Recent post on Paragon Wiki about AE badge....




I read a disturbing post on about AE badge changes and why they are making these
changes. “Synapse posted about some very large changes to the Architect Entertainment Badges coming up with Issue 15. Almost 90 badges will be removed” “Only 24 badges will remain” “due to the developers' desire for Mission Architect to be about playing Story Arcs rather than grinding for badges” wait a minute my main toon is BioTron X he is level 50, 522 badges, 2154 hours of playtime on him. This toon has 81 of 81 exploration badges, 5 of 5 history badges, 29 of 35 accomplishment badges, 38 of 52 achievement badges, 18 of 31 accolades, 37 of 55 gladiator, 50 of 51 invention badges, 42 of 59 defeats badges, 26 of 36 events badges, 76 of 76 ouroboros badges, 14 of 16 blackmarket badges and 82 of 118 architect badges. Don’t stop there at just the 90 from the architect. I tell you this because I have grinded for my portable workbench and I did not stop till I got it so take that from me, as well as all the hours I grinded on getting the all ouroboros badges that drove my sg mates bloody mad cause I did not stop till I got them. I don’t understand I am just days shy of my 24 months playing this game and all this time I thought it was about grinding for badges. You need 200 toxic tarantulas for a badge or 200 tsoo for a badge that mind you, you can’t earn these badges in the architect so you must grind else where for them but what makes grinding for the AE badges so different that we can’t do it. I have 5 level 50 toons that I have grinded for evey level I got. Grinding for badges is my enjoyment in this game and it is why I still pay for 2 accounts. Let me break it down If I lose one badge that I have grinded so hard for I will close both of my COH accounts. Look I don't want this to come off as a threat I am just stating a fact after 2 years paying for the game grinding for every badge I have, you will take my fun away and why should I pay for what is no longer fun



I have 5 level 50 toons that I have grinded for evey level I got. Grinding for badges is my enjoyment in this game and it is why I still pay for 2 accounts. Let me break it down If I lose one badge that I have grinded so hard for I will close both of my COH accounts. Look I don't want this to come off as a threat I am just stating a fact after 2 years paying for the game grinding for every badge I have, you will take my fun away and why should I pay for what is no longer fun

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NEWSFALSH: you are playing the game wrong, while I am sure the devs are sorry to see two subs laps, they would rather you play their game their way and have their fun.


Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



I have 5 level 50 toons that I have grinded for evey level I got. Grinding for badges is my enjoyment in this game and it is why I still pay for 2 accounts. Let me break it down If I lose one badge that I have grinded so hard for I will close both of my COH accounts. Look I don't want this to come off as a threat I am just stating a fact after 2 years paying for the game grinding for every badge I have, you will take my fun away and why should I pay for what is no longer fun

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NEWSFALSH: you are playing the game wrong, while I am sure the devs are sorry to see two subs laps, they would rather you play their game their way and have their fun.


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Definitely not the burger king of MMOGs



Lawl, at the very least I can look forward to two days out of the week where I get to play around with CO.



Let me break it down If I lose one badge that I have grinded so hard for I will close both of my COH accounts. Look I don't want this to come off as a threat

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Yeah, you fail.

BTW, the good news is that you're missing a metric [censored] ton of badges still, so there's lots more grinding you can still do!

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Let me break it down If I lose one badge that I have grinded so hard for I will close both of my COH accounts. Look I don't want this to come off as a threat

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Yeah, you fail.

BTW, the good news is that you're missing a metric [censored] ton of badges still, so there's lots more grinding you can still do!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. true. We should get rid of those badges too. Its unfair that the average casual cant have Empath today instead of in a year or two.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



The problem was that, with MA specifically, people were using the system in ways that hampered other people's ability to use it as intended. See, here's how:

If one wanted to get the "free 500 hostages" badge, it would be TOO EASY to make a mission with 50 hostages set to "single", who would all get free the moment you entered the mission. And then add 50 glowies with 1 second duration just for fun. Make every enemy on the map an ALLIED patrol so you wouldn't get ganked while running around.

All the while, this arc is PUBILISHED. Now, that's not horrible, but multiply one doing this times a thousand (assuming just one thousand players were making farm missions). Suddenly, that's a very significant amount of missions that's clogging up the database and making it harder for people to find genuine content!

Then factor in people who bribed others to mark their mission 5 stars just to get to the top (or get the badges for themselves), even though their mission probably doesn't deserve it. That means you and I get annoying tells from these people asking to trade votes (happened a lot in the early weeks of I14), and then, people who worked hard on their mission (but aren't willing to vote-swap or anything) don't get any votes because nobody can find their mission.

All that, plus the so-called vote-cartels running around and down-voting every 5 star arc they could find just so they and their friends can get to the top, and that means many people's badge-attaining abilities were now out of their own hands. This game does have PvP badges, but none of the AE badges were supposed to be gotten or denied by a PvP mindset.

So there you go. This change was ultimately to equalize badge-gaining opportunities while discouraging publishing arcs just for xp/badge grinding. There's still work to be done, but don't take this all as a bad thing.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I don't see too much of a problem with the new changes since I don't have to run 550 missions, spend any more time in test mode for the virtual slayer badge, or worry that my arc is not getting enough ratings for the Living Legend badge.

I am hoping for new badges that don't have a grind element to replace some of the badges we lost. Besides wait for Going Rouge system if you want more badges. It should make up for the amount of badges we lost assuming you switch sides.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



I could careless if there are badges out of reach take them out don't remove the achieveble ones anywho what difference does it make



NEWSFALSH: you are playing the game wrong, while I am sure the devs are sorry to see two subs laps, they would rather you play their game their way and have their fun.

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Do your relize how stupid you sound with I should pay my money to play their game their way and have their fun. I can see why I upset you and not the badge issue. Don't have much upstairs huh? I play this game by their rules I don't pl toons and I work for every badge I got who's to say I am not stuck in a wheel chair and can do nothing else but play this game every waking monment and I have teamed and teamed and busted my fingers on the keyboard to get every badge I have earned no one should be able to take away what I have worked so hard for not in real life or the VR.


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Definitely not the burger king of MMOGs

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The problem was that, with MA specifically, people were using the system in ways that hampered other people's ability to use it as intended. See, here's how:

If one wanted to get the "free 500 hostages" badge, it would be TOO EASY to make a mission with 50 hostages set to "single", who would all get free the moment you entered the mission. And then add 50 glowies with 1 second duration just for fun. Make every enemy on the map an ALLIED patrol so you wouldn't get ganked while running around.

All the while, this arc is PUBILISHED. Now, that's not horrible, but multiply one doing this times a thousand (assuming just one thousand players were making farm missions). Suddenly, that's a very significant amount of missions that's clogging up the database and making it harder for people to find genuine content!

Then factor in people who bribed others to mark their mission 5 stars just to get to the top (or get the badges for themselves), even though their mission probably doesn't deserve it. That means you and I get annoying tells from these people asking to trade votes (happened a lot in the early weeks of I14), and then, people who worked hard on their mission (but aren't willing to vote-swap or anything) don't get any votes because nobody can find their mission.

All that, plus the so-called vote-cartels running around and down-voting every 5 star arc they could find just so they and their friends can get to the top, and that means many people's badge-attaining abilities were now out of their own hands. This game does have PvP badges, but none of the AE badges were supposed to be gotten or denied by a PvP mindset.

So there you go. This change was ultimately to equalize badge-gaining opportunities while discouraging publishing arcs just for xp/badge grinding. There's still work to be done, but don't take this all as a bad thing.

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Pity this won't fix a thing.

Griefing wont stop, Steele. if you honestly think it will, no offense buddy, but you're full of [censored].

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Pity this won't fix a thing.

Griefing wont stop, Steele. if you honestly think it will, no offense buddy, but you're full of [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]I see this position every now and then, when there's a change intended to reduce griefing, farming, or any other undesirable (from the devs' point of view) aspect from a system. People seem to think that if it doesn't completely remove the problem, it's not worth doing.

Personally, since it's COMPLETELY impossible to remove said negative aspects completely, I feel it's a bad position to take. It becomes a catch all for "never make any negative change ever", even if those changes become a net positive for the game. For example, none of the changes to farming the devs had made have been able to completely stop it... but just imagine if we had all the old farming methods and abilities with the current reward system. It'd be completely broken! Even more so than it is now. So, without fixing the problem completely, the devs still managed to enact a net positive gain.
That's probably what they're trying to do here. They KNOW they can't remove griefing and farming and such. That doesn't mean they shouldn't try.

That being said, I don't see why they can't keep the virtual badges. Since those missions don't need to be published to be farmed, it doesn't hurt the system. And it's the ideal closed environment for people who LIKE farming for the sake of farming, since it has no regular rewards. I'd be happy with them keeping the virtual badges, and even adding a bunch more, though I'd really like them to reduce the virtual kills badges. Those ones were just ridiculous.

Not that it stopped me from getting them, but still...



Definitely not the burger king of MMOGs

[/ QUOTE ]

of course not, Burger King lies to your face.



lucas doesnt care if whoppers are made from dog and cow [censored], they are delicious.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



Using the hostages as an example was poor, since the hostage badges (topping out at 50) were pretty darn reasonable.

Destructible objects, too.



NEWSFALSH: you are playing the game wrong, while I am sure the devs are sorry to see two subs laps, they would rather you play their game their way and have their fun.

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Do your relize how stupid you sound with I should pay my money to play their game their way and have their fun.

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It is pretty stupid eh? unless there are some pretty big and fun improvments between now and when my sub runs out I problally won't renew myself

I can see why I upset you and not the badge issue. Don't have much upstairs huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no idea what this was ment to say
I play this game by their rules I don't pl toons and I work for every badge I got who's to say I am not stuck in a wheel chair and can do nothing else but play this game every waking monment and I have teamed and teamed and busted my fingers on the keyboard to get every badge I have earned no one should be able to take away what I have worked so hard for not in real life or the VR.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats nice, but this game isn't yours and can be taken away; read that EULA you click on every time you start a finger busting play session. Also I recommend not busting fingers while playing this game, you might have more fun with out busted fingers ... or maybe I am wrong.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



NEWSFALSH: you are playing the game wrong, while I am sure the devs are sorry to see two subs laps, they would rather you play their game their way and have their fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do your relize how stupid you sound with I should pay my money to play their game their way and have their fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is pretty stupid eh? unless there are some pretty big and fun improvments between now and when my sub runs out I problally won't renew myself

I can see why I upset you and not the badge issue. Don't have much upstairs huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no idea what this was ment to say
I play this game by their rules I don't pl toons and I work for every badge I got who's to say I am not stuck in a wheel chair and can do nothing else but play this game every waking monment and I have teamed and teamed and busted my fingers on the keyboard to get every badge I have earned no one should be able to take away what I have worked so hard for not in real life or the VR.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats nice, but this game isn't yours and can be taken away; read that EULA you click on every time you start a finger busting play session. Also I recommend not busting fingers while playing this game, you might have more fun with out busted fingers ... or maybe I am wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

The game isnt ours but in fact without the community that pays the montly fee there would be no game :P



I have 5 level 50 toons that I have grinded for evey level I got. Grinding for badges is my enjoyment in this game and it is why I still pay for 2 accounts. Let me break it down If I lose one badge that I have grinded so hard for I will close both of my COH accounts. Look I don't want this to come off as a threat I am just stating a fact after 2 years paying for the game grinding for every badge I have, you will take my fun away and why should I pay for what is no longer fun

[/ QUOTE ]

NEWSFALSH: you are playing the game wrong, while I am sure the devs are sorry to see two subs laps, they would rather you play their game their way and have their fun.


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Definitely not the burger king of MMOGs

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this made me laugh too....then as I realized just how true it was, it made me cry......



Can we get this thread up to 50+ pages too please? The forums don't have enough I15 Badge Changes Rage yet.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Can we get this thread up to 50+ pages too please? The forums don't have enough I15 Badge Changes Rage yet.


[/ QUOTE ] 50 pages is relative anyway. It depends how many posts per page somebody has in their forum settings. 50 pages for one person might be only 25 for another.

For example, for me, this thread only had 1 page until I posted this reply.



You obviously are reading wrong and should be banned

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Can we get this thread up to 50+ pages too please? The forums don't have enough I15 Badge Changes Rage yet.


[/ QUOTE ] 50 pages is relative anyway. It depends how many posts per page somebody has in their forum settings. 50 pages for one person might be only 25 for another.

For example, for me, this thread only had 1 page until I posted this reply.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're farming page count! BAN!

Ambush City, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Ambush - Arc #1043
Strife of the Grave - Arc #3409
Shift - Arc #529411




Pity this won't fix a thing.

Griefing wont stop, Steele. if you honestly think it will, no offense buddy, but you're full of [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm, Cav, I don't see your point, or need for a censored word. Steele is correct. I've never been griefed in my badge-hooring by another player. BUT the 'Star my Arc' and HoF badges were actively being griefed making them essentially unattainable. Virtual Ticket, Mob, etc badges were epic fail from the outset because they basically made those badges solo farms. Even I have better things to do than gather or join an 8 man team for only 1 perq: a virtual ticket badge.

I don't particularly mind them removing most of the AE badges that I earned eventhough I think it was a little shortsighted since MA farms are slowly dying down to a normal level as predictable. I am glad that once again I am secure in the ungriefability of my badging fun in game.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Can we get this thread up to 50+ pages too please? The forums don't have enough I15 Badge Changes Rage yet.


[/ QUOTE ] 50 pages is relative anyway. It depends how many posts per page somebody has in their forum settings. 50 pages for one person might be only 25 for another.

For example, for me, this thread only had 1 page until I posted this reply.

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You should get a badge for viewing a post in 50 post view mode.
That is a lot harder to achieve than the remaining MA badges.