Mish teams




I notice that I hardly ever am able to get a mish team off of JFA/Chrome, and of course it's always a hit-or-miss with PuGs these days. When do you people do missions?



We don't. You'll find that slowly the population of both this game and this server are reducing.

With the developers latest moral stand on PvP, Power-gaming and Role-Playing, it's obvious that many Justicites are either leaving or have already left Justice for a more populated server. Those that aren't moving servers are moving games. I would discuss which games that they will likely be moving to:




wow if the devs to a number on morale .. you are sure helping!

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



wow if the devs to a number on morale .. you are sure helping!

[/ QUOTE ]

In the immortal words of Samuel L Jackson:




Hmmm I don't think I've done a normal mission team (if that entails contacts/papers/AE) in at least 4+ months.

Usually when I hop on, I either chat or run a TF/SF/Raid then bounce back off. Though I do enjoy randomly inviting people in the zone to the TF/SFs if we have room. A lot of people I know usually run the same way or have perma-parked themselves in Atlas/Cap.

But when I've popped through zones hero side I -have- heard a lot of PuG groups around Talos and Steel Canyon. Villains side has been and probably always will be more deader so the only place I hear broadcast chatter is Cap for AE stuffs.

So quicker/better organized teaming I'd say your best bet is to stick with globals and stuff over zone teaming or the LFG queue.



Rather than attempt to speak for everyone, I'll say that my SG teams often and there's usually at least one Task Force going on every night. I'm also a member of several global channels that are not as large as JFA/Chrome or other server-wide channels and I frequently find teams through those channels.

You may want to look for a group to join or consider starting a global channel of your own and invite people you've teamed with and ask them to invite others who are more insterested in teaming. JFA and other channels are filled with people who are there for many different reasons. That's great, but it makes it harder to find people with your goal in mind. No harm in starting your own channel to keep in touch with a closer group of people who share one common goal.

Finally, no teams would exist without the efforts of the people who make the teams. It can be a lot of effort and sometimes you can get two task force teams together in 10 minutes and another time it might take 45 minutes to get 6 people together. Be willing to put in that effort and if you create your own channel, make sure you invite plenty of others who are willing to do the same.

Check back on the forums, too. The Saturday Matinee has been a Justice tradition for several years now and it is open to anyone who remembers to sign up. Even if you forget to sign up, you may find a slot open on a second time, just remember that preference goes to anyone who does sign up.

And, like a date, you're better off with a plan instead of just asking a girl to hang out sometime. Instead of looking for anyone to do anything teamish with, post something saying that at X time and place you'll be on and forming a team to accomplish X goal (Run a mission arc, level up charactrers from level 1-5, do TF X, whatever). People are more likely to respond to a plan.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I dont think TF teams were at issue, though I may be wrong.



Doom and gloomers aside....

despite a lot of my main SG fading away after 4-5 years of play, my game experience hasn't changed much. I generally solo'd or played on small teams with the occasional TF or 8 man PuG tossed in for good measure. I can still find either of these without too much trouble.

OTOH, Justice falls farther down the server activity list more often than it used to.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I dont think TF teams were at issue, though I may be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, but a team is a team. If a TF team is running, a team is running. If you can use techniques to form a TF, you can use them to make a mission team, too.

Have a plan. Advertise your plan. Get the people you know you run with most often in one channel.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I dont think TF teams were at issue, though I may be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

OP seems to have been talking about regular missions. I've never known JFA, or JH before it, to be a good place to recuit a non-TF, non-trial team. Not that it didn't happen, but only very, very rarely. I don't think that difficulty in recruiting a mish team in JFA speaks to any dark portent.

I don't realy know enough about Chrome to make the same observation.


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler



It really can be as simple as Missy says.

A week or two ago I started a nice PUG by announcing on JFA/Chrome that I was going to start running the Praetorian AV arc. I started with 2 players and ended with six or seven.

A few nights ago I announced that I was doing scanners in PI to get safeguard missions in an attempt to get the side mission badges and earned two of those badges with a small team that fluctuated between 3 -5 players.

Last night I announced that I was running level 15ish hero missions with a friend and got one more to join. I only said it once and only ran one mission before I had to leave. I'm sure that team could have grown as well over time.

Just announcing your intentions over global channels CAN build a team. Try it.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Just announcing your intentions over global channels CAN build a team. Try it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, unless your intentions lead to a visit from the FBI... then, not so much.

How to invite the FBI to your house



Unfortunately every one of the responses has been to form a team with a goal oriented activity. Not just to team for the sake of teaming or to hang out.

Justice doesn't seem to encourage random aimless head hunting anymore. Soon it will just have signs in Portal Court that say "Get off my lawn."



Well, if all you want to do is hang out, I think chatting on JFA or other channels would work.

Also, with the farming migration, there really aren't many people on the lawns at Portal Corp

My .02 INF is that you'll get what you give when attempting to form teams via channels. "Level 34 warshade LFT" is just broadcast spam of a different color. "Level 30-33 mission team running in St. Martial - room for three," is a good bit more helpful, IMO.



wow if the devs to a number on morale .. you are sure helping!

[/ QUOTE ]

In the immortal words of Samuel L Jackson:


[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I don't. I have made efforts to learn a second language to be able to hold a conversation with other people. I am sorry if I have offended you my making some errors of grammar or whatnot but if you wish to keep discussing this in French you are more than welcome to do so.

Edit: in the initial post "devs to" = "devs do"

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



I normally team with vg/sg members (except for tf's) or with other people I know from JFA. I hate pugs, so rarely will I bother to join/form one, except for tf's. I always hope after a few mishes on a TF we'll have our act together.

I'll also join/start groups with a purpose, like Flea's. Maybe it's just me, but I'm too old to be dealing with a lot of BS that goes on with some of the young upstarts...



Ritsa, Fyre Goddess, Fyre Demoness., Mystic Lass, Maliciousness, Evil Avalon Illusion, lcicle, Bad Ritsa, Bad Bad Ritsa, Ritza, Ice Ritsa, ItsyBitsy Spider, ItsyBitsy Widow, ItsyBitsy Ritsa, Calamitee Jane, PetitePoint, Makani, Nurse Ratchett, Dot Com, Sea Kitten

[/ QUOTE ]

There's something missing from this list . . . but I can't quite put my finger on it.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Unfortunately every one of the responses has been to form a team with a goal oriented activity. Not just to team for the sake of teaming or to hang out.

Justice doesn't seem to encourage random aimless head hunting anymore. Soon it will just have signs in Portal Court that say "Get off my lawn."

[/ QUOTE ]

"For the sake of teaming" is a goal, is it not? If you want to build a team for that, do it. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't provide details (room for 4 level X and 3 SKs to defeat level X bad guys) etc.

Further, I think we're putting forth best practices here, since the OP was having trouble. Best practices are known ways to get successful teams together and don't really account for random things or "Hey, let's hang out" stuff. That doesn't mean it doesn't work or shoudln't be done.

No one is saying you can't just get together with friends and have yourself a good time. We are saying that if that's just not working for some people, they should try some of these options because they are generally going to be more successful. That doesn't equal "doooooom" or "no one wants to team just for the sake of teaming." If that's your thing, go do it. Lots of people successfully do just that all the time. They're not the ones in here looking for help on puttings teams together though.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Unfortunately every one of the responses has been to form a team with a goal oriented activity. Not just to team for the sake of teaming or to hang out.

Justice doesn't seem to encourage random aimless head hunting anymore. Soon it will just have signs in Portal Court that say "Get off my lawn."

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine, fine...

To answer the OP: More or less from 8-11pm Pacific time weekdays. WheneverTheHeck on weekends.

If I'm not already doing something specific, I'm willing to team with just about anyone who asks as long as it doesn't have me just standing around while someone else is "having fun." I'm a member of JFA & Diet JFA, but don't usually monitor those channels as trying to follow the conversations got too distracting for me. However, knowing that, you can tell if I'm on. Just look for @Red Gren



Unfortunately every one of the responses has been to form a team with a goal oriented activity. Not just to team for the sake of teaming or to hang out.

Justice doesn't seem to encourage random aimless head hunting anymore. Soon it will just have signs in Portal Court that say "Get off my lawn."

[/ QUOTE ]

usually when i want to just kill stuff i pvp. when i am focused on finishing something i pve.

in the 1st case, i tend to play for several hours and dont really feel it at all.

but when im focused for pve, i tend to get instantly tired of the activity after i get a completion dialog from the game. i guess it completes the craving, if that makes any sense.



/tell to a level 50 in Atlas, "...Radio mission team forming in Peregrine. Care to join?" Answer, "Sure. How do I get there?".......

"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools" --Ernest Hemmingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Global: @salud



/tell to a level 50 in Atlas, "...Radio mission team forming in Peregrine. Care to join?" Answer, "Sure. How do I get there?".......

[/ QUOTE ]

Answer: oops, filled.

(you can't SK stupid.)


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler



(you can't SK stupid.)

[/ QUOTE ]




Answer: oops, filled.

(you can't SK stupid.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I love it!

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Oh, how I miss the days when you coud find competent PuGs. The only competent 50s you get are the ones who were around pre-i14. Almost every other 50, if not, every 50 post-i14 really has no clue how to play the game, at least from what I've seen. The evils of the AE farms are too tempting to resist.