AE Suggestions.
Please search. There are a number of topics on the AE.
The AE was advertised as an alternate leveling means from level 1+. As such, it will never be moved to a restricted zone of any level.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Just a couple of suggestions I have for AE.
1. Limit AE to non trial accounts.
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2. Move AE to a restricted zone. at least 25+.
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AE has come to replace the entire game
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No it hasn't.
way too many people have no idea how to play their AT.
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Provide links to the datamining where you are basing your opinions on. I know 120,000+ players that know how to play the game.
Lets put some skill and dedication back into the game. Sitting at an AE mission exit till you are 50 somehow makes this game destined for failure.
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No it doesn't. What the AE has done is make it more likely some new players will cancel their subs in a month or two when they get bored.
I for one want my old game back.
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Everything changes. Deal with it.
The only restricted zones villainside are PvP zones, RWZ and Cimerora.
Did you think about villains when making this suggestion?
way too many people have no idea how to play their AT.
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Provide links to the datamining where you are basing your opinions on. I know 120,000+ players that know how to play the game.
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Here's one.
Of course, the sample size is too small to provide an accurate overall picture.
Trial accounts already cannot start their own AE missions.
If they happen to be invited to a team (rememerb they can form their own teams either), the leader can start an AE mission.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
way too many people have no idea how to play their AT.
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Provide links to the datamining where you are basing your opinions on. I know 120,000+ players that know how to play the game.
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Here's one.
Of course, the sample size is too small to provide an accurate overall picture.
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You had the same kind of thing before AE was even thought of. Some people just don't read the manual or ask others for help.
Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper
Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
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"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."
The AE was advertised as an alternate leveling means from level 1+. As such, it will never be moved to a restricted zone of any level.
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Also, that would mean that XP would never be removed completely from published AE missions, should that suggestion come up.
Today I was on a team with a guy with no vet rewards that really didn't understand how to play the game. Of course, he wasn't leveled up via AE (didn't have the appropriate badges). "Bad"/inexperienced players can exist just as well outside of AE.
And many good players exist inside AE as well.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
way too many people have no idea how to play their AT.
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Provide links to the datamining where you are basing your opinions on. I know 120,000+ players that know how to play the game.
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Here's one.
Of course, the sample size is too small to provide an accurate overall picture.
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You had the same kind of thing before AE was even thought of. Some people just don't read the manual or ask others for help.
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True. They just didn't get immediately bombarded with farm-spam upon logging in from initial character creation on day one, and having a L50 by the end of the day, without ever leaving Atlas.
The intention behind the mission architect is for any character to use it as an alternate leveling path from 1-50. Anything that restricts the ability to do so is a bad idea. And yes, it's still a bad idea even if you think it will reduce farming.
1. Limit AE to non trial accounts.
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IIRC, trial accounts can't level past Lv14... right guys?
2. Move AE to a restricted zone. at least 25+.
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Nope, not going to happen. Best offer is to move AE buildings into red-zones in the locals they're already in so that a new player has to either spend a few levels in the normal low-level content and level up the normal way to get past the higher-level mobs, or brave the zone before getting to the AE building, or simply get someone to teleport them there which may serve to expose the newbie to the notion of travel powers and teamplay... that's really the best idea I can offer about AE building placements.
AE has come to replace the entire game, and way too many people have no idea how to play their AT.
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Gross overstatement of a personally skewed point of view, I'd say. Not that I haven't seen some Lv50 characters that are terribly built or played badly, but inferring from that what you said... that's a bit far fetched for me.
Lets put some skill and dedication back into the game.
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Sure, and we can do that by being hospitable to the newbies and ensure they become vets instead of n00bies.
Sitting at an AE mission exit till you are 50 somehow makes this game destined for failure.
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At worst, I see that sitting at an AE mission door till you're Lv50 possibly destines that player and their character to failure when trying the game's normal content, but then again, Peregrine Island was always open for Lv1 characters to come and door-sit in Lv50+ demon-farms. This is an age-old problem we've faced one way or another and I personally hope we'll face for years to come.
Otherwise, give everyone WS,PB Widow and Soldier. It takes ~ 10 hrs or less to go from 1 - 50 now, this is just ridiculous.
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Actually, I'm starting to think it's a good thing that many newbies can get a Kheldian quickly because when they do try to impress others and themselves by trying the normal game content, or even AE missions, they either learn to play their character, repeatedly die trying, or quit. Either way is fine with me, because essentially, having a Lv50 Kheldian means something in this game, and any Lv50 Kheldian that cannot handle the game's content is exposed rather quickly.
I for one want my old game back.
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Sorry, can't have it since the whole notion of MMOs' is that game experience may change during online play.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
There are players that only want to play in AE. That is fine for them.
There are new players that may not grasp that there is more to the game beyond AE and something needs to be done to show them that the rest of the game exists.
That is why other "real game" contacts should pop up at level appropriate times like Level 5: Detective/Broker, Level 10: College Tutorial, Level 20: Icon/Facemaker and so on. This may generate interest amongst new players to go see what these other contacts want in these other, 'new', zones to these new players.

There are players that only want to play in AE. That is fine for them.
There are new players that may not grasp that there is more to the game beyond AE and something needs to be done to show them that the rest of the game exists.
That is why other "real game" contacts should pop up at level appropriate times like Level 5: Detective/Broker, Level 10: College Tutorial, Level 20: Icon/Facemaker and so on. This may generate interest amongst new players to go see what these other contacts want in these other, 'new', zones to these new players.
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have the devs say sorry AE was a big mistake would go along ways to appeasing all the disgruntled subscribers! it is very troublesome and should be taken back to drawing board and redone! it could be a good thing but it isnt in its current form!
They just didn't get immediately bombarded with farm-spam upon logging in from initial character creation on day one, and having a L50 by the end of the day, without ever leaving Atlas.
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The solution to this is to start in Galaxy City.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
They just didn't get immediately bombarded with farm-spam upon logging in from initial character creation on day one, and having a L50 by the end of the day, without ever leaving Atlas.
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The solution to this is to start in Galaxy City.
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I always start in Galaxy City, except when I start in Mercy, and therefore don't have the choice to start in GC.
But this ain't my first trip 'round the fishin' hole, partner.
ok thanks for the posts guys, sry i am a energ/energy manip....
here is my build atm.
so yeah theres my build if anyone wants to cmment on it
and thanks for the info about difficulty lvl defintatly a good idea
btw where can i find a "hero corps analyst to lower my difficulty?
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Yeah this is exactly what I'm seeing on Pinnacle now in broadcast.
How do I slot this? How do I slot that?
Why are my circle things with numbers red and I can't use them?
When do I get my own mission?
Are there any other zones in the game?
Its a damn joke and this game has become a joke since the AE system. So flame me all ya want, you all know deep down its true.
All you see is people forming teams for AE farms, I very rarely see TFs starting up, but they do happen. You just have to be lucky enough to find the person forming up a TF through all the AE Farm teams forming in the global channels.
I was on a pug team today and 4 of the members, didn't have any enhancements, and didn't know jack about their characters, they were no help to me or the rest of the team so I quit and formed my own team. Inviting people I knew. Which I think pugs will never happen with me again unless I know the people I'm teaming with. Grant it, I run into these type of players every so often, but since the AE system, these "Totally PL'ed Noobs" are appearing more and more each day and at a rapid pace.
I really hope the devs do something about all of this, this game was once a great game and is turning for the worst in a sharp and fast manner. I know a lot of people use the AE system the correct way and enjoy it each and everyday, so these people will defend the system to the end, but the system seriously needs some help and love by the devs.
And until this is corrected, I don't see anything getting better in the future of this game.
Things that I think should be done:
1. Don't allow custom groups that don't contain Minions, Lts and Bosses. At least 1 enemy per rank. This will eliminate Boss Farms and Lt farms.
2. Award only half xp. The AE system was designed to allow us Publish and Share our stories. It wasn't given to us to Powerlevel as we see people have been doing.
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1. Don't allow custom groups that don't contain Minions, Lts and Bosses. At least 1 enemy per rank. This will eliminate Boss Farms and Lt farms.
2. Award only half xp. The AE system was designed to allow us Publish and Share our stories. It wasn't given to us to Powerlevel as we see people have been doing.
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I'm absolutely 100% behind your first suggestion, I've suggested it myself a couple times.
I'm not so sure about the second one. I think it would hurt the casual player in AE too, and I don't think that's a good idea. I really feel like they should take small steps here. Start by making it so custom groups have to have at least 1 minion, 1 lt, and 1 boss critter. See if that helps things at all, and if not make some more changes.
Just a couple of suggestions I have for AE.
1. Limit AE to non trial accounts.
2. Move AE to a restricted zone. at least 25+.
AE has come to replace the entire game, and way too many people have no idea how to play their AT. Lets put some skill and dedication back into the game. Sitting at an AE mission exit till you are 50 somehow makes this game destined for failure.
Otherwise, give everyone WS,PB Widow and Soldier. It takes ~ 10 hrs or less to go from 1 - 50 now, this is jsut ridiculous.
I for one want my old game back.
Thank you.