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  1. 30 days since I let my second account expire and so far all of my lvl pacts are still going strong.
  2. War Chyldes song, nothin beats German rockabilly bluegrass metal. . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFTfWTqQ0dM
    I really wish I knew how to embed links .
  3. Its in the ABANDONED sewers.
  4. Dungeon Runners has just what ya want there. . . A giant Pizza Cutter Wheel of Doom!
  5. The easiest way to stop the griefing is the approach I use. Dont worry what your arc is rated at . This is a game and some people are considering the MA as another form of pvp . I opted out. I publish my stories ,play them ,enjoy them and either leave them published or pullem down and make some more. I know some really good stories will be lost with that approach but it keeps my stress levels on an even keel not worrying what someone else thinks about my writing skills. And by no means do I think anything I ever wrote is worth 3 stars much less 5. Most of my stories are straight out of a Harlequin book . . . Or maybe that was The Watchmen . It all sort of runs together after a while.
  6. Katman65

    Assertion failed

    Wow , teach me to reply and research at the same time. see the above suggestions.
  7. Katman65

    Assertion failed

    Cedron I dont know if this is good news or bad but after doing a google search the same kind of errors were happening after issue 13. I was not able to find a solution but the reporting of the error did eventually slow down then stop. might consider posting a hijack this or dxdiag to see if any of the real wizards know how to fix it.
  8. Well considering that Castles name is for the chess move then you see the subtle evilness of Checkmate. Now with my character
    Artbiter Panzer====Judge Tank (Crab Spider Longfang)
    Gotta work on it, that sounds kinda lame.
  9. Ok lets get this back on topic. . . LivingHellfire and Bad Storms conversation !
  10. Well you dont know me and I am so far under the radar I dont even qualify as a speed bump . . .But I do find most of the stuff you post highly entertaining so could I possibly apply for an internship in the 3rd group?
  11. From the first day that I started playing Coh I have been fighting the fight for justice at Lord Recluses side.Its not my fault that Marcus Cole has a larger propaganda machine . I also read a lot of David Webber books.
  12. Lord recluse carries a gun because during his and Marcus heyday all heroes carried guns. Then Marcus betrayed Steven and slowly but surely tried to turn the world against him. Only those of the Rogue Isles know the truth of the Marcus Cole plot to take over the world and Lord Recluse and his faithful army intend to stand in his way to make the world safe for Technocracy. The gun is Stevens reminder that even the greatest threat can be faced with a simple application of concussive force to the temple when times are dire indeed. You may now safely remove your tinfoil hats.
  13. Ok I played this mission with all the lights out and nobody else home. Then running mission 4 waiting for something to jump out and get me a tree limb fell on the roof. I went and changed my shorts and completed it. It had maps I couldnt see on I had to clear all enemies to find the 1 clue and I played on maps I absolutely hate. You did an excellent job of raising my blood pressure jumping at every sound in the house and really enjoying this arc . I hope to see more of your work in the future.
  14. I remember most of the sewer music from Armored Core and some other stuff from Brahma Force.Maybe thats why I really like this game, subliminal victory messages from past games that I really really enjoyed. Im gonna post this anyway but I think it makes me look like I wear a tinfoil hat. Oh well tinfoil is in season.
  15. I have lurked here a long time and to hear that your arcs got banned for being farms just tells me that something is really wrong somewhere. This is not a sarcastic or comedy reply . To hear that an arc by MCG_Warface was banned just does not forecast good things at all. I really hope you contact support and they can review your stories so you can have your slots back.
  16. If you are a hero go to kings row ,Rikti raid Kronos titan and Quarry all at the train station. . . good times to be had by all!
  17. Did someone forget to flip the switch ? I still cant log in with my inactive accounts and its 11:32edt.
  18. Hercules the map you are looking for is:
    Unique Maps//Outdoor Maps//City Map 01(Council)
    I unlocked all of the maps a long time ago so I aint too sure if I had to buy it with tickets or not.
    Siergen I think you might want to look at this one:
    Unique Maps //Outdoors Maps//Nerva-Fountain Island
  19. My 2 cents . I would really really like to see a story arc as a Villain where your mission is to help Atlas stop the 5th Column invasion and ensure that he lives! By him surviving the invasion he is able to provide a higher guidance for Paragon city and ensuring that all goes according to his principles and concious because it would be for the greater good. Lord Arachnos would greatly appreciate this outcome because of the New World Order that Atlas brought to fruition where might makes right and Atlas was mighty mighty! And would also like to see the results of all of the construction in Port Oakes outside the arena.
  20. Pleased to meet ya Lloyd, Hope ya guessed my name.
  21. SG Name: Tactical Air Command
    SG Leaders: Ironic Man
    SG Perferred Recruitment Method: Contact in-game preferred, but you will have to get my attention I'm usually workin off debt in sewers.
    SG Peak Hours: any time I'm on usually after 2:00pm central
    Other Info: Per a posting I read somewhere on the forums I have decided I will try my hand at an all flight based supergroup. No real benefits at this time but I can promise you a speedy recovery in a nearby hospital if you get knocked out of a mission. Hope to eventually have a base with a flight theme. Wings Capes Jet Boots Jet Packs it dont matter as long as you fly.
    All levels are welcome.