Victory Red Side
Don't we have the Rainbow Force prom or whatever? I thought we did have the most active GBLT groups in the game.
GBLT is Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, Transgender, BTW.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

lol @ personalities for players on either red or blue side
Once you understand this is a game, you'll have a better chance in life.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I like how Freedom is "Unquenstianbly the server with the highest population." I agree. It's completely unquenstianble.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Here's my list:
Racist? Go play on Freedom
Like little children? Go play Guardian
Talk to ghosts? Go play Infinity
Conspiracy Theorist? Go play Virtue
Social and outgoing? STAY THE @#%$#@$@ OFF MY VICTORY
I can't even think of the other servers.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Pinnacle: *hic*
Thanks Mental for the translation. I thought it was something like that, but wasn't sure.
really? I didn't know our server was outed. I always figured our vocal group was PVP. Or is it that we just have the "winningest" PVP elite?
...hmm, what happens at a GBLT prom? I mean, i've been to a jr. prom where it really does split in half with one side of girls and the other of boys and the brave few mingling in-between. So whats the "shy"-split in one of those?
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
I also just realized "redside" was specified. Are lesbian hellions really that big a problem these days?
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
Yes we do have a large GLBT population on Vic. Both red and blue. Virtue does give us a run for our money however. Here's a fun trivia fact, the game's first Gay/Gay-friendly SG Prism located itself on our beloved server. While it didn't survive for long as an Sg on live, about a year or so, it had been active on the CoH forums well before beta. I happened to be the first straight member, but not the last!
Anyone that might want to learn more about Victory's, or the game's, GLBT population is encouraged to join the Pride global channel. It's a public channel, so typing "/chan_join Pride" ingame and you're in! We're a helpful bunch regardless of orientation.
Another trivia fact. At HeroCon's dinner event, there were 2 tables for Victory. 1 of them was filled with Pride members.
Now as to why Victory in particular might be known for our GLBT community? My guess would be events like the Rainbow Prom and National Coming Out Day celebrations garnered good press for the game itself. Which the NCNC community folks highlighted on the forums.
I hope that provides some of the answers the OP may have been looking for.
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
Umm guys... the post says RESIDE not Red side. Which is true, we are the "unofficial alt lifestyle server".
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Umm guys... the post says RESIDE not Red side. Which is true, we are the "unofficial alt lifestyle server".
[/ QUOTE ]
tee hee. It does (didn't actually look at the linked post cuz it wasn't on Victory ) I'm hoping for Penny's sake it was edited.
Otherwise, I'm gonna blame the frequent beatings she's been getting on her scrapper :O
I've already forgotten about most of you

Huh, I always assumed the game in general had a large GLBT population. I'm not terribly experienced on other servers... they frighten me because they are different.
And I thought Victory was known as the surly, antisocial server... but that might just be Voo.
Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.
ImpulseKing, thanks so much for the answers. Much appreciated!
Umm guys... the post says RESIDE not Red side. Which is true, we are the "unofficial alt lifestyle server".
[/ QUOTE ]
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! Never posting again!!! I blame Voodoo. /cry...
Heh, MP beat me to it. I read through that listing and was wondering why people kept focusing on redside. Heh.
I've seen this description of Victory before and been rather confused, as I haven't really noticed anything GLBT about most on Victory. I've seen people post and try to say it's a ghost town, which makes me either a) roll my eyes b) chuckle at their silliness c) get annoyed d) all of the above. Redside is lighter than blueside on Victory, but I haven't had issues finding teams on either side, unless it's really late.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Man, sometimes I catch one of those people who are in the "I'm gay and you have to know I'm gay, hey hey! YOU! LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY! LOOK AT ME!" and I just have to go to a different zone and go on /hide. Its not that I hate gay people, I hate attention whores.
Cat Bot v 1.36 : NRG/elec Blaster : Level 50
"I thought so." - Hank_Rearden
Have been playing for 3 year and the only thing I have see with GBLT was 1 party in Atlas Years Ago.
Victory should be called the Private serve, Because if you don't know the most active player in the game you will never get or make a freaking team
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac
I would describe Victory as the "NO BS, we don't care if you are gay, straight, white, black, yellow, green, whatever...Play well, have fun. make friends, give each other grief for N00b mistakes, play the effing game and quit yer whining server."
[/ QUOTE ]
I vote for this.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
Victory should be called the Private serve, Because if you don't know the most active player in the game you will never get or make a freaking team
[/ QUOTE ]
Ohmygoshyes. When I stopped being a part of my SG (the leader was a jerk) I suddenly found myself with barely anyone to play with. MA has just made it worse, at least in my experience.
What was your character name(s) in Fist of Justice?
I've already forgotten about most of you

I would describe Victory as the "NO BS, we don't care if you are gay, straight, white, black, yellow, green, whatever...Play well, have fun. make friends, give each other grief for N00b mistakes, play the effing game and quit yer whining server."
[/ QUOTE ]
I vote for this.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think this is pretty accurate. That's why I like Victory...
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
What was your character name(s) in Fist of Justice?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure if you're asking me, but it was Q Patrol, actually. The leader runs the SG/VG like a clique. =/
What was your character name(s) in Fist of Justice?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure if you're asking me, but it was Q Patrol, actually. The leader runs the SG/VG like a clique. =/
[/ QUOTE ]
Was my sorry attempt at a joke that only I appreciated
I've already forgotten about most of you

What was your character name(s) in Fist of Justice?
[/ QUOTE ]
I got it Voo
I'm not sure if you're asking me, but it was Q Patrol, actually. The leader runs the SG/VG like a clique. =/
[/ QUOTE ]
Was my sorry attempt at a joke that only I appreciated
[/ QUOTE ]
205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...
I saw this post and the first reply.
I guess I don't know my internet lingo, is that how Victory is described?