Blue Steel!
Blue Steel has no Secondary powers. All his powers are Primary.
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This one is hilarious.
Also...*frowns at the ones that are blatantly just "Blue Steel" subbed for "Chuck Norris"*
I'm surprised that nowhere in that questionarie did they discuss Blue Steel's original occupation which as we all know, was male super model.
Blue Steel has no Secondary powers. All his powers are Primary.
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This one is hilarious.
Also...*frowns at the ones that are blatantly just "Blue Steel" subbed for "Chuck Norris"*
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Actually I would've loved if they'd stolen this line from a TV commercial:
"Blue Steel once had an awkward moment.... just to see what one felt like."
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Must... resist.... primal... urges....
Ah heck with it..
During personal grooming one of Blue Steel's toe nail clippings flew wide of his foot.. but they're making good progress on repairing Faultline now.
NCSoft once suggested to Marvel and DC a cross-over comic where Blue Steel squared off against the Hulk and Superman... The reply emails were verbatim of one another: "That's okay... we're good."
Captain America only used the U.S.A. schtick so he wouldn't be thought of as a Blue Steel knock-off.
Blue Steel once stood at the center of a nuclear explosion; after news reports announced he was radioactive Peter Parker begged Steel for a week straight to bite him.
Blue Steel thinks of Wolverine as the "wimp who cried after chipping a nail off his shield."
For some unknown reason the smog levels in LA are tied directly to the intensity of Blue Steel's morning breath.
Most girls have to put up with their boyfriends always talking about an ex girlfriend. Penelope has to put up with hers always talking about Blue Steel.
Last year Sister Psyche was sent into a deep depression when, despite her pleading, Blue Steel refused to "perform" at her Bachelorette party.
Manticore holds a deep resentment to this day.. not over his wife's desire to hire Blue Steel for the party.. but at Steel's gift.. a book titled "Blue Steel's Guide To Endurance and Stamina"... it had nothing to do with his blue bar.
Synapse is constantly making trips to King's Row in attempts to get Steel to autograph his copy of "Blue Steel's Guide to Endurance and Stamina."
The minimum level requirement for the Blue Steel Task Force is 62.
Blue Steel considered being a Broad Sword/Shield scrapper for a while, but Excalibur wasn't available.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
The minimum level requirement for the Blue Steel Task Force is 62.
[/ QUOTE ]
Only good one.
Blue Steel only makes mistakes to trick his enemies into thinking he's human.
Blue Steel cons purple to U'Kon Gr'ai.
Blasters have nukes, the devs have /set_target_heath 0, Blue Steel has dirty looks.
All Hero Archetypes are actually Aspects of Blue Steel.
The Tyrant only rules Praetoria because Blue Steel hasn't gotten around to visiting yet.
Blue Steel's Shield Bash normally kills everything within a 100-foot radius, but sometimes, Blue Steel hits his enemy too hard, and they immediately come back to life, horribly disfigured. This is what happened to the Clockwork King and The Wretch.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
Bah, was hoping it was a Zoolander thread
The minimum level requirement for the Blue Steel Task Force is 62.
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Only good one.
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I guess I'm just easy to please--I thought they were all good.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
The minimum level requirement for the Blue Steel Task Force is 62.
[/ QUOTE ]
Only good one.
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I guess I'm just easy to please--I thought they were all good.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh thank goodness... I guess that means I can put this rope away.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Must... resist.... primal... urges....
Ah heck with it..
During personal grooming one of Blue Steel's toe nail clippings flew wide of his foot.. but they're making good progress on repairing Faultline now.
NCSoft once suggested to Marvel and DC a cross-over comic where Blue Steel squared off against the Hulk and Superman... The reply emails were verbatim of one another: "That's okay... we're good."
Captain America only used the U.S.A. schtick so he wouldn't be thought of as a Blue Steel knock-off.
Blue Steel once stood at the center of a nuclear explosion; after news reports announced he was radioactive Peter Parker begged Steel for a week straight to bite him.
Blue Steel thinks of Wolverine as the "wimp who cried after chipping a nail off his shield."
For some unknown reason the smog levels in LA are tied directly to the intensity of Blue Steel's morning breath.
Most girls have to put up with their boyfriends always talking about an ex girlfriend. Penelope has to put up with hers always talking about Blue Steel.
Last year Sister Psyche was sent into a deep depression when, despite her pleading, Blue Steel refused to "perform" at her Bachelorette party.
Manticore holds a deep resentment to this day.. not over his wife's desire to hire Blue Steel for the party.. but at Steel's gift.. a book titled "Blue Steel's Guide To Endurance and Stamina"... it had nothing to do with his blue bar.
Synapse is constantly making trips to King's Row in attempts to get Steel to autograph his copy of "Blue Steel's Guide to Endurance and Stamina."
The minimum level requirement for the Blue Steel Task Force is 62.
Blue Steel considered being a Broad Sword/Shield scrapper for a while, but Excalibur wasn't available.
[/ QUOTE ]
Steel... I love you. Lol, these are great.
From Manticore's Canon Fodder thread in the Dev Digest forum:
Question: I just pretty much want to know anything and everything there is about Blue Steel, such as how did he come by his powers, why is he not a registered super hero (instead of working for the police)?
Blue Steel grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his rage over Tub Cis release.
Blue Steel didnt come by his powers; he sprang full grown from the forehead of Zeus ready for battle.
Blue Steel doesnt sleep. He waits
for another crack at the Clockwork King.
Castle and BABs put Shield Defense in the game because Blue Steel told them to
or else.
Blue Steel has no Secondary powers. All his powers are Primary.
If you can see Blue Steel, he can see you. If you can't see Blue Steel, you may be only seconds away from defeat.
Blue Steel doesnt register as a hero. The city registers heroes so Blue Steel doesnt have to take them down.
Blue Steel told Statesman that PPD trumps FP and Statesman shut up.
Blue Steel destroyed the periodic table, because the only element he understands is the element of surprise.
(I consulted with Ray Snyder, the dev who plays Blue Steel, and he informed me that Blue Steel is a Martial Arts, Shield Defense Scrapper but
Blue Steel doesnt need an Archetype. Blue Steel *is* an Archetype)
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I'm so annoyed that this pile of lame jokes got put in the official cannon. Am I the only one who would like to see Blue Steel be used as an actual character and not just as a punchline?
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
I'll give it a try.
The shield is not there to protect Blue Steel from your attacks.
It is there to protect you from Blue Steel.
The threat levels of the enemies in the Hollows dropped because Blue Steel thought about going there.
When Blue Steel does the RWZ Challenge, he does all the pylons at once. From his pedestal in King's Row.
When Lord Recluse suggested Blue Steel visit the Abyss, Blue Steel said he was too old to visit a petting zoo.
If people would only stop killing them while they gather, the Hamidons would try and run Blue Steel raids.
In an alternate universe, Rularuus worship Blue Steel.
The reason Arachnos doesn't want Calystix to awaken Leviathan is because it would make Blue Steel come to the Etoile Isles in search of a decent enemy.
Blue Steel held up the globe of the Atlas Statue with one hand and slid the statue part underneath with the other.
I'm so annoyed that this pile of lame jokes got put in the official cannon. Am I the only one who would like to see Blue Steel be used as an actual character and not just as a punchline?
[/ QUOTE ]
Canon only has one "N" in that context. I don't think there is an official cannon, but if there is, it had better be brass, because brass cannons are prettier. Also, it would be a subtle homage to Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress."
Pedantry aside, the two contexts for Blue Steel are not mutually exclusive. In the end, he is just a lowbie hero zone train with plot arcs that only involve lowbie villain groups. How much attention do Swan or Foresight (or is it Foreshadow?) get? Not every hero gets the Statesman treatment.
I'm so annoyed that this pile of lame jokes got put in the official cannon. Am I the only one who would like to see Blue Steel be used as an actual character and not just as a punchline?
[/ QUOTE ]
Canon only has one "N" in that context. I don't think there is an official cannon, but if there is, it had better be brass, because brass cannons are prettier. Also, it would be a subtle homage to Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress."
Pedantry aside, the two contexts for Blue Steel are not mutually exclusive. In the end, he is just a lowbie hero zone train with plot arcs that only involve lowbie villain groups. How much attention do Swan or Foresight (or is it Foreshadow?) get? Not every hero gets the Statesman treatment.
[/ QUOTE ]
They dont have to have pages and novels dedicated to the guy, but how about we dont fill the official thread with jokes about him.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
When Blue Steel does the RWZ Challenge, he does all the pylons at once. From his pedestal in King's Row.
[/ QUOTE ]
When Blue Steel solos a Rikti Pylon, he brings in everyone level 54 Rikti boss on the map to watch him.
From Manticore's Canon Fodder thread in the Dev Digest forum:
Question: I just pretty much want to know anything and everything there is about Blue Steel, such as how did he come by his powers, why is he not a registered super hero (instead of working for the police)?
Blue Steel grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his rage over Tub Cis release.
Blue Steel didnt come by his powers; he sprang full grown from the forehead of Zeus ready for battle.
Blue Steel doesnt sleep. He waits
for another crack at the Clockwork King.
Castle and BABs put Shield Defense in the game because Blue Steel told them to
or else.
Blue Steel has no Secondary powers. All his powers are Primary.
If you can see Blue Steel, he can see you. If you can't see Blue Steel, you may be only seconds away from defeat.
Blue Steel doesnt register as a hero. The city registers heroes so Blue Steel doesnt have to take them down.
Blue Steel told Statesman that PPD trumps FP and Statesman shut up.
Blue Steel destroyed the periodic table, because the only element he understands is the element of surprise.
(I consulted with Ray Snyder, the dev who plays Blue Steel, and he informed me that Blue Steel is a Martial Arts, Shield Defense Scrapper but
Blue Steel doesnt need an Archetype. Blue Steel *is* an Archetype)
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm so annoyed that this pile of lame jokes got put in the official cannon. Am I the only one who would like to see Blue Steel be used as an actual character and not just as a punchline?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, I'm annoyed that copypasta chuck norris jokes got into the offical canon thread too.
More of a forum game thing than offical canon imo.
Yay orginalty:
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Not too long ago, they said there definitely was a connection between Warshade Romulus and ITF Romulus. Now they're saying that there definitely isn't. Even if I minded the Blue Steel jokes, that thread no longer holds as much water with me as it did.
Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma
Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator
Blue Steel has no Secondary powers. All his powers are Primary.
[/ QUOTE ]
This one is hilarious.
Also...*frowns at the ones that are blatantly just "Blue Steel" subbed for "Chuck Norris"*
[/ QUOTE ]given how many chuck norris ones were stolen from bill brasky, its a fair cop.
Pedantry aside, the two contexts for Blue Steel are not mutually exclusive. In the end, he is just a lowbie hero zone train with plot arcs that only involve lowbie villain groups. How much attention do Swan or Foresight (or is it Foreshadow?) get? Not every hero gets the Statesman treatment.
[/ QUOTE ]
Blue Steel is also the plot device the writers of high-level villain content use whenever something the player does during a mission would upset the status quo. Kidnapped Ms. Liberty? Blue Steel saved her. Lured Positron into a trap? Blue Steel helped him. And so on.

Character index
I think the joke actually gets in the way of the developers using Blue Steel in-game at this point. And I am serious in this statement.
Think about it, every time you see a hero in-game you are either rescuing them or being aided by them. Even if you're being aided by them there is always a chance of them doing a half gainer into a swan dive face-plant.
The legend of Blue Steel may have grown to the point where the developers don't feel comfortable putting him in active story lines because there is the chance he may fail. I imagine the first instinct upon seeing Blue Steel in your mission would be to sit back and watch him defeat the entire map with one attack.
What I would love to see them do is create a Blue Steel task force. Also have it be the first task force that was available to all character levels against an enemy type that spanned 1 to 54 such as Arachnos. The only problem with this is a TF giver can't be a trainer too; or at least hasn't been so far.
The alternative would be the creation of a Praetorian version of Blue Steel called Pink Tinfoil. Pink Tinfoil would be their world's version of Fusionette; always in trouble and incapable of beating a mosquito on his own much less an actual enemy.
Er.. okay... that last one wasn't serious. But the first section was... seriously.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
The only problem with this is a TF giver can't be a trainer too; or at least hasn't been so far.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe it's possible to have separate contacts both with the same name (but different IDs) in different zones (for appearances sake) with one being the trainer and the other being the contact. I can't recall this being used in game anywhere, but I vaguely recall a dev saying it was possible.
The only problem with this is a TF giver can't be a trainer too; or at least hasn't been so far.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe it's possible to have separate contacts both with the same name (but different IDs) in different zones (for appearances sake) with one being the trainer and the other being the contact. I can't recall this being used in game anywhere, but I vaguely recall a dev saying it was possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
Technically, yes... but I'm pretty sure they'd consider it immersion breaking. War Witch is only in two zones because they're different versions of the character.
The only problem with this is a TF giver can't be a trainer too; or at least hasn't been so far.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe it's possible to have separate contacts both with the same name (but different IDs) in different zones (for appearances sake) with one being the trainer and the other being the contact. I can't recall this being used in game anywhere, but I vaguely recall a dev saying it was possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
Technically, yes... but I'm pretty sure they'd consider it immersion breaking. War Witch is only in two zones because they're different versions of the character.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know. I could easily imagine it possible to consider them to be the same Blue Steel but simply at different places at different times. We already have many of the other named heroes and villains being fought/being allied with in missions while they exist elsewhere in the game world and that's not considered immersion breaking. In fact, if you run Maria Jenkins' arc, Statesman has apparently gone missing. I oftentimes have to prevent myself from simply telling her to check the battleship in IP if she really wants to find him. :P
I would have some issue with it if the multiple instances of Blue Steel were in the same map, but, as per my suggestion, that wouldn't be the case.
From Manticore's Canon Fodder thread in the Dev Digest forum:
Question: I just pretty much want to know anything and everything there is about Blue Steel, such as how did he come by his powers, why is he not a registered super hero (instead of working for the police)?
Blue Steel grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his rage over Tub Cis release.
Blue Steel didnt come by his powers; he sprang full grown from the forehead of Zeus ready for battle.
Blue Steel doesnt sleep. He waits for another crack at the Clockwork King.
Castle and BABs put Shield Defense in the game because Blue Steel told them to or else.
Blue Steel has no Secondary powers. All his powers are Primary.
If you can see Blue Steel, he can see you. If you can't see Blue Steel, you may be only seconds away from defeat.
Blue Steel doesnt register as a hero. The city registers heroes so Blue Steel doesnt have to take them down.
Blue Steel told Statesman that PPD trumps FP and Statesman shut up.
Blue Steel destroyed the periodic table, because the only element he understands is the element of surprise.
(I consulted with Ray Snyder, the dev who plays Blue Steel, and he informed me that Blue Steel is a Martial Arts, Shield Defense Scrapper but Blue Steel doesnt need an Archetype. Blue Steel *is* an Archetype)
[/ QUOTE ]
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.