Best movie scrapper moments.




So would Neo be MA(customized animations)/SR?



So would Neo be MA(customized animations)/SR?

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Yes. With the Reality Alteration Mastery APP.



The Crow, the scene above the bar with the band playing below. “You're all going to die.” (4:10 if you want to skip right to the violence)

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Great scene for sure. Brandon Lee was definately more scrapper like in Rapid Fire, though(just meaning less ranged attacks).

My favorites include: Much of Kung Fu Hustle, both for entertainment value, and some nifty Martial Arts. And most Jackie Chan movies for the same reason, especially Drunken Master, and Rumble in the Bronx(pretty terrible movie, superior fighting).

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I'm a big Dual Pistols + Katana + Martial Arts scrapper fan. And the Dual Pistols attacks weren't much more than the seven feet of most scrapper attacks. Besides, they were borrowed pistols. He didn't come in with any weapons. They must have been temp powers.

Rapid Fire was fun too. Ditto Kung Fu Hustle, Drunken Master, while Rumble in the Bronx sucked, the fighting was fun.

Hmmm, with customizable powers, I'm going to need to finally start a Martial Arts scrapper.

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Watch some of Jackie's older work, where he is alot younger.

His fight with Benny the Jet is all sorts of sick. Both times he fights him are just simply amazing. The end of the movie Gorgeous has some badass fighting as well as the end of Project A 2, the Armour of God

Also, if you haven't seen Ong Bak 2 yet. WTH are you waiting for.

You want action? Ong Bak 2 delivers.




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"Spartans! What is your occupation!?"

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Does AV soloing Count?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Geez-Louise I haven't even thought of Brandon Lee in years. And then that link taking me back. Shocking how much he looked like Heath Ledger's Joker in that makeup. And how ironic that they are both no longer with us.

As for 'Scrapper Moments' if no one has mentioned him yet, I'd like to submit Matt Damon as Jason Bourne.
No awkward pauses, just pure purpose driven flow.

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Couldn't agree more.

Mmm, aahh... so much meaty thunking.

As with the choreography in he Bourne movies, Jet Li does 'The Dance' very well. I'm sure you understand to which dance I refer.

If you are not already familiar with him, please allow me to submit another candidate for introduction into the sacred halls of the pantheon of scrapper gods. The inimitable Tony Jaa. Most of the scenes in the link are taken from his movie Ong Bak. The art is called Muy Thai. Please believe me, Ong Bak 2 is even better.

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Flail/SR vs Kat/SR

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Very nice! Best flail work I've seen in a long time. Either I must be getting old or the average age of the forum is getting younger. Because I can't believe that no one has hauled out the venerable Chuck Norris yet!

And as everyone no doubt knows, Chuck's Scraputation can be seen from space! Lolz!

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Maybe I'm aging myself here. But I was a real big fan of Rowdy Roddy. And I remember the movie well and enjoyed it. But I can't really believe you want to submit that extended wrestling scene as one of the 'Best fight scenes ever.'

You make the little joke, yes?

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Couldn't agree more.

Mmm, aahh... so much meaty thunking.

As with the choreography in he Bourne movies, Jet Li does 'The Dance' very well. I'm sure you understand to which dance I refer.

If you are not already familiar with him, please allow me to submit another candidate for introduction into the sacred halls of the pantheon of scrapper gods. The inimitable Tony Jaa. Most of the scenes in the link are taken from his movie Ong Bak. The art is called Muy Thai. Please believe me, Ong Bak 2 is even better.

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*Twitches slightly*

Muai Thai. or Muay Thai if your going for phonetic spelling.

Sorry, didn't mean to be rude...just...kinda irks me.



there are soo many good ones, but rather than state the obvious ones, try a'bit more obscure...
one of the fastest "real" street fighters, down and dirty anything goes type (complete with some cheesy one-liners)

Jeff Speakman



Thank-you so much for that link.

I haven't even thought about Mr. Speakman for years. Which is a bad thing.

Because more than any other fighter yet presented in this thread, even mine, IMHO Jeff Speakman truly exemplifies pure Scrapperlock.

Unfortunately, as you said, he is a trifle obscure. Even though some of those movies are relatively recent, he remains relatively unknown.

I believe that's because, in all the scenes I saw, he represents pure beatdown. None of his opponents offer him enough challenge to make it seem as if he were overcoming any kind of odds. And despite his blazing proficiency, that is an element that serves to highten interest and involment, at least for me.

P.S. Xen10k... You beat me to the submission of Forbidden Kingdom. But I'm glad someone included it. Good fighting always Mo bettah!

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Kill Bill either or both volumes.



This right here trumps my first one. I cant believe I forgot about this.

Edit: Notice the angery brute on the boat lol

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.




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Ahh... Troy!

Achilles could almost have been a Spartan.


Now, those were good Scrappers! Very good Scrappers indeed!

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Flail/SR vs Kat/SR

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Awesome fight but how is that a draw? Katana to neck trumps metal stick to neck, imo... lol.



Flail/SR vs Kat/SR

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Awesome fight but how is that a draw? Katana to neck trumps metal stick to neck, imo... lol.

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he had the sword blocked with the other fighting stick while his stick was a direct strike to a vital area



The Crow, the scene above the bar with the band playing below. “You're all going to die.” (4:10 if you want to skip right to the violence)

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Great movie - too bad about Lee he would have had a great career.



Flail/SR vs Kat/SR

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Awesome fight but how is that a draw? Katana to neck trumps metal stick to neck, imo... lol.

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he had the sword blocked with the other fighting stick while his stick was a direct strike to a vital area

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Ah didn't notice the block - and I guess Jet could kill someone with a pinky so that makes sense, lol.



also, calling it a flail is like calling, a katana a knife ... it's technically correct but does it a descriptive disservice...




Ultra Violet-

When she makes her descent on the compound in the end of the movie and hacks thousands of men to bloody chunks.

I love it when she enters the security checkpoint, walks onto the weapons detector and the computer scans her and says:
"Number of weapons found... MANY!"

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



If you liked Breaveheart, Troy and the 300. Then you have to check out The Warrior (Musa). While it is not on the same scale as the movies mention it has some great fight scenes and really good character development. Yeo-sol is the epitome of a scrapper in this movie. You will also dig the character Ga-nam you gotta just see him with his sword it is the coolest.