When is it okay to kick?

Aliana Blue



Kick when you feel it's the right choice. For me? I've got some standards, and rules that warrant a kick:

1. Playing in smaller groups.
--- If you're on a team, work with the team. Don't take a buddy or two and go do your own thing, and leave us hanging dry. I don't care what you think will get us done the fastest.

2. Being detrimental to the team.
--- If you over-aggro mobs around us, you fail to pull your own weight in any sense of the word. This isn't just playing your AT, it's playing in general.

3. Starting fights.
--- I've kicked people for just being a pain. Everything from accusing team members of being dead weight on the team, to one incident where someone accused someone else of sleeping with his girlfriend.

4. Being... Odd.
--- I've got a high tolerance for this, but if your RP experience includes a 10-minute speech about the enemy you've just defeated, and how you plan to preserve justice, then you're OUT... This also applies to people who have macros for every single power.

[/ QUOTE ] Sometimes when I play on MunkiLord(scrapper), I'm guilty of points 1 and 2. I'll get distracted and try to take on a a couple large mobs by myself or with my Arch/MM buddy. Other times I'll pull as many mobs as possible to see how much the team can handle.



1) Don't micromanage. Just because a player isn't playing their AT to *your* expectations, doesn't mean you can kick 'em as a result.

[/ QUOTE ] Yes it does. If you have the star you can kick anybody for any reason at anytime.



1) Don't micromanage. Just because a player isn't playing their AT to *your* expectations, doesn't mean you can kick 'em as a result.

[/ QUOTE ] Yes it does. If you have the star you can kick anybody for any reason at anytime.

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It's just a quick way to make sure you burn a bridge that you may be standing on. =-3

Always best to talk first. Though Munki is right. YOu do have every right to randomly kick without a word. It's not a very nice thing to do!


*Edit!* Zap Brannigan is a -vast- improvement over half-naked George Castanza. My eyes thank you.




I should have added, just because you can kick for any reason, doesn't mean you should.


*Edit!* Zap Brannigan is a -vast- improvement over half-naked George Castanza. My eyes thank you.

[/ QUOTE ] Yeah I decided to go back to my first avatar. Both of them are on my short list of people I wanna be like



I keep wanting to improve Zap there...I think after work I may try to.



1) Don't micromanage. Just because a player isn't playing their AT to *your* expectations, doesn't mean you can kick 'em as a result.

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There is a difference between not playing the AT as per someone else's expectations and not playing the AT properly at all. Rocking the aura on follow is never an acceptable practice.



Except during BRIEF periods of being AFK >.>

I've done that on every archetype. Though for tanks I rock Taunt, blasters I usually pick my highest damaging non-snipe single target power, controllers I spam wither a heal or a single target hold. Defenders it's a heal, buff, or a single target high damage attack.




My rule of thumb is this.
I Run alot of MoSTFs, LGTF , ITFs i usally build my team around what will get the job done fastest and easiest. So ill build my teams with certain ATs and powersets. If i invited u cuz ur a arch/emp fender and i askd youon team to heal, dont sit around blasting, if i wanted a blaster id of invited 1. If i get a constant AFKer, i eamn 3-4 times for 5mins eash or they just put me on follow for 10mins, i let them continue TF. Than @ final mission befor completion like befor i kill LR, or Rom or even last ambush in gen room u get a big fat KICK



My rule of thumb is this.
I Run alot of MoSTFs, LGTF , ITFs i usally build my team around what will get the job done fastest and easiest. So ill build my teams with certain ATs and powersets. If i invited u cuz ur a arch/emp fender and i askd youon team to heal, dont sit around blasting, if i wanted a blaster id of invited 1. If i get a constant AFKer, i eamn 3-4 times for 5mins eash or they just put me on follow for 10mins, i let them continue TF. Than @ final mission befor completion like befor i kill LR, or Rom or even last ambush in gen room u get a big fat KICK

[/ QUOTE ]

So, if someone isn't playing the way you want them to, you'll lead them along, and kick them before they can get any rewards.

That's a REAL dick thing to do. That's far worse that someone going AFK, or just trying their best with some of their own powersets.

If I've got some good powersets, I'm going to use both of them. If that means I can't spend 100% of my time healing, then so be it, if it's helping the team more than it's hurting.



QR: What becomes a legend most, I mean what deserves a kick the most....?

Answer: TANKS WHO REFUSE TO TANK! These are few things more annoying [rockin' the aura might be one of them].

Was on an AE team the other night with a tank who was firmly in the back, doing nothing. This was a level 30+ Tank, mind you. This was all well & good until our leading Tank d'ced.

Teammate #1: "Okay Shy Little Girl [not her real name], you're up! "

Tank: "ummmmmm.... no thank you."

Teammate #2: "hey, *you're* the tank now. We got no one else."

Tank: "Errr...... no..... I'm new at this."

Me: "But you're level 35, how can you be new?" [although I already knew how, dear reader, trust me]

Tank: "Stop being mean to me, you guys."

Teammate #3: "Here, I'll tell you how to do it. First you.... [explaination of basic Tank behavior follows]."

Teammate #4: "Stop being mean to her you guys! She's NEW!"

Me: "Look, that's not being mean, we are trying to help her. Because trust me if for instance she gets onto a TF and refuses to Tank, then she IS gonna hear some truly mean stuff and this'll seem like nothing."

Tank: "Stop it you guys I don't want to."

teammate #3: "Here, try it with this next bunch and we won't let you die, promise."

Tank: "I don't want to."

Me: "You might want to roll a non-Tank character then, for real. You'll get a lot less flak."


Me: *quit TF*

I am not one to tell other people how they ought to level, promise. Level how you want. But if you get PLed to whatever level and refuse to play your AT out of fear, if I am leading the team I will kick you, and if I'm not I will leave.

I will leave because my staying enables your mediocrity, and I'm not here to do that. I have endless patience with people doing their best to learn, but if you don't wanna learn then me and you are gonna part ways. If you will not fulfill the duties your AT brings to the table then you are wasting our/my time. I'm not getting through a two hr. TF only to have it fail because you're unwilling to play your part.



I have endless patience with people doing their best to learn, but if you don't wanna learn then me and you are gonna part ways.

[/ QUOTE ] agreed




When it's one of those little annoying dogs that yaps instead of barks....



Don't I know you???



My rule of thumb is this.
I Run alot of MoSTFs, LGTF , ITFs i usally build my team around what will get the job done fastest and easiest. So ill build my teams with certain ATs and powersets. If i invited u cuz ur a arch/emp fender and i askd youon team to heal, dont sit around blasting, if i wanted a blaster id of invited 1. If i get a constant AFKer, i eamn 3-4 times for 5mins eash or they just put me on follow for 10mins, i let them continue TF. Than @ final mission befor completion like befor i kill LR, or Rom or even last ambush in gen room u get a big fat KICK

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So, if someone isn't playing the way you want them to, you'll lead them along, and kick them before they can get any rewards.

That's a REAL dick thing to do.

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Do you know what is really "a REAL dick thing to do?" Continually going AFK during a TF, that's what. "Discontinuing" for 2/3 of the TF and periodically logging in to see how things are going? That qualifies too.

People who wish to avoid being booted off of TFs would do well to not do this stuff. Blueside it is extremely common, esp. the AFK "I'll just put me on follow, k?" thing. Infuriatingly common.

To be honest I wish more people applied a little negative reinforcement a la a well-timed kick. People can and do get away with everything, while the rest of us do all the work! FAIL



I love B_I's posts. They are always full of such crap one can do nothing but smile.



Do you know what is really "a REAL dick thing to do?" Continually going AFK during a TF, that's what. "Discontinuing" for 2/3 of the TF and periodically logging in to see how things are going? That qualifies too.

People who wish to avoid being booted off of TFs would do well to not do this stuff. Blueside it is extremely common, esp. the AFK "I'll just put me on follow, k?" thing. Infuriatingly common.

To be honest I wish more people applied a little negative reinforcement a la a well-timed kick. People can and do get away with everything, while the rest of us do all the work! FAIL

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Ya' know what serves just as good a purpose? Kicking them when it becomes a real issue. Going AFK for most of any TF isn't cool, but just for 3-4 minutes a time? Well, that's a bit harsh.

Kicking someone before the TF is over serves nothing more as griefing, and acting as something akin to retroactive punishment.



Bad_Influence wrote:

QR: What becomes a legend most, I mean what deserves a kick the most....?

Answer: TANKS WHO REFUSE TO TANK! These are few things more annoying [rockin' the aura might be one of them].

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There is NOTHING in game that gets under my skin quite like a timid tank. (Not even rewdboi jerkholes) Why the heck would you play that archtype if you don't want to be the one to jump in first?

[removes cathartic rant]



i love to pug, i meet new people do new and strange thing but i have only ever kicked 1 person from a tf before. it was an itf and i was running it with MOSTLY sg mates the 2 pugs i got to join were good players. that is to say they were pulling there waight adn doing it well. but neither of them would follow intrustions at all. on the first mission they kept going off on there own way rather then go were the team was going. they could take the mobs so it did not bother me. on mission 2 i find out that neither of them have they chat windows up so they COULD/WOULD not lessen to anything anyone said to them. when i proceed to blow the crystals and they because they did not read the intrustions die i gat a bunch of tells from them going "if you do that again we will quit your tf"

on the last mission befor we take out romi i am asked my an sg mate if they could take 5 for a bio/smoke break, so i tell the team smoke them if you got them time for a bio break, be back in 5 ish min. the 2 pugs are already trying to clear around romi when they die and finaly read what is hapening they start calling everyone names. making as many homophobic names as they can type.
we take down romi 3 times then i kick them both, sent a pitition siting there behavour as the cause. 2 min later when they fig out what has happend they start sending me tells again saying that they are going to pitition me for kicking them and more homophobic names. i block them, they hop onto another account and start it again.second pitition

honistly i should have kicked them long before then but considering after that they never came back to the game, i feel kinda good about it.



i love to pug, i meet new people do new and strange thing but i have only ever kicked 1 person from a tf before. it was an itf and i was running it with MOSTLY sg mates the 2 pugs i got to join were good players. that is to say they were pulling there waight adn doing it well. but neither of them would follow intrustions at all. on the first mission they kept going off on there own way rather then go were the team was going. they could take the mobs so it did not bother me. on mission 2 i find out that neither of them have they chat windows up so they COULD/WOULD not lessen to anything anyone said to them. when i proceed to blow the crystals and they because they did not read the intrustions die i gat a bunch of tells from them going "if you do that again we will quit your tf"

on the last mission befor we take out romi i am asked my an sg mate if they could take 5 for a bio/smoke break, so i tell the team smoke them if you got them time for a bio break, be back in 5 ish min. the 2 pugs are already trying to clear around romi when they die and finaly read what is hapening they start calling everyone names. making as many homophobic names as they can type.
we take down romi 3 times then i kick them both, sent a pitition siting there behavour as the cause. 2 min later when they fig out what has happend they start sending me tells again saying that they are going to pitition me for kicking them and more homophobic names. i block them, they hop onto another account and start it again.second pitition

honistly i should have kicked them long before then but considering after that they never came back to the game, i feel kinda good about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Those people were jerks, but you should've just kicked them before taking advantage of their service. I would kick them upon the second mission, and not think twice about it.



Do you know what is really "a REAL dick thing to do?" Continually going AFK during a TF, that's what. "Discontinuing" for 2/3 of the TF and periodically logging in to see how things are going? That qualifies too.

People who wish to avoid being booted off of TFs would do well to not do this stuff. Blueside it is extremely common, esp. the AFK "I'll just put me on follow, k?" thing. Infuriatingly common.

To be honest I wish more people applied a little negative reinforcement a la a well-timed kick. People can and do get away with everything, while the rest of us do all the work! FAIL

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Ya' know what serves just as good a purpose? Kicking them when it becomes a real issue. Going AFK for most of any TF isn't cool, but just for 3-4 minutes a time? Well, that's a bit harsh.

Kicking someone before the TF is over serves nothing more as griefing, and acting as something akin to retroactive punishment.

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Disagree. Not fighting with the rest of the team on a TF [especially] is what *I* call "griefing." No one said anything about kicking if someone goes AFK for "3-4 minutes." When people start thinking about a kick is if someone is AFK 3-4 minutes, every five minutes. This gets old!

Kicking when it first becomes evident that someone is a leech is certainly warranted; but denying them rewards that the rest of the team earned without them is certainly valid strategy. Its a little meaner, true, but easily avoided by being present for duty when joining a team.

Talnar: we take down romi 3 times then i kick them both, sent a petition siting there behavour as the cause. 2 min later when they fig out what has happend they start sending me tells again saying that they are going to petition me for kicking them and more homophobic names. i block them, they hop onto another account and start it again. second petition

[/ QUOTE ]

Truly, epic lulz. You know, it would almost be less effort for them to just have been doing what they were supposed to be doing.



the realy big thing for me was that they did not have there chat windows open at all. they realy did not Care about the rest of team other then to to make slurs when we are not doing what they wanted.



i love to pug, i meet new people do new and strange thing but i have only ever kicked 1 person from a tf before. it was an itf and i was running it with MOSTLY sg mates the 2 pugs i got to join were good players. that is to say they were pulling there waight adn doing it well. but neither of them would follow intrustions at all. on the first mission they kept going off on there own way rather then go were the team was going. they could take the mobs so it did not bother me. on mission 2 i find out that neither of them have they chat windows up so they COULD/WOULD not lessen to anything anyone said to them. when i proceed to blow the crystals and they because they did not read the intrustions die i gat a bunch of tells from them going "if you do that again we will quit your tf"

on the last mission befor we take out romi i am asked my an sg mate if they could take 5 for a bio/smoke break, so i tell the team smoke them if you got them time for a bio break, be back in 5 ish min. the 2 pugs are already trying to clear around romi when they die and finaly read what is hapening they start calling everyone names. making as many homophobic names as they can type.
we take down romi 3 times then i kick them both, sent a pitition siting there behavour as the cause. 2 min later when they fig out what has happend they start sending me tells again saying that they are going to pitition me for kicking them and more homophobic names. i block them, they hop onto another account and start it again.second pitition

honistly i should have kicked them long before then but considering after that they never came back to the game, i feel kinda good about it.

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Those people were jerks, but you should've just kicked them before taking advantage of their service. I would kick them upon the second mission, and not think twice about it.

[/ QUOTE ]


Honestly, if they sent me a tell like that in the first paragraph? My reply would be "let me save you the trouble," /kick. Well, add player notes, one star, let team know, /kick.

If they're not going to play as part of the team, and listen to instructions and what everyone else is doing - they're not part of the team.



I don't have a problem handling it either way.



When is it okay to kick?

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Any time you have the star and a teammate is being a butthead.

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Did they change TF rewards? I've been under the impression that kicking someone that was in the mission for the majority of the time it took that they still got the TF complete badge/reward even if they were booted last minute. I know I myself have had times where I crashed out during the AV fight at the end of a Task Force, and when I log back in, the TF is already over, and the rewards screen (this was several Issues ago, obviously) was waiting for me.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



As of i13, I believe you receive a reward if:

a) You have been in the final mission long enough to qualify for the end-of-mission bonus in a regular mission.
b) You are present when the merits are actually awarded.

I have been on at least one Task Force where I was around up to the very last battle, crashed during the fight and logged in to find the TF completed and no Merits in my pocket.