The Mission Architect: Restrictions




Now I know the Mission Architect is slowly having restrictions placed on it due to ridiculous farming rates, including exp and ticket farming.

Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets? Personally I would rather the 0 exp gain have stayed a main idea than being shoved aside, because in the back of my mind I felt like this might happen the moment I heard that you could level using the Mission Architect.

No, this is in no way trying to flaunt my opinion or wag my finger, but what i am looking for here is what you all think about the system itself. Should exp and tickets come first, or should they be reduced for the sake of flexibility and creativity with the Mission Architect?

I know there are a lot of negative and positive ends to reducing tickets and exp for creativity, and the other way around of course, but I'd actually like to see where this goes.

So, where do you stand on this issue?



I think anything that breaks the reward curve should have the rewards fixed or removed.

Story people still get their elements and no one gets to break the system.



How dare you flaunt your opinion and wag your finger at us!

I say you leave xp where it is, cut tickets, and move on to get I16 as bug-free as possible. Yes I know I skipped over I15, and why not ...



I don't care how good the story is, if there is no reward then I have little motivation to run it when there is so much else in the game that does give rewards and I say that as someone who has 3 published arcs of their own.



To the OP: im not here to be creative, creativity is my job.
Im here to have fun.
I dont care about the wannabe devs.
I pay enough to get a good game by pros.



Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

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No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.



MA minus comparable rewards to 'real' content would be a an extreme niche activity, like PvP.

"creativity" means nothing to me in CoH, except as it relates to my costume designs and character bios. I'm looking for fun, engaging gameplay, not an outlet for my inner Proust.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Remove rewards from the MA; watch it wither and die.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



The only way I could see them removing a reward and people still using it is if all the exp you would be getting were turned into influence/infamy. Sure people may still farm for that, but it's nowhere near as game breaking as exp. Because influence doesn't make you go BAM level 50.



Shakespeare was wildly popular in his day.
F. Scott Fitzgerald in his time.

If a story focused arc can't outdraw a map of 6 city blocks with demons on the corners and the middles its probably not that good. Matter of fact if it can't get 1K ratings out of 100K subscribers the author most certainly hasn't made the effort to promote it, that they should have.

The solution isn't to hurt the parts of MA people do like, its to find ways to allow story tellers to do more interesting things with MA



Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

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No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.

[/ QUOTE ]Count me in the 2%.



Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

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No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.

[/ QUOTE ]Count me in the 2%.

[/ QUOTE ]



Count me in the 98%.

If there were no reward at all, I'd only play it rarely, if at all.




If a story focused arc can't outdraw a map of 6 city blocks with demons on the corners and the middles its probably not that good. Matter of fact if it can't get 1K ratings out of 100K subscribers the author most certainly hasn't made the effort to promote it, that they should have.

The solution isn't to hurt the parts of MA people do like, its to find ways to allow story tellers to do more interesting things with MA

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It doesn't help that the Search system it launched with is broken as all hell and farms clog the results. At least the Search in issue 15 beta is a big step forward.



Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.

[/ QUOTE ]
...if you REALLY think that 98% of the playerbase are willing to put up with mindless tedium rather than actually have fun, than I must be that 2%.



Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.

[/ QUOTE ]Count me in the 2%.

[/ QUOTE ]

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Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

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No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.

[/ QUOTE ]Count me in the 2%.

[/ QUOTE ]

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*pats you on the head* Awwwww, that's so cuuuuute! You guys are 2%ers! Awesome. I am impressed, I tell you! Devs, bring unto them cookies and other dessert-foods! Sweets for the sweet!

*goes back to Battle Maiden map*



If I wanted as story, I'd go read a book.



^^^ Word! *high-fives JK*

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good mission. But a lot of the good missions, such as some of the Patron Arc missions, I have to run trying to forget what my contact just told me, because its totally contrary to what my character would actually DO in the situation.

So am I in CoX for the writing....? Not so much. I'm there to have fun playing dressup and yeah, kicking a little tail along the way.



If I wanted a grind, I'd go play Everquest.



If I felt like farming I would not be paying to play this game, I would of stayed with GW.



Now the real question I have here is this: Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, creativity is not more important. I am in the game to level, or gain other rewards, be they direct or indirect. I will put up with missions of mind-numbing boringness to level up, especially between 45-50.

My guesstimate is that about 98% of current playerbase feels exactly the same way. Just a guess, mind you. If it has a good story, or a good map, great. But I can overlook the lack of that for great xp.

[/ QUOTE ]Count me in the 2%.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

*pats you on the head* Awwwww, that's so cuuuuute! You guys are 2%ers! Awesome. I am impressed, I tell you! Devs, bring unto them cookies and other dessert-foods! Sweets for the sweet!

*goes back to Battle Maiden map*

[/ QUOTE ]

So rough for you to continue to play a game, in which you just know the devs are on a COMPLETELY different page than you are, while they continue to work diligently to improve the game for the silly 2% who you clearly hold in such contempt. That's got to be frustrating to you. You must wonder whether there's a kindred-spirit game developer out there for you somewhere.

Good luck finding them. In the meantime, most of the rest of us (FAR more than your estimate) actually do look at creative, experiential rewards as a significant part of the reward package and really appreciate the devs efforts to emphasize such traits in their game.

Can't please everyone, I guess.



<--- 2%

So rough for you to continue to play a game, in which you just know the devs are on a COMPLETELY different page than you are, while they continue to work diligently to improve the game for the silly 2% who you clearly hold in such contempt.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm glad you said this. It saves me the bother of having to word it like you did and typing it.

Funny how it works out, isn't it? Not only are they improving the game for the "2%," but they're simultaneously nerfing it for the 98%. Yet still, they manage to find a way to make money (and plenty of it) and stay on this allegedly counterproductive path.

I'm just a little skeptical that "boy are they stupid!" is the correct explanation of this phenomenon...

To the OP:
Is Creativity more important to you with this system than overall rewards such as exp and tickets?

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Yes, it is. I'd play the Mission Architect even if there were no rewards whatsoever. I'm not suggesting that they should drop all rewards, but when they do nerf something, it doesn't affect me whatsoever.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



The creativity is far more important to me than the rewards gained through the MA. I'd happily see all MA rewards dropped to a level which would discourage farmers from using it. I write arcs for people who enjoy a story, and I play arcs purely for the story - any rewards my arcs give or I get from others arcs are secondary.

As for the normal game, I'm happy with the rate of rewards gained through normal play.

If all story was removed from the game apart from bare bones 'go to door' and 'kill boss' instructions, I'd quit playing immediately, even if the rewards were tripled.

I estimate that approx 70% of the playerbase views the game in the same way I do. This is a very rough estimate, of course, possibly even a guesstimate, and so the actual true figure might be lower, or higher.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."