SG's and Going Rogue




My guess is that it will be sort of a merger between heroes and villians.
Since thematically supergroups and villiangroups are people with a like minded cause or goal, it would make sense that a villian could join a hero group or vise versa.
Or perhaps they would just allow the coalition of hero and villian groups, but still keep each group to its respective side.
One thing that I hope doesn't happen is getting kicked from your group for going rogue. My supergroup mates love me, good or evil




Didn't you guys know that going rogue possibly will have a spy mode according to an NCSOFT survey. basically you probably lets you switch sides but still have your original morality witch should allow you to stay your sg. but I am to tired to think I will post more tommorow.



Originally Posted by AncientSpirit_NA View Post
than dont buy it, if your req to leave sg/vg to switch than do so. ITS A SWITCH. Lets view this from a RP view. hero turning villian or vil turning hero. its good vs. evil right? so im sure all my old hero buddies are now out to get me, not invite me over for cake and tea.

And lets not forget about PVP zones. Being able to stay in your sg/vg while switching sides will cause havoc.
for example......
Hero toon switchs sides to become a villian and stays in SG. if 1 sg member targets the other.Does he get targeted as a villian even though they are in same SG. Does pvp sg badges get affected?
From a role playing point of view, its clearly possible for an entire villan group to switch sides. Its already been done in the comics - a la the Thunderbolts. It's even been done with the JLA when they've entered an alt universe where they were all the villans!

Imagine a CoX scenario where some villan group is approached with the old "we need your support - the world's fate hangs in the balance" Being part of the world, you might go for it. (Dr. Doom falls for that one all the time, it seems.)

This may not be doable for all (or even most) SG/VGs. But it 's certainly doable for all the one- or two-people groups out there.

Not advocating for this. Just saying its not outside the realm of RP-ing.
And what about the other members of the VG/SG? They contribute to building it, and suddenly the leader changes sides and takes what they helped to build?

You might say, "the leader helped build it too" but He/she is the one making the choice to switch sides. It would not be fair to the other members. I have about 130 stable members in my sg, I would be a total jerk to do it to them.



It's an excellent question. Especially because some folks have the name of the SG and VG as two seperate individuals on both sides, yet with the same name.



Not sure what will happen.
If they were to merge the black market and WW,allow cross trading between factions,then I could see SG/VG following.However,at the moment none of that is possible.
What would happen to all the IO's stored in the SG base that wanted to switch sides? I can see many problems arising from this.
I personally would love to be able to give my widow some IO sets I have stored in my SG base.

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



I expect that you will lose your SG affiliation when you switch sides. I don't think this is any real calamity, as long as they let you know before hand so that you are making an informed decision.



Fortunately I have multiple characters per SG/VG and a means to promote them up should any of my leader characters switch sides and we lose access to the groups. What I will be disappointed with is losing credit for all the prestige earned. I have one character that has earned almost 3 million that I plan to switch over.

What would be nice is if with GR you get the ability to belong to more than one SG/VG, and either be able to equally split the earned prestige, or the type of mission you are working on would dictate where the prestige would go. Just a thought . . .



I'm curious about this myself, since I'm in the proces of starting up a supergroup and we were pretty much planning on taking a Neutral tack from the outset. We're nowhere close to setting up a base, but this has been in the back of my mind since we got started.