A Repost of "My Plea"
One day they might do it, Geko, but every day they don't is another wonderful day where I get to watch a silly idea be ignored.
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I have to agree with Evil on this one, even tho I feel heros and villains should be seperate, the idea itself isn't silly. CoH and CoV are one game. Both factions are open to each account. People that like playing villains will still make bad guys and people that like heros will still make good guys.
I have a question for you Dionon. The devs seem to want to keep the number of ATs available to each side balanced. What new AT do you propose Villains get to keep this balance if they do port Masterminds over?
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New Archtype for Villians.. that's a good idea...
I've got it!
Heroes get Mastermind...
Get Nictus (you know... the evil Peacebringers!)
Hows that Villain community? Even trades?
Well I'm not going to argue with that trade.
It's not exactly fair but that's not my problem.
I have a question for you Dionon. The devs seem to want to keep the number of ATs available to each side balanced. What new AT do you propose Villains get to keep this balance if they do port Masterminds over?
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New Archtype for Villians.. that's a good idea...
I've got it!
Heroes get Mastermind...
Get Nictus (you know... the evil Peacebringers!)
Hows that Villain community? Even trades?
[/ QUOTE ]
So you want Villains to have three epic AT's?
Meh to Peacebringers/Warshades Villainside. They are Epic (ie; story based), but what would truly be cool for another Epic AT (and perfect Villainside) would be the Voids/Quantums. I dont know if it hasnt already been suggested and dont feel like looking, but that would make a better Epic IMO. Even better than SoA's, but from my viewing of the storylines pretty similar in division.
Plus I would love to hear "VOID!" screamed by a PB/WS when I found one in a PvP Zone. No, I dont PvP, but that just might make it attractive to me.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
One day they might do it, Geko, but every day they don't is another wonderful day where I get to watch a silly idea be ignored.
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I have to agree with Evil on this one, even tho I feel heros and villains should be seperate, the idea itself isn't silly.
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, it is.
The roles are multiplied on both sides. Completely sideless content and archetypes squanders flavour and reduces the game into a grey paste. Worse, it will further exacerbate power discrepancy.
Meh to Peacebringers/Warshades Villainside. They are Epic (ie; story based), but what would truly be cool for another Epic AT (and perfect Villainside) would be the Voids/Quantums. I dont know if it hasnt already been suggested and dont feel like looking, but that would make a better Epic IMO. Even better than SoA's, but from my viewing of the storylines pretty similar in division.
Plus I would love to hear "VOID!" screamed by a PB/WS when I found one in a PvP Zone. No, I dont PvP, but that just might make it attractive to me.
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Ok then lets do that then...
Unless we're opening up all ATs for both sides (a move I would support wholeheartedly), I don't think one-AT trades are a very good idea. Still, if a trade had to be made, I'd ask for Blasters to be transferred over to villain-side. Villains lack good, consistent, out-the-door damage over a wider area. Very, very much so. Yes, Stalkers kind of make that up, they their output is closer to that of Scrappers. The sheer destruction that... Oh, Aim + Build Up + Fireball + Fire Breath + Rain of Fire can bring forth is just out of any villain's league. And yes, Corruptors have Blaster sets, but they have just slightly above Defender damage with them.
That said, I don't think an AT trade is the best that can be done. Personally, if heroes were to be given a summon-centric AT, I'd call that the Commander and flip a few things around. For instance, Masterminds are evil, so their primary power is the help of others and their secondary power is staying back and supporting. Well, Commanders would be good, so their primary power would be leading by example, so I'd give them either a fully ranged primary, a mix of melee and defence primary, or a control primary. Summons, for them, would be only a secondary, with powers coming significantly later. So, while a Mastermind makes a career of hiding behind his followers, the Commander would make a career of leading from the front lines. Balance is obviously and issue, but I'd like to see the focus put on the Commanders' own powers, rather than on the powers of his allies.
However, I'm not up to the task of thinking up a brand new AT to offer as trade at this time, so let's leave what villains get in return as undecided.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
If we're going to be swaping set types then we might as well get some use out of the under utilized ones. For primaries give Commanders Assualt sets and whatever villians get the Manipulation sets. For secondaries, Commanders get modified Summons (perhaps change the ranged attacks to deffencesand make the henchmen more support oriented) and I'm not sure about the new villian one, maybe blasts to make a Blapper AT.
Modified summons is a must, but I'm not sure assault would be very wise without some kind of added protection or at least higher hit points. The catch 22 is that, an AT with henchmen effectively has a larger pool of hit points, so the character himself needs to have less. Forcing such a character in melee could be... Dangerous without protection.
This isn't really a complete idea, though. It just seems like an interesting take on what a hero with many allies behind him would be like. A villain would stay back and support, but wouldn't a hero go out and lead? It's a question of balance after that.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Modified summons is a must, but I'm not sure assault would be very wise without some kind of added protection or at least higher hit points. The catch 22 is that, an AT with henchmen effectively has a larger pool of hit points, so the character himself needs to have less. Forcing such a character in melee could be... Dangerous without protection.
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That would be why I suggested swapping the ranged powers in the summons for deffence powers, but I suggested Assaults because 1) it was another set type that heros don't have and 2) by adding another AT that uses them, it might increase the likelyhood of getting new Assault sets added in the future. Pulling some of the hit points off of the henchman and adding it to the character himself might not be a bad idea as well, though I don't know if I'd let the Commander pass the damage he takes onto his squad like a Master Mind can. Granted that might just make them crabs with better pets.
Often villains are made humorous by their attempts and exploits. To disarm us from backing away from the character. the Joker of the Batman Animated series was like this. Meanwhile the Joker in Dark Knight was a sociopathic homicidal maniac whom we all thought of as amazingly well done. But who here truly identifies with him as a person?
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Speak for yourself there. I think he was a good homicidal maniac.. but that's the problem. He was just a generic homicidal maniac. That happened to wear Joker makeup. It gave me the feeling that some kid read Batman comics as a kid, grew up to be a nutcase, and started cosplaying as The Joker.
There's a wonderful homicidal maniac there... but there's no Joker there. The Joker is to be feared. TDK's Joker was just a mundane rabid dog.
It's not very heroic to spawn a bunch of minions to die for you.
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Real-life soldiers do it all the time.
Nick Fury did it in the comics...with the Howling Commandoes first then with SHIELD.
While I agree that porting MMs to blueside would pretty much kill what's left of redside I also feel that the basic premise is sound. However the set would have to be changed IMHO. The 'Squad Leader' should play a more active role and be more of the guy in front rather than the MM who sends the minions out to fight FOR him.
One way to do this might be to switch the Primaries and Secondaries around. The Squad Leader would have the Summoning Powers and support as his Secondary and then have his/her own Powers as their Primary. More like a Controller or a Dom who CAN summon pets but they don't HAVE to.
Just my 2 Inf
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
Going Rogue is the new CoH Expansion currently slated for issue 16 release.
In it you'll be able to swap sides as ANY Archetype.
This was confirmed by Castle over in the CoH/V Discussion forum
/end thread
Going Rogue is the new CoH Expansion currently slated for issue 16 release.
In it you'll be able to swap sides as ANY Archetype.
This was confirmed by Castle over in the CoH/V Discussion forum
/end thread
[/ QUOTE ]
I just got the e-mail about it. ef'ing awesome!
~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster
I'm not against this, but I'd rather see full side-switching so that we could play any AT on either side.
One day they might do it, Geko, but every day they don't is another wonderful day where I get to watch a silly idea be ignored.
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Still think it's silly?
(Yes, I'm being juvenile beyond words, I'm sorry.)
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
It's not very heroic to spawn a bunch of minions to die for you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Real-life soldiers do it all the time.
Nick Fury did it in the comics...with the Howling Commandoes first then with SHIELD.
While I agree that porting MMs to blueside would pretty much kill what's left of redside I also feel that the basic premise is sound. However the set would have to be changed IMHO. The 'Squad Leader' should play a more active role and be more of the guy in front rather than the MM who sends the minions out to fight FOR him.
One way to do this might be to switch the Primaries and Secondaries around. The Squad Leader would have the Summoning Powers and support as his Secondary and then have his/her own Powers as their Primary. More like a Controller or a Dom who CAN summon pets but they don't HAVE to.
Just my 2 Inf
[/ QUOTE ]
I like this idea alot... really alot... It really works as something kool, and in a way, still unique from, but enough like the Mastermind where I'd personally be happy.
Issue 16 will have side-switching.
End of Thread.
Issue 16 will have side-switching.
End of Thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're doing it wrong.
It's "/thread".
And yay for getting a "silly" idea into game.
Honestly, I always thought the arguments for not doing it, were the silly ones.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

/thread didn't work the first time! >_<
the command "thread" does not exist. Please type help for a list of easy commands...
I'm sorry... we have no commands for you... Have a nice day
Just for lulz!
Honestly, I always thought the arguments for not doing it, were the silly ones.
[/ QUOTE ]I'll admit my argument for balance was largely arbitrary, but it was mainly to stave off the 'Villain Hate' argument.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
One day they might do it, Geko, but every day they don't is another wonderful day where I get to watch a silly idea be ignored.
[/ QUOTE ]
Silly why?
I guess, I can sorta understand not agreeing with the idea. But silly? All we're asking them to do is to do what's makes sense. What both of their coming competitors are doing by default. There is no 'side', it's one game with an artificial barrier set up to keep people forced down one content stream. The only thing that I find silly is how many people defend it.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.