Fastest from 1 to 50?




Don't like how i level? stop me

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I believe this is the fastest 1-50 done through MA, shattering all previous records.

one hour

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Log in. Level pact with lowbie. Log out. Pact-mate powerlevels essentially 100 levels. Log back in. Voila, "one hour." Interesting as performance art, but performance art nonetheless.



What about actually playing the game?

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I'm with stupid



I believe this is the fastest 1-50 done through MA, shattering all previous records.

one hour

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Log in. Level pact with lowbie. Log out. Pact-mate powerlevels essentially 100 levels. Log back in. Voila, "one hour." Interesting as performance art, but performance art nonetheless.

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Exactly what I was thinking...

I did a test this weekend to see if these numbers are correct. Doing the farming missions as they are now, PUG'ing it the whole way - 13.5 hours (from Friday at 8:30 pm to Sunday at 2:00pm)

I would say I'm a relatively casual player -- I enjoy the content, which is why I chose to do this with a brand new character... in the name of science, of course.




You did it wrong

the farming mission you need to choose has a level 45 av or eb in it, that goes from 45-50. You do it with level 50 dolls and have a REALLY fast level 50 burner (There are very few builds that qualify). Just hit the main concentrations and the massed ambushes, if you miss a few go on to the next group, don't screw around with singles or doubles or any mobs less than about 10 at a time.
That will get you from level 1 to level 46 in a little over 35 minutes (Conceivably faster if you can find a faster burner) and then you have about 25 minutes to get from 46-50 via standard level 54 doll missions or keep doing that one... the problem is that that single mission slows down dramatically after level 46, 49-50 alone took almost an hour.



This is pretty much what I found. 1 - 40 you can rip through...a matter of minutes if all goes well. However, after that it's impossible to get the rest of those levels in under an hour - even if you are killing easy level 50s - 52s for someone auto sk'd to 45.



I believe this is the fastest 1-50 done through MA, shattering all previous records.

one hour

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Log in. Level pact with lowbie. Log out. Pact-mate powerlevels essentially 100 levels. Log back in. Voila, "one hour." Interesting as performance art, but performance art nonetheless.

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Thats cool. But thats not what I did. Nice theory though

U2BG: FPvPL Season One Champs
Steve: Champions of Champion
Brasil Fancy Girls: FPvPL Season Two Champs
WARE: Freedom League 2011 Champs



You did it wrong

the farming mission you need to choose has a level 45 av or eb in it, that goes from 45-50. You do it with level 50 dolls and have a REALLY fast level 50 burner (There are very few builds that qualify). Just hit the main concentrations and the massed ambushes, if you miss a few go on to the next group, don't screw around with singles or doubles or any mobs less than about 10 at a time.
That will get you from level 1 to level 46 in a little over 35 minutes (Conceivably faster if you can find a faster burner) and then you have about 25 minutes to get from 46-50 via standard level 54 doll missions or keep doing that one... the problem is that that single mission slows down dramatically after level 46, 49-50 alone took almost an hour.

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I did manage to get into one of those missions, but those farmers don't advertise much -- had I not gotten into that one farm (for only one run), my time would've been higher than 13.5 hours.

I can see what you mean though as far as ripping through from 1-40 with that type of mission.

For most people (this is opinion), they're exterminating Comm Officers by the 1000s, and that's going to take between 10-15 hours to go from 1 to 50 depending on how lucky they are with PUGs...




I believe this is the fastest 1-50 done through MA, shattering all previous records.

one hour

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Log in. Level pact with lowbie. Log out. Pact-mate powerlevels essentially 100 levels. Log back in. Voila, "one hour." Interesting as performance art, but performance art nonetheless.

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Thats cool. But thats not what I did. Nice theory though

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Then tell us how...even with an optimal build, group and technique you're still faced with AoE caps, recharge times etc.



You did it wrong

the farming mission you need to choose has a level 45 av or eb in it, that goes from 45-50. You do it with level 50 dolls and have a REALLY fast level 50 burner (There are very few builds that qualify). Just hit the main concentrations and the massed ambushes, if you miss a few go on to the next group, don't screw around with singles or doubles or any mobs less than about 10 at a time.
That will get you from level 1 to level 46 in a little over 35 minutes (Conceivably faster if you can find a faster burner) and then you have about 25 minutes to get from 46-50 via standard level 54 doll missions or keep doing that one... the problem is that that single mission slows down dramatically after level 46, 49-50 alone took almost an hour.

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Your ideas intrigue me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.



We used rikti communication officers on a map that at the end spawns large amounts of mobs. We also used unconventional, but very effective power leveling toons to achieve this. 8 man team. 2 PLers and 1 lowbie in the map. The rest were fillers.

U2BG: FPvPL Season One Champs
Steve: Champions of Champion
Brasil Fancy Girls: FPvPL Season Two Champs
WARE: Freedom League 2011 Champs



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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I don't know.. I just click the "Instant Level 50" button at character creation.

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Then why do you play?


Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



For most people (this is opinion), they're exterminating Comm Officers by the 1000s, and that's going to take between 10-15 hours to go from 1 to 50 depending on how lucky they are with PUGs...

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On random PuGs, I took my FF / rad from 42 to 50 in 4 or 5 hours. For none of the PuGs was I the leader.

Few of the teams I was on were anything /close/ to optimal; most were, at best, sub-optimal with folks going AFK for long stretches, folks who didn't know what enhancements are, and one guy who only used Inferno, rested, and then waited to use Inferno again, &c..

If I'd taken a more active role in leading the teams, I probably could've shaved my time down to 2 or 3 hours, and possibly less, again just setting up PuGs and being on the ball about /kicking door sitters and leeches. And taking more defenders and fewer tankers.

That is 1.) nuts and 2.) shockingly easy. 3.) it's even more shockingly easy when you consider that a.) we're talking about me and b.) I did it with a freakin' bubbler, the least force multiplierish of the defenders.

I can't see the newbies sticking around for long if they can "beat" the game in 20 hours with lolbuilds, few skills, and no tactics. And if new accounts split, and more old accounts drift away to other games, NCSoft might rethink its recent investments in the game, and that's good for no one.



You know this is an agruement that always makes me wonder just how stupid people think the devs are and if people actually understand the history of the gaming industry.

Games with editors that allows users to do what they want have historically lasted longer than games with only dev made content. The assumption that all the lowbies will leave after getting to 50 and getting bored overlooks something the devs are betting on.

They are betting on it with good casue IMHO. There is an entirely different game outside of MA. The devs are betting for the % of new people coming that once they have MA'ed to 50(if they so choose too not all will), they at "some" point" will alt and "choose" to run the normal PvE content.

This is them placing their faith in the content that was the "enitre" game for almost 5 solid years.

That to me is a good bet.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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I don't know.. I just click the "Instant Level 50" button at character creation.

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Then why do you play?


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Because *gasp* some people like to play their 50s waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than their lowbies?


EDIT, for relevant discussion: My fastest 1-50 is 8 hours. I could do it in less if I got lots of free time to sit down and finish it out.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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I don't know.. I just click the "Instant Level 50" button at character creation.

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Then why do you play?


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Because *gasp* some people like to play their 50s waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than their lowbies?


EDIT, for relevant discussion: My fastest 1-50 is 8 hours. I could do it in less if I got lots of free time to sit down and finish it out.

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I have about half a dozen characters that I can't delete due to Anniversary badges, but simply aren't fun to play. I managed to get a Defender (Dark/Dark) that had been stuck in the mid-teens for close to 4 years, to level 37 this weekend. Now she is somewhat interesting to play, still not entirely "fun", but I would like to get her to 50 for another tick towards the goal of getting a 50 of each AT.



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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I don't know.. I just click the "Instant Level 50" button at character creation.

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Then why do you play?


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Because *gasp* some people like to play their 50s waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than their lowbies?


EDIT, for relevant discussion: My fastest 1-50 is 8 hours. I could do it in less if I got lots of free time to sit down and finish it out.

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Same here. I almost exclusively play 50s and exemplar down for teaming with lower level characters or use Ouroborus alot.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



I honestly can't say what a record would be with the new MA. . .or even if we were only doing 1. . .but on the very first double xp weekend (long time ago) we got 4 50's in the last 3 hours of it before servers went down. . .



I don't know.. I just click the "Instant Level 50" button at character creation.

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Then why do you play?


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Because *gasp* some people like to play their 50s waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than their lowbies?

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Then why even make a second toon ... stick with that 1 lvl 50 and ride the wave ... why bother leveling another? (yeah yeah .. diversity ... but with your logic ... it would be much less torture for you if you just stuck to one)

I'm not saying you're wrong btw ... the point of a game is that it has different aspects to please as many different personalities as possible ... I just like leveling and earning that next power and stuff ... so that insta-fitee seems kinda pointless to me ... but yeah I can see how it might be interesting to some (playing with no goal ... wait .. nope ... still don't get it). j/k

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Gosh, his [censored] must be HUGE.

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Except maybe the big Red ball



I have about half a dozen characters that I can't delete due to Anniversary badges, but simply aren't fun to play. I managed to get a Defender (Dark/Dark) that had been stuck in the mid-teens for close to 4 years, to level 37 this weekend. Now she is somewhat interesting to play, still not entirely "fun", but I would like to get her to 50 for another tick towards the goal of getting a 50 of each AT.

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All the things you talk about as game goals are also things you say aren't fun or involve characters you don't enjoy playing. You might do well to Costanza your gameplay for a month and go with the opposite of whatever your instincts are.



I leveled a 50 build in about... half an hour, from level one on up.

It was when alternate builds came out, I wanted a second build on my L50 Stalker.

... what?

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I was stunned the first time I entered a quick leveling AE mission. In my travels since I have seen many people on both sides of the fence regarding AE leveling vs standard content leveling and it is as simple as to each his own. Some people like badges and the like and others like instant love. Nothing wrong with either at $15 a month.



Well, whatever the case is...

Enjoy it while you can!



This entire thread should be a huge honking clue to the Devs that there is something seriously wrong going on.