Star Wars: The Old Republic, Cinematic Trailer




Let's just hope that you don't have to play a Jedi if you don't want to. Isn't that what caused the first SW MMO to fail? Not everyone was chosen to be a Jedi? Cause honestly, not everyone's a Jedi in the movies. I mean, you should be able to choose be one, but I'd really prefer to be "chosen" rather than just roll a Jedi whenever I feel.

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Well, because your party consists of 3 people (like in the KOTOR Games) it makes sense to have at least one of them be a Jedi. I know for a fact that none of your characters need to be a jedi, it's a choice you get to make. You could even make the choce to have 3 jedi, I think. So, the option to roll a Jedi is your choice. Star Wars Galaxies was a much different animal, and, although it had its good points, Bioware will find a way to top it.

Also, Bioware hs announced that they are going to have voice acting for EVERY SINGLE NPC. I thought it was crazy to do hat in KOTOR, but in an MMO? That's just amazing. It takes real balls to announce that. They have the money to get voice acting fr an MMO that they KNOW will make enought money to support it. That taks some real cahones.

Also, in Star Wars Galaxies, after the patch that many players said "ruined the game", you could either be chosen as a jedi, or you could train alot and eventually become one. The second part of that was the added feature, and then all the new players tried to become jedi and killed the community, at least, that's what I'm told.

EDIT: Bounty Hunters: I really hope they are NOT AoE-centric. Bounty Hunters hunt SINGLE high-priority targets for Profit, right? Not cone or template shaped groups of targets?

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!




Also, Bioware hs announced that they are going to have voice acting for EVERY SINGLE NPC. I thought it was crazy to do hat in KOTOR, but in an MMO? That's just amazing. It takes real balls to announce that. They have the money to get voice acting fr an MMO that they KNOW will make enought money to support it. That taks some real cahones.

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EQ2 sort of has this so it's nothing entirely new. I'm expecting something like Oblivion, sure you got every NPC talking via voice acting but I highly doubt that they'll sound completely different from one another.

I'd expect only certain important NPCs to stand out with their own voice but otherwise you'll hear generics as well.



Dammit! Too many good games! Gah!

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This. So many games, so little time...

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Not really heres my rundown
SWTOR : this looks great if i get a third gaming account itll be this one
Startrek : looks promising but everyone a captain? meh sounds like SWG everyones a jedi
CO : jake emmerit nuff said..
DCUO : dc tends to ruin everything
Marvel online : they decidedto go back into it meh! i say meh!

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Let's just hope that you don't have to play a Jedi if you don't want to. Isn't that what caused the first SW MMO to fail? Not everyone was chosen to be a Jedi? Cause honestly, not everyone's a Jedi in the movies. I mean, you should be able to choose be one, but I'd really prefer to be "chosen" rather than just roll a Jedi whenever I feel.

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Well, because your party consists of 3 people (like in the KOTOR Games) it makes sense to have at least one of them be a Jedi. I know for a fact that none of your characters need to be a jedi, it's a choice you get to make. You could even make the choce to have 3 jedi, I think. So, the option to roll a Jedi is your choice. Star Wars Galaxies was a much different animal, and, although it had its good points, Bioware will find a way to top it.

Also, Bioware hs announced that they are going to have voice acting for EVERY SINGLE NPC. I thought it was crazy to do hat in KOTOR, but in an MMO? That's just amazing. It takes real balls to announce that. They have the money to get voice acting fr an MMO that they KNOW will make enought money to support it. That taks some real cahones.

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Agreed, the post below makes note of EQ2 having VA, and it's limited. THIS will have the complete GAME, everything, YOU, the NPCS, the passerby, everything will be voiced. Granted you might have some D card voice actors, but in this economy, thats not bad to hire them is it?


Also, in Star Wars Galaxies, after the patch that many players said "ruined the game", you could either be chosen as a jedi, or you could train alot and eventually become one.

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THE NGE made Jedi a starter profession, and the era it's set in, the jedi are in hiding. o.0 and it did ruin the game, thats why there was the mass of us crying bait and switch. They released a new expansion then 2...TWO...days later they changed the entire game from the bottom up after we'd payed them everything. They caved in and gave refunds on the expnasion. o.o

"Training" alot was the issue prior. ONE Jedi unlocked the way they claimed was possible, he had to master 30 of the 32 odd profession, liken it to having to play 30+ Fifties to fifty and there's no good way to "farm". THEN when unlocked, if you died 3 times, you had, HAD to re-roll and start over. Coupled on the fact the Bounty Hunter profession was assigned to make your life hell, to the point of griefing o.o

Then they made a wonderful village, where, after training in five certain profession you didn't know, you were invited to by a strange old man. Then, you went through an even LARGER grind until you unlocked the right to TRY and become a jedi, and face the trials, ect, then, perma death still occurs. o.0

Then, people who successfully did this are greeted with "Ok, now everyone's a jedi, you other jedi, here's some special robes Robes that when equipted made you look like you were wearing a cardboard box with "?" on it thanks to a graphic and coding glitch. o.0

In the mean time, armorsmiths like myself were forced to modify their profession to do munitions as well, along with everyone else whose profession was NOT part of the "iconic" 9 professions they were shrinking us into. If you were a creature handler, you were SOL, you had to choose something else or not play. 32 professions shrunk into 9 over night. No warning, no "hey would you like this idea?" NOTHING.

So yeah, alot of us thought it ruined the game, maybe we were off base, having invested 3 odd years into a character that was completely wiped.


The second part of that was the added feature, and then all the new players tried to become jedi and killed the community, at least, that's what I'm told.

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The people who stayed played "Jedi Vs Bounter Hunters" in a torrid affair of Forced PVP. (This MIGHT be where my dislike of pvp comes from, zone wise anyway :P)


EDIT: Bounty Hunters: I really hope they are NOT AoE-centric. Bounty Hunters hunt SINGLE high-priority targets for Profit, right? Not cone or template shaped groups of targets?

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No word on this, my guild has most of the info ready, I can find some links if you want on it, or it's on their website too




Dammit! Too many good games! Gah!

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This. So many games, so little time...

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Not really heres my rundown
SWTOR : this looks great if i get a third gaming account itll be this one
Startrek : looks promising but everyone a captain? meh sounds like SWG everyones a jedi
CO : jake emmerit nuff said..
DCUO : dc tends to ruin everything
Marvel online : they decidedto go back into it meh! i say meh!

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With one thing to add, DC=SOE. Epic Fail o.o They're trying to redeem themselves somehow and no one wants to touch them. Look how many jumped from vanguard after the soe takeover. (granted we had alot of bugs, but people RAN if I recall the numbers the day after..)

I hereby endorse Puppeh Opinions! o.ob



I never judge a game on cinematics. The gameplay is often quite different. In this SWTOR cinematic, there's a whole lof Matrix "slow motion" going on, which isn't very Star Warsy to me.

Whether I go or not depends on: are a lot of my friends going and will I enjoy the game?

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



OMFG a MMO from the best rpg game maker out there. Can life get anybetter? Oh well, only time will tell how thus game plays out but given Bioware's rep on space rpgs, this is a dream come tru. Blizzard has finally met its match or until Diablo 3 is finally released.



Doubtful it's a Blizzard killer. People are generally flocking to the easy way to MMO rather then depth. At least this will cull the herds in MMo's for what my mom used to call ^%(^ heads o.o




Dammit! Too many good games! Gah!

[/ QUOTE ]

This. So many games, so little time...

[/ QUOTE ]
Not really heres my rundown
SWTOR : this looks great if i get a third gaming account itll be this one
Startrek : looks promising but everyone a captain? meh sounds like SWG everyones a jedi
CO : jake emmerit nuff said..
DCUO : dc tends to ruin everything
Marvel online : they decidedto go back into it meh! i say meh!

[/ QUOTE ]

Why limit yourself to just MMOs?



Because most other games take like ten minutes to finish. MMO's are the kind of time sinks we really need to keep us from actually accomplishing things in life.

And yes, I will be trying this game. Tabula Rasa and AoC kinda bombed on me, but I'm betting on Bioware to not let me down.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Doubtful it's a Blizzard killer. People are generally flocking to the easy way to MMO rather then depth. At least this will cull the herds in MMo's for what my mom used to call ^%(^ heads o.o


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People said Warhammer was going to kill Then Wrath came out. /em shrug

Tabula Rasa was fun to solo up until level.... 30? I went the soldier class line and had just went tank with the staff.... only to find the mediocre ranged system was NOT coupled with a mediocre melee system. Ithad the WORST control system for melee I could have imagined. Abolutely ruined my character and my entire game experience to have that happen.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



More interested in seeing what races they're going to throw in than any fancy cinematics. Also, I want to play a Republic trooper. :>



Yeah don't get all hyped over cinematics folks, Lineage has some of the most beautiful Fantasy CGI vids but the gameplay is nothing like that

Either way, I signed up for the forums. txHereticxt is my handle



Thankfully, Bioware did something that SOE didn't do, which was holding it in the old republic era, shortly after the jedi wars of KotoR 1 and 2. This means that Jedi on both sides (the ones for the sith were called dark jedi) numbered in the hundreds per system and both sides were properly trained in fighting them, as opposed to the time of the empire that SWG was in, where there were maybe a handful total of jedi on both side. This means that sure you can be a jedi, but don't expect it to be the "uber-class" you would expect.

The biggest (a lot would say final) insult was when SOE completely revaped the game with no warning. However, the problems started with day one. With every successive patch and expansion, the game introduced new bugs while old ones like terrain gaps and texture glitches were not touched. The only bugs that were fixed were ones that were being used to commit exploits. It got so bad that there were groups of players looking into the glitches specifically to find a way to exploit them so they could be fixed.

The game got steadily worse as time went on. Then the fiasco of the changeover occurred and if it wasn't for the mass complaints (which makes anything here or even in WoW look like a whimper) and threats of lawsuits (which would qualify under the bait-and-switch laws), they would have kept the money from selling the expansion released a few days prior.

2 camps of people left that day. One camp was the "canon followers" who were mainly pissed off because the jedi became commonplace which was just wrong for the era. The other, much, much, much larger camp left because they felt cheated. All the hard work they put into their characters was gone, without any notice or feedback from the players.

To put it in perspective, a lot of people here are whining that the MA badges are being modified. Picture if you will I16 comes out without any player notice, enhancements get scrubbed, the power pools get simplified to strict classes, the invention system is the only way to get improvements and anyone could play as Statesman or Recluse. As well, all your characters get wiped completely and to compensate, you get one power boost that grants a .2% boost to one trait. No picture that happening 2 days after Going Rogue is released and you payed for it. That is the equivalent of what happened with the restructure of SWG.

Thankfully, Bioware has experience with the content and period and aren't exactly prone to doing stupid things with their games.



Thankfully, Bioware has experience with the content and period and aren't exactly prone to doing stupid things with their games.

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Now let's hope they've got people with the right MMO experience and we should be set. I'm glad the game is being set in the old republic era for a couple of reasons.

1) I enjoyed it in both of the KotoR titles.
2) Since it's a mostly unexplored era, people like me that aren't hardcore fans can learn as we go without being mocked that we didn't know that so-and-so was some important dude's fourth cousin.
3) There are enough Force users around that it doesn't feel immersion breaking to see them often in game.

I think that by now we all realize cinematics aren't indicative of gameplay graphics, we're just excited because this short cinematic trailer for a video game was made with more professionalism and polish than most of the newer movies, cartoons, and games with the Star Wars stamp.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!





2 camps of people left that day. One camp was the "canon followers" who were mainly pissed off because the jedi became commonplace which was just wrong for the era. The other, much, much, much larger camp left because they felt cheated. All the hard work they put into their characters was gone, without any notice or feedback from the players.

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I was sort of in both spots.... I like the game before the first change, I like the non standard leveling you could do, I liked being able to focus on things other then battle.... ohhh well



I'm all sorts of excited for this, having gone through the NGE too. Depends on what you can do in game, but I doubt I'll be resurrecting my old SWG character. More than likely going to be adapting Agonus, my main villain here, over to there. (Agonus is also my name on the SWTOR forums.)

This'll be Darth Strife's theme :3

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And this is Darth Stryfe. >.>

On a sidenote, up until now I thought your name rhymed with "if", not life.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.




Is your guild in TOR an RP group by any chance? :P

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A few players from my RP VG, myself included, are interested in the game. At least 2 of us will be leaning towards ebil, and I'll be starting a RP group over there unless I find another one.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



My guild on Starsider was "The Hyperspace Cowboys" We'll be going back over in a RP sense, and prolly be on both sides (we all had two to three accounts in swg)

Our current name is up for debate on our wanderover, I keep pitching"The Heroic Saviors of Cristof" but they keep hitting me over the head o.@




I know that, more likely then not dependent on the pay model, I'm going to have a ready-made group for when the game launches.

Here's hoping they go into racial choices here soon, or announce a 'race creator' kind of thing for you to add in your own stuff (though I'll facepalm just as hard as any other nerd over illogical choices given timeperiod).

Really, all they have to do to throw me a bone is cough up Elomin or Nagai. Anything else on top of that would be major gravy (though I can suspect that, given the run of character choices in KotOR and KotOR2 [including sidekicks] that Cathar, Wookie, Zabrak, and Twi'lek are going to be very likely, with honorable mentions going to Quarren, Rodians, Trandoshans, Duros, and maybe one or two others I'm forgetting off the top of my head).



I'm tXHereticXt on the SWTOR forums and already RPing a bit in the RP section.

On a sidenote, up until now I thought your name rhymed with "if", not life.

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Nope strife, as in conflict and chaos. It's the family name which after their murder and Vergil being the last, becomes Vergil of Strife.



One of our main officer's name is Aesri.



Well should be interesting that's for sure. Having played a more traditional hero for over five years, it'd be kinda fun to play a more mercenary-minded character.