Slax's wish list
That about covers it.
Yes, I'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, however...
Ice Brutes: You're freezing your enemy, keeping them from attacking you. Wouldn't work.
Fire Defenders: Maybe it's just me, but the Devs seemed to have given Defenders sets that aren't quite as attack-heavy when it comes to their Blasts. I'll have to pass.
Psi Corruptors: And then you'll need to give them something to balance them out Support-wise, so it would seem.
Sorry... I thought I'd read that you wanted the cap raised.
Work has fried my brain. Please ignore the man collapsing behind the curtain.

Those ideas all sound good to me. I think Sigium woke up on the wrong side fo the bed.
Those ideas all sound good to me. I think Sigium woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
[/ QUOTE ]
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
I support everything in this post except Ice Brutes and a lvl 50 coop free fire zone. Ice brutes for the obvious fury building reasons (they tried it in beta and it didn't work) and the zone because coop means there's something big and important to need your attention, and free fire means you can't trust other heroes, let alone villains (or vice versa). Coop and free-fire don't work in the same zone.
I can see coop free fire - form a team, head in, those folks are exempt from your friendly fire, everyone else gets to eat it. Actually, that would be kind of neat.
cant really disagree with any of that. I have heard some talk that fire on a defender would be unimpressive since defenders rely more on their secondary effects of their blasts..and fire really doesnt have a secondary effect other than damage that still wouldnt add up to much, but i havent really looked too much into it. beyond that, yeah, nothing too bad.
cant really disagree with any of that. I have heard some talk that fire on a defender would be unimpressive since defenders rely more on their secondary effects of their blasts..and fire really doesnt have a secondary effect other than damage that still wouldnt add up to much, but i havent really looked too much into it. beyond that, yeah, nothing too bad.
[/ QUOTE ]
Archery is a negligible secondary effect set, with only two powers that do anything that a Fire set wouldn't do. Explosive Arrow offers Knockback and Stunning Shot ... stuns, imagine that (Disorient, actually) -- everything else is straight damage or DoT.
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense, but if that's not good enough, do a reverse treatment to how they proliferated Psychic Blast over from Defenders to Blasters. You could add in a damaging immobilize, remove Aim, maybe switch out something else to add in another secondary effect, and voila! Defender Fire Blast!
@NC Thunderbird, @Last Kid Picked
HELP! I can't stop making Alts! Up to 175 now, including: Lutadora, Tess LaCoille, Not Of This World, Lies Behind Stars, Redshift Monk.
Campaigning for title of official "Thread Killer" of the Suggestions & Ideas forum.
I would say that they need to do more end game raid settings instead of more TFs. Im tired of the 8 capped team settings - give us something like takes 16 people minimum to complete.
And ice brutes please. I don't care if it slows down fury.
/Signed to both Slax and Empire's suggestions.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

- Scrappers- super strength
[/ QUOTE ]
oh hell no, imagine scrap crit in pvp with double rage - more OP'ed plz no?
Controllers- cold domination
Defenders- fire blast
Corruptors- Psi blast
[/ QUOTE ]
mmmyeah......i want them pink shiny attacks for corr, probably would roll another /cold corr right away if they added this set...
the rest is sure why not...
Brutes- Ice Armor (I'll sign a waiver that it slows fury buildup and I don't care)
-Spines (like the tank idea, but with Fury)
[/ QUOTE ]
i don't see ice armor happening for brutes, but spines doesn't sound bad..
-I'd like to hear that the lvl cap will never be raised past 50. Why? doing so would probably involve such a massive re balancing it would destroy the game, Castle and Posi's sanity or all 3. More end game content/TFs would be much more desired.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Cursed Sorcerer approves of these ideas, except for Ice Melee for Brutes. I would also like to see Broad Sword proliferated to Brutes.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Battle Axe for Scrappers please
Cleave + Crits =
I want an Ice/Fire brute. Nothing screams oxymoron like that.
I can just see a conversation that my brute has with someone.
Civilian: Uhh, you're holding a flaming sword.
Brute: Yeah? So?
Civilian: But, you're like made out of ice!
Brute: Yeah. Cool huh?
Whacky PvP idea:
A lvl 50 coop free fire zone (had to trow that in)
[/ QUOTE ]
I would love a free-fire co-op zone and a free-fire TF or AE mission option. It would bring a whole new level of strategy to team placement.
Everything there is fine by me except SS for Scrappers. Bashing someones head in with your fists isn't exactly scrapping, just doesn't fit the style that Scrappers hold.
How does MA fit into your world then....? Your just kickboxing someone ... very similar...
I want an Ice/Fire brute. Nothing screams oxymoron like that.
I can just see a conversation that my brute has with someone.
Civilian: Uhh, you're holding a flaming sword.
Brute: Yeah? So?
Civilian: But, you're like made out of ice!
Brute: Yeah. Cool huh?
[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldn't a Ice/Fire brute be holding an ice sword while being made of fire?
Not going to wish for insta-50s, old PvP or anything that's about as likely as winning the lottery. But here's some things I'd like to see when appropriate:
More power proliferation:
- Tanks- spines (personally think this would be awesome, especially with quills holding extra aggro and can think of some neat PvP builds)
- Scrappers- super strength
- More APP pools- scrappers get 3 and dark is lolz. Something like Pyre or Earth would be a neat addition.
Controllers- cold domination
Defenders- fire blast
Corruptors- Psi blast
Brutes- Ice Armor (I'll sign a waiver that it slows fury buildup and I don't care)
-Spines (like the tank idea, but with Fury)
Levels/end game
-I'd like to hear that the lvl cap will never be raised past 50. Why? doing so would probably involve such a massive re balancing it would destroy the game, Castle and Posi's sanity or all 3. More end game content/TFs would be much more desired.
Going Rogue
- First and foremost more info
- Content playable up to lvl 50 (see also, more end game)
- No or minimal swapping penalties (i.e. don't loose enhancers/levels/money/badges)
- fun
- did I mention more info
Whacky PvP idea:
A lvl 50 coop free fire zone (had to trow that in)
I know these are my opinions, YMMV.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit