What's the fastest way to level up in CoX?
I believe that was done in AE, in missions that used assorted exploits. Also, apparently, rapid leveling that way can bring down the thunder on players who take advantage of those exploits.
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
You can do it outside of MA in less than 10 hours, but generally you have to know what you're doing.
I'm sorta wondering why someone (based on forum join date) who has been playing for less than 4 months is worried about doing so.
Learn some toons before worrying about PLing.
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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
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^^^ This.
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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
Just note that, by using exploits, one can not only loose the character but also be banned.
Relax and see what the game can show you. There is a few things/rewards you cant get if you are powerleveled.
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
Just note that, by using exploits, one can not only loose the character but also be banned.
Relax and see what the game can show you. There is a few things/rewards you cant get if you are powerleveled.
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And to add to that, it ain't a race to see how many 50s you can acquire - you lost that race already.
Learn what you do, well.
Support the Mentor Project - http://tinyurl.com/citymentorproject
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
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^^^ This.
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I could see someone coming up with a fabulous concept requiring one of the hero or villain epics, and they just have to get them unlocked fast because they are too anxious to implement it.
The basics of getting to 50 as fast as possible is defeating gigantic hordes of very difficult enemies at incredible speeds. In order to do that you will probably need a lot of experience.
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
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i'm not planning on actually doing it....not yet atleast....this my first time playing the game so i want to play it all the way through, one mish at a time....but if there's a way to do it, i'm just curious how it can be done....plus i'm not sure if once i play this game all the way through with one character, i want to necessarily do it over and over again with the rest of the ones i create, i may get to a point where i want to just create one and level him up quick....
Dude I have played every way there is to play this game... except EXPLOIT the AE...
Just play to have fun...
*looks down at all the AE exploiters*
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
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i'm not planning on actually doing it....not yet atleast....this my first time playing the game so i want to play it all the way through, one mish at a time....but if there's a way to do it, i'm just curious how it can be done....plus i'm not sure if once i play this game all the way through with one character, i want to necessarily do it over and over again with the rest of the ones i create, i may get to a point where i want to just create one and level him up quick....
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Unless you turn off your Earn Xp option so you can run missions from every contact on your way up, you will miss different parts of the game while leveling. It is just the nature of the game. There is just so much Dev-created content that it is easy to miss something as you level up.

Learn what you do, well.
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Probably the best advice in the entire thread.
Also on Steam
i'm not planning on actually doing it....not yet atleast....this my first time playing the game so i want to play it all the way through, one mish at a time....but if there's a way to do it, i'm just curious how it can be done....plus i'm not sure if once i play this game all the way through with one character, i want to necessarily do it over and over again with the rest of the ones i create, i may get to a point where i want to just create one and level him up quick....
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Thing is, it usually takes at least a couple of characters to both experience all of the content (very hard to do with only one) and also learn the intricacies of the various types of characters to really be at that stage.
Support the Mentor Project - http://tinyurl.com/citymentorproject
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
*looks down at all the AE exploiters*
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Support the Mentor Project - http://tinyurl.com/citymentorproject
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
*looks down at all the AE exploiters*
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OMGZ! Get 'im! *lynch mob*
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
*looks down at all the AE exploiters*
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OMGZ! Get 'im! *lynch mob*
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I'll bring my pitchfork and torch!
... so i want to play it all the way through, one mish at a time...
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You're ambitious, I'll give you that. I've been playing for 3 years now, and I still stumble across plots I've never done, & locations I've never been (ok, blue-sied moreso than red )
The fastest way to level up?
Find a character that you enjoy playing. The levels will fly by.
The fastest way to level up?
Find a character that you enjoy playing. The levels will fly by.
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Very very true.
Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran
... so i want to play it all the way through, one mish at a time...
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You're ambitious, I'll give you that. I've been playing for 3 years now, and I still stumble across plots I've never done, & locations I've never been (ok, blue-sied moreso than red )
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Lol, that's how I did it on my first character way back when I first started playing. Of course, there was much less content back then (only 45 story arcs including the TFs), though I made sure I got them all on my character (and this was back before you could exemp down and do TFs you missed!).
I'm actually rather please with the amount of content that they've added over the years though. It's consistently gotten better, generally to the point where, though I remember the old arcs, I'm fond of them because I remember how great I thought they were back then. Nowadays, they're very heavy on the grind, remarkably light on the actual story (at least until the very end), and incredibly boring to solo.
You can level pretty quicky in AE or through various farm setups.
Before you do that though, you should try a little of everything. If you are on heroside try the Eden Trial at 39-41 (even with the reduced reward the maps are still worth it), the Hydra Trial is more challenging in the 36-40 range I believe...then there are the various story arcs, some longish....from Crimson, Indigo, Maria Jenkins and so on.
Redside, Seer Marino's arc is pretty nice and Vernon Von Grun's stories at higher levels are great too.
Some of the game even has unlockable contacts, like Ernesto Hess in Striga, the Cavern of Transcendance contact in Hollows, Viridian villainside and so on.
Even though the game is essentially: enter a box, defeat foes in box, exit box...there is some decent story background to be seen.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
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^^^ This.
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for new people i cant say why..but for the rest of us....its cause its old and played to death :/
I just have to ask it, why? Just what the hell do you plan to do with that character after getting to 50 in such a short time and skipping over 90% of the game's content?
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Well this isn't really an issue now because they can still do pretty much all the content they missed via orobouros.
While doing a mission with some guys, someone mentioned it's possible to level up to 50 in a matter of hours....is this true? if so how?