Please provide a friends only email filter!
More filters would be a good thing IMO. I wouldn't mind if we had something similar to say Yahoo's email system so we would have a regular inbox for trusted mail and a spam/nontrusted mailbox.
I really haven't had to much spam email lately though. I completely emptied my global ignore list since it's been full of spammers since who knows when and noticed something. I've only received 5 spam emails in the past two weeks and that's with me not on any kind of hide and server hopping between Freedom, Virtue, Triumph, Pinnacle and Champion. YMMV I suppose.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

this goes in the suggestions section but . . .
i agree, a friend filter would be nice.
maybe even they have to know your last name to email you or some other type of security question.
RED CAP DAGGERS: if you want them red side on infinity, send a pm i have the mission to get them for dual blades.
Something along these lines would be nice.
I would add a SG filter and Global Friends filter as well, since not all of our SG mates will be on our Friends list and not all Global Friends may be on the Friends list for the particular character they may be playing at the time.
Moderator, please move this to Suggestions.
I am so tired of email spam from random people, and adding them to spam list only frees up old spammers as my list is full.
[/ QUOTE ]
If you're actually clicking on the Spam button instead of the Delete button, then the accounts are banned. At that point, it doesn't matter whether or not they get bumped off your list; an account banned for RMT spam can never send you another e-mail anyway.
I will admit that it makes adding people who aren't RMT spammers to your ignore list hard, and they definitely need to address that. It can easily be fixed, though, if when they ban accounts they do a global remove of them from people's ignore lists. (In fact, it would be altogether nice if, when they ban an account for RMT spam, they automagically removed all other e-mails that account sent to other people's inboxes.)
A friends only filter for emails should help, I been playing for 5 years and have used the email system probably less than 10 times, but I do grow weary of clearing my email of power level/ and influence selling emails.
[/ QUOTE ]
We all do, but:
1) It's not THAT bad of an irritation. Each session, it takes me less than 10 seconds to blow away the spam I've gotten. Sometimes I haven't gotten any at all. The most I've gotten is after two or three days of not playing, I'll have four or five piled up. Let's not make mountains out of molehills.
2) Implementing a feature like this will take them time and effort. Not just in development, but in QA testing and regression testing for all future changes. Plus, there's the not insignificant possibility that their change could cause bugs in other things. It's yet another moving part that could break, all to save people five to ten seconds per play session. It just ain't worth it.
3) Not to put too fine a point on it, we have too many options as it is. I'm sorry, but I simply don't agree with the "more options is always better!" crowd. If I were king of CoH development, I'd actually do away with a bunch of options we already have. Whenever I do want to change a setting, it sometimes takes me a couple of minutes just to find the durn thing, and I've been playing for five years.
4) It's something that would consume yet more resources server-side. Not many, but people already complain about the lag as it is. They need to focus on ways to make everything run faster, not slower.
5) If you don't use the e-mail system, there's a simple way around spam altogether: Simply don't read the e-mail. I know, those little red letters scream, "Read me!" I'm confident in your self-control, though.
6) Some people actually actively use the e-mail system. I e-mail people all the time to notify them of upcoming events, help them with macros or keybinds, or just say hello. Global tells are not a replacement for e-mail.
7) It wouldn't work. Trust me on this. If they did what you're suggesting tomorrow, the RMT spammers would still find a way to get to you, and it's likely that it would be even more annoying than e-mail. These people are scammers and crooks, they know no moral bounds, and it doesn't matter one iota how irritating it is to you. Old-timers will remember the tell-hell we went through before they nixed that. Now that CoH is a game with loot, that cat's not going back in the bag. RMT spammers will still be there; the only people it would affect are those who use the e-mail system for what it's designed for.
In short, this is a problem with RMT spammers, not a problem inherent in the e-mail system. "Fixing" e-mail won't solve the problem and only waste resources without addressing the root of your unhappiness.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Having the red email word on the display interface is the best option. If the devs do anything to prevent these emails from getting through, we'll be back to getting unsolicited spam tells. And I guarantee you you will hate the unsolicited spam tells about 100 times worse than the 30 spam emails it takes you 10 seconds to clear out.
So think about it. 10 seconds to deals with these, or unsolicited spam tells that you can't stop.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
This has been suggested repeatedly.
If people want to filter their e-mail to get e-mails from friends only, there should be no problem with this.
There is nothing wrong with a player being able to activate a filter to get e-mail from frends only, sg members only, etc.
There is something wrong with someone defending the rights of someone to send me RMT e-mails that are EULA breaking.
Bring on the filters!
[EDIT :: BTW - accounts that are "banned from sending e-mail" by the "spam" button in the e-mail window, are only "banned from sending e-mails" temporarily. Apparently, their accounts aren't even closed. So as soon as their "banned' status is gone, they can start sending spam e-mails all over again.
And, as many know, the gignore space is far too small to handle all the RTM e-mail spammers - let alone the players that we are /gingoring for what ever reason we individual felt it was necessary to do so.]
Well, what if you could sort the emails in some way, then shift+click to select a bunch of them, rather than one at a time, and click delete only once. that would make the process faster.
Though I don't specifically see a problem with a hide option to hide you from receiving emails.
There is nothing wrong with a player being able to activate a filter to get e-mail from frends only, sg members only, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
...Except that it doesn't solve any problems, and can only potentially cause others.
By the way, it's not illegal. According to the CAN-SPAM Act, the spam we receive from RMTers isn't legally defined as an e-mail under the act, so the law doesn't apply. It has to meet a specific set of criteria that defines spam e-mail as conventional e-mail.
BTW - accounts that are "banned from sending e-mail" by the "spam" button in the e-mail window, are only "banned from sending e-mails" temporarily. Apparently, their accounts aren't even closed.
[/ QUOTE ]
RMT accounts are permanently banned.
I don't want to log into the game to get a red e-mail - you have RMT spammer mail!!!! any more.
[/ QUOTE ]
(Lower-cased) Well, too bad. I'm not sure what else to say. Your lack of willingness to ignore red letters and/or take a few seconds during your play session to delete the spam in no way mandates the developers spend the time and effort to "fix" (i.e. not fix) a problem that most people really don't care about.
/em shrug...
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
There is nothing wrong with a player being able to activate a filter to get e-mail from frends only, sg members only, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nothing wrong with it.. but it would take time from coders that would be better spent on new powersets IMHO.
"I burn my candle at both ends, it will not last the night. But Ahhh my friends and Ohh my foes it makes a lovely light!"
I am so tired of email spam from random people, and adding them to spam list only frees up old spammers as my list is full.
[/ QUOTE ]
If you're actually clicking on the Spam button instead of the Delete button, then the accounts are banned. At that point, it doesn't matter whether or not they get bumped off your list; an account banned for RMT spam can never send you another e-mail anyway.
I will admit that it makes adding people who aren't RMT spammers to your ignore list hard, and they definitely need to address that. It can easily be fixed, though, if when they ban accounts they do a global remove of them from people's ignore lists. (In fact, it would be altogether nice if, when they ban an account for RMT spam, they automagically removed all other e-mails that account sent to other people's inboxes.)
A friends only filter for emails should help, I been playing for 5 years and have used the email system probably less than 10 times, but I do grow weary of clearing my email of power level/ and influence selling emails.
[/ QUOTE ]
We all do, but:
1) It's not THAT bad of an irritation. Each session, it takes me less than 10 seconds to blow away the spam I've gotten. Sometimes I haven't gotten any at all. The most I've gotten is after two or three days of not playing, I'll have four or five piled up. Let's not make mountains out of molehills.
2) Implementing a feature like this will take them time and effort. Not just in development, but in QA testing and regression testing for all future changes. Plus, there's the not insignificant possibility that their change could cause bugs in other things. It's yet another moving part that could break, all to save people five to ten seconds per play session. It just ain't worth it.
3) Not to put too fine a point on it, we have too many options as it is. I'm sorry, but I simply don't agree with the "more options is always better!" crowd. If I were king of CoH development, I'd actually do away with a bunch of options we already have. Whenever I do want to change a setting, it sometimes takes me a couple of minutes just to find the durn thing, and I've been playing for five years.
4) It's something that would consume yet more resources server-side. Not many, but people already complain about the lag as it is. They need to focus on ways to make everything run faster, not slower.
5) If you don't use the e-mail system, there's a simple way around spam altogether: Simply don't read the e-mail. I know, those little red letters scream, "Read me!" I'm confident in your self-control, though.
6) Some people actually actively use the e-mail system. I e-mail people all the time to notify them of upcoming events, help them with macros or keybinds, or just say hello. Global tells are not a replacement for e-mail.
7) It wouldn't work. Trust me on this. If they did what you're suggesting tomorrow, the RMT spammers would still find a way to get to you, and it's likely that it would be even more annoying than e-mail. These people are scammers and crooks, they know no moral bounds, and it doesn't matter one iota how irritating it is to you. Old-timers will remember the tell-hell we went through before they nixed that. Now that CoH is a game with loot, that cat's not going back in the bag. RMT spammers will still be there; the only people it would affect are those who use the e-mail system for what it's designed for.
In short, this is a problem with RMT spammers, not a problem inherent in the e-mail system. "Fixing" e-mail won't solve the problem and only waste resources without addressing the root of your unhappiness.
[/ QUOTE ]
lol seriously do you work for the scammers?

Freedom Bound!!!
I just feel bad for anyone who may have sent me a legitimate email ofer the course of the last 6 or so months... I just open up the spam (erm, that's "email") window, and hit the spam button until the red letters are not yelling at me any more.
And I can't be the only one that does this.
Although it only addresses a symptom of the problem, I would still like to see a separate "spammer" ignore list implemented and utilized when that button is pressed. That file can probably be even smaller, as those accounts are likely going to be closed before they get bumped off the list.
The only other option would be a filter (friends, global friends, SG, coalition, and perhapps "subscribed private channel"). It might take a little more coding and debugging; but it does directly address the problem. Or, at least, the current problem.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
[EDIT :: BTW - accounts that are "banned from sending e-mail" by the "spam" button in the e-mail window, are only "banned from sending e-mails" temporarily. Apparently, their accounts aren't even closed. So as soon as their "banned' status is gone, they can start sending spam e-mails all over again.
And, as many know, the gignore space is far too small to handle all the RTM e-mail spammers - let alone the players that we are /gingoring for what ever reason we individual felt it was necessary to do so.]
[/ QUOTE ]
If you hit Spam, it sends it through a quick-petition process.
The ban is perma if upon review the GM see it has been spamming ANYTHING, not just RMT.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Post deleted by Moderator 08
You guys are all missing my point. If the devs do something to prevent these emails to get through, the RMTers WILL send you unsolicited tells. They've done it before, they'll do it again. It is much worse than the in game emails.
I am NOT supporting the "rights" of RMTers to send you email. I AM supporting the FACT that this is the BEST OPTION, what we are doing now, is the best option. It is the LEAST intrusive to your game play. Believe it or not.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
i would have loved this option when i came back into the game. First person i logged into had 999 emails (i believe that is probably the maximum) and i was putting users on spamignore so fast that i quickly filled up my gignore list. Then it started removing the people i WANTED on my gignore list. So i had to go in and manually remove spammers and re-add these jokers. All just to try to make it easier to see legitimate emails. Ugh. On the good side, no one else had that many emails after using spamignore, but some still had in the 100s, probably because i couldn't keep enough spammers on ignore. There should NOT be a ceiling to your ignored spammers and they should be on their own list, not your usual gignore list.
Might not be wanting to discuss this, but felt it good for the community to know.
I recently petitioned a group of people. I was in peregrine island on Freedom and ran into three people that kind of caught my eye. I'd seen these types of groups before, but blew it off, all the people running [Hotfeet] and with strange names. Then one started TPing in other people, all or most of which also had just pointless names. And now there were 8 people, all with weird names, most with hotfeet and no vet badges
So this time I petitioned them because they tried to trade with me, and I was in a mood =D The GMs responded with the normal generic response, but then a few days later replied with news that my report helped with banning over 150 RMT accounts. Booyah!
So I may get in trouble, but just wanted to share!
Take the time to petition those foo's when ya see em, add their globals and make it a thourough report =)
Might not be wanting to discuss this, but felt it good for the community to know.
I recently petitioned a group of people. I was in peregrine island on Freedom and ran into three people that kind of caught my eye. I'd seen these types of groups before, but blew it off, all the people running [Hotfeet] and with strange names. Then one started TPing in other people, all or most of which also had just pointless names. And now there were 8 people, all with weird names, most with hotfeet and no vet badges
So this time I petitioned them because they tried to trade with me, and I was in a mood =D The GMs responded with the normal generic response, but then a few days later replied with news that my report helped with banning over 150 RMT accounts. Booyah!
So I may get in trouble, but just wanted to share!
Take the time to petition those foo's when ya see em, add their globals and make it a thourough report =)
[/ QUOTE ]
If this actually happened then grats on it. But it doesn't sound right because the GM's don't tell us what actions get taken on a petition.
But again let me reiterate if it did happen, Thank you, we are grateful to hear that those RMT accounts got nuked.
I was surprised they shared the info as well. But it surely did happen, and NP, they bug me too
And that will get them reported that much faster. With emails, fine, out of sight, out of mind {until I see it}, but a spam tell? Hoo boy, then it gets personal.
I know that if I were an RMTer, I would collect hundreds (thousands?) of global names during the peak play time (7:00pm - 10:00pm or so Eastern) over several days and maybe a weekend, then wait until 5:00am one weekday when hardly anyone is on, and fire off hundreds (or thousands if my account lasts that long) of global tells to people who aren't online, giving me the time I need to send my barrage before getting banned. Then next time you wake up and log on, *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*...! Truth is, I think that's how they operate now. I very rarely see a spam e-mail pop into my inbox while I'm playing. 99.9% of the time, it's just there when I first log in, meaning that it was sent in the wee hours of the morning.
Although I know that my account would probably be banned in short order, I'd also try to use some sneaky tactics to hinder that process. After sending a barrage, I'd delete the character so that players couldn't get my global name. I'd name my characters after existing players to try to thwart the GMs. If one of the character names I harvested is The Billionaire, I'd create The BiIlionaire, The BilIionaire, and The BiIIionaire so that, if I'm lucky, people will petition the wrong person. (Like the game, the forums's sans-serif font makes all of those interchanged L's and I's look identical, but those are four unique names.) If I'm really lucky, it will create such confusion and havoc when normal players got banned that the GMs would have to stop banning accounts petitioned for RMT spam, or at least it would significantly delay them long enough that I could send out even more barrages. I'd probably also use my one-time global name change after the first barrage to throw yet another monkey wrench in the works so that even if some players do manage to snag my global, it won't do them any good after that evening, and it's yet more research that the GMs have to do to figure out who to ban.
Thing is, I'm not even an RMTer,and this stuff is obvious to me. If I were an RMTer and this is how I made my living, I promise that I'd be coming up with even more diabolical--and hard to report and stop--schemes to thwart the system and get my spam out.
Also, keep in mind that unlike e-mails, tells don't have a "Spam" button. In order to petition someone who sends you an e-mail, you have to actually fill out a pop-up form, and it goes through a different process that gets the petitions mixed in with everyone who is reporting drama, stuck in a mission, reporting a bug, etc. I guarantee you that people are much less likely to file a RMT spam /petition than they are to click that Spam button on their e-mail. One nice thing about spam e-mail (what? there's a good thing?) is that spammers were much more quickly reported and much more quickly dealt with.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
By the way, as far as tells go, there is a flood control - send more than X over Y seconds and you get silenced for Z minutes. That, unlike emails, would slow down the spam somewhat.
Also, you can't send a non-global tell to an offline player - and a global tell shows your global. Which does have an "Ignore as spammer" option in the context menu.
I am so tired of email spam from random people, and adding them to spam list only frees up old spammers as my list is full.
A friends only filter for emails should help, I been playing for 5 years and have used the email system probably less than 10 times, but I do grow weary of clearing my email of power level/ and influence selling emails.
Thank you for your time.
Freedom Bound!!!