Unlimited Market Slots w/ Daily Fees




I’d like to allow players to place a virtually unlimited number of items for sale on the market...for a cost.

The market slots players currently have available would not be impacted, but everyone would be capable of adding additional market slots in order to place additional items for sale (i.e. the item in the slot must be listed for sale on the market).

Players will pay a daily rent for each additional “Sale Slot” purchased, and the rent will be based on the listing price of the item for sale in each slot, as shown in the table below.

Daily Fees for Additional Sale Slots
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Listing Price of Item Sale Slot Fee
in Sale Slot (Charged Every 24 hours)
1 - 1,000 = 5
1,001 - 5,000 = 10
5,001 - 10,000 = 25
10,001 - 50,000 = 100
50,001 - 100,000 = 1,000
100,001 - 500,000 = 10,000
500,001 - 1,000,000 = 20,000
1,000,001 - 5,000,000 = 50,000
5,000,0001 - 10,000,000 = 100,000
10,000,001 - 50,000,000 = 200,000
50,000,001 - 100,000,000 = 500,000
100,000,001+ = 1,000,000
</pre><hr />

If a player can no longer afford the daily fee for a slot, the list price of the item for sale in that slot would automatically be reduced to a price where the player can afford the fee. If the player runs out of money, the item would be “repossessed” by the system.

This change would enable players to sell far more items on the market, and would be good for the market in general.




I -REALLY- like this idea! It also can be used to drain influence out of the bloated pig that is the market!

Great idea, Terp!




I -REALLY- like this idea! It also can be used to drain influence out of the bloated pig that is the market!

Great idea, Terp!


[/ QUOTE ]

Has hell frozen over?

But seriously - I like it too.



The way I understand the market is when the player accesses it, it pulls all of the information about what's available and sales history, everything, from a database. Would having more players having more slots clog up the loading?

(I honestly don't know. This isn't rhetorical.)

Would people renting more sale slots be able to store things in their regular slots while renting others?



The way I understand the market is when the player accesses it, it pulls all of the information about what's available and sales history, everything, from a database. Would having more players having more slots clog up the loading?

(I honestly don't know. This isn't rhetorical.)

Would people renting more sale slots be able to store things in their regular slots while renting others?

[/ QUOTE ]

The first part I'm not sure about... As for the second part.. I think not.

Let's say I have 10 slots on the market filled with stuff for sale.
Then I rent another slot to sell something. I should pay the rent on that slot -up front-.
Should something of mine get sold, the item taking up the 11th slot should move down to the Regular Slot that just opened up. If I choose to add something else to the market on the same day as the 11th item (which I already rented a slot for) the 11th item should leap back to the 11th slot, so I don't have to pay for a second rented slot.
If the NEXT DAY I come back and the item is in a rented slot I have to pay the balance. If the item has been scooted over to a non-rented slot, I don't pay.

How's that?



Would people renting more sale slots be able to store things in their regular slots while renting others?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is my biggest concern - using all existing slots for storage and bids and then renting a slot to sell. We already get charged 10% of our sale price for using the market - adding another 1-2% (as suggested by the OP) won't really make a difference, which means as long as you have an initial pot of inf to start with, you'd essentially have limitless (or whatever the rental cap is) slots.

...I forgot what experience means.



it's a good idea, but i don't think there is a system in place to auto adjust sales of items in those slots.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Would people renting more sale slots be able to store things in their regular slots while renting others?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is my biggest concern - using all existing slots for storage and bids and then renting a slot to sell. We already get charged 10% of our sale price for using the market - adding another 1-2% (as suggested by the OP) won't really make a difference, which means as long as you have an initial pot of inf to start with, you'd essentially have limitless (or whatever the rental cap is) slots.

[/ QUOTE ]

And if it's a drain on the market server, that COULD be a bad thing.

Then again one of the reasons given for the old 60 day limit on items in those slots was because it would lag the server to hell with all that data.

So either they upgraded that server recently, or after data mining the discovered that it's not that much of a drain after all.

So who knows.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!




Good idea. Make it so.



My only concern is echoed above - market performance (server or interface, wherever the holdup would be.) Other than that, why not.



My only concern is echoed above - market performance (server or interface, wherever the holdup would be.) Other than that, why not.

[/ QUOTE ]


Might help burn off some excess inf in the game.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



The idea sounds good - as far as the "gaming the system" argument where players could put expensive items in available slots and cheap items in rented slots to minimize the expenses, simply cheat. The first rented slot would use the price of the highest-priced item in the queue, the second rented slot would use the price of the second-highest-priced item and so forth. Thus, you can rent the slots, but don't have a say in which item gets used as the cost criteria.

Edit: Plus, the first payment should be applied immediately, rather than after 24 hours.



The idea sounds good - as far as the "gaming the system" argument where players could put expensive items in available slots and cheap items in rented slots to minimize the expenses, simply cheat. The first rented slot would use the price of the highest-priced item in the queue, the second rented slot would use the price of the second-highest-priced item and so forth. Thus, you can rent the slots, but don't have a say in which item gets used as the cost criteria.

[/ QUOTE ] No thank you. I don't see a good reason why it should work that way. That is potentially eating up a good chunk of somebody's profits.

But I like the original suggestion.



Two minor changes to the initial suggestion:

1&gt; No tiered prices. Make it a percentage of the listing price with a fixed floor, just like every other market fee.

2&gt; Don't deduct the fee from my Inf automatically. Nothing else does, why should this? Add a "Rent due" field, so you can see how much has accumulated. If I pull the item down, my listing fee (already paid) vanishes, and rent is deducted from my current Inf. When the item sells, Give me the Inf, plus my listing fee, minus my selling fee, minus the rent, just like the current system, with one step added.

Also, if the rent ever acculumates to a certain point (the listed price, 10x the list price, something else?), the item should be deleted, with the original listing fee lost. This would prevent 3,000,000 Inf Ceramic Armor Plates and Titanium Shards from clogging the system.




re: Munkil
That's basically the point - you don't get something for nothing. Instead, you get extra slots, but to be profitable, you need to be correct in the assumption that your wares will sell relatively quickly.

re: Lavitae
2} It prevents the players using up any number of slots and simply removing and re-adding them them before the 24-hour timer expires and the renting fee applies.



That's basically the point - you don't get something for nothing. Instead, you get extra slots, but to be profitable, you need to be correct in the assumption that your wares will sell relatively quickly.

[/ QUOTE ] What's the point in making sure it sells quickly? What is wrong with somebody holding out to get a higher price?



re: MunkiLord

That it takes up an additional amount of server space for a longer period of time?



I would think an option like the original suggestion wouldn't be implemented until server space issues were worked out. IMO it would be incredibly irresponsible to add something like this otherwise.



re: Lavitae
2} It prevents the players using up any number of slots and simply removing and re-adding them them before the 24-hour timer expires and the renting fee applies.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, no it doesn't. If the daily fee was above 5% of the listing price one could "game the system" and save money by relisting the item every day. However, the fees in the example are not above 5% thus it would be unwise to relist the item every day. Let's see an example:

My market slots are full. I want to sell a Black Blood of the Earth. I list it for 300,000. I pay 15,000 in listing fees. 24 hours roll by. I get charged an additional 10,000. I could take the item down and relist it for another 15,000 to dodge the 24/7 charge.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Black Blood of the Earth 300,000
Leaving item up Relisting
Initial Fee 15,000 15,000
Day 1 Fee 10,000 15,000
Day 2 Fee 10,000 15,000
Total Fee 35,000 45,000</pre><hr />



How about a flat fee for additional slots instead of a rental fee?
say, another 10% of the listing price for items that break your 'list cap', payable up front? or perhaps even a gradually-increasing fee scale for each 'extra' slot, starting at 5% fee and gradually incrementing upwards.



How about a flat fee for additional slots instead of a rental fee?
say, another 10% of the listing price for items that break your 'list cap', payable up front? or perhaps even a gradually-increasing fee scale for each 'extra' slot, starting at 5% fee and gradually incrementing upwards.

[/ QUOTE ] That seems more reasonable to me.



My concern on this would be someone "forgetting" about an item in an add on slot, just as they do with items being lost for the 90 day rule. Further, I suspect this kind of accounting issue is problematic to code.

We already have game play means to add slots, which I think is the appropriate way to obtain additional play options. I would rather see more methods to obtain additional slot through play, then additional slots through pay.