The Epics : 4-5 Missions Only Arc Reviews




Damn, Altoholic, if you manage to play through all those, it's safe to say you have a hell lot of free time!

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Actually, it doesn't take that long to solo through arcs, unless there's a defeat all. I usually do the arc reviews later in the evening after I'm done with my RO duties. Naturally I can do the single and 2-3 mission arcs faster than the Epics but I don't anticipate it all taking me that long.

What does slow me down a bit is copying over some of the mission text and dialog for the proofreading portion of my reviews. But usually within the first few mission I can tell if an arc is going to be free of errors...I still read everything though and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. Even that line you can barely see when clicking on a glowie.

Yes I do have some extra time on my hands for a couple of months between school sessions.



Woohoo! What a great topic, glad I looked. Hats off to you if you manage to work your way thru all those epics!

My 5-mission arc:
Missing Persons, Missing Pieces ~ heroic
Arc ID 81451

Due to enemy group levels, the arc is a consistent 20-29 throughout. There are 2 EBs, one AV, depending on difficulty level; just a few custom critters (I was forced to create because the MA is missing that villain group at that level). Several people have soloed it, but I think a team would be better. No kill-alls; most of the missions can be completed fairly quickly if you're doing minimums.

Thank you so much!



Hope the OP doesn't mind me putting in a review on an arc in this thread.

Arc Name: The Marcovici 7
Arc ID: 113886
Arc Length: 5 missions

I am pretty happy with how this came out. I am worried about how people will feel about mission #3. You just have to play through it and there is a more than reasonable explanation after it. I am interested in feedback good or bad.

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Decided to go from the bottom up!

I rated this arc *** .
Good: The first half.
Bad: The second half.

I don't like to give away much in the way of plot but this arc gives you a nemesis. Albeit a slightly lame one, but with a resonable plan of attack not often taken by your foes.

I am worried about how people will feel about mission #3.

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This isn't the problem. I loved this concept, especially as the character I was playing had no concern for personal safety. I'm tempted to retry this with 8 stealth machines and see what happens. Only fault is not enough chatter in the mission. I want to know what those freaks are thinking - but they never tell me

Mission 4 is where it goes wrong. Why Arachnos? Who puts their transmitters on the ground in steel canyon? No chatter, at all pretty much from here on in. The missions start to feel dead. The peak of this mission is at the end of mission 3.

Mission 5 is exactly as expected, and adds absolutely nothing and could eaisly have been replaced with a mission 4 pop-up saying "And you catch the villain".

Work on the end and this could be a great arc.



Well I know when I run my arc I can run it relatively quickly (depending on the char I am on).. since no Kill Alls, couple glowie clicks, etc...

But again - thanks for finding the time to do this Altoholic, and I hope you enjoy all of these arcs

Take Care,
Virtue: CaptainMayhem-50 Inv/SS Tank; NaomiArmitage-50 DM/Inv Scrap; Captn Randomizer-50 MC/Kin Cntrller; Murky Thecat-50 Claws/SR Scrap; Professor Junk-50 Bots/Traps MM; +Others Arc Id #77311, #227436



Also, Altoholic, unless you are on a very tough character, I suggest running my arc "The Saga of Uuralur" with a good team - it was designed to have AVs and for teamplay rather than solo.



I think I am going to try and play through all of these arcs myself as well, at least the ones that give me XP. Just to level my night widow. I might even post some of my own opinions in this thread as well, but only after I let Alt have his say.



Try Arc 52424 entitled Drogianite Invasion, has a custom baddie set.

You just have to love this game!



I'd welcome your, and anybody else's feedback on my recently completed arc:

Spanks For The Memories
by @Spatch
Arc ID: 21144
Length: Very Long
First Published: 04/10/2009 12:48 AM
Morality: Heroic
Mission 1: Small size map, level range 5-54. Contains Boss, Collection.
Mission 2: Small size map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss.
Mission 3: Medium size map, level range 5-54. Contains Boss, Collection.
Mission 4: Unique map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss.
Mission 5: Unique map, level range 25-54. Contains Boss, Release Captive, Ally.
Enemy Groups: circle of Thorns, Custom Group
Description: Investigate the mysterious past of former Paragon City mayor, 'Spanky' Rabinowitz. Five missions, an interesting story, and no defeat alls. Enjoy! SFMA [Story Focussed Mission Arc]

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



You want epic? You want big? Okay, how about a story (in 2 parts, mind you) that takes 2 full 5 mission arcs? Custom baddies, neat story, nefarious villains, plot twist, this has it all. Or so I hope. Of course, it also has all of 5 ratings for the first arc and only 2 for the second.

Please, enjoy the Ideality epic, and feel free to be brutal in your assessment; I want the best criticism so I can make this story as enjoyable as possible for everyone!

Arc Name: The Ideality - Part 1: A New Foe
Arc ID: 42436
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @parhaius
Difficulty Level: Average
Synopsis: A mysterious and hostile new group is seizing territory all over Paragon City - but for what purpose?

Arc Name: The Ideality - Part 2: An Ideal Plan
Arc ID: 103737
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @parhaius
Difficulty Level: Above Average (AV at end)
Synopsis: Ideal's cybernetic thugs return to Paragon City in force. Will the work of just a few heroes be enough to stop their nefarious scheme?



Hope the OP doesn't mind me putting in a review on an arc in this thread.

Arc Name: The Marcovici 7
Arc ID: 113886
Arc Length: 5 missions

I am pretty happy with how this came out. I am worried about how people will feel about mission #3. You just have to play through it and there is a more than reasonable explanation after it. I am interested in feedback good or bad.

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Decided to go from the bottom up!

I rated this arc *** .
Good: The first half.
Bad: The second half.

I don't like to give away much in the way of plot but this arc gives you a nemesis. Albeit a slightly lame one, but with a resonable plan of attack not often taken by your foes.

I am worried about how people will feel about mission #3.

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This isn't the problem. I loved this concept, especially as the character I was playing had no concern for personal safety. I'm tempted to retry this with 8 stealth machines and see what happens. Only fault is not enough chatter in the mission. I want to know what those freaks are thinking - but they never tell me

Mission 4 is where it goes wrong. Why Arachnos? Who puts their transmitters on the ground in steel canyon? No chatter, at all pretty much from here on in. The missions start to feel dead. The peak of this mission is at the end of mission 3.

Mission 5 is exactly as expected, and adds absolutely nothing and could eaisly have been replaced with a mission 4 pop-up saying "And you catch the villain".

Work on the end and this could be a great arc.

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Thanks so much for the review. Now that you mention it, I can look back and completely agree that I fizzled out in the last 2 missions. I think I rushed through those with only a general idea on how to end it.

I think if I change mission 4 to the outdoor map in (I think) Cap that might work better. i also think the final confrontation needs to be a lot more epic, perhaps make him an EB and/or add ambushes.

I am glad you enjoyed the beginning of it and it gives me something positive to build on.



I think I am going to try and play through all of these arcs myself as well, at least the ones that give me XP. Just to level my night widow. I might even post some of my own opinions in this thread as well, but only after I let Alt have his say.

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Oh just call me Alty and I'm not a him.

Because of the number of arcs submitted, I going to post a separate review report thread for all the different arcs. Once I get through 10 of each type.

I'd prefer to leave this thread for submissions only. Eventually my list will clear and I'll take submissions again. It'll be much easier if I don't have to go through pages of reviews and comments just to find the submissions. I hope you understand.

Remember that I'm still taking submission for:
[b]The Independents : 1 Mission Only Arc Reviews
The Sequels : 2-3 Missions Only Arc Reviews




1033 (NO TITLE)
1484 That Which Defines Humanity

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Continuing my run from the bottom up

1484 – That Which Defines Humanity. Played, reviewed, and enjoyed this arc a while before. I suggest everyone else play this, but I'm not reviewing it again ****

1033 - The Wool over Ones Eyes Ver 2.7

Rated **

Liked: Err. Um... Custom group and 5th column... the use of the contact device was good too. The way it actually changes who your contact mid arc feels great.


1: AWFUL mission goal descriptions. For example...
Mission 1: "... The client would like them dispatched in the quickest way possible.I'd recommend bringing anyone you canas there are going to be A LOT of them in there."
"... The building's wired to blow in 1 hour,...Oh, I didn't mention that did I?""
Mission goal " Send the Freakshow and their leaders packing!"

Oh - a huge, timed map with a defeat all. But its not a defeat all, its actually just their leader. The other missions seem to have the same problem.

2: This arc is marked as Heroic but the first half is clearly written to someone speaking to a merc' villain. " You responded to my ad no doubt looking for work." ... " feel free to keep anything you find there, be they cash, salvaged equiptment," - Exactly why would any hero be doing this mission? This mission would work much better set as villainous.

3: The absolutely glaringly obvious twist. Its even in the mission title. Is my character supposed to be under some kind of mental control that makes him want to steal ski ball tickets and become really really thick?




1033 (NO TITLE)
1484 That Which Defines Humanity

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Continuing my run from the bottom up

1484 – That Which Defines Humanity. Played, reviewed, and enjoyed this arc a while before. I suggest everyone else play this, but I'm not reviewing it again ****

1033 - The Wool over Ones Eyes Ver 2.7

Rated **

Liked: Err. Um... Custom group and 5th column... the use of the contact device was good too. The way it actually changes who your contact mid arc feels great.


1: AWFUL mission goal descriptions. For example...
Mission 1: "... The client would like them dispatched in the quickest way possible.I'd recommend bringing anyone you canas there are going to be A LOT of them in there."
"... The building's wired to blow in 1 hour,...Oh, I didn't mention that did I?""
Mission goal " Send the Freakshow and their leaders packing!"

Oh - a huge, timed map with a defeat all. But its not a defeat all, its actually just their leader. The other missions seem to have the same problem.

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Yes I have gotten a few notes internal and external about that, I'm currently looking into the issue. I'm open to suggesstions. It USED to be a defeat all, but I learned from Venture and the rest of our top four that defeat alls are never justified essentially. I am reworking it on the next build, I've got the patch notes nearly ready for that.


2: This arc is marked as Heroic but the first half is clearly written to someone speaking to a merc' villain. " You responded to my ad no doubt looking for work." ... " feel free to keep anything you find there, be they cash, salvaged equiptment," - Exactly why would any hero be doing this mission? This mission would work much better set as villainous.

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I have oddly, heard a few internal comments about this, and alot of external. Perhaps my circle of testers are best suited for what I was origiinally trying to do :P It started out as nueatral, but I figured the badgers would like something worthwhile in this too, so, I attempted to compromise, may not be working as intended. Next build is going to try and address this :/


3: The absolutely glaringly obvious twist. Its even in the mission title. Is my character supposed to be under some kind of mental control that makes him want to steal ski ball tickets and become really really thick?

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Perhaps the mission title was a mistake. I will run some polling internally. Gadgetdon gave me some advice, that I was being too obvious on the twist really, and I have a internal build on my home computer that addresses some of that. I was running on the old writer's tip "Your audience is an idiot, spell it out for them" I may be underestimating my audience in this case.

I thank you for the constructive feedback, and an entire rework of the arc is also a plan b scenario, I apologise it wasn't up to snuff ^^ Your advice has not fallen on deaf ears!




Could you folks please make another thread...I'd rather not have to fish through pages of reviews to get to the submissions.

Thank you.



I just got one published, it's got 5 missions and is all tied together into one (hopefully) effective story.

Arc ID is 141338

Its name is Vectors of Infection, and it tells the story of a plague that turns those infected into zombies and spreads rapidly through unknown means.

Please don't feel like you have to rush to review it, I'm fine waiting until your load has been cleared out a bit before you get to it.



Mission Arc # 57352
The All-Seeing Eye
5 missions
Synopsis: The US Government has lost control of an intelligence satellite. Who will ultimately gain control of it?

Note: Solable, Story-driven, No AV/EBs

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Could you folks please make another thread...I'd rather not have to fish through pages of reviews to get to the submissions.

Thank you.

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Ok - I've stuck mine at this post. Somehow I managed to read your previous request as only applying to the person you quoted, sorry about that.



Well I'm not quite sure if they're all epics, but they are in the 4-5 mission range.

Arc Name: MacGuffin Delivery Service
Arc ID: 1567
Faction: Family, Tsoo, Circle of Thorns, Carnies, Freakshow, Council, Paragon Police
Morality: Villainous
Level Range: 35-40
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium
Synopsis: A routine late-night pawn shop robbery turns into a major ordeal when you pick up a mysterious little statue that everyone seems to want for themselves. You don't know what it does, why it's so important, or why you can't seem to just get rid of it.

Arc Name: The Amulet of J'gara
Arc ID: 1709
Faction: Tuatha de Dannon, Circle of Thorns, Fir Bolg, Void Demons
Morality: Heroic
Level Range: 25-33
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium
Synopsis: A pair of Midnighters have disappeared while on a mission to Croatoa. What begins as a rescue leads to an assault on the Midnight Club itself and a battle for your own mind and soul. (AV present, Allies are provided.)

Arc Name: The Portal Bandits
Arc ID: 3326
Faction: Crey, Rikti, Nagan Hegemony
Morality: Heroic
Level Range: 35-50
Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard
Synopsis: A mysterious group has invaded a Portal Corp lab and sealed themselves within. The PPD has been unable to get inside and a hero is needed to enter the lab, defeat the invaders, and discover their intentions. (EB/AVs are present, an Ally is given each time. May be challenging.)

Might as well throw in parkin's word of the week: Arcanist.



Looks like I'll toss my arc out into the mix, if your still reviewing things.

Title: The Day I Tried To Live
Arc ID: 131780
Morality: Neutral (Leans more to the Red side of things)
Difficulty Level: 40+ Medium, -40 hard (just a guess)
Enemy Groups: Crey, Rikti, Custom Group
Number of EB/AVS – 2 EBs, the first EB mission has an ally that is not needed to complete the mission, but will help with the fight. The second EB is required to finish the mission, no ally help provided.
Story Type – Serious.
Mission Count: Five

Synopsis – Become emerged in the contacts story: A tale of a downward spiral filled with self destruction, rage, desperation and a hint of love. Fill his shoes as you experience his madness first hand, live the story of a hero and a madman.



Add this to your queue, please.

Arc ID: 186198
Arc Name: A bad hand from a worse deck...
Morality: Heroic
Factions: CoT (half of a mission), Custom group.
Synopsis: A fellow hero, Kinetic Tut, needs your help recovering a unique artifact that was stolen from his collection. What appears to be a routine mission unfolds into a bitter rivalry.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I'm still rolling through them, the Epics list is the longest and of course takes a longer amount of time to go through them all.



I would appreciate any and all feedback on my "epic" arc: "The Fracturing of Time" (171031). Its sort of a Twilight Zone-ish science fiction arc. Thanks in advance!



Just copying off of the post I gave in the Live announcement, because I'd think this would be nice for you to look at. Just... if you try to solo it, drop it down to difficulty 1 and don't be a Mastermind...
Arc Name: Wails, Tales, and Hell's Bells
Arc ID: 188867
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global Name: @MowDownJoe
Difficulty Level: Hard. Willpower proves to be brutal on AVs... be prepared for that. There's actually 3 AVs total (and a recurring EB), but he's the most notable in difficulty. Also, Wailers.
Synopsis: Only in Paragon City could you have a superpowered rock band that calls themselves Ironcape. Their fans are known for being rowdy, but they've never been known to riot until now. And what's with these demon sightings at their shows?
Missions: 5.
Other details: Expect to mostly face a custom group and Wailers. There is also cameos from Longbow and the Midnight Squad.



Arc Name: Ambitions of Small Men
Arc ID: 24926
Morality: Heroic
Creator Global Name: @goldwalker
Factions: Hellions, Skulls, Custom
Difficulty Level: Moderate. Can be hard solo due to EBs.

Enjoying every AT in the game.
Remember the Golden Rule: Skill > Build
Leader of the True Blues on Liberty