Has AE KOed CoX?




It surprises me that Cap and AP are the two big spots for the AE Farmers.
Talos or Steel Canyon strike me as being the counterparts to Cap, not AP.
And Mercy is CoV's counterpoint to GC and AP, and has an AE building, yet it's quiet.

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Atlas is Easy. First zone, has market across the street from the AE, Trainer is another hop away. Everything you need is close and easy. Only thing Atlas doesn't have is a crafting table (join an SG) and access to the green line.

Cap is a junction for everything, and the trainer is close to AE, the Market isn't too far off, and it has a crafting table almost as close. Mercy has no table, and the SG entrance is way far off.

Port Oakes made more sense to me to become the AE hub redside. It's set up better than Mercy, has more and is only the second zone to reach. Cap's a lot more dangerous to try and reach without any travel power. ( not saying it can't be done)



It surprises me that Cap and AP are the two big spots for the AE Farmers.
Talos or Steel Canyon strike me as being the counterparts to Cap, not AP.
And Mercy is CoV's counterpoint to GC and AP, and has an AE building, yet it's quiet.

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Atlas is Easy. First zone, has market across the street from the AE, Trainer is another hop away. Everything you need is close and easy. Only thing Atlas doesn't have is a crafting table (join an SG) and access to the green line.

Cap is a junction for everything, and the trainer is close to AE, the Market isn't too far off, and it has a crafting table almost as close. Mercy has no table, and the SG entrance is way far off.

Port Oakes made more sense to me to become the AE hub redside. It's set up better than Mercy, has more and is only the second zone to reach. Cap's a lot more dangerous to try and reach without any travel power. ( not saying it can't be done)

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But Cap had a very "well-defined" gathering area: Aeon Square. Which is sort of the equivalent of Atlas Statue. But that's irrelevant to the topic. xD



I still maintain that rewards need to be removed from AE missions aside from a token mission completion reward.

It was intended to be used to tell stories. With no rewards it would actually be used for it's purpose.

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I'll second that!!



I have to disagree.

AE was billed as an alternate path from 1 to 50.

Removing rewards except for a mission completion reward would invalidate that statement.

I DO think however a couple changes are in order. I'm just not sure what they should be right now. The rewards nerf (far fewer tickets now than used to be awarded) is a start, possibly also remove the end of mission reward totally (unless you have the architect day job, then you get what is it, 10%?)

The result of the AE I least like is the high level toons whose players have NO concept of anything else in the game. Basic things like enhancements and mission doors leave them mystified.

And to those who say 'So teach the new people'. I'm sorry, but I should not have to take the time to teach a character who is 40+ about TOs, DOs & SOs! Much less Mission doors, IOs, zones, GMs, Events and basic things that people should be picking up as they level their characters!



I still maintain that rewards need to be removed from AE missions aside from a token mission completion reward.

It was intended to be used to tell stories. With no rewards it would actually be used for it's purpose.

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I'll second that!!

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I'd rather they punish the perpetrators and exploiters and not punish everyone else.

I've been running alot of my characters in MA, one I've got to mid 30s so far using JUST the MA (aside from things like cape, aura, etc). I don't farm: I haven't done the same mission twice. I do not want to see the MA's utility for people like me, who use it as intended, go away because of a few bad apples.

I'd rather Positron make good on his promise and wield the banhammer ruthlessly and punish those responsible for abuse and not ruin it for the rest of us.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Honestly AE didn't do it, but these forums Might

COH may have just Jumped the shark



Your always going to have farmers, power levelers, power players, and PvPers that want to get to 50 as fast as possible.

There is a lot of choices ingame to do whatever you want to get to 50. AE is new, AE is something the above paragraph of people will do to get to 50.

Now this game has a habit of changing and eliminating the first paragraphs attempts at getting to 50 fast with the most minimal risk possible. What they plan on doing...no idea...but with everything else they have restricted in past to try and curtail it.

This might be one solution. Maybe an internal thing where the system logs you and finds your in the same mission over and over again. You could figure out a formula to degrade the xp if you run it too many times in a row over a period of time. Like under 5 minutes and you get 1/2 xp. Under 5 mins again 1/4 xp...1/8 xp...etc



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I still maintain that rewards need to be removed from AE missions aside from a token mission completion reward.

It was intended to be used to tell stories. With no rewards it would actually be used for it's purpose.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll second that!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd rather they punish the perpetrators and exploiters and not punish everyone else.

I've been running alot of my characters in MA, one I've got to mid 30s so far using JUST the MA (aside from things like cape, aura, etc). I don't farm: I haven't done the same mission twice. I do not want to see the MA's utility for people like me, who use it as intended, go away because of a few bad apples.

I'd rather Positron make good on his promise and wield the banhammer ruthlessly and punish those responsible for abuse and not ruin it for the rest of us.
Alternatively, they could just let 'em farm. I've heard a lot of people talk about how bad farming is, but I've yet to see how it seriously impacts the enjoyment of those who choose not to farm. It could be argued that having easy and effective options for farming could in one way or another cause people to quit the game when otherwise they might have played longer, but I don't see a way in which punishing people will change that.



My only response to this is that AE is not breaking the game as badly as people think, but just changing the way it feels due to more high-trafficking farms. It's not much different, it's just all centralized and more publicized. If it's that big of a problem, turn of broadcast, use Galaxy City, and form your own teams.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



It is annoying to pick up nAEbs though when you're running other content. Trying to form a TF team that has one player who can't figure out how to zone into the zone the TF is forming in when you're talking about a 30+ level TF? Then you spend time trying to coach the person in question how to get out of Atlas and make their way to the zone you're in only to have them quit because it's too hard. That's a little over the top even for PL babies.



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
I still maintain that rewards need to be removed from AE missions aside from a token mission completion reward.

It was intended to be used to tell stories. With no rewards it would actually be used for it's purpose.
But that's completely foolish to assume that all players were going to use it in this manner. Someone was bound to farm and abuse the system, it was inevitable. Those who use it for that purpose do and surely proving that it does what it was meant to. Let people have their niche, I always thought that as long as they weren't directly affecting you then what they do shouldn't concern you.



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
I still maintain that rewards need to be removed from AE missions aside from a token mission completion reward.

It was intended to be used to tell stories. With no rewards it would actually be used for it's purpose.
Actually. No. AE was not intended to be used to ONLY tell stories.

AE was intended to also be used for players who wished to challenge themselves, among many other uses. The developers have never stated AE was "intended to be used to tell stories" ONLY. Surely, telling stories is one purpose, but it is not necessarily the only purpose.

That reminds me. I still gotta make my "Defeat every AV in game in one timed mission" arc to duo with my friend!

*Zips off!*



It's ultimately about user created content. It's the new fad.



Originally Posted by Madisen View Post
I still maintain that rewards need to be removed from AE missions aside from a token mission completion reward.

It was intended to be used to tell stories. With no rewards it would actually be used for it's purpose.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll second that!!
You have my vote.



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
Actually. No. AE was not intended to be used to ONLY tell stories.

AE was intended to also be used for players who wished to challenge themselves,

among many other uses.
Such as?

The developers have never stated AE was "intended to be used to tell stories" ONLY. Surely, telling stories is one purpose, but it is not necessarily the only purpose.
the goal was to give creative minds an outlet to tell the stories they have in their heads.
- Original Post
This Mission Architect primary purpose is for telling stories.
- Original Post
The official MA Page also *ONLY* uses the word "Stories" to describe MA Missions. Over and over and over.


No where does it describe these alleged "alternate design goals".

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I'm not gonna go looking through all the interviews about Mission Architect just to quote my reference. Especially since old forum links are dead. This is not a scientific debate, and I have better things in life to worry about. As a result, point taken. But read on, please...

Such as?
I said it in my original post. Maybe if you weren't too busy quote-snipping it, you'd be able to see it!

"AE was intended to also be used for players who wished to challenge themselves..."

That's one example!

The official MA Page also *ONLY* uses the word "Stories" to describe MA Missions. Over and over and over.


No where does it describe these alleged "alternate design goals".
As I stated, since I do not have any "evidence" regarding this just cause I'm too lazy to go look for it, here's my response.

I create a "story" in mission architect. In the "story", some dude has messed up some dimension, and now every signature hero and villain in the CoH universe is mad at you, along with an army of countless purple bosses, and it's your job to beat them up. Why did I make this "story"? That's none of your business.

There. Happy now? Or are you actually going to tell me THAT would be a WRONG thing to do in AE just because my "story" isn't "legit" in your eyes?

If you do actually do say that, I'll just stick a big "elitist snob" sticker on your forehead and forward my monthly billing over to your place. Somehow. If I can find your address. :P

Edit: Also, I like how the links to your "Original Posts" are dead. xD

Edit: Bah! I keep forgetting things to type! Regarding this quote:

"This Mission Architect primary purpose is for telling stories."

So to me, that implies Mission Architect has a secondary, tertiary, or even more purposes. But I'm probably wrong about that too! Never mind the fact that that quote isn't even a proper sentence.



I think AE is a half decent way to get a whole spread of people together (meaning that a decent amount of AE arcs have autosk so anything can join ) and farm or not, pretty much everyone works and contributes to the success of whatever is happening.

As far as rewards go, I don't think it would make a heck ton of a difference, like everyone's been saying: people farm.

I think purple's could use a little loving since you can't get them from AE lol, the same goes for anything else that drops from normal mobs, if anything there are some drawbacks to farming it

In the Grand scheme of things people don't know when to shut up.

Elprede- 50 Blaster Ice/elec
Flaron Llothren- 50 Tank Ice/SS
Technic Flame- 50 Controller Fire/kin
Lance Indalen- Brute 50 Em/elec
Heart widow- Widow 50



You know I had this long post about what I feel would be feasible for AE & whatever

But you know what, I just dont care anymore. The moment they let DXP into AE, I said, ok Im done caring, Im done lobbying, Im done period.

The New Era is starting, You old Goats best get use to it or stop caring like me & go join a farm, cuz thats all its going be anymore.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



I think AE was an interesting idea just implemented poorly, furthermore it would be nice if AE was a zone, so that when serching for story Arc teams or Radio/paper teams you would know not to bother those in the AE zone.



These kids would cry if they had more blue sprinkles than pink sprinkles on a damn donut.

**** it, I say.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
These kids would cry if they had more blue sprinkles than pink sprinkles on a damn donut.

**** it, I say.
Only if... xD



watch a big ae nerf coming issue 16 ..im betting farmers aren't gonna like it....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
watch a big ae nerf coming issue 16 ..im betting farmers aren't gonna like it....
With the new ability for solo players to set missions for a full 8 in I16, it'll need to be a pretty massive MA nerf before they'd notice, I think

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I dunno I have no problem finding teams. I get tells all the time to do ae's tf's, door missions.etc.
As for ae it actually brought some life back this game. Brought some old school players back to. Its actually nice to see my friends list actually have people online now.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
You know I had this long post about what I feel would be feasible for AE & whatever

But you know what, I just dont care anymore. The moment they let DXP into AE, I said, ok Im done caring, Im done lobbying, Im done period.

The New Era is starting, You old Goats best get use to it or stop caring like me & go join a farm, cuz thats all its going be anymore.

Funny, I spent my DXP weekend RPing and running missions with kickass teams, both with friends and with people I didn't know. I don't think I set foot in AE at all. It was awesome. I'm still waiting for the magical powers of AE to transform the entire game into a farm, it hasn't happened yet.