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    About right for a Emp Defender....
  2. Has anyone answered the question of 3 Super Heroes or Heroines who can only use their powers on others and not themselves?
    This is a Hero game right? Or is it a generic MMO with Hero trappings? Heroes by definition are self sufficient, my last mission against a bunch of normal people with stun grenades made me feel less heroic. I can fight beings from other planets or dimensions, undead and even mutates; but against a normal man with a stun grenade I am helpless once I eat all my break frees.

    So I am still waiting, 3 Major Heroes or Heroines (not some obscure single issue wonder) who cannot use their powers on themselves but only on other people.
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    I am just returning to the game after being gone for quite a while. I am wondering, is Cold a rare primary choice for defenders? My main is a Sonic/Electric Def, but I've played TA, Storm, and Rad to high levels as well.

    I am looking to create a new defender, but I don't want to be a fotm.

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    The reason Cold Defenders are not common is probably due to the fact that they can protect from cold but are totally vulnerable to it.

    It makes no sense to protect people against a element but be totally vulnerable to it, but that seems to be the Defender's lot in life. They can keep others safe but cannot help themselves.
  4. Allow me to spell this out in a different way...

    In WoW I played a Priestess, I relied upon my Warrior, Druid (in Bear form) and Paladin to keep agroo off of me. I accepted this, because it is part of the fantasy Genre.

    The Holy Trinity (Tank, DPS and Healer) is common place in the fantasy Genre.

    Now look at Heros...
    Does Batman need a Tanker? What about Wonder Woman?
    Does Superman need a Healer?
    What is the one thing that stands out about every Hero and Heroine?

    They are self sufficient, ever notice with with the exception of Robin, most of the Super Friends work independently?

    Show me one Hero that is forced to depend on another (except Robin, Batgirl and maybe Girl Wonder) to protect them and keep them safe?

    A Hero/Heroine who is dependent upon another for protection is offend referred to by another name in the gaming world.. Luggage.

    Right now in CoX, Emp Defenders are effectively Luggage since they cannot hold their own. If someone with a Bazillion inf mentions how their tricked out defender can survive, well good for you. That and $4.50 will get you a latte at Starbucks, just go away.

    The issue is once again Fun, something that Jack Emmeret had no clue about. He stuck with the Holy Trinity rather than make each AT independent. Something I hope DC Heroes and Champions have noted and will not fall into the same trap.

    The original concept of "Since they can heal they should not be powerful" is outdated and wrong. By making a AT that is effectively worthless in the world without group support they have forced those people who enjoy healing and helping people into a weak blaster with healing.

    Worse, they have given no real reason to take a Defender since a Controller offers 1000% better bang for you buck, they have all the powers that a Defender has and they have the power of Containment. There is no real reason to choose a Defender over anything, and once Corruptors are widespread Heroside, then the reason is further diminished.

    It looks like the Defender is falling into the same trap that the Priest did in WoW, "if you can get nothing else more effective, you can always take a Defender, but only as a last resort".

    The idea of dependent AT is so totally against the Hero/Heroine genre that it is ludicrous that the Devs even considered it, let alone implemented it.

    At this point the only way to fix it is to give Defenders some Status protection (esp since Status attacks seem to be the way of the future at high levels) and the best way to do that is to allow Defenders to target themselves.

    Again I ask, show me three "MAJOR" Super Heroes/Heroines who cannot use their power on themselves. This in itself shows just how out of the genre the "support" AT's are.

    If they want the game to depend upon the Holy Trinity then remove all healing from Tanks and DPS; remove all damage from Healers and Controllers and force each AT to depend upon each other to survive. If one AT cannot survive alone then all AT's should be forced to group to survive. This is something I hope will not happen but it is in line with the thinking of the original Devs and the ongoing thoughts of the present Devs.
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    ::cant stop crying after reading that:::

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    Me either...
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    Al says:
    What about the anti giant monster for your mom? XD XD XD XD XD XD
    Island says:

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    Disrespect of a Mother is not funny.
  7. Can we bring back the game to it's original purpose?
    How much fun is being stunned to death?
    How much fun is being slept then stunned to death?
    How much fun is it to watch someone that you protected from status effects die because you are stunned or sleeping and have already used your 48 Break Frees?
    How much fun is it to fail to do your job because you are stunned?

    See a common theme here?
    It is not fun to be able to do nothing, especially when it is your responsibility to protect and buff others.
    It is sad that Defenders and Corruptors for the most part are useless in a battle with status effects. We put status effects on others then spend the rest of the encounter stunned or asleep, unless we get unlucky and then we spend it defeated.

    The issue is not numbers, calculations or some other off the wall variable, it is FUN! It is not fun to be useless in a fight. Most groups will not let you just exit a mission to get replenish on Break Frees every other encounter.

    Once people remember that a game is supposed to be fun then suddenly things like letting Defender buff themselves and other factors make sense.
    As long as you live in a world of balance where number value means more than entertainment value you lose the real reason that games are invented. FUN!
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    Please name one thing that the defender brings to the table that is not better brought by controllers?

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    The actual buffs, debuffs, and heals from the Defender primary? Controllers have support scalars of .75 whereas Defenders have a 1.0. A */ff controller with maneuvers will only be able to provide 33.345% +def. A ff/* defender with maneuvers will provide 44.46% +def. The difference between an FF troller and an FF fender is the difference between taking 33.31% of incoming damage and taking 11.08% of incoming damage. Defenders support better than Controllers.

    Please try to actually learn the numbers before you make claims.

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    And yet both reach the defense cap... what good is the extra 33%?
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    Do we need to pull out Psyonico's video of his Empath solo-ing invincible Carnie mobs with ease?

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    Just because 1 person finds a exploit, does mean the rest will.
    And one set of mobs does not define the group.
    How does he do against Malta?
    The issue is not if one person with billions of inf and the best enhancements can survive what a scrapper or tanker could sleep through, but can a person with normal SO's survive and excel?
    That logic is like stating that everyone should win the lottery just because I did.
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    Defender damage is sub par overall. Once it is accepted you get used to it.

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    Yep. Despite apologia, the fact remains that defenders hit like girls with muscular dystrophy. I know it's for balance. It's just one of those things that makes you sigh when you are reminded of it. Defenders are still an amazing AT, but just like scrappers aren't known for their debuffs, defenders aren't known for their damage dealing.

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    I agree Defendes really do bring alot to the table. There is no shame in doing less damage then others.

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    Please name one thing that the defender brings to the table that is not better brought by controllers?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, there's a couple of things to consider here.
    <ul type="square">[*]You're not a Scrapper. Nor are you a Blaster. Defender damage is just going to be lower, that's part of the balance tradeoff Defenders have for their incredibly powerful buffs &amp; debuffs.
    [*]So what's the point of the secondary powers? Well, several things. First off, just because it does less damage doesn't mean that damage is insignificant. You can still do decent damage that is helpful in a team setting and of course vital when solo. You won't be one-shotting things, but you can still handily complete missions yourself if you need to.

    The secondary powers also offer a secondary effect. In the cast of Radiation Blast, that secondary effect is -Defense. In other words, making enemies easier to hit. Irradiate and Neutron Bomb both have very large values for this secondary effect and between them you can drastically reduce the defense of an entire spawn, making them easy prey for you and your team. If you've taken Choking Cloud from your primary, drastically dropping the defense of the spawn also makes them easy marks for it since reducing their defense is in effect making Choking Cloud (and all your other powers, and all your teammates' powers) more accurate.

    The third reason secondaries are important for Defenders is control/mitigation. All of the secondaries offer at least one power to help you control the battlefield. For Radiation Blast, that's Cosmic Burst, and it's excellent. It's a good single-target attack that also stuns the foe. Probably one of the best powers in the powerset if not the best. [/list]
    You really shouldn't be feeling useless at 32 on a Rad/Rad. Are you using Single Origin enhancements? You might consider posting your build, perhaps we can give you some pointers that will help you enjoy your character more. If you don't already have it, you can use Mids Hero Designer.

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    This is all nice, now explain how a empath defender gains when soloing?

    Lower damage, all but 3 powers are not usable on themselves and everyone of their powers are available to controllers.

    Where is the balance for a soloing empath defender?
  12. Actually the separate markets make a lot of sense.
    On the Black Market I could buy some stuff that would be out of my price range on the CH, just because there are more people and so they can better control the prices.
    I like having my markets separate.
  13. I love Mt Dew but Mom says Dee on Dew is detrimental.
  14. What about a Mob of Mobs?
    We need to take a mob out of the Mob of Mob.
    We need to take a critter out of the group of group of kangaroos.&gt;
  15. I am curious, can anyone name one super hero who has virtually no powers of their own to help themselves but great powers to help others? I mean if a super hero can make other people immune to mind control, shouldn't they also be immune to mind control? The same with fire resistance and cold resistance?
    I am just curious where the devs came up with this concept and what super hero/heroine that they based it off of.
  16. DeeDe

    Mobs with snipes

    I noticed that all the mobs with snipes don't have a interrupt time and their snipes are instant.
    I have seen Arachnos Fortunatas shoot a Psychic Lance while running.
    I have seen Council and Family Marksman snipe while being hit and damaged.
    Is this a bug? Or are the mobs cheating?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why do the Carnival girls die holding their heads?

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    Because if they were holding other parts of their anatomy the lewd comments would wreck the Teen rating.

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    "Bottle" ones?

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    Probably the Illusionists.

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    Yes, the ones who look like their legs and lower torso has been inserted in a bottle.
  18. Why do the girls of the Carnival (I don't think the bottles do it though) die holding their heads?

    Is there some significance to it?
  19. DeeDe

    Drive-by Buffers

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    oooo i hate that ice armor thrown on me without asking

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    Kinda sad that people want to cancel a buff just because of the graphics.

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    If you're hanging out, not doing anything, not planning on doing anything, and you're just being social and you happen to take pride in the costume that you have spent time on... It's quite understandable to be a bit peeved when some random person comes by and coats you in a nice thick coating of ice that you can barely see through.

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    I always just take it in stride. Normally by /emote shivers... *resulting in &lt;$name&gt; shivers...* and saying in local "Did anyone else notice a cold snap move in?"
    The is a RP game, if you cannot RP the random circumstances that you endure, then the problem is not with the game...
  20. DeeDe

    Weenie Weenie

    Even Blasters have to eat.

    Actually until a Blaster can get to Nerva, it has nothing to do with Blasters. Unless they have a Nick's Delicious Dogs in in Paragon City somewhere.

    Edit: I updated the picture since it was hard to read.
  21. DeeDe

    Weenie Weenie

    I want a Weenie Weenie .

    Hint... Look under kids menu.

    Edit: I made the picture better so you can read it.
  22. Laugh and giggle are two different emotes, laugh causes you to stand akimbo and raise you head while your hands are on your waist.
    Giggle has you hold your hands up in front of you and your whole body shakes. Kind of like you are saying, "No more please.."
    With laugh only your head and chest shake.

    I cannot find out how to make my characters "giggle".
  23. Ranged characters need a pool power for status effects.
    This is especially true for Defenders and Corruptors who can give status effect protection but are totally vulnerable to it.

    I would like to ask for a simple pool power that provides status effect protection. This same pool power can also give status effect attacks too if need be.

    Kind of like the self clear mind and the stun grenades. This will help ranged classes keep ranged since "Range is a defense", it only seems fair that ranged classes should have some way of preventing melee classes from getting close. Immunity to status effects and using status effects themselves is a good answer.

    I report trolls.
  24. Right now when I try to make a macro with a "Converse" emote (like Giggle) I get a emote bubble with the word "Giggle" in it.
    But when I use the emote menu and select &lt;Giggle&gt; I get a cute laugh animation and sound.

    I would like to ask that "Converse" emotes be made macroable so we can "Giggle" in our macros.