today's short rant; seek and destroy this TF
3 people can get it done in under 2 hours >.>
3 skilled players can get it done in under 1 hour and 35 minutes...
It's super boring and super annoying.
if you just want the badge for some reason, run it with the minimum # of players. Smaller spawns make it somewhat less awful.
But yes, it is way up on the list of badly designed junk that needs to be replaced.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I just did a PuG Positron FULL team at a completely random time about two weeks ago with whoever would join.
We got it done in a think a little under 3 hours, not "skipping" or stealthing ANYTHING. Fighting all the way to the end of each mission.
I see no problem here.
Edited to add the fact that it was a full team.
I kinda like it, sure could do with a little trimming of fat (so could all the Freedom Phalanx ones) and the final mission adjusting to be a bit more epic (see .sig for my take) but on a good small team it really isn't bad.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I just did a PuG Positron at a completely random time about two weeks ago with whoever would join.
We got it done in a think a little under 3 hours, not "skipping" or stealthing ANYTHING. Fighting all the way to the end of each mission.
I see no problem here.
[/ QUOTE ]
What's with the name change?
All the original hero side TFs are pretty terrible, Positron just magnifies that by subjecting you to said "terrible" for longer than the rest while in a level range that many people find unbearable to begin with.
Infatum on Virtueverse
What's with the name change?
[/ QUOTE ]
Here you go.
3 people can get it done in under 2 hours >.>
3 skilled players can get it done in under 1 hour and 35 minutes...
[/ QUOTE ]
64 Merits in under 2 hours.
Bring a Stealth/Recaller and some damage dealers.
Do it with 3 people.
I was farming it recently but started burning out on it.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Are you trying to get the merits nerfed with all those speed runs???
I just did a PuG Positron at a completely random time about two weeks ago with whoever would join.
We got it done in a think a little under 3 hours, not "skipping" or stealthing ANYTHING. Fighting all the way to the end of each mission.
I see no problem here.
[/ QUOTE ]
What's with the name change?
[/ QUOTE ]
He thought the forums were suffering a deficiency of him jumping up and down screaming LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!
Wrong, as usual.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Positron is a great task force to duo. Just get a filler to help you start it. 8-man Positrons are terrible. Just...terrible. But those are what keeps the merit reward for it high I guess.
Vahzilok are nasty at Posi's level...well, at any level really. Those zombehs are just big sacks of painful puke. At least they're all brainless meatbags if there aren't any surgeons around to lead them.
CoT are ESPECIALLY nasty. Godawful amounts of Ghosts and bubble/earthquake-dropping Ruin Mages if you're more than 2 people, huzzah!
At least in these days you have temporary travel power packs, portals and the doors aren't in the butt-end of Boomtown or in caves in Perez Park's forested-over areas. I still wouldn't want to do it with a full team though.
Synapse needs cleaned up too. Just make those sub-stations either small maps, or make you only have to clear that map once instead of "ok do same map again. And again."
Can't really complain about the other Phalanxer TFs, really. Shard ones are far worse.
I'm working on a list right now on "people that hate/are irritated by/annoyed by me", "neutral/indifferent people" and "people that like/tolerate me".
So far, I have:
The Irritated Gang - Nethergoat, Bad_Influence, Angry_Citizen, Dumpleberry, Jetpack, Karl_Rove_Man, Quincy_Archer, bamawolfie, Sooner
The Neutrals: Laser_Judas, Zombie_Man, Fulmens, Turbo_Ski, Perfect_Pain
The Likies: Zekiran_Immortal... yeah, I think that's about it.
Am I missing anyone?
You can add me to the first group.
And U R? Never seen you before. I'd have to add 90% of the registered forumites to the first list if I counted anyone with less than 2K posts. And that's not "vet talk", that's a "only want to include in this list regulars" talk.
Throw me in under neutral, PK. I'm indifferent, period, and for the few people I'm not indifferent towards... there's ignore. I just keep mental track records of behavior patterns memorized because sociology faskinates me.
In regards to Positron... I didn't think it was that bad the three times I've run it. I've only run it three times, however, because it's a complete and utter bear to get people to do. :/ Much like Synapse, for me.
Well you dont know me and I am so far under the radar I dont even qualify as a speed bump . . .But I do find most of the stuff you post highly entertaining so could I possibly apply for an internship in the 3rd group?
Sorry I have to be fair both ways, but thanks for your support.
I think that the best thing they could do is run through the AE and grab a better arc to substitute for the one Positron gives out on his TF.
Aw I just wanted to be one of the cool kids
Aw I just wanted to be one of the cool kids
[/ QUOTE ]
That list doesn't signifey coolness >.>
Most people here hate me.
QR: [snip the usual PK posturing for attention]
PK, I see you have a list of who does and does not like you on the forums. This is simply adorable! Can anything scream 'ATTENTION W**RE!!" more loudly?...? If so, I am certain you will find it.
You should be like me, PK. I have a literal metric crapton of people who would happily see me flayed alive on these forums. Do I make a list? Do I wonder exactly how many there are...? No! I don't make lists because frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
Only when you can cultivate the same magnificent indifference to public opinion can you truly aspire to become infamous. Until then, you're a wannabe.
Back on track: we finished Positron in two hours and I came out of that with [I'm pretty sure] 71 merits. Merits and the badge were why I did it.... but its still pretty damn boring. That is its worst failing: not that its so long, but that you are bored to death while earning said merits.
I think... You think to much about what others think of you BI... LOL
Most people just laugh.
/The IRONY is thick?
I'm working on a list right now on "people that hate/are irritated by/annoyed by me", "neutral/indifferent people" and "people that like/tolerate me".
So far, I have:
The Irritated Gang - Nethergoat, Bad_Influence, Angry_Citizen, Dumpleberry, Jetpack, Karl_Rove_Man, Quincy_Archer, bamawolfie, Sooner
The Neutrals: Laser_Judas, Zombie_Man, Fulmens, Turbo_Ski, Perfect_Pain
The Likies: Zekiran_Immortal... yeah, I think that's about it.
Am I missing anyone?
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually I'm indifferent. If you were genuinely annoying I'd ignore you.
I just can't resist tweaking anyone that wastes as much energy as you do trying to be a FORUM SUPERSTAR(!)
You remind me of that genus of comedian who think loud delivery and arm waving will transform their leaden jokes into gold.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
You remind me of that genus of comedian who think loud delivery and arm waving will transform their leaden jokes into gold.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, are you saying I'm Sam Kinison?
... Bad eyes her newest Object of Hate: the Positron TF.
I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit - its the only way to be sure. Of course, this will involve multiple strikes on Steel, Atlas and Skyway as well, but any collateral damage is worth wiping this TF off the map - permanently.
[Yes we did finish.... gawd what an unenjoyable endurance-test. Take away my Unyielding and I become very grumpy indeed....]