Going Rogue and the Market
I think that if it doesn't happen the Rogue Islands will be mostly abandonded by the player base. Only the hardcore villian only folks will remain there long term.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
As much as it should happen (hell it should've happened at I9 launch), I don't think it will. Miladys may not be that far off the mark when he says many people will be driven out of CoV if the markets remain separate - while some people I know prefer CoV over CoH because of the better story arcs and general content (quality over quantity, really), most play CoV because they like the villain ATs. Give them the ability to play those ATs heroside, and... well... you see where this is going.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Maybe on the other hand that where you are going is why they would do it.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
I think that if it doesn't happen the Rogue Islands will be mostly abandonded by the player base. Only the hardcore villian only folks will remain there long term.
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This I know people that won't play villains because of the perceived difficulty in ioing out redside, toss in the smaller population and lack of large merit earning opportunities there will be more villains getting religion than if it were the rapture
As much as it should happen (hell it should've happened at I9 launch), I don't think it will.
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I bailed for blue side shortly after I figured out what an unfair joke segregated markets were, but I was an extreme minority.
It's always amused me that the villain population, so hyper-sensitive to perceived slights, generally ignores the single greatest factional inequity.
They'll march in the streets over a meaningless badge, but they sit on their hands when the issue of market parity comes up.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
If they allow you to keep your stuff when switching sides but they dont merge markets I definately will be moving tons of villains blueside especially my stalkers. I will end up farming the hell out of positron TF just so I can have recipes and enhancements to take back to the other side when I switch again.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

I think you may have to high of hopes for Going Rogue. I really doubt it will allow you to make a full transition to the other side but will instead place you in an alternate version with limiations ... but what do I know? I haven't seen anything to say one way or the other, I'm just keep my expectations low.
So why ARE the markets seperate? I mean isn't a regenerating flesh a regenerating flesh?
It will happen, I'm reasonably sure. If it doesn't, there will be those (regardless of the time and effort needed to do this) who will switch sides purely for market reasons.
I'm sure the developers are aware of this and will wish to head it off before it happens.
I've stayed mostly redside despite the market inequities because I like the ATs and the content. The market is a pretty small part of my overall game experience. That said, I'll be happier when they merge.
Almost all of my vills will be heading blueside, where more items, more Merits and for the most part quicker levelling will occur.
I'll keep a few villains around because one of my friends plays exclusively villainside, but that's about it.
If they don't let me bring anything to either side, I won't care much either way and likely won't even use the new system except for kicks.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I think you may have to high of hopes for Going Rogue. I really doubt it will allow you to make a full transition to the other side but will instead place you in an alternate version with limiations ... but what do I know? I haven't seen anything to say one way or the other, I'm just keep my expectations low.
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This is what came to mind when they said "switching sides."
If its not a "full" switch then they need to change their hype machine ads.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
If they allow you to keep your stuff when switching sides but they dont merge markets I definately will be moving tons of villains blueside especially my stalkers. I will end up farming the hell out of positron TF just so I can have recipes and enhancements to take back to the other side when I switch again.
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I've said it before. I'm against the two markets being linked.
I don't think that you should be allowed to carry more than your character can hold across side-change.
If you go to all the trouble of switching sides to get gear, then that will increase your play time - which is a good thing for the game's longevity.
I just hope that all that progress is made without needing to exploit the content to do so.
Hopefully, switching sides won't be a piece of cake, so that players can have their cake and eat it both.
I still see the potential of characters being stripped of all gear and starting back at level 1 if they change sides. This isn't my idea to do so, but because Going Rogue is a separate but connected game, it might very well work that way.
I do tend to think that the DEVs aren't intending to have level 50 whatevers running around on the opposite side the day of or the day after the release of "Going Rogue", gearing up for what they can get, and then transferring back to the otherside the next day.
I could be wrong, but I think that they would want the content that they are making worth something more than allowing players to switch sides to get IO sets.
I still see the potential of characters being stripped of all gear and starting back at level 1 if they change sides. This isn't my idea to do so, but because Going Rogue is a separate but connected game, it might very well work that way.
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Statesman is the only guy stupid enough to try something that moronic, and he's gone.
So no worries.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I think you may have to high of hopes for Going Rogue. I really doubt it will allow you to make a full transition to the other side but will instead place you in an alternate version with limiations ... but what do I know? I haven't seen anything to say one way or the other, I'm just keep my expectations low.
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I agree... I don't think anyone should get their hopes up too much at this point until more details are released.
All i hear in "goin rogue' is: buy a 5 usd slot in the 'other game' for your actual alt.
All i hear in "goin rogue' is: buy a 5 usd slot in the 'other game' for your actual alt.
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you've filled up every server?
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I think you may have to high of hopes for Going Rogue. I really doubt it will allow you to make a full transition to the other side but will instead place you in an alternate version with limiations ... but what do I know? I haven't seen anything to say one way or the other, I'm just keep my expectations low.
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I agree... I don't think anyone should get their hopes up too much at this point until more details are released.
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If the expansion Going Rogue allows me to switch the "real" Paragon City from the Isles and vice versa the developers have a sale. If not and its an alternate "reality" I won't be buying.
If the dev intention of the market is to allow the free flow of goods from one player to another rather than allow for profiteering (which seems to be the case since they have added merits and tickets rather than increasing drop rates) then keep the markets separate is going in the opposite direction from that goal.
If Going Rogue puts you in an alternate "reality" complete with it's own self contained economy it will just further dilute the markets on both red and blue side since the total CoX population will be spread across 3 non-linked areas rather than 2.
This would seem to be poor economic planning on the game level on the devs part if so.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I agree... I don't think anyone should get their hopes up too much at this point until more details are released.
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If the expansion Going Rogue allows me to switch the "real" Paragon City from the Isles and vice versa the developers have a sale. If not and its an alternate "reality" I won't be buying.
If the dev intention of the market is to allow the free flow of goods from one player to another rather than allow for profiteering (which seems to be the case since they have added merits and tickets rather than increasing drop rates) then keep the markets separate is going in the opposite direction from that goal.
If Going Rogue puts you in an alternate "reality" complete with it's own self contained economy it will just further dilute the markets on both red and blue side since the total CoX population will be spread across 3 non-linked areas rather than 2.
This would seem to be poor economic planning on the game level on the devs part if so.
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This is what I am worried about. That it will just end up being essentially something like another co-op zone. I really hope I'm just being pessimistic here though.
they're not going to hang a retail box release on another co-op zone. they know people want side switching, they're going to give us side switching.
the only question is how much of a time sink they'll attach to it and what the mechanism will be.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
From the way that trailer plays on an alternate reality version of Statesman (Tyrant/Emperor Cole) and they have said Praetoria, I'm seeing yet another split in the fractal consciousness of the playerbase.
I agree that segregating the markets was a huge mistake. Previous to I9, CoV was on equal footing. Now I scream till my fingers bleed and nary find a fellow to team with. Other servers? Blasphemy! I'll just continue in Paragon.
When GR hits, if it's an alternate dimension wormhole portal dealio with its own economy and tiresome grindings to 50, then I may have to call in the Fonze.
If you haven't gotten what you need in the markets before GR, then you might as well hang your cape on your SO Chest and thank the maker that the game doesn't "require" IOs, Purples, and such.
Oh, and just because Statesman is gone doesn't mea[redacted]
I still see the potential of characters being stripped of all gear and starting back at level 1 if they change sides.
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That would really make no sense though. Having a change of heart about what side of the law you're on doesn't change your fighting capabilities.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Actually the separate markets make a lot of sense.
On the Black Market I could buy some stuff that would be out of my price range on the CH, just because there are more people and so they can better control the prices.
I like having my markets separate.
Actually the separate markets make a lot of sense.
On the Black Market I could buy some stuff that would be out of my price range on the CH, just because there are more people and so they can better control the prices.
I like having my markets separate.
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You've got that exactly backwards. Lower inventories and turn over make it vastly easier for a single person to control a large portion of the market. This is the case on the red side.
Blue side there is more availability, hence more competition, hence a much harder time for a single person or even a cartel to corner the market.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I've said it before. I'm against the two markets being linked.
I don't think that you should be allowed to carry more than your character can hold across side-change.
If you go to all the trouble of switching sides to get gear, then that will increase your play time - which is a good thing for the game's longevity.
I just hope that all that progress is made without needing to exploit the content to do so.
[/ QUOTE ] Let me guess your one of those folks who try to use RP reasons for no side switching or market merger when clearly it makes more sense to allow it to happen from a RP perspective than to let it not happen.
Personally I want to be able to switch because they refuse to fix all the content/reward inequities on redside. We been waiting for damn near 9 issues and villains havent got squat for themselves aside from a revamped hamidon encounter. People say it till they are blue in the face about the devs not being biased towards villains, I still wont believe it when you look at the content on CoV being just as hard if not harder than the majority of the CoH stuff. They keep using travel time as the excuse due to all the zoning but after we get all the freaking stuff to help us travel its not really an issue at all. I mean we got the missions teleporter, base teleporters, 0-portals and the base candle. So why do heroes still come out ahead with easier content? And lets not get me started on the LRSF vs STF debate.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

One thing it had me thinking about and this is pure speculation is the possibilty of a open or cross market WW/BM. What do you mates think?
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.