Thinking of Giving Up on the MA




Giving up on an unfinished product.......BRILLIANT.

If only more people in this world were like this.

Imagine how great history would have played out if people quit after less than a month.



Imagine how great history would have played out if people quit trying to improve things after the first attempt.



To the OP:

1) Publishing slots, this is a requirement of RL. Some would bury us in drek if slots were unlimited then you would have an even harder time finding good missions. Just swap out one mission at will if you need to. Have 2 you really like and 1 you play with.

2) Never send negative comments. If you liked the mission but it had spelling errors you can point that out but "Your mission sux" has no place in the game and will get you griefed. Also never tell people how YOU would do their arc. It is great getting positive comments, keep the rest to yourself.

3) Not matter the size some would still feel it is restrictive. Honestly I wouldn't want to see all the text doubled as then you'd never shut some people up. I haven't run into the limit yet so I can't really say it's a problem for me.

4) They are fixing what they can and yes it would be nice if a boss could guard your item (actually that is sort of possible). Bug fixes are on the way. The memory leaks are driving me mad.

5) Don't know anything about this other than the broken mobs.

6) As time goes on people ARE starting to play other missions. The real problem remains that if you have a bunch of buddies you get get 10 5 stars for a worthless mission, which gets others to play it. Meanwhile a worthwhile mission may get 1 person who gives it a zero rating because they couldn't find the boss and get 5 good ratings invalidated.

The problem I have with MA is I expected a bit more variety. All I see is the same mission over and over and over. Every one has one Boss (who is usually badly overpowered), Collection/Destruction, and Ally and some Patrols. I actually got a bad review for not including Patrols in a mission. Almost none are solo friendly for non-melees (usually because of the bosses)

So for the most part, the missions are inferior to the standard ones. Less imagination, less variety. Missions don't have to have a boss. They can also have multiple bosses. There is no reason every boss has to be immune to holds (standard ones aren't, in fact only AVs in standard game have the level of protection most people use).

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Imagine how great history would have played out if people quit trying to improve things after the first attempt.

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imagine how great history would be if they mass produced cars and everyone drove them before they worked correctly



Your comeback only makes sense if they stopped trying to improve cars, and no one offered feedback on how to make them better.



Imagine how great history would have played out if people quit trying to improve things after the first attempt.

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imagine how great history would be if they mass produced cars and everyone drove them before they worked correctly

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Not analogy but thank you for taking the time to respond.




I've been thinking of packing it in for now also. The technical limits of the system don't bother me too much, but the information management makes it very frustrating to create or play, for various reasons.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me is the removal of maps; if I can't count on the maps I use being there after publication, I'm disinclined to put much work into the story. The prospect of putting hours into finding the correct spawn placements and map organization only to have it yanked next patch is too frustrating.

It's maddening because I have a story I really, really want to write, and which I think would be really enjoyable for folks to play. But I simply don't have time to do rewrites every single patch, as has been the case since the MA went live.

I'd really like a red name comment on the maps thing. If they have a plan for dealing with this issue going forward it would go a long way to giving me confidence the system will ultimately be workable, limitations and all.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Aside from the maps. I still want to know what happened to Anti-Matter. Cause I could have swore I saw him in the unlockables and spent tickets on him.




I've been thinking of packing it in for now also. The technical limits of the system don't bother me too much, but the information management makes it very frustrating to create or play, for various reasons.

The straw that broke the camel's back for is the removal of maps; if I can't count on the maps I use being there after publication, I'm disinclined to put much work into the story. The prospect of putting hours into finding the correct spawn placements and map organization only to have it yanked next patch is too frustrating.

It's maddening because I have a story I really, really want to write, and which I think would be really enjoyable for folks to play. But I simply don't have time to do rewrites every single patch, as has been the case since the MA went live.

I'd really like a red name comment on the maps thing. If they have a plan for dealing with this issue going forward it would go a long way to giving me confidence the system will ultimately be workable, limitations and all.

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QFT - It may seem lie a small issue but it isn't. I'm in the same boat. The arc in my sig was finally getting some play (22 may not seem like a lot - but it's a very packed 5 mission arc that some people feel plays lie a TF; but also gfelt the run was worth it, but when 90% of the comments ranged for positive to very positive/glowing, I felt I had something people liked AS A WHOLE because of the way I wrote the story text in relation to how it played out in the missions).

Now, because the Crey Hero Lab map was removed (and in designed and testing the mission I oput it in, I did try and test a LOT of different maps for layout of the mission objectives); I have to go with a map that DOES have a similar layout (so I can get what I want for the story); but is also a slightly larger layout and (for me) doesn't work as well.

I'm also a bit miffed they took out the purple electric based 'capture field' animation (I now have to use the 'green magic blob' if I still want a capture field); because I tested and knew what it would look like in the mission and designed my custom group costumes to go with it - and now imo, that aspect doesn; look as good (and I was getting a lot of positive comments as to the look and feel of the arc across the board with palyers saying I made very good choices there.

I can understand that if a map has issues they might pull it - but for animations that were working fine (no one reported a video problem or crash, and I never enperienced one either in all my test runs and post publish runs); I don't understand the rationale for suddenly making tehm unavailable in the MA.



Aside from the maps. I still want to know what happened to Anti-Matter. Cause I could have swore I saw him in the unlockables and spent tickets on him.

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I know one of Anti-Matter and Neuron has been missing since day 1... you're sure you're not thinking of Neuron, and Anti-Matter has always been missing?

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Really, I'm just a bit bummed because I have absolutely no desire to make any new Boss fights since they're now officially completely ridiculous, even at Regular.




Does anyone know what sort of constraints Dev designed content operate under? I don't recall any rambling monologues. Things seem short and concise.

"The only thing to crave is Immortality, and Death is the last rube to cheat."

They trained the Rikti to drop Fire on people, but they won't let them write (Censored) on their spaceships because it is obscene!



Basically I have no problems with the system itself. I think its a good thing to put limits on how large of a file size you use. My only problems stem from how much of the actual gameplay is removed from the game as a byproduct of MA.



as a note - the captured in a fire cage looks good, you don't have to use the green glow



I've seen this happen to a lot of other games. the designers implement something that seems really fun and really cool, but then it gets out of hand and ruins the game.

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Stupid devs, giving us fun stuff!

MA has it's problems but I'm still loving it. The one gripe above that does get a bit under my skin though is the "three slots" though. I can kind of see one good reason for it though - after MA's been in the game for six months and we've all filled up our three possible slots, we're going to start getting more plays when Player X has already been through all the dev choices at the top and all the 999+-played arcs at the top of the page and all the arcs by people in large SGs.

That's a point when he or she will actually start searching for MA stories by tags and so forth, leading them to your little precious gem of a story.

But yeah, there are those of us who would probably chafe under a system of "having only ten slots" too. I've been taking notes on stories I'd like to do and have had to drop a few - which is fine as weeding your ideas for the best is never a bad thing, but it also means that I have to pull out good ones too.



Well concerning the three slots max policy, I guess the devs don't want the AE listing to get overloaded. A difference between a maximum of three and let's just say ten, is a huge one when assuming that hundreds of players have already maxed out their slots. But with farming banned and so many of those arcs sure to have been wiped out, I don't why see the limit can't be increased.

It's just fun speculation on my part.

However the most logical reason to me for the limit is so that purchasing for more slots wil provide another medium of cashflow. After the hammer having been slammed down on farmers and (I expect) with alot of them sure to have quit their subscriptions in anger, it might be something that's needed.

6. Signal to noise ratio. Trying to get something played a lot without a large SG or Voting Cartel is like winning the lottery.

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That's why you have to be proactive in advertising your arc in the relevant board, and not relying on some random person to come across it and actually play it all the way through. And with the horrible rating system, some irresponsible rater might just contribute in making your arc just drop down the list further.



Excellent points.

A system that could give feedback on levels that you'd want to play at - or not play at - could be interesting.

That'd take effort, so... who knows.

Your points are valid, imho.




Imagine how great history would have played out if people quit after less than a month.

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Yah, like releasing medicines that the FDA flagged as troublesome and using "we're busy, but we'll get to it "soon" (tm) we promise" as a slogan...

Good things drugs and software guidelines are different entities, imho.



You cannot pick out half of a person's sentence, pretend that it is a whole sentence (and thus has a different meaning), and then reply to that.

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I can do whatever I want.

See? Your whole sentence. Means the same thing. All your other sentences? Meant the same thing. Go back and list where I "wronged" you. Go back and take the sentences I quoted and say where they didn't mean what I quoted them to mean.

Dude. I've done this same thing with 1000's of other people and you're the first that ever cried about it.

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Haha nice man, I award you 9/10 troll points, that was almost perfection.


38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk