It's weird. COH feels like home.




CoH is more than home. . . I can sometimes forget where I parked, and have to spend time wondering around the parking lot; but can always remember the location different origion stores are in the city zones.



Heck, it's easy for me to relate to Paragon City...It's in my home state of Rhode Island, after all. It definitely calls to mind Providence, where I spent a good portion of my youth hanging out. Then again, that's probably entirely intentional.

[/ QUOTE ]
But it needs a giant blue bug to truly be Providence. Oh and a Del's lemonade stand or two.



Not everyone sees everything the same, or forms the same opinion of it when viewing.

Some call this art. I call it bland, and relatively uninspired.

C'est la vie.

EDIT: Should probably clarify the piece linked was done by Piet Mondrian, a recognized abstract artist.

[/ QUOTE ]
While I like his earlier stuff, I'm not well versed enough in Art Culture to really get the point of things that he was doing later, like the one you linked. As long as we are going truly abstract, I think I like some of Pollock's stuff better than Mondrian's late stuff.

EDIT: Earlier work, Grey Tree

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, being a Fine Arts major, I could go into a long winded dissertation on what the artistic merits of Mondrian's work are, as well as those of De Stijl. Suffice it to say that it's surprisingly deep for a piece that's just lines and rectangles of colour.

Also, I'm not sure the original link is actually a Mondrian piece, but rather a sampler for a craft project. Mondrian's lines tend to be straighter and cleaner than that, given that the precision of them is part of the point. Like this

Then again, I always have liked the simplicity to Mondrian's compositions, even if I never really considered it artistic before.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Not everyone sees everything the same, or forms the same opinion of it when viewing.

Some call this art. I call it bland, and relatively uninspired.

C'est la vie.

EDIT: Should probably clarify the piece linked was done by Piet Mondrian, a recognized abstract artist.

[/ QUOTE ]
While I like his earlier stuff, I'm not well versed enough in Art Culture to really get the point of things that he was doing later, like the one you linked. As long as we are going truly abstract, I think I like some of Pollock's stuff better than Mondrian's late stuff.

EDIT: Earlier work, Grey Tree

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, being a Fine Arts major, I could go into a long winded dissertation on what the artistic merits of Mondrian's work are, as well as those of De Stijl. Suffice it to say that it's surprisingly deep for a piece that's just lines and rectangles of colour.

Also, I'm not sure the original link is actually a Mondrian piece, but rather a sampler for a craft project. Mondrian's lines tend to be straighter and cleaner than that, given that the precision of them is part of the point. Like this

Then again, I always have liked the simplicity to Mondrian's compositions, even if I never really considered it artistic before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Might well be inspired by - I grabbed something in a short time period.

Still, you're not exactly disproving my point any. Infact, you're offering supporting evidence. I personally find it too simplistic to be considered really art, whether or not the man that did it (or inspired it in this case) had actually produced what could be considered actual artistic work beforehand or not. It's lines and color. That's all it is - not even particularly interesting lines, or truly inventive use of color or blending.

It's not what I consider art. I find it flat, bland, and completely uninspired. The motivation behind it is, to me, entirely secondary to the point of it being too simplistic. I have similar issues with a lot of abstract art as well, because it's not exactly like a lot of great effort went into the creation of the piece.

Most certainly not in comparison to other postmodern styles that were around at the time.

However, and here's the meat of the subject: All of this is my subjective opinion, and one I've formed over a very long period of art study, and just viewing the world in general.

We're all entitled to an opinion, after all, and though we may disagree with what other people have to say, they do have a right to say it.

...not in as completely crude a fashion as it was originally done (IE: The comment that prompted this point), but not everyone can be gifted with civility and tact.

Least of all me.



No! No opinions for you!

... actually, I just latched on to that example because I like talking about art.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't get me wrong, I do too. I was just making a point about perception and opinion, specifically in relation to graphics.

And I probably blew that argument up a bit larger then really necessary as a result. I tend to get carried away.



This one interests me. I don't know much about art, but I found myself looking at this for a while. It looks like a view into a larger area, as the borders don't go around the outside of the piece. It makes me think about perspective, and engages the part of the brain that wonders what the rest of the area is like. I knew I sort of liked some abstract art, but I never expected to even slightly like anything that is, on the surface at least, this simple.

In that way, it is similar in effect to ambient music, which I've been getting into lately. Quietly shifting textures without melody or apparent structure. Drives some people insane because it doesn't *do* anything. I can understand that reaction.

Regarding the original topic: both Steel Canyon and Kings Row remind me of bits of Chicago and Milwaukee. However, I spend so much time in Talos that it feels most like home. Come to think of it, it does feel a bit like Madison, WI, where I spent some formative years.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Might well be inspired by - I grabbed something in a short time period.

Still, you're not exactly disproving my point any. Infact, you're offering supporting evidence. I personally find it too simplistic to be considered really art, whether or not the man that did it (or inspired it in this case) had actually produced what could be considered actual artistic work beforehand or not. It's lines and color. That's all it is - not even particularly interesting lines, or truly inventive use of color or blending.

It's not what I consider art. I find it flat, bland, and completely uninspired. The motivation behind it is, to me, entirely secondary to the point of it being too simplistic. I have similar issues with a lot of abstract art as well, because it's not exactly like a lot of great effort went into the creation of the piece.

Most certainly not in comparison to other postmodern styles that were around at the time.

However, and here's the meat of the subject: All of this is my subjective opinion, and one I've formed over a very long period of art study, and just viewing the world in general.

We're all entitled to an opinion, after all, and though we may disagree with what other people have to say, they do have a right to say it.

...not in as completely crude a fashion as it was originally done (IE: The comment that prompted this point), but not everyone can be gifted with civility and tact.

Least of all me.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, then the question is: "What is art"? Where is the line of complexity whereby something becomes too insubstantial and shallow to be considered art? For that matter, does complexity make something into art?

My grandmother has an old chair. It's made out of some cheap wood, like pine, but it was repainted with a fake wood grain to make it look like oak. The illusion is incredible- if it weren't for the places where the paint is rubbed you'd never believe it wasn't oak. Someone hand painted that chair. Is it art? It is, after all, extraordinarily complex.

Now, to say that "I like this, but not that" is completely fair. Edvard Munch's The Scream creeps the ever-loving bajeezus out of me. It's still art.

I'll admit, before I started taking art and art history courses, I felt very much the same way you did- that an awful lot of "art" is just visual noise. To an extent, I still do. The biggest thing that I have taken from my learning so far, though, is that art is just too big of a thing to simply draw a line in the sand and say "this is art, and that isn't" because the grey area is too gradual.

In the end, a lot of it is because artists are perpetually toeing the line between "art" and "not-art", and if anyone comes by to say what is and is not art, then the artists will come along and intentionally find some way to make the "not-art" into "art".

At the end of the day, art is the product of an artist. You can like it, or you can hate it,(and many artists would prefer you choose one of the two) but it's art either way.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Oh, being a Fine Arts major

[/ QUOTE ]O.k. gotta say that that statement combined with your avatar just strikes me as pure comedy gold

Nowhere in paragon looks even remotely like anywhere i have ever lived (or seen to be honest) but recently I started a lowbie in galaxy city, something I aparenly havent done in years. I spent ages doing a nostalgia tour of the zone and that realy seemed like "coming home"



Respec to Fly. . .at level 10???

Wish I could fly at 10. . .trundles off in noisey, smelly, ugly jetpack.



I'm not sure about home, but after 5+ years, the geography of CoH sure has a feel of familiarity.

If Paragon City were real, and I could fly, I'm confident I know the zones well enough that I could find any location almost instinctively.

Regarding "simplistic" art, Malevich, Black Square. It doesn't get much more simple than that. I've had a kind of fondness for Suprematism ever since I became familiar with it.



Respec to Fly. . .at level 10???

[/ QUOTE ]

Respec'd at 9 for it, actually, but coulda gotten it at 6 thanks to the five year vet buff.

*looks at the ridiculous deviation from the OP* And in five years, some things never change.



I have always loved Atlas Park, feels better than downtown Toronto, wish we had the more open parks. I spent 1 1/2 years here in Atlas 2-4 hours a day everyday and i really like it here. It really does feel like home, i want an apartment looking down on the park, you know the big building those VDO ppl took over. I also like Steel Canyon and Crotoa.

Turgenev i love the avatar it is waaayyyyy to cute



isn't that the one where (in the full gif) the kitten then goes and falls asleep almost narcolepticlly?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I think it is, not sure. I've seen it around but it's so adorably cute

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Whoever took the video of the one you've got on now wins the interwebs for a decade with that shot

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Whoever took the video of the one you've got on now wins the interwebs for a decade with that shot

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the ultra-hi-rez version. Still no idea on the original author, but yeah, too cute for words. (I'd just stick with this one link and not browse the site if I were you, however. There are all sorts of animated GIFs, some NSFW.)