Super Speed graphics




I know this has been brought up alot...but with the power customization comming...will we be able to shut off the graphics for this and Hasten?
I don't mean changing the graphics in the options so that the user cannot see them...i mean completely shutting them off so that I can run 92.5mph and no one else will see the graphics either.



We can't even be sure we'll be able to tint the power pool effects at all. It may just be the main powersets. They've left us to endlessly speculate.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU




Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Gracious me, I hope so.



I hope so. Superspeed is super fugs.



I wanna have a SS graphic like Synapse.



We don't have the slightest idea.

[/ QUOTE ]



Do we have the grandest idea?



There are rumors of grandiose inklings.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Do we have the grandest idea?

[/ QUOTE ]
I had an idea about it all, but so far BABs refuses to discuss Pony Melee.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Do we have the grandest idea?

[/ QUOTE ]
I had an idea about it all, but so far BABs refuses to discuss Pony Melee.

[/ QUOTE ]It will have synergies with Trout Armor.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



As stated, we don't know, but i sure hope we can tint pool powers. I really want to change the color of the flames form hasten. It just looks kind of strange on my ice/storm guy, a master of cold and ice, to have flaming hands... if i could shift the flames to a blue tinit, eh, it'd be better thats forsure. a whole new effect would be better, or an option to turn off the effect would be ideal... but we just don't know atm. All we know for sure is, we can have blue and pink fire emps... >.>

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



All we know for sure is, we can have blue and pink fire emps... >.>

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure I could roll a blue and pink fire/emp right now. :P





Most likely, you'll only be able to change the color of powers, not remove the effects. However, if the color tinting blends in the same way as the Auras do, setting the color to Black will make it nearly invisible.




Most likely, you'll only be able to change the color of powers, not remove the effects. However, if the color tinting blends in the same way as the Auras do, setting the color to Black will make it nearly invisible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blargh, I wanted to say this! How DARE you!



They should add the color of "clear" to the selections.



I believe I have seen it stated in the past that they will not allow turning off the power effects. Having them display is important to allow your opponents to see what you are doing. Since I don't play PvP, this seems rather pointless, but if you play PvP, I can see where it would be vital.

I will be at least somewhat happier if I can at least tint them.




Most likely, you'll only be able to change the color of powers, not remove the effects. However, if the color tinting blends in the same way as the Auras do, setting the color to Black will make it nearly invisible.

[/ QUOTE ]

this seems most likely. and something i would love as well.

The validity of your statment does not increase in direct proportion with the frequency and volume at which you speak it.



Most likely, you'll only be able to change the color of powers, not remove the effects. However, if the color tinting blends in the same way as the Auras do, setting the color to Black will make it nearly invisible.

[/ QUOTE ]

No way. black powers would ROCK!

An alpha slider would be so much more useful and fun and interesting and unlikely and stuff.

((...I'm hyper today.))



I like the Super Speed auras personally, but that could be that my speedster had been wearing bright yellow since before I knew what color SS was.



Pool Power Customization might be a stretch of an assumption at this point. Primary and Secondary powers might as well be confirmed though.

If we do get it for pool powers you most likely will be able to get a color that is semi-transparent compared to the orange/yellow glow it has now.



Pool Power Customization might be a stretch of an assumption at this point. Primary and Secondary powers might as well be confirmed though.

[/ QUOTE ]I think people would scream bloody murder if pool powers couldn't be customized, and I think the devs know this. The only powers I can image won't be alterable are MM Henchmen and temporary powers, and even those are up in the air.



Pool Power Customization might be a stretch of an assumption at this point. Primary and Secondary powers might as well be confirmed though.

[/ QUOTE ]I think people would scream bloody murder if pool powers couldn't be customized, and I think the devs know this. The only powers I can image won't be alterable are MM Henchmen and temporary powers, and even those are up in the air.

[/ QUOTE ]

Especially when you take into account the new NPC customization in the architect introduced in issue 15. I have a feeling they came across that joyous detail while trying to figure out a way to let us customize our henchmen. Kindof like them figuring out how to do weapon customization while building the Shield set.



I believe I have seen it stated in the past that they will not allow turning off the power effects. Having them display is important to allow your opponents to see what you are doing. Since I don't play PvP, this seems rather pointless, but if you play PvP, I can see where it would be vital.

I will be at least somewhat happier if I can at least tint them.

[/ QUOTE ]


Can't believe I got to that first.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.