Discussion - Release Notes for 18.20090422.2T




Did I miss where the Unique Crey Revenant Hero lab map was removed?

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This. I know this may seem like a small thing, but it's very important to some people. Someone please elaborate a little on what's going on with it? For some it's very important to have it back.

The Soul Katra:
The Soul Katra has the power of the Past. The deep wisdom and discipline that holds the world together for all time. Those of the Soul Katra are selfless, strong willed, and in tune with nature. They give their strength freely, offering friendship and support to those who have none.



Did I miss where the Unique Crey Revenant Hero lab map was removed?

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This. I know this may seem like a small thing, but it's very important to some people. Someone please elaborate a little on what's going on with it? For some it's very important to have it back.

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(Had to replace it with a map that I do not feel is as good on one of my Arc missions).



Thumbs up for chat bind fix. That's been driving me nuts since I13.



*sighs* The captured Energy Field FX was just perfect for one of my missions... (psychic) can't we have both animations? Btw, this current Enerhy Field looks basically the same as Floating Struggle (green energy)

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I'm still playing catch up on the animations available in the mission architect. There were a couple of things on that list that shouldn't have gone on there, and a number of things that don't appear to be working correctly. I've been spending quite a bit of time sorting out encounter animations and emote animations trying to get everything doing what it's supposed to be doing.

On a somewhat related note, I want to try and expand the list of available animations...once the ones that are there are playing correctly. There are a number of weapon based animations that use a generic weapon prop, and I want to make a version of those that will work with any custom weapons and/or shields that custom critters use. There are also a lot of player emotes that might be fairly quickly and easily be converted into encounter animations and made available for use in MA content.

Also, regular old player emotes should also be working with combat modes very shortly, including shields.



Hi BAB! Kid keeping you up too?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Also, regular old player emotes should also be working with combat modes very shortly, including shields.

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This makes me extremely happy, especially since the impression I got from previous comments about this had been that it was more of a "not soon, if ever" kind of thing.

So then, full power customization by i16, right?

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



*sighs* The captured Energy Field FX was just perfect for one of my missions... (psychic) can't we have both animations? Btw, this current Enerhy Field looks basically the same as Floating Struggle (green energy)

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I'm still playing catch up on the animations available in the mission architect. There were a couple of things on that list that shouldn't have gone on there, and a number of things that don't appear to be working correctly. I've been spending quite a bit of time sorting out encounter animations and emote animations trying to get everything doing what it's supposed to be doing.

On a somewhat related note, I want to try and expand the list of available animations...once the ones that are there are playing correctly. There are a number of weapon based animations that use a generic weapon prop, and I want to make a version of those that will work with any custom weapons and/or shields that custom critters use. There are also a lot of player emotes that might be fairly quickly and easily be converted into encounter animations and made available for use in MA content.

Also, regular old player emotes should also be working with combat modes very shortly, including shields.

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Also, regular old player emotes should also be working with combat modes very shortly, including shields.

Hey BaB! Are you saying that i will once again be able to raise my broadsword in the air when clicking the Victory emote?

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




I have one thing to say, and I'm going to shout it as loudly as I can...

GIVE BACK GANG WAR TO LUITENANTS!!! At the very least make it an "extreme" option. As of right now, going from "hard" to "extreme" doesn't change ANY powers on several sets for luitenants. This is...well...stupid.

I know several arcs, including mine, relied on gangwar on some luits. To make these "bosses" to get the same effect would turn what should be a fun "uh oh" instant into a "Quit Task Force" instant.

Fix this.

Not next week. Not in i15. Now. Please.



Any adjustment to the CoH missions that send you to a door that no longer exists (in Talos) due to the new AE building?



There were a couple of things on that list that shouldn't have gone on there

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Would you please let us know when something goes?

I want to make a version of those that will work with any custom weapons and/or shields that custom critters use

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I've seen some of those in already - much thanks! Hope this extends to the Truncheon animations too.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Can we please get a button to "stop animation".

I believe the animations are what is crashing the MA GUI and game when I click open objectives. It is only when I click objectives that the crashes happen. MA is effectively unusuable by me (using a Radeon vid card).

Clicking "stop animation" on the animation itself doesn't work when the crash has already happened. That's why we need a button up at the top of the MA client for those of us with low end systems or with vid cards that don't play well with COH.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



With all of your complaints, you may just loose right to play the game entirely do the fact that there will be a lot off ppl that will cancel their accounts.
Farming helps the uncompetant to slott theirs characters. With the markets drying up do to NON FARMERS.. No one will be able to slot any of their toons.. As seen the markets have been drying up do to more demand and less supply... Common salvage going MUCH higher (ex: Temp analyzer from 100-250k) Purple recipes deminishing and whats left is 100-250mil cost for something that isnt there. Farming keeps others happy by giving them what they need to enjoy the game..
I am on the game usualy when there isnt many ppl on. So soloing is common. Hard to make the money, let alone to get a decent drop so i can slot my character they way i wanted to. So I farm some missions or even AE to help me enjoy the game. I have had ppl help me get characters up in a few levels so i can enjoy them instead of taking months to get them to a lev i cant reach in a enjoyable time frame. To reach a DEV'S choice i have to have several ppl notice my ARc. Well, again not on enough.
I pay to play, 175$ a year to enjoy this game.. Now i grow more aggravated and see my self and SEVERAL others Leaving to something ALOT more enjoyable. Unless all these corrections come to a reasonable hult.



You make a good point about farming, Logan, but I think you're confusing farming with exploiting in this situation. Farming is the simple act of defeating lots of things over and over again to reap the rewards of such. That's simply a part of any MMO, and its not going anywhere.

The current issue is with Mission Architect farming missions design to utilize one or more exploits in order to increase those gains above standard levels. Fixing these exploits will actually help those that enjoy farming legitimately.




Bosses with melee powersets getting the highest damage single target attack in the set on standard is plain ridiculous. The damage on the ranged attack powers seems too big as well. There are other problems with the changes as well. For instance, Dark Miasma gets Darkest Night, an AOE -15% to-hit debuff and -30% damage debuff on standard. Even minions get this.

This should definitely be on hard again like it used to be. Tar Patch isn't nearly as bad as Darkest Night. Honestly, the best thing to give them on standard in my opinion would be the heal, shadow fall, and maybe one of the control powers for higher ranks.

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Agreed! I've spent much of the day both hearing what people are saying about my missions, and running some other missions with my level 35 DB/Regen scrapper.

Listening...in Butterfly Effect, I have an AV (demoted to EB for most people) with Energy Blast/Energy Manipulation (chosen as a "weaker" energy melee). All day, I've been hearing far more "that guy is unkillable". And running my 35th level db/regen scrapper in...yeah, pretty much without a number of third tier inspirations. For my other arcs, I've had to add allies. So it's a fight between the NPC foe and the NPC ally with the player as sidekick. Not exactly heroic.

I've also been running other arcs. Now, I've run regen scrappers for a long, long time. In-game content, I can deal with most EBs and AVs demoted to EBs, with maybe a little help from inspirations. But post-patch, if there's an EB demoted to a Boss or an AV demoted to an EB, the best I could get was use a half dozen third tier inspirations and maybe succeed with only one death.

The damage put out is just WAY out of whack. And it's killing a lot of fun when using the AE as designed. The choices seem to be team, only do missions without any real resolution so no big foe to fight at the end, or do missions where there's an NPC to be the real hero or villain while I help out.

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I thought it was just me but glad others are saying the same thing. I did have a fairly easy arc that I previously liked to farm(not even close to Rikti rewards if you are wondering) that consisted of all Lieutenants in mobs of 5. They tear my Spines/Dark Scrapper apart now.

Decided to play some other arcs and found myself dying from two mobs of minions. Guess the devs really went for the 3 minions per hero ratio. I could handle 3 but 6 was almost like my resists were almost non-existent.

Went back to regular content and had no problems.



*sighs* The captured Energy Field FX was just perfect for one of my missions... (psychic) can't we have both animations? Btw, this current Enerhy Field looks basically the same as Floating Struggle (green energy)

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I'm still playing catch up on the animations available in the mission architect. There were a couple of things on that list that shouldn't have gone on there, and a number of things that don't appear to be working correctly. I've been spending quite a bit of time sorting out encounter animations and emote animations trying to get everything doing what it's supposed to be doing.

On a somewhat related note, I want to try and expand the list of available animations...once the ones that are there are playing correctly. There are a number of weapon based animations that use a generic weapon prop, and I want to make a version of those that will work with any custom weapons and/or shields that custom critters use. There are also a lot of player emotes that might be fairly quickly and easily be converted into encounter animations and made available for use in MA content.

Also, regular old player emotes should also be working with combat modes very shortly, including shields.

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Thats great to know Babs! I was hoping this may be possible. Is there a chance that the new emotes will make it in there? I had a clown in one of my arcs and would have loved to have him juggling when ya come up on him.



Another vote to put back the energy field FX. It was *perfect* for an arc I'm putting together as well. The default green energy field emote just doesn't fit.

/em beg

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



I'd just like to nth the statement that the energy field emote needs to come back - it's rather extensively used in one of my arcs, and it doesn't make sense using the other options since the FX of the removed field actually matches the colour of their powers. Now it just looks horrible.



What I'd like to see, as an answer to the urge to farm, is when you hit 50 you unlock the ability to start characters at level 20.

Personally, after years of playing CoX? I have zero interest in playing 1-20. Until I get Stamina or other signature abilities, I'm basically grinding, doing stuff I don't enjoy. From a content point of view, MA helps a little.

But, you know, the 'Hero's Journey' schtick can get very very very old when it's the only trope you're presenting.

I still avoid farms and PLing, but I can certainly understand some folks' urge to do so.



understandable, I farm for salvage, Recipes, and cash. Concidering there are many that do for other reasons which make if harder on everyone else.
I have 1 account, so Pl'ing my self is apareantly not going to happen, but to help out someoneI know get up a few levels that hate going through the 20 levels of (pain and suffering) i'll do everyonce in a while.. there are those that aggrovate me and ask for Pl'ing of all their toons that don' tknow how to play them let alone discard them..
But with whats been going on.. Pinnacle for example, I'm sure else where, ppl playing the market just for that purpose and driving prices beyond thought is an exploit. I had 1 toon Pl'ed by the AE missions. I have all brutes/tanks/scrappers.. all 50's.. so making a Fire/kin troller for example is a pain to level solo. But i know how to adapt in my playing strategy.



The new "Captured (Energy Field)" animation is almost exactly the same as it was before, minus the large rays of psychic energy emanating from Penelope Yin. If you're seeings something radically different and wouldn't mind posting a screenshot, it might help me track down what's going on.

It's actually an effect for a Rikti 'containment field'. If I remember the mission correctly, they had captured Penelope Yin and were using her as a psychic battery to open a portal to their homeworld.



I'm still playing catch up on the animations available in the mission architect. There were a couple of things on that list that shouldn't have gone on there, and a number of things that don't appear to be working correctly. I've been spending quite a bit of time sorting out encounter animations and emote animations trying to get everything doing what it's supposed to be doing.

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Did you know that the Unconcious poses for "Unaware" and after they're rescued are different? Set them both, and when you get close after defeating the guards, they move one of their legs into a new position.

And then they'll either get up and run away (rescue) or stand there and stare at you like an idiot (Ally, set to do nothing). This makes it very hard to make a dead body in the MA.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Besides, exploit meaning that it is an unknown that someone pushes to an extreme.
I just used Farming so i can maximize my build to its full potential. concidering farming keeps the markets supply up.. I farmed AE to help with the enhancement (IO) in a higher supply.. and to up my cash flow so i can slot the few toons i have. Ppl with several accounts can Farm easily and make tons of cash and PvP with Fully IO'ed characters.. I'm still trying to finish slotting mine.. Which is taking even longer then leveling them



Besides, exploit meaning that it is an unknown that someone pushes to an extreme.
I just used Farming so i can maximize my build to its full potential. concidering farming keeps the markets supply up.. I farmed AE to help with the enhancement (IO) in a higher supply.. and to up my cash flow so i can slot the few toons i have. Ppl with several accounts can Farm easily and make tons of cash and PvP with Fully IO'ed characters.. I'm still trying to finish slotting mine.. Which is taking even longer then leveling them

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I have 4 accounts but 3 are for my kids i also use MA to play with them we made a bm map mish in MA for us on villains to play together...wounder if they will ban us for a family base mish that auto sks us and it has 2 AV's on it hummm better send in a report and ask



Mandatory Standard-issue confuse power on custom lts using
mind control or illusion has GOT to go.

This was a horrible, horrible decision.



The new "Captured (Energy Field)" animation is almost exactly the same as it was before, minus the large rays of psychic energy emanating from Penelope Yin. If you're seeings something radically different and wouldn't mind posting a screenshot, it might help me track down what's going on.

It's actually an effect for a Rikti 'containment field'. If I remember the mission correctly, they had captured Penelope Yin and were using her as a psychic battery to open a portal to their homeworld.

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Aboslutely - here you go, side by side for comparison:

Before, impressive pillar of pink/violet energy, perfect for a swarm of Storm Elementals, minions of a mad god, who share those colours mind you, to use to contain their incredibly powerful prey.

After, a tiny, sad, wussy ring of green and blue that doesn't match their colours or have a tenth of the visual impact or grandeur the old one had.

Comparison (Link)