a specific type be it heroic, neutral or villainous.



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I see it too.

Plus, we SHOULD have to leave our group. I mean, a hero base is usually a publicly known place. If a hero turns into a villain, he would have to go into hiding (lair) or be arrested, right?

In my mind, this shouldn't even be a question...switch sides, get in a new SG/VG. It makes total sense to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except for SG/VGs that aren't specific heroic or villainous. More then a few "Neutral" groups exist. Most of my characters that will be side switching will be doing so merely to let me play ATs that aren't hero ATs. But its feasible a hero may side switch to merely gain access to the isles and work against the villains from the inside.

Or vice versa for a villain in Paragon.

Its not really so black and white, and personally I'd rather seen a system that allows a whole SG to take on a specific type be it heroic, neutral or villainous.

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I'm with the group of "Let the SG choose its own alignment."

In particular, my character is a leader of a supergoup that is really only interested in profit, growth, and taking care of its own. It's a corporation, not really an evil league or even a mob. We may cater to villains, because they generally are more interested in the profit side of superpowerdom, but if you're the kind of hero that takes care of things in an ugly way, we don't have a problem with accepting you.

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but I don't really want to leave my SG and have to find or form one villainside.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you have to leave your SG/VG to switch sides, I doubt I'll be buying Going Rogue. No way did I spend the past few years building a SG up only to leave it.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



To the OP

My brute has a fully decked out base, plot size, permission everything including the throneroom all prepped and lemony fresh scented just waiting for him on blue side

the VG I created for building this brute has always been disposeable. Ive got other sg members I'm leaving it to should they want it.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I see it too.

Plus, we SHOULD have to leave our group. I mean, a hero base is usually a publicly known place. If a hero turns into a villain, he would have to go into hiding (lair) or be arrested, right?

In my mind, this shouldn't even be a question...switch sides, get in a new SG/VG. It makes total sense to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm with you on this one. My take is Going Rogue is about switching sides. It's not really about ambiguous allegience (you can't be a hero and a villain at the same time) or universal content (true heroes heading into villain territory or vice versa). Switch and a SG/VG change should follow suit.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



than dont buy it, if your req to leave sg/vg to switch than do so. ITS A SWITCH. Lets view this from a RP view. hero turning villian or vil turning hero. its good vs. evil right? so im sure all my old hero buddies are now out to get me, not invite me over for cake and tea.

And lets not forget about PVP zones. Being able to stay in your sg/vg while switching sides will cause havoc.
for example......
Hero toon switchs sides to become a villian and stays in SG. if 1 sg member targets the other.Does he get targeted as a villian even though they are in same SG. Does pvp sg badges get affected?



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I see it too.

Plus, we SHOULD have to leave our group. I mean, a hero base is usually a publicly known place. If a hero turns into a villain, he would have to go into hiding (lair) or be arrested, right?

In my mind, this shouldn't even be a question...switch sides, get in a new SG/VG. It makes total sense to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm with you on this one. My take is Going Rogue is about switching sides. It's not really about ambiguous allegience (you can't be a hero and a villain at the same time) or universal content (true heroes heading into villain territory or vice versa). Switch and a SG/VG change should follow suit.

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Ok, but what about this: A hero spends all his time building a supergroup and base. He has many followers, some are following him, and some follow his ideas. Personal calamity hits (insert your own idea), and this hero becomes a villain. The hero most likely won't want to leave all his work on the supergroup behind.

"To hell with the rest of the world, it's my base, I built it. You want to stay here? You follow me."

What happens to his base? Does the base switch sides and his loyal followers switch with him? Does he get "voted off" by the true heroes in the group and the group remains blue?

Similar questions pop up from red to blue. Surely not everyone in a group will have a change of heart because Mr. EvilDeathMonger changes to Mr. BunnyLovingRainbowBright. He might want to convert the base into a haven for all that is good in the world. Maybe he wants to destroy the base because it had been used for evil. Perhaps the rest of the villains take over and he simply leaves.

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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



No question about it, there's some fairly ugly scenarios that could be associated with this no matter how it works. Can you imagine the outcry, for example, if you have a SOLO base and can't take it with you if you switch sides?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



The answer is simple to me...

They will combine both sides to have any AT type. That would solve the issue. Thus only ones that purchase going rogue can switch sides anyway.

I would hate this though as the CoV vs CoH loses a lot of value in peoples mind when this happens

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Ok? So does that mean that cross trading will be reenabled via base storage bins? That was in the game awhile back( not so much a feature as a bug) but players WERE able to trade crossfaction and the dev's took the ability out about 9 months ago.

If that ability comes into existance again I think it would be very beneficial and solve the whole dillemma of the market aspect of GR.

I know my post varied a bit from the original OP but the point is valid concerning GR sg//vg's. Sorry for the semithreadjack.



than dont buy it, if your req to leave sg/vg to switch than do so. ITS A SWITCH. Lets view this from a RP view. hero turning villian or vil turning hero. its good vs. evil right? so im sure all my old hero buddies are now out to get me, not invite me over for cake and tea.

And lets not forget about PVP zones. Being able to stay in your sg/vg while switching sides will cause havoc.
for example......
Hero toon switchs sides to become a villian and stays in SG. if 1 sg member targets the other.Does he get targeted as a villian even though they are in same SG. Does pvp sg badges get affected?

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From a role playing point of view, its clearly possible for an entire villan group to switch sides. Its already been done in the comics - a la the Thunderbolts. It's even been done with the JLA when they've entered an alt universe where they were all the villans!

Imagine a CoX scenario where some villan group is approached with the old "we need your support - the world's fate hangs in the balance" Being part of the world, you might go for it. (Dr. Doom falls for that one all the time, it seems.)

This may not be doable for all (or even most) SG/VGs. But it 's certainly doable for all the one- or two-people groups out there.

Not advocating for this. Just saying its not outside the realm of RP-ing.




I like the SG Alignment idea.

My problem is...

...I've spent an incredible amount of time and effort building my VG. My Co-Leaders are largely X-CoH, and have no plans of returning to that side of the fence. Niether of them wants the reigns of the VG. I don't want to have to spend another immense amount of time and effort to build an SG.

I have never played CoH, because I started in CoV and have made friends there. I want to play CoH.

But I hate the idea of abandoning my VG, knowing that nobody wants the headaches of being "Super-Leader".

If I stay, and others in my roster switch sides, then I'm losing members.

Who knows how it will all work.

I just can't see spending all of the time and effort to build an SG, when I've got a perfectly complete VG. Maybe a Prestige bonus to allow you to reform an equivalent to what you lost by switching sides?

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



See, I had this same question awhile back, and people said tp me that this is a Praetorian realm... meaning your "side switch" only exists in THAT realm. You come back to "Ours" you're still a hero (or villian, whatever you were before you went THERE)

So, everything you leave behind is still there, including, perhaps, you "old life"

Just like Statesman is Tyrant there, we too can be wahtever we choose to be. And when we come back to the "here and now reality realm" we are what we've always been.

Did I use enough " "s?



It was my understanding, that the Praetorian Realm is only part of it.

If I read the releases correctly, there are Story Arcs to change your Alignment, for existing toons.

There will be a Neutral Zone for new toons where your decisions can decide where and what you end up being; If you choose to start a toon in this zone.

It was however, clearly stated that switched Villains would be able to experience Paragon City Content (COH), and switched Heroes could experience Rogue Isles Content.

At least that is what I understood.

See, I didn't even use " "'s! I used Caps!

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I don't see it being feasible to change sides without leaving your supergroup.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I see it too.

Plus, we SHOULD have to leave our group. I mean, a hero base is usually a publicly known place. If a hero turns into a villain, he would have to go into hiding (lair) or be arrested, right?

In my mind, this shouldn't even be a question...switch sides, get in a new SG/VG. It makes total sense to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you should absolutely be allowed to do that. I, however, would be dismayed if, in order to experience the going rogue content, I have to leave my SG which has exactly three real people in it and is mostly my and my wife's characters. After all these years we have quite a nice base and if Going Rogue means Starting Over on a SG base, then I will have no part of it.

I further think forcing players to fragment their community in that way would be a truly bonehead maneuver.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.




Then you should absolutely be allowed to do that. I, however, would be dismayed if, in order to experience the going rogue content, I have to leave my SG which has exactly three real people in it and is mostly my and my wife's characters. After all these years we have quite a nice base and if Going Rogue means Starting Over on a SG base, then I will have no part of it.

I further think forcing players to fragment their community in that way would be a truly bonehead maneuver.

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Yeah, if they're planning on essentially forcing us to start from scratch, I'd be seriously disappointed and more than likely will not use that aspect of GR at all. Much as I'd enjoy bringing my Fire/Kin Corr or my SS/WP Brute to blueside, I don't want to do so at the risk of losing prestige and standing in my VG and be forced to start over.

I'd also not want to be forced to make a brand new character and slot it up just to do this. I know I can make a cheap toon and just slot SO's or Common IO's, but I'm a little OCD about slotting sets wherever feasible (which of course is not cheap). So making a new toon just to experience the "cross-over" content would turn me off to it.



I am 99.9999% sure that if you take an alt,
and take them to another server,
OR to the other side of the same server . . .
that Yes, you are leaving that SG/VG.

<ul type="square">[*] Patient: Doctor! Doctor! It hurts when I do this!
Doctor: Easy! Then Don't DO that!

B-BOOM-boom!![*] Patient: Doctor! Doctor! This alt is a major basebuilder/SGleader, and I can't STAND to take them Rogue!
Doctor: Easy! Then Don't take THAT alt, rogue ! !

B-BOOM-boom!![/list][ QUOTE ]
. . . How do you as a Base Builder/SG Leader think Going Rogue will impact your SG/VG?. . .

[/ QUOTE ]
Not much, I expect.
Long ago, I surpassed being able to contain all my alts on just a few servers.
I have SGs/VGs on each side of every server.

If any particular alt is especially important on the server/Side that they are on, . . .
I obviously will not take that alt Rogue.

There will be a few that may be hard to decide...
But the answer is pretty obvious to me.




Well I am 99.7% sure that we will not be able to "take it with us when we go".

the other .3% says if the SG/VG can switch it won't be via some democratic "if everyone in the SG/VG agrees to it" thing. If they go this route (which as stated i think only .3% likely) it will be at the whim of the Super Leader.

Again i say, Dooom!

On the up side with people leaving beloved solo SG/VGs behind to seek fame and fortune elsewhere at least we have a great community in place that we can start arranging "swaps".

*edited for optimism



How will this effect my SG/VG?

I have to say that I have spent a good deal of time working on both my bases. I have seen all of your arguments about switching sides, now there is one other question that you all have forgoten about....

SPY! How will that effect our SG/VG? Will I have to add in the other sides teliporters if I am being a spy for my SG/VG or will they give me a spy teliporter to put into my base that will be like a mission teliporter and drop me into the zone that I need to be in for my spy mission?

Honestly if I have a toon that switches sides I am not too worried because I only play on one server that has both a SG and a VG so if I have to leave one I just get myself invited to the other.