Is warshade storyline worth it?




In the space of one weekend I squeaked my way to level 7 (admittedly I did more than just play). Going is slow (at least pre-nova), quantums are annoying and AE teaming invites are plentiful.

I'm trying my best to keep up with the warshade storyline, but in the end, is it worth it? Do I lose much by fast-forwarding to later levels?



I have to agree with Xen on this one. The Kheldian story arcs are quite interesting. In my opinion they take you into five or six Council bases too many but they're definately worth running through.



I am working my way through the storyline at the moment and enjoying it. I tend to jump back and forth depending on if I can find a decent door mission team to run with in whatever area.



...In my opinion they take you into five or six Council bases too many but they're definitely worth running through.

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What?! The game isn't composed of Council Bases all around?!

To be honest, I just love the look of Council soldiers all faceplanted on the floor after my AoE's... and believe me, it would not have been a pretty picture if they'd have sent you against more CoT or more Carnies, or Malta

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I havent found the Kheldian arcs that gripping.

They definitely feel like "pre-Faultline" material, ie a bit short on character and really just a lot of generic Council maps with a storyline tacked on.

In comparison to the new playstyles offered by Kheldians you're certainly not missing much. If you played your Warshade purely through AE or radio missions you'd still be getting over 95% of the fun of being a Kheld.



Do I lose much by fast-forwarding to later levels?

[/ QUOTE ]Nothing you can't flashback to and is really worth the effort to do so.



The last half of it is. The first half is pretty boring.



I havent found the Kheldian arcs that gripping.

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i honestly didnt either but i felt obligated to run them. but in the end it was fun to see how everything was gonna pan out.



Perhaps the arcs aren't exactly "gripping", but I like them nonetheless. Worth the time, IMO.

People are in too much of a hurry to hit 50 these days. CoX isn't like other games. The journey eclipses the destination.



Perhaps the arcs aren't exactly "gripping", but I like them nonetheless. Worth the time, IMO.

People are in too much of a hurry to hit 50 these days. CoX isn't like other games. The journey eclipses the destination.

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Meh, the Kheld arcs don't really feel all that great compared to CoV content and everything that followed. Although the VEAT arcs aren't that fantastic either.



the journey and the destination are pretty boring, lol i've seen 50 43 times now and have about 6 more toons ready to ding 50 before the summer wraps up if i feel the urge to play more then 10 minutes here and there.

i really liked my pb when i was leveling it, it felt pretty sweet, but then when i noticed how [censored] the damage was after the hammi nerf, i kinda benched my pb until the glitched achilles heel procs, then once that was fixed he got shelved again.

the warsahde on the otherhand has possibly the coolest powers in the game and can be a beast if played right.



The first 2-3 arcs are unique to PB or WS, then they go into the overall "Kheldian war" storyarc. That said, I like them, and enjoy running them.

You want "Not worth it, don't bother" arcs, look at what the VEAT has. Not sure why they bothered to put anything in, quite frankly. Complete and utter suck. The little speech you get from Kalinda at 45-50 (after doing the patron DESTINY arc at that level) is a more satisfying ending than the ridiculous mission (not arc - in fact, most of the last arcs are 1-2 missions with less story than the nutrition info on a marshmallow) you're given.



I'm running many of them for the first time on my second Warshade (the first one levelled with a Controller partner on mostly TFs and other non-EAT content so we'd both get merits). The missions are rather "bleh", but there's at least an underlying story and they build on each other. If you don't read the clues/text/etc you're just going to be bored out of your skull and wonder why you didn't just run the Citadel and Hess TFs over and over so you can see that much Council.

And I have to agree with Bill about the VEAT "arcs" - most of the MA farms have a similar amount of plot.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Only the first two arcs 5-10 and 10-15 are unique to the WS/PB. After that there's no real difference between the 2.
The 1-5 stuff is similar to the random jobs the first contact has you go do.

I basically did all of the arcs on my PBer and only bothered with the first two arcs on my warshade.

As for the VEAT arcs... I do agree that they're more like a side trip than anything else. However I do like the fact I can run some of the early missions and run a contact or two without worrying about outleveling him or the Mayhem missions.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



I'm running many of them for the first time on my second Warshade (the first one levelled with a Controller partner on mostly TFs and other non-EAT content so we'd both get merits). The missions are rather "bleh", but there's at least an underlying story and they build on each other. If you don't read the clues/text/etc you're just going to be bored out of your skull and wonder why you didn't just run the Citadel and Hess TFs over and over so you can see that much Council.

And I have to agree with Bill about the VEAT "arcs" - most of the MA farms have a similar amount of plot.

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Only thing I liked about the Veat arc was getting the costume slot at Level 10. Even facing Statesman at the end felt meh.



One of the few arcs I like with regard to storyline.




Only thing I liked about the Veat arc was getting the costume slot at Level 10. Even facing Statesman at the end felt meh.

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That's because facing Statesman at the end was presented like "Oh, here, go do that. Now run along." And don't forget his metagame speech about Brainstorm.

You've beaten Recluse, then get... demoted to Arbiter?



the journey and the destination are pretty boring, lol i've seen 50 43 times now and have about 6 more toons ready to ding 50 before the summer wraps up if i feel the urge to play more then 10 minutes here and there.

i really liked my pb when i was leveling it, it felt pretty sweet, but then when i noticed how [censored] the damage was after the hammi nerf, i kinda benched my pb until the glitched achilles heel procs, then once that was fixed he got shelved again.

the warsahde on the otherhand has possibly the coolest powers in the game and can be a beast if played right.

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I'm having a blast with my Dual Form (Human/Squid) Warshade, and have been spending a lot of time here and there tweaking her plan. It may seem a bit silly, but she is becoming an epic procologist, considering her build already has 2 Devastation: Chance for Hold procs slotted (and 3 more planned), the WG Recharge Debuff/Slow Resist, and Karma -KB.

She is also getting a Decimation: Chance for Build Up in her Dark Nova Bolt. It may be only 5% chance, but it's a fast recharging power so has good odds of going off frequently enough. And lastly, the Gaussian's: Chance for Build Up will be going into her Dark Nova. When that happens, the normal To Hit Buff will be replaced with the Gaussian's: To Hit Buff (since it's the same value anyway), and that will get her an additional 5% movement speed.

When she hits 40, I will be giving her a "performance review", and will post her current plan here in hopes of getting some advice on how to optimize her powers and slots via frankenslotting and whatnot.

Nice thing about the Khelds is that there is no One True Build(tm) that all must follow. So many options and choices, it can cause spontaneous cerebral detonation.

Once she is all properly planned out and optimized, I will then go on to do the same for my Dual Form Peacebringer, and then my tri-forms I made on another server.
