The Lion, the Witch and the Closet!
You sir, deserve a cookie!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper
Want to pop on your favorite Halloween costume for Trick or Treating....To the Closet again.
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Would monsters come out our closet during this? Oh the childhood memories...
You sir, deserve a cookie!
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Thank you. Um num num num.
Great idea, would read again.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
Want to pop on your favorite Halloween costume for Trick or Treating....To the Closet again.
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Would monsters come out our closet during this? Oh the childhood memories...
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Only skeletons.
And I concur. This would be a great alternative to needing more costume slots. Please make it so, like yesterday if possible.
My main could actually have a closet of civvies, and an alternate hero outfit!
I love the idea!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
This is probably the best idea ever.
And to add to it, if the devs give us a closet that we can access from the SG base, why, they'd have to give us some kind of closet base item! Hoorah!
Great idea, would read again.
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Great freaking idea!
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I love the idea!
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This is probably the best idea ever.
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Thank you! Thank you! I'd like to thank the academy...
I'd be satisfied if we could access additional folders inside the "Costumes" folder.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |
I'd be satisfied if we could access additional folders inside the "Costumes" folder.
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And continue paying a Tailor fee every time you want to change your costume? That's part of the idea here.
You make the costume. You save the costume in your Closet. You can switch to it at any time with no charge because you already paid for it.
I'd be satisfied if we could access additional folders inside the "Costumes" folder.
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And continue paying a Tailor fee every time you want to change your costume? That's part of the idea here.
You make the costume. You save the costume in your Closet. You can switch to it at any time with no charge because you already paid for it.
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Inf is easy enough to come by and we can get discount tickets through day jobs so I'm not concerned about saving Inf on costume changes (and I doubt that the company wants to reduce costume costs any more). Your suggestion would be nice but I'd like an improvement to the existing system to use the OS better. I'm rather irritated that the system doesn't already allow us to use additional folders and consider that a fairly bad design flaw.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |
I'd be satisfied if we could access additional folders inside the "Costumes" folder.
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And continue paying a Tailor fee every time you want to change your costume? That's part of the idea here.
You make the costume. You save the costume in your Closet. You can switch to it at any time with no charge because you already paid for it.
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Inf is easy enough to come by and we can get discount tickets through day jobs so I'm not concerned about saving Inf on costume changes (and I doubt that the company wants to reduce costume costs any more). Your suggestion would be nice but I'd like an improvement to the existing system to use the OS better. I'm rather irritated that the system doesn't already allow us to use additional folders and consider that a fairly bad design flaw.
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Yeah, well not everyone uses Tailors for their Day Job and not everyone is on a level 50 character with infinite amounts of influence all the time.
I just don't like the idea of having to pay to change into an outfit that I already paid for and created once, no matter how much of a bank roll I have.
I agree the ability to divide your Save Costume files into folders would be nice, but that is a completely different idea.
Your suggestion would be nice but I'd like an improvement to the existing system to use the OS better. I'm rather irritated that the system doesn't already allow us to use additional folders and consider that a fairly bad design flaw.
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Pretty much this.
Create an entirely new system that has the same basic functionality as another? No.
Improve the one we already have? Yes.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Your suggestion would be nice but I'd like an improvement to the existing system to use the OS better. I'm rather irritated that the system doesn't already allow us to use additional folders and consider that a fairly bad design flaw.
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Pretty much this.
Create an entirely new system that has the same basic functionality as another? No.
Improve the one we already have? Yes.
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The only thing that makes this like the Save feature in the Tailor is that it is a Save feature. Otherwise it is not like the Save feature in the Tailor at all.
This would give individual characters the ability to save extra costumes that they could change to quickly at various locations, not just at the Tailor.
Since theses costume are all for the same character there would be no scrolling through dozens of saved costumes to find the right one.
This would incur no charge for changing into a costume that you already bought.
This would allow players to have a collection of outfits for their heroes larger than the amount of costume slots we receive or can possibly ever receive. The demand for extra costume slots would be lessened greatly by adding such a feature.
Like I said above, adding folders to the Tailor Save feature is a fine idea, but it is not the same idea as this one and it does not cover the same wants and needs as this one does.
What do you think?
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I think it's brilliant. I know costumes are supposed to be an Inf sink, but I too am tired of having to sacrifice Inf or tokens just so I can put my holiday or formal attire back into a costume slot. Also, this would reduce or eliminate the need for more costume slots.
Would love it. A few of my characters are absolute clothes horses and being able to have, oh, 40 different costumes for them that they can cycle out at will (especially for the subtle-change ones) without spending another few million in fees to change (cos you know those are the characters who've already eaten through all their free costume change tokens).
Also agree on that the closet-costumes shouldn't be shared between characters. Gotta keep some semblance of Inf-sink, after all, and not all of a person's characters necessarily have the same body type, size or style.
Can't borrow my sister's jeans if they're too small to pull on (and i doubt my brother wants to borrow my minidress, even if it would fit him)
Your suggestion would be nice but I'd like an improvement to the existing system to use the OS better. I'm rather irritated that the system doesn't already allow us to use additional folders and consider that a fairly bad design flaw.
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Pretty much this.
Create an entirely new system that has the same basic functionality as another? No.
Improve the one we already have? Yes.
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The only thing that makes this like the Save feature in the Tailor is that it is a Save feature. Otherwise it is not like the Save feature in the Tailor at all.
This would give individual characters the ability to save extra costumes that they could change to quickly at various locations, not just at the Tailor.
Since theses costume are all for the same character there would be no scrolling through dozens of saved costumes to find the right one.
This would incur no charge for changing into a costume that you already bought.
This would allow players to have a collection of outfits for their heroes larger than the amount of costume slots we receive or can possibly ever receive. The demand for extra costume slots would be lessened greatly by adding such a feature.
Like I said above, adding folders to the Tailor Save feature is a fine idea, but it is not the same idea as this one and it does not cover the same wants and needs as this one does.
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Yes, thank you, I read the OP.
Shall I repeat my reply?
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
NTY. I was just pointing out that it's not the same idea and doesn't invalidate this idea.
I just don't see the point of making this an entirely new system, rather than improving the bare-bones one we currently have in place with the same features.
I actually like the idea(s), I just don't think it needs to be its own hullabaloo. Maybe I'm being overly pedantic.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
First, love the idea, and wholly support it.
Now for the bad news.
A closet in which you will store previously purchased costumes is NO DIFFERENT in implementation from an increased number of costume slots, aside from the fact that you now need additional user interface and game engine enhancements in order to support it.
I can already hear the devs thinking, "It's the same thing they asked for before, only harder and more expensive to implement."
First, love the idea, and wholly support it.
Now for the bad news.
A closet in which you will store previously purchased costumes is NO DIFFERENT in implementation from an increased number of costume slots, aside from the fact that you now need additional user interface and game engine enhancements in order to support it.
I can already hear the devs thinking, "It's the same thing they asked for before, only harder and more expensive to implement."
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No, this is more akin to the Save feature than it is the costume slots themselves. And it should be somewhat simple to make a separate smaller version of the Save feature (standard code rant applies).
It's not like the closet would open up a whole slew of costume slots (though that would be one way to do it). It would simply open a list of saved costumes in the same way the Save feature at the Tailor does currently, only this list would be specific to the individual character.
The Save feature in the Tailors is nice and all, but what I'd really like is a Closet.
A Closet would be a personal Save area for each character. This Closet could be accessible in various areas like Tailors, Pocket D, the Vanguard base and even in SG Bases.
The Closet would store saved costumes for individual characters, instead of all characters in one area like the current Save feature does.
Changing to a costume stored in the closet would incur no cost. There would be no Tailor fees as the costume will have already been paid for and simply stored for later use.
To store a costume in the Closet you would simply open the Closet (which would show your costume slots the same way the Tailor does), choose the costume slot you wish to save and click Save.
To change a costume in the Closet you would simply open the Closet, choose the costume slot you wish to change, choose the costume you wish to change to and click Change.
You would be able to store several different costumes in the Closet, much more than could ever be logically given as slots but not as many as you can save at the Tailor.
The main reason I have thought of a feature like this over the years is for those seasonal and event costumes we all like to make but don't necessarily want to take up a permanent costume slot on our characters and because we don't like having to pay every time we want to switch to a costume we already made.
Need a tuxedo for that Wedding or Anniversary event some players planned? Just go to your Closet and put it on.
Want to celebrate Christmas and the Winter Event in your Santa or Elf duds? Just go to your Closet and there you go.
Want to pop on your favorite Halloween costume for Trick or Treating or going to that costume party in Pocket D? To the Closet again.
I think this would be a great addition and would make requests for more costume slots fade away, since if you could save a number of different costumes this way and could easily change them without having to pay more influence every single time, you wouldn't really need more costume slots than we already have.
Edit: Okay there's nothing about the Chronicles of Narnia here, but it got your attention now didn't it?
What do you think?