Star Wars: The Old Republic, Cinematic Trailer




* runs after neko with a lighsaber on*

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



<ensnares da puppeh via bounty hunter cartoon net!> Muhahaha





as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Now my puppeh we will talk about the location of your hidden rookery! -.-

<cartoony droid with feathers and tickle rays appears and door closes!>



I'll,,,never MADDIE!!!!!

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Well, it's Bioware. They have a good track record with single-player games. They say that they're writing the missions in SW:TOR with the same intensity and attention to detail as their single-player fare. So if they screw up the mechanics, at least it will have a good story.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do find it arrogant for them to look at the trailer and say, "Yes we're aiming for that." Can't help but feel they're underestimating the MMO market as if anybody can come in and start to work on one and it'd be easy. About the only thing saving the development is once again it's Bioware so people have high expectations, and the franchise.



Reports indicated they've been data gathering since the end of Kotor 2 production if I recall, so I think it's a bit early to sell them short. Yet. o.0



I wish I could be more excited, but I know that it won't be like the movies, or even the single-player games. Instead, it will be full of... MMO players.

xGr33d0x says: creds pls
darthAwsom says: ne1 for Korriban? need helar, tank, BH
Orin Starchaser says: Excuse me, can someone help a lost traveller find his way?
Sithkilla says: lol nub
xGr33d0x says: creds pls

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I wish I could be more excited, but I know that it won't be like the movies, or even the single-player games. Instead, it will be full of... MMO players.

xGr33d0x says: creds pls
darthAwsom says: ne1 for Korriban? need helar, tank, BH

[/ QUOTE ]

So's this game. I don't see what's different. :3

I'll ignore the majority, and ponder putting a rocket between the shoulder blades of a select few.



Reports indicated they've been data gathering since the end of Kotor 2 production if I recall, so I think it's a bit early to sell them short. Yet. o.0

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not selling them short per se... but I am skeptical. They have a lot on their side of course but still, everything works great in theory but only so much pass in practice.



I wish I could be more excited, but I know that it won't be like the movies, or even the single-player games. Instead, it will be full of... MMO players.

xGr33d0x says: creds pls
darthAwsom says: ne1 for Korriban? need helar, tank, BH
Orin Starchaser says: Excuse me, can someone help a lost traveller find his way?
Sithkilla says: lol nub
xGr33d0x says: creds pls

[/ QUOTE ]

Too many MMOs coming out in the next year are trying to leave the Holly Trinity behind, of course you're still encounter many of the beggers and new-folks, and I don't think this game is any exception.



I wish I could be more excited, but I know that it won't be like the movies, or even the single-player games. Instead, it will be full of... MMO players.

xGr33d0x says: creds pls
darthAwsom says: ne1 for Korriban? need helar, tank, BH
Orin Starchaser says: Excuse me, can someone help a lost traveller find his way?
Sithkilla says: lol nub
xGr33d0x says: creds pls

[/ QUOTE ]

At launch, we honestly didn't have these issues on Starsider, the proper Roleplaying server



That's right now what I'm hoping they'll do as well. A dedicated RP server.



Oh and my name on the boards is "Starblazer"



Seems like they've been taking a few pointers from Warcraft.. Don't get me wrong, Bioware are the GODS of RPGs and I love everything they do but the voice over and dark tone of the trailer reminded me of "that other game".

Still awesome, and I can't wait to sink my teeth into some game play!



That's right now what I'm hoping they'll do as well. A dedicated RP server.

[/ QUOTE ]

'Aye. And official RP server would be nifty. Nothing silly like an RPvP server though. *glares at Funcom*

Or at least something as unanimous as Virtue.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



The day this game comes out, CoX is a part of my past.

But for those of you who are coming with, we definitely need to find and establish a RP server. I'm so excited

Sith all the way baby.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



if they can make swtor anything like baulders gate i am [censored] in

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I think I drooled a little bit.

But although my jaw is hanging in the air, I'm just a little bit apprehensive. I don't think I need to bring up Star Wars Galaxies. :|

I'm just gonne wait and see.



Yup gotta becareful, this was CG to the core and mind you... Lineage 2 had some perfectly good CG vids as well and yet the game feels nor looks anything like it. So handle with extreme skepticism. I'm excited and yet wasn't for SWG but I'm still weary especially after the flop that was TR.



Does any1 know if this game is p2p or free 2 play with microtransactions?



Does any1 know if this game is p2p or free 2 play with microtransactions?

[/ QUOTE ]

They keep taunting me by not stating it. Unless they have recently, in which case... Hopefully someone posts it soon.



Hm. Microtransactions would be kinda interesting.



Hm. Microtransactions would be kinda interesting.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do believe they said that it would, essentially, be designed on the premise of Free to Play with Microtransactions being their desired income beyond profit per retail purchase. But whether or not they're sticking to it, nobody knows. This game to say the least wont hit shelves until at least next Spring.

I'm still iffy on the microtransactions. Yes this is perfect to combat gold farmers, take the average amount of gold (currency, which for this game is simply Credits) sold online and then cutting the cost in half so that customers get, essentially, more than what they pay for.

but to what extent can we purchase via microtransactions. Will there be time limits (IE: buying some uber stat lightsaber than only lasts seven days unless renewed)? There's really not enough info and wont be for some time before getting a proper understanding.



*gropes Stryph under the table in the Philosophy thread*

Sadly, I'm way more active on the RP forums over there than I am in any RP at all here. I'm on the verge of cancelling my CoH account 'cause I just never play anymore. I had even started playing EQII to hang out with my BF, but I'm apparently still sick and tired of fantasy games and I can't get into it.

My board-name over there is also Primana, btw. Good group of people so far, with only one small posse of... Well, you know them. The HerBitchiness girl who runs around and flirts with a few guys until they do anything she says, then she's rude and snide to other people. When someone calls her on it, her little boys leap to her defense.

Anyway, they've been pretty quiet lately since a few of us went on a spree of reporting every rude, obnoxious, off-topic, nasty post they made. So it's been nice!

Now I just have to get Callie off the top of the sandcrawler without her landing on a 'friendly fire' grenade, and Paia has to put in her two cents without getting filleted by the Sith Lord on her right and while trying to pull the whole "I still feel the good in you" bit with Strife...